j,~ 'i I ~ '4 j m~m s- 0 RNO, O ron Fai ~ rois5 -Waterdown Z t4iw'tnvfle Win$ Suoes TeOonsebFairtrve Sot~î Durh~am CIimO~ois&ip ateCono e e4yand re- Lar e l cr ase In ExjciÎlbits Cuirned the vetors, 5-4, