- ~, "'Dear Anne Hirst: H-ave you any comfort for a disappoiaited reader? I am 29 years old, and Sdon't seern to be atractive to me.Iwant wiiat every other normal womnaa wants, a bus- band and children and a borne of rny own, but it seems I amr dtoome t de itou tem. Do you tbink tbat Ive set riy goal to,bigb? Sone years ago î had two proposais, but I re- jected both, boping to meet, others f could admire more. How sorr!y I am inowN! 'I l ook older thani my yearsý; rny hair is turning gray, and teeare too rny lnes in my fc.I go everywbere 1 ca, to Plays and movies, letures and ~nscl;but I cOrne home so 1lonely thiat I cannot sleeP for tbinkin.ý of mny unpromisiag No) man could fal in love witb somnebody that looks as I look now. Is it tcoo ate ta do sagimethinýg about it? And wbat? DISGUSTED AGATHA" WAKE UP! * Haen'tyou often seen a ~youn)g woman glowith with *ý healtb and bigh;] spirits, and thjougbt"lnt she be fun [ o know ?" To attract others,^ i nen or womnen, you muiist cul- *tivate -an oit,ýoing spirit, ap- Spear to ben entbusiastic andi *sympathetie and be quick taý * epp)reciaite the gaod in others, *which real'iy implies yoju think *first of thiem. These traits wi111 -*shine in your eyes, color your y voice ard enrich your person- >1 ality. * nsteadé, I wonder w-ý%hetber *yuhave no3t Subconsciouisiy *4ivnthe im.pression you1 are * orry for yourself? À suggest first that you haveý *a physîcal checkuZ-Lp, for with- *witbout abundant heaith you *cannot bc at your best. Re- *gu_lar outdoor exercise, per- *haps a gymiaslim Course, is *inidicated. If your appea-arnc( *depresses yrni, do somi-ethiing *about it. A reliable beauty *salon' wi-il belp you improve *this face that you deplore. *Gray bair, remcmber, deserves *.,peciai coddling; w ea r it, *ý proudly instead of, witb, regret. Hall -Size Fash ion PRINTED PATTERN PRINTED directions Gn eacb pattera part! Take so Jiffle timre ta makre tiis figure - fattering dress! Simple, slimming uines are perfectiy proportioaed for thse haif-sizer; rao alteratian prob- hoeils- easiest swigever. Priated Patterai 4659: Halif 4l.Size 16½i; takes 3%ý yards a5-incb, Printod directions on j ach pal ctrate. Send FORTY'CENTS (4> i(tamp-- carnnat be accepDte-ds postai n,-ote for safety) for this pattera. Please print plaiaily SIZE, NAME, ADDRES-S, STYLE~ NUMBER..ý Send arder ta NNEAD-Ams Bcux i, 123 Eigbte-enth Street ewToîroit o, Ont aria. 1 t can s of ten theLiC.feantures, Sbri gbtenri th eye 's aad add *a grace of its own. Don't re- *sent tlie lnes la your face, *for ta intelligent people tbey * mea-i character; it is the lines of disconteat or temnper wý,hic.h ages one's appearance. If good plays anid Music do arc a . ooh or excite you, per- * aps you listen defiaatiy, clos- ing your heart and mindt their magîc. To enjoy anyv- h tin.g or anybody, one nust put *one's beart ia it. Open your * iner self ta sucb influences; *laugb with tbemn, or sigb withi *thern, but relax witb tem. Let your face refiect -youi-rno- *tions. * You might select one of the *arts or sc-iences youi've always *inteaded tao cultivate; that câr) l bc be grand release. If you 'let *yourýself go, feel your excite- *ment mYounting, you w,,ill a- *tract others wb-o wili be simui- *lated, to. Ia a sbort timie, yoit. *cani be a differcat woman. *Stop . rviewivng- the unhappy * mistakes you bave madei. You *are just entering yojur prime *and, if you use tbat good head * oui've got lie will be more *hrligin the a-ext few-, years *thian if bas 3ever beeni. * If yo -ave negiected yu i*cburcbi, go back to it aand at- ~tend it reguiarly. You v-will be * amazeýd fa discover bow a re- * newAed belief la the gonodaess *nof God and other people cwan *deepen your sease of wel- * )ing. And do st ,p regretting that you biaven't married yet. If *you bad c1hsen tbe wroag *man your would look older *than yôu do. A LAD'S REMORSE "Dear Anne Hirst: 1 arn 25, aad 'bave been la love wîtb a girl for two years. After 1 came back fromi- my service abroad a iyear ago I 1weat -genrerally bay- wire; 1 was tunfaitLhfuh to ber, I drank too mucb and wvas just nto-g-ood. Shie broke the engage- Ment. 