OROUNO WEEKLY TIMES £»ýizdas Secoud C&m Malt Peut Off l«.Departmt, Ottaa i Rd . A oe remter Piablh.ILE.C. ovemtew DURHAM CENTRAL FAIR The }urham Central Faîr coýrnes ýo Orono in a littie oveý,r three week.s. The success of fihe fair is determined thoghisexiit1n thrmýugh- its attendanee. in these two -major faictorS ,',-iech eeme the snecýeess of the fair to a great deg-ree, everyone eau play a part. Evryone ýs invited to exhibit at the fair and hundreds of oiass- Ps eXist in wh0ici e neay exhi*it. In thPe livestock divisons there are iciasses for numierous hreeds of horses, cattie, shepp, swinie and poul- try. The prize list provides classes for farrni or g1arde-n po e the various fruits andflu-wers. Purliher to thîs are elasse&s for doêm- estie sueience, needleraft, and of cour-se the Juniior depaAient, It c.1an be readily seen that the Iist for exhibitinug is varied and practi-aliy .retkes everyone a ipoten'ial exhibitor. Thus everyone can play a part in the success of the fair. Obtain a prize ist froni Mn .j. C. Gaaney and look it over for .-ou vill find inany places wihere you can take part by shoýw- ing soine type (f your hiandiw>rk,. IT CAN'T BE DID Those who think ithat prL>siperity for al can be achiev4ed by .simple expedient of passiag a Iaw would 1do well to consider the f *olleuwing passage, wiiich appeaPed in an article by Kennih .Slli ttliW Ch-rîstýian Econornies. *"In the economie realm", writes Mr. Sollt - you cannot legisfiate the po)or into freedoni by legislating the ,%vealthy out of it. You. cannot Y-aultiply weatih by dÀvidig 1.Gor- inrts cannot give to people w,ýhait tliey do not firsýt take away froa people. And that which one man receives without ,vorking for, an- o ther nian nmust w-,ork for without receiving it. Anld nothing can kil the jiiitia3tive of a people quieker thani for haif of thern to get the idea that they need flot work because the cther haif -will feed them and for the ofther haif to get the idJea that it do0es 11o good to rk sinc,(e sorneone elsie receives the re wvard od their labors. Oolgue eyes to thesze facts wiii flot tihange them 1onita) BW MAN V1L Lum j CasescomieceThuarz3ùa-;, Sept- Ballt -Begjtne§l nd ots6.30 Six years juaundier 50e. Se-ven ycarV and o>ver $1,00 POLICÈ4TRUSTlEEE1 The re -ai' mnthly 4eeIDg u thýe Orno ePolice Tr eswilI be heMl hs naA 9hi the Oron llyro Ofi cmmeningat 8:0 odlin the évening,; -AN SC EM T Mr.Ad DTonald' eeare ii'apy toa o'uce t arrivaio theirdios Jauglhte , LesÀ,ey Bar- bnara, un W 'nesday, y< 957.1 nvl Mmrial Hospital n Tuesday, Augusut 1h,19 5 7 -R.u tB l ander. Age44 years. Restîng t h Briow Fnra Augst , .ThenoKedlUtd Churh f sevi t 2p.m 'BODY 8Y FISHER' QUALITY SWEET AND SMOOTH GOOD o oKýS They w-lnt .. . and yuu wat ,. . a car thlatg beatjflly .bulit ta SA bautfl Tw ta-,in" quality viii CheUVral)et you Cao g-eo Cin i the fineriish, in tbe trimmer iaitdlajg nf th' int" irsim the flawless way Chevy jDLts ail is go ,.h tg,-,tugete. -t tsj llCýaa hink:s su! PEOPLE ENJOY CHEVY'S SOFT ROAD KUGGING RIDEI Get the keys fi- r-m your Chevrolet dealer, *..samp¶le the most copied ride in cr ý!oday! Her's Outrigger rear upeso for nie o-h-odstability . . famecd ýCjide-Ridc, front suspenlsion w- ith Anti- Dive braking control ..the unviik- able ]Iuxury ride of the Iuw-priced fied.t A car that ridies like this just H54D lu bote year's beït seller! '&eë744t4- PEOPLE GO FOR CHEVY'S Ir's a unn ombiniationi - theè dasis and eeonomy of Chevruolet'sq bol1dIy advanced pe(wer plats. Supecr-spirited V8's or the peppiest Six ïe theé, rd ..Chevro)let promneniakes oeys igde- p 'da illll ntefficicy' antexciing eprene ; hn ou'll like;t . ..yolir nighbomr doe'Cornec, rcby aaasmost popular; car,, .sec you CheIvrolet dalrwithout delay. C 90'sgt the grace andi gÏamour pecople lioto live with. ChlevY;S'¶Ot thegogd t', that neyer* goes oui of date [lie te '57 Chevr-oletlÏhe runaway best- ýc everywhere ii, C. da. Corne set bet- lacquainted wif t.4t sweetest, iirtootl-. etCheùvrolet ever b 1HI PEOPLE LIKE THE LOW FIRST COST, E NMIALOPERATIN, THE HIGH TRADE IN VALUE# 1 îled for so much cou- I uuywhen you buy pay su uitile, week inl ifor performance that seat to no0 one. Anid you -h of the fiScaWhen roils aroundr ALE ' et hlas murc of iti TuE IT MODEIRN CEVY IS STYLED -BETTER.,, B UULT BEITE R OURTICE GENERtAL WBL-DING, hio rcpaired and slurpened. Pl*m ahares p>inting and ha.rd uai. JLFESKARD WFeLDING Phone 1r5 Ores. Fermeriy Conmeron's Welding Insurance Service *ur Olfice. The follow- ing are some of the main ceverag", ww. eaz offer: AUMnMl.ie, Acdu a émn»". Plate Gia@*, ;Libmlt75, Han, Fld.lty Ronde et&. OE@NO PHONR iRiO PIUST MOQTOACE LOANIAx 1Leroy Hamnilto. EAVESTROUCHING I CALL UISFOR BTMAT j HARRY B. LYCETT M00 as 81 GEOOItT Lawruoe C. las@%, LA muiw-d genou JVAK RE~OI -.mI me sfer Usm.us [~fl»dKEANLA TEU JACKSON Audiomemmd Yd*k 1,087. OZCu »0 bboe .. Au~. &. Seus...m Om&, r«oU LIFE INSURANcE Fmmum ms» d 8.,1.g. ?bs. »IoU&e md ,du" .; fgi " cb. E. L0"T tUOWSU& Âàae ff u @ate M@I M ? m é ou e . . . , I w 1e TREE EST lInbwT "Sai-s A-ND -PF. SUR 8R Peut ffg o. w 'Orono Electric _ dI. PW NY 1* i ______ ___ CONTRÀCrORS 70 FARM end HOUSE WIRING IN« "%n me e EUAt~ UT.ATE lOB SALE 1ve~ g.i~ J.mtmd ~ sud Ap.aA~ I PERFORMs BETTER,,,. C-4057C Y 1 C-4057C 10r»giý omt. pbm» twu