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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Aug 1957, p. 7

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r Business Boom ingj In Bible Sales "We take the wate"" fh 'o people's doors and Practically force themr to drink it!" This is the resounding voiec 01 president J. B. Henderson of the Southwesterni Co. Nashnville, Tenn., and lie is referring ta the greatest phenomenon i1 the Anmerican book businless. The Holy Bible bas always been the largest-selling item in ttrade, buit no one has ever wilnessed axything like its cuitent perfor- mance. In a competitive business which treats its stttiea glardedly as the Atomic , eg Commission, an educated guLess "'miglit be that in 1940 there were 5 million Bibles sold in theý U.S., whereas last year that number had leapt ta a torrential 15 million."e But more signrifi- canit for the trade is the fact that whiile-- conservative bookstore Bible sellers last yeai' grossed1 Aomething like $20 mnillion, the relatively new, ramnpa geo usly aggressive door-to-doar branch ci the trade piled up a high take i the neighiborhood of $100 mi!- lion. For the most part they did it by selling $25-$84 Bibles on the instalîmnent plan to tlhie poor and the comfiortably off alik. Traditionally the South was known as the Bible Bell of the U.S., and the sales of Holy Scrip- ture bore out that description, It applies no) longer. Bible sellers generailly agree that their bur- geoning business is now a, coast- to-coast affair. How acecount for the boom! President William R. McCulley cf Thomas Nelson & Sons of New York emrph-iasizes population growth and a new iterest in religion, President, Ban D. Zevini of World Publish- lIng Co. in Cleveland stresses an increase in leisure time, rising economnic standards, and an in-. errease in llterecy, F. Ronald Mansbridge of the Camibridge University Press i struck by botht the new indus- trial growth and thecutim'f Califria, which seac. t hv ecnributed to Bible byn.H also ruefuilly observes: "Bible reading is strongast amnong fun- damentalists, evangeical's and Baptists, weakest in the more liberal denomînations, particu- Iarly in the Episcopal churches."' Walter T. Oakley, New Yorkz 'eles vice president of the Ox-. ,fbgId University Press, echoes other Bible salesmnen in th)eI opinion that New York City is_ oeaof the wvorst territoriesý. Missz Louise H. Wynhausean, general mainagar of Sheed &" Ward of New York, ane of the leading Catholic houses, also bas her disappointmtents: "The M idwest is the gravy train. BostLon is rathpr disappointing. New York Is So-So." But such mnelancholia js rare anmlng today's Bible sellers.' The- staple produt of prewar years ---the sober blac Bible--is still a staple, but other Bibles have put on à »Tosapl's coat of mrany colors. Prices range front less than a dollar to around $300, Formats and type faces are legion, fromn good simple reading Bibles ta such exquisite proclucts of the designers art as t'he $300 Iimî.ted edition of the late typa- grapher Bruce _Roger,, (sold by the Oxford Pressaiand inow on a rasarved list). Most of the larger büokstore selling hue offer at Ileast 75 types oDf Bible. --From NEWSWVEEK. '-t t >e.e JJ LATTER DAY ADVENTURERS-One of three teen-ag9 youth5 qumps into the Hudson River te ioin his componions (crcled)', after the trio paid a-surprise visit to the Mayflower 1, anchored in New York. The boys swam the two-mile distance te thee ship from hte Jlersey side of the river, and thencfter taoking in the ights aboard the ship, they umped bock into the water for the return trip. World's Most Hated Man Was Trapped K-ýidnaipping îs l'parhaps the only with reluctance that -Lind- mnost tarrifyîng of crimes, s'rock- bargh consented ta sarial numr- îngI, the wrld and gripping wit7ý1h bers oif the dîollaýr bills being fear tha heuýrts of Parents every- takeni. Whare. And the Lindlbargh kiid- Andi so, in the darknless of napping- most sanisational of night, beside aý cemietery hiedga, 1 them alzù - not anly madea mil-1 Lindbergh andi Jafsie kept their lions of mnothers afra,*i butstI appoiutmnt. Thay did niot knowM hiaunts somre ta thîis day. that the chîlti was ul!ready dead, t is twaxty-fiva ýyears since bis sku!l fructured; and that heý the Scottish nurse criad haif- %vas buriati in a sballow graveL hysterically: "Colonel Lindbergh, f ive miles awvay. have you got the baby? Pieuse Otolh lakescm do flot f ool mae-he is gone!" mîan, caýillintg in a guttural accet, A cnrmplati cot, anaînpty "Ovar heral" Swiftly in ex-~ niursary, smuii-dgas of yallowed chiange for the 50,000dla inuti that led towards the vîm- ransom mtroney ha gave a not, CIo0w, saying that the boy woLd(1 be In 1932, Charles Lindbergh Was founti ou board a boat rnamed at the crast of the fiva years 0f ell in naar-by Buzzurd's Bay. popularit*y t hat rhati swelled ItVwas itwo days, wýhile thre around him as the first man ta whole eoastline waPs saarched, fly the Atlantic solo in a single- bef are Lindbergh discovared engined 'Plana. His mnarria-e ta thare waýs no bout named Nelly. Auine Morrow had bceau clebrat- Grim, tausa waaks passeti befora ed with the fervour o! a royal 1thiecild's bady afon. wedding. The birth o! his son The wvhola forýce of the Amn-tei had beau like tha advant of a : can luw ent into action in a baby prince. fruitiess manihunt. The olc B ut the hideous penalties of pnndthair fhopes on the sria fuamae wara neyer more axplicit numnbers.of the ransom manney. than iu his auiguishad cry thut; But t.ha whale course or cam- _Ma r ch1-jevan in ig: "Thay ha-,v e marce cotld not ha imrpadeti stolenr our baby!" Phil sbpk'eers and bunk Thie - orld could aniy watch clerks ai tlçnl checkadý in tunuadsypty Th(, police avery dollar han a«t t tham. wera powarless ta trace thc kid- Timie pussed and( the ransomi napper of the tWenty-nthfl-old doillars bagan ta appear. Banks totdi1er daespite thea dues ha left. coulin't recal who hati dapoit- First thara was the iýrsom eti themn-; shopkeepers didn't nota le! t on the nursery wi-know; who huti spent the mrroney. dow-sill intiicating thuat the khid- The dollar-bilîs neyer appaurati napper would soon damanti50,- in theassnie place twice. Twa(- 000 dollars. Next -,,vs a 'home- yaars afttr 'the crime, the Lint- madie-- but expertly buit- bergh kidnapper wu.,s stil ' un- ladder ou the grounti o)utsidaý. known. Smeared wih than By thani 5,000 dlasatanth, 700 fingepits tsemdsue o the total-huti crapt inta cir- ta leai toana arrest, But nana îculution. O thaeano mes- of tha prints could ha miatched sagas, toxicologists hati discavar- 'police filaset traces of glycerluai and -arr "Qur days late1% a wail-l-man-- dust, . Fom this dlue anti frarn- ing c1mracter na>n'dJafsic- Con- tieh aid-wrU jgr'iihp'6'ica sus- dox w~t ta~aÙ14nxn 1s- pectedttey .-%,re Iooking foir.a paper offpring toa a, as inter- German crpenter. Nails lu tha maediary betwaani Liinbargh and h.ome-matie latdar wera tracati the snatcha~er. ,ery -ýrank anti ta a bu.ilders' maerchant in thie welwihrin Amàricaý was Bronx district of -New York trying ta gat inta thject The police wara, in fact look- The gcrourils of Lindbergh's ing f or Br.unio Haupt-,ýmaDinn hom,,Te swarnîa& with 1 amateur .Hiauptmann -)matie bis mistake datactives. Scores of self-de-lud- wheh had ta stop ut a garage ed people cia t w b able to for agalo of gasaline antioffer- - LEE-P TO -MIGIT ofWood frOmn Hat1ptmnanri' attie. Part hati corne from the, itinabar yar-d in which ha wrork'ed. Photographs from - the Lni bargh home, anormnously enlarg.