'I didn't care sa mucb then, but as tbe months passed 1 realizcd wbat, a wonderful per- san shFe was; I'd do aaytbing te get bier back. I bave cbiaaged comrpletely. 1I bave't been ouf on a date for severial montbis. bave stopped drinking, and 1 amr trin ard ta be the man she wanted me :taobe. "How can I 1prove it" I've been afraid ta aproch lber at ail, and I'm not1evea suresb * Write the tr uth, the truth. *Teli ber t1hat aow you ko *1 bow outrageously you bec.- * aved, betraying bier love and * er f aitb, and-5 you know youà de donot desorvo berfogvos * But nwthat you realize * ow deeply you ffenided ber, *you,, are going ,str1aigbt, a-id * rigta beuomef>again theP * rar, sbe once loved. MA» you * askl is tbe chance ta pro it *Cari she soften br eart? - * l Ifshebias any affection tor y ciou,, sucb a lettersoudtuch h ber .. -,.If she oos nrot reply, *write one of bier: parenits and * lu!C k ! D:; Are you P disouraged Ai t h whiat lite Ibas' done to you 1? ta-ertbsugestonsthatcil] lift yon ot ofyorse n ita happier raos .. rite Aime Hir4aiat ox 1, 123 igteat st., New Toron o, Ont. Direamy lfDipllamat get th-eir legs pullod, and the often cismissedi as dull-wittod, but it is surprisiag bhow mnany ofÈ tr rîcb igb places. Sir Edward Hlardinige, Britaiai's bigbly gifed Ambassadlor lin M adrlV id durlang the first worid war, for exampJe, bad a gioriaus capacity for forgetting him-self. Picking up a typist's coloured paýýrasol i) istake fr:bis uin-- AN NE I41HRSTJ LITTLE LORD FAUNTl'EPY - Standing beide theibïyale wishing well, this tqdiJer sur- veys bis playgroun 4d ecilein red velivet trosers an emibroidiered blouse. A fashion- fir-st for littie m.en, this romper suit is available in biht colors and comibinations. Downcastb e ca u seQu Elizabeth IH basn't asked bim ta rieany versýe since thie Cor- tiiniàfouir:years ago,Brti' aging (79) Poet Laureate John Maseiel stredouit the wno of bis stu'dy -laDorchester aU a weed-choked garden. CI once miade A vow ta no thiafle would ever flourisb ther<,"he said sadly, *"Now lI' tooldto stop therni." Masefieldi, îwba bas been tbe royal poet since 1930, ges £72 ($201160) a year plus £27 ($75.6) in Lieu of the tradi- tinal buttof 'sak-tbe 108 lIrperial1 gallons of wiae that rnonarcbs used ta contribute ta encourage poetic inspiration. lHe recaled ],that 9a inet(eentbi-cen- tuvy predecessor, Robert Souî- hea balladleer 'besieged by creditors, succeeded in getting tbe. sack convertefd to cash., 1 am joIly ghtad be did," said Maseý- field. "Iana teetotaýler." RICH GET RICHER From Kaîrnatr, Swedenl ,qcame word that Gr.eta Garb, 51, wbose movie portraya'is af wist- fui beroînes made bher ne'arly $4 million, was th(- principal heir ta the estate 0 f be-r uncle, Ruïdrlf Jiobiansson,, a locailfarm haad.n BeIr ilaberitanice. 45-4ion Togeth er Again Divided, Sid Caesar and nimo- genle Coca fell. Suprernely successfuol for. five years as the hubn-n-i tearn. of "Your Show of Shlows," thle two fouad their individual popuiarity dwindling after tbey broke up ifl 1954. 'in May, after at season of' poor ratings inl the face of ABC's "Lawrence Welk Shiowj," Caýesar left 'NB-_-. Miss Coca, ber own TV show a fail- ure, bas been appearîng oncrithe stagýe. Iast rnon-th, Caesar a-ic Coca came to the wlli-tesed conclu- sion rthat in, union there l7 strengtb. Accordig to Cae-Sar, they'll do a weekly haif-hour shcqxt, "a conrrdeased four, of ' asear's Hour'." MUiss Coca thin,-ks the reunion is "just lovely." The f act that r;he re- union was engineered by an NBC ecutive, Hal Jani,, sug- gestes the show wilfbe preseated by th4a net.work. Caesar', how- ever, ý,as evasive: 4"I'rn not at liberty to say at tis i, rr Noth- ing has been ,inalîzed as yet." Tbere_'s. a chance- the show wvo n't, be rea-dy by the stlart of next season.l Whea-ever it is readly, howv- ever, H.-oward M\,orrs, Pet Car- roîl], and Shiirl Conway-me.m- bers of the "Caesar'sHor cast -woni't be a part of it. Morris, a veteranl of ninle yca'; with Caesar, rmr~: "Th-1e huge-ad brilliant ta-lentfs (if Sicl andimogene xil consumne al the time in a bali-bour fo;rmat, as thecy should, a nd tberi wÀoulidn't be muitcb left for il-e" MisCarroll explainedl: "! won't be back ôvu the pragram as I'rn ha-výing anather bby"As for Miss Conwa, she said we -Calesar's Hour"vas abiished lest spriag that she waats to return to Broad1way ai tr -y sorne dramatic roltes. PERUVIAN PEARL-M-iss Universe of 1957, Glradysý Zender of Peru, i8 bussed by her happy parents, Rosa acnd Eduardo, after -ontest officiais deci-ded to allow ber to keep the crown though undýer Cge. Pagean-r-t rules saly the contýestant rmust bc 18 to 28. Papa Edudrdo said of his i 7-year-old daughter, "For ail' practical purposes when a girl reaches 17 years and 7 months in Peru, they go as 18, years of a9ge." Conteýst authorities apparently agreed. W e r ev,e r youare1ierhu'arce oddc jobs ta do. On the far.m tisere is faig or repairs ta fenýcia1g- affer caffle have kniocked dw rails or, strotcbeýd the wiros It isappeas aonrg tbe bestrgu lated barnyard failles but more seIaliy,7ifVthe C at Ie 1ha vP borais. "Distant fields are ai- ways green" is nidýoie expres- sion. Give yolur cos aîf Ise f arm lta guraze la and *tbey ai- ways want ta aibble onwat ever bappens ta be growing. on theý otiser side of tise fonce. If tisey are conifiaedc by a wvoodeu-c ~feace tbey usually worry awav-ýy Suntil tboy manage ta loo)sen one or f wo1 rails. If tbe fonce is of Ven wcit ,-re a cow o)r beifer wîi-1 first get bier nase tbrough ianud thon gradlually pusis and Sb-ove until th(-- mesbed wire is stretcb- ed enjougis falot !ier.-wbole bead fbrougis. Thonsse really,,,bas a feasf, especcialiy if wbat grows on the othe'r side is standing oats or lusclous second-crap alfalfa. Wisen everytbrag iwýitin ireachi is chewed ta the grouind Bossie decides if is time ta witbdra)w. Ah, but tisat ise casier- saîd tisan dlonc. She twi,-sts ber lbead tis way ad tiat-qcerwbat went trugsos easily sisould be se isard taO get back. IHaras, o! course, copite the situation st iii furtiser. Aftey !awbile sise tires and quits srglndâ- cides ta, stand quiet and cbe-w ber cud. Mayvbe if( l dpuring this rest period tise farmier,bi bired belip Or perbaps bis .if or' childr-en came along and noti-e Bossie buag uip in thie, fonce. Wboever secs ber rnatural-' !y goes ta bier assistance, came-- fîmes wif b unplealsant resmJLte For cone ukonreasan .,Bossieý gen-erailly g ets ecxcited wben someone cornes al1ong; perhape tile outc-ýnuo (f 'aàguilty coný- scec.Affer ail, had sise stay- ed on, b-er sc*Id of tise fenicoshae wuould not bo la bler prese-nt pre- dîcament. Sa ise wCld-bîe rescuer bsto -work very qiectly. hchvrway y ou try ta) stref ch tise wiros Bassie neariy alwys pullslutise opposite di- rectio0n. Yow. get ane bora pushed bacý(k and then tise other anme gets caughf. You grais bolc of R bora witb alie band and try strefchîng îbo wire witb ise other. At the strategic manient, wba ead! and boras are almoiëst free, Bossie gives a suddlCea lurcis and l'you Fare back wbere you stared-e&dgndbath hahras On tise wroa-rg sid o! tishe feace. How oltea at Ginger Farm I1 tried wresfling w'th just such a sitaton-enraly itislfle suCccee's. Usually IJgave up and eitber called Parfaer 4o tise res- eue or kept a watcbful eye o,-i ise creafure uýt i libe happened alonig. Evon' then if was sane- times