- cdi, identi! lad hisfilpnn. His hand-writing, epetsagreeti mrat?-hed that on)'ihe rausom- notes. MIost care1esý, cue of a,1 Coündon's telaphone number -was founti lu his horn- Jafsie iden tif ied,"Hauptmi ann as the màan ha had -gîrpsed at the cemetary wall,.Ir, a pockat-book in Wýhich Ha-uptnmann hadiaoe- mnically rtecýýrdpd the *sinallest expanditure were bridge and turipltaîl items on a ertain aeTening in February - proving that Hauptmannî hati antared thet area, of the Liuïdbargh, home aâ faw, days befora the. babky van- ishati. D espte his tlrîft, it was after the kidnapping that Hauptmann. bagan ta ha shiowy wth his maney. To neighbours hÉF."1boasted o! profits made lu, the Éur trada. The police ware able to provýe that ha hati neyer. made maney lxi furs. Equally Hau~ptmiaun's story that ha hati been given the runsom mamnaey byja Jew who hati sinc\ dieti in Ge muray also provet fi fàe. With bis haïr crappad, his trousar leg slit, H1auptmainn went ta the electrie ch9rThethraw of the sWitch twas the end of t'ne world's most h>at<d man., Hlow CanL 1? By Anne Ashley Q. ow can I prevent miIk f rom ,sorching the dish or pan i which it is te be heated? A. By riisîig thfe pan inu colt w7ater bafore the ilik is pourad into it. Q. 0How fcan I dean a sueije coat? A. lu warmn watar with pure soap suds, ini which ana teaspoon of housahalti ammnonîn Iatdt t each gallon of water. Rinsa hightly anti stretch ta the dasireti siza ta dry, Q. lHow can I dlean pans that are scûrchad Iiy fod adheriig te thani? A. Sprnkle with dry bàling sodu anti allow ta. stand I; for awlile. Than thay eau ha tead- lV- anti quickly c1eaned, AGENTS WANTED BE YOUR OVIN 1015 MEN or women, can. work YOU41 owai hours, and m21ke profits Up to 500% seUing exclusive hbouseware produets and 1appiances. No competition. net available in Stores, and they a-re a necessity In every home. WrIte at o)nce for frep- cour -catalogue sýhow.-,7 lng retali prices plus cnieta wholesaie prie list. _Murrcay Sales, 3822 St.LweneBv.Motei 'CATTLE fian stock frodi Teglstered xand accredtt- en herd. Prices resnal. 1 D. Tin. Une, R.R. 3, Thamesville, Ont. BABY CHICKS DAYOLD chîick , variety breeds, crosses. Includlng Ames In-Cross for egg production a, iow cost. Septenmber broilers shaould be on forder. Bray Hatehery. 120 John N., I4amifon. AMIES tp-CroEs series 400 pullets at re- duced prices for sumirner and early lU. This outstanding bird igives marvellous egg production. We alsci recomimend thie foUlowlxzg for maxiýnimmegg production. Twed7dle Laymore series T4100, T-l10, T-120 aud T-M3. Also Shiaver White Legharns, Warren Rhode Isla nd Red> White Leghorni x Rhode Isiand Red, Clifarnia Gray x White Leghor.n. Ail1 populnr dual purpose breeds, Broller Breeds, Turkey Pouits. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICI< HATCBEIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIRG OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANDO 'womex sible to quïallfied mien cor woeen.ý inVestment. Write yoiu ulflai fally for free details. Acme Dsrba tlng Servce, Washburn,linas JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity *Learn Halrdressinig Pleasant dignifi-ýed profession; gooâ wages. Thoussnds of sceau Marvel Graduates. yflustrated Catalog Free Write Cr Cal HARVEL aAliRDRESSING SCH-OOLS 358 Bloor St.W, Toronto Branc.hes: 44KlOng st. W., flamilton, 72 Rideiau St., Ottawa PATENTS FRTIE1ITONHUH & C a m ,p any Patent Atta)rneys, Established 18390, 6000 University Ave,. Taranto. Patents, 01l countries. PERSONAI. WHV Become Baid-fleaded? Guaran- teed1 preveive, Mail 4 haîrs for, myic- rascopy, -47 years experience. FuIï charge only $1,00. Dr. Cotnam. 1006 Beech, Cisco, Texas. $l,00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five de:luxef personal requirements. Latest cata- logue incluaded. The Medica Age-ncy. Box 22, Termninal "Q' Toronto, Ont. OUR Landrace Swline Sale haiS ln Rd. ,mouton, .bune 24th was the mnost suc.., cesaful swine sa le ever heid ln Western Canada. Average prices were the high.. et ever pald and why shauildn't thise swinre sale be a, goad success? Wt) offered for sale somne of the best sf1-. mnals that money could buy,~ ai! framn ImporteS stock, Avallable inaw for i- modiste deilvery, Weanling, 4 nionth #Ad, C, month old sows and boars, guar- anteed lu, pig saws, serviceable hoars, ail from limported stock. Catalogue, YERROUS $ýýANDRqACE SWINE FARM PERGUS ONTARK) TEACHERS WANTED MAI UNCTIGN, Algoma Centra Railway. Ontarlo, requires 2 tahr male or femïale, Principal to teacIh Grades 6, 7 and 8. Min. salary $3,000, Teacher for Grades 3, 1, anS 5. MiMI salary 52,6(00. A pieasant riiwVay Com- muinity 164 mnHea north af Saul Ste, Marie. Apply ta Mrs. Rd. Metvedt, Secretary Hawv-k Junliion, OntarLO, Pl1easýe state age, 1xeperiece, quelifI eations and anny speclal !ierests. CATHOLIC teacher wvanted for Bain »,erg Separate SchooL N e wil moder4 scho)ol,, twelve miles from Kttchenegr Apply stating experience and sa.arj expected, ta Andrew yLunz, Secretary,ý Bambierg, Otro Whem $kin Itçeh DriVes You MAU Hore Is aJean, stainless pene- tratinig antiseptic-known ,al! ovey Canada asbOOEIIEERAL»r OIL-thaï,t drieýs rigbt in end brigswý ý,ift isure relief froamthýý almo0st Unbearahle itcliing and'ý dist-ress. ïts ïaction ls pweflyperne- tratlng ,,tbat the îituhing la prom--pt- ly esd and with continueil use1 youýr troubles ma-y soon ha over, Use EM)ERALD QIL night ai morning as dire('toslan(avisceeo one fiflveek. It is s3aee ta Use and fignl -re ls r aierind e e (. MOONE'S MErALD IL oan b6e ab-tained in the originalb o t t ,é 'ýtt anymde drug store, S'YLVANIA' CARINTHIA IVERNIA 'SAXONIA OCFA N TRAVEI!.-* Cor. Boy &WIi ts h.Tororto, Onit. Phone: BMlpirê 2-1,181 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N * N N * N N * N N N N N N N '-t N N N N N s N N N N N 'N N N s' N N N N N s N N N N N -N 't N 'N - ~ N N N 'N N N N FARM MACH-INERY FOR SALE> NO. 60 Ails Chlmners Comabine1; Inter- It. Self Propelled combine; Apply Guelph Timpbement Co, LImited, Guelph, Ont. tFOR SALE GENERAL Store for sale, $15,000, Suth- ern Ontario Village. Brick. Coj,rrLt Business ln operation. Owner retirîng., Terms. Boix 161. 123 Eighteenýth Street, NqewToronto., Ont, MECHANCAL PARTS, REPAIRS3 MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB WVhlle you drive for, only 58.00. Por cars -- LtuCkS - tractors, etc. Un.» condfitlanally guarïînteed. Effective for UJfe aI car. Motaloy saVês you money. Motao1y Saàles Ca. 14West Street, Goderich, Ontario. 0Deaies >tiuuries; lnvited. MEDICAL GOOD RESUI.TS - EVERY SUFFERER FROM RiîEUMhATIC PAINS OR NEIJR1371 SI4OI.LD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MIJNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ElIý,n Ottalwc $1 25 xprssPrepaid POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment rifdry eczemna rashes' and weepijng skin troubles. Post's E',czemia Salve will not dlisap. pint you. tciusc0ling and hua- ing eczemfa; acme, rlngwormý, pimples sud foot eczema wili respand readly ta th- stainlýess odorlesa lnmetre- gardiles3acf how ctubbarn or hopeless they seemn, Sent Post Free un Recelpt o'ifPrice PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES ?965 St. Clair Avenu~e etd TORONTO Vey irst ,Use of sothing. coolins liqulS D.f,,D.O rsrpinpsitiv'ely re1ie-es raw redlth-auedby ecsena,rsh, sclp rritatian, chafin-o-ther tch troubles. 8raees.sainless. 39Ç ril otiemUat satisf y or nney back. Don't sufer. Ask vour drusis for>7 0, 0. rESCRIPTION,

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