tsecessary ta cut tise wires beifore B ossle !ould be released. ise feance would afterwa,-rd.s be repaired and thon, soabelp ime, the. next day t he camefha migh hapenail over again- but just ka !ew yardse fartiser along tise fswce, ow cnbe WVeli, we baven't got any ýowsý7 ta wreul wib ow. I just men- tion sucb a situation because as 1 saidJ before, wherever youi go here are odd i jo bis tad o of soin- kijnd o r another. ln an aid bouse' for instanice there are aiways repDairs, or paiating aa ad decora- 1tin'Ig. I*s, a new bouse mmio addi- tions are usualty necessary to suit personal requiremneats. A towel raiJl bere, a shoif there; a place ta put this andacuior fa pult that. Aaid of corehow' ta ar.irange thingse int 'he b ouse ta beat thse beat. To open doors and windows or ýkeep tbom clos- cd -- that is tbe question. Hleretofore I bave subscribied ta the opea-door theory. But thatwa at Ginger .Farm w'hore tise frees provided shade on al sides of tbhouse. I1fried the carne tbing bere duriag th(e last hot speil and we aimost passed out witb thse beat and buridity eveni thougisw have over-baag- ing caves and quite a, aumber of trees. Now we are ýinto a4nothIer h'eat wvesa this moraîag I1 shut ail thie doors, winjrdows, venetiant bliids, drew the drapes and oc- caslonaliiy turned on tbe fan. The result bas been, quite satisfgc- tory. The femperature outside is a merciiess 88 but in ttne bouse a ivable 80, Even at thaýt I bave taken ta thie bas-eent with mY' typewriýterta 'iro this columar donc. Wben the temperature gets lower ou'Ltside, than ifi, s hi thse bouise thiat, I imagine, wil be thse time to open up tbe doors anid windows again,. 0f course, another way fan beat f be bheat is ta--,put inan air,-conditiýoning system, T/bait ïmigtbc-beal! right except Ithat a mgziearticle I edtoday says tisaf ýit -oste as 1mucb ta cool te loc;'use l1a1 suMmmer 0as i, does ta beat if lis wlnter-tbato ado îa'comrplote- job. I guess we'il try endcur-ing ifise heat for awi,,hile yetn A e alwebaen tgf ta get "al he," etting cowýs ouf of, &f Ç'AWz«àWkaeQAL Fileýt crocehet wt a rýich, old~- fasbioried fia-vor! A lJovely rose- and-tib lbon design is used 'tý mrake rnany atilsirg â semal. Join 4 squares for doily,8 for scarf! Pat'tera 592: Easy-Itâ- follow charts; directions fpr 8-iacb filet squares in No. 5 cotton. Sead THIR'TY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be acc-çepted; use* postai note for safety) for thia, patterais to LAURA WHEELER-, Box 1, 123 Eigbteenth St.L e Toroato, Ont.' Priat pla"ialy A. TERN NUMBER, your NAMElît and ADDRESS. Twoc FREE Patteras as a gif to our read3ers--prited( rigbt l our NEW Laura Wbeeler Nel- cýraift Book for 1957! Dozens t-Y other new desigas you'll wa3nTý ta order-easy, fasciaatiagbaiL work for yourself, your bhorna., Be sure to send 25 cents for yot)ïï co-py of this book now -- don*t, miss i! ISSUE 33 -15 72400 ASOTS-Cornelius (Bud) Koster, 38, puts t'he, finishing louches Io a wmatr couar a,% he prepares ta leaive a hospitil' hc entered 15 years ago. During9 the lime b. bhas_ been, con- fin.cl to thQ haspital, Kaster has had 29 operations and isorffi tho0n 72,000 shots. Koster suffered a crusbed spine in a 1]?!à auwto accident. Ifences. However, we stili have s o ne(,.Iî\vestock aroundc. Lasi theie was a beautiful odcour rirv- Cul1ating ail tha ough% the bouse. Obviously a pretty lti striped kitty was s,, -where aoud Wel", if, is bard ',,0say what 1 shalh write next weekDai is corinfgt stay foi a weeýk ail by Ibisloeme MODERN ETIQUETTE by Roberta Lee HOwV soon after receivîpg an iivitation to a large dinner party should one send one's a-ý ceptanice or regrets? ý,..A. Imrnediately. Nothing Ù4 more incoasiderate or ill-breAÈ than to hkeep a hostess waitinig for a reply, siace she must hlava tieto invite substitute gueste, Lulxulreoüs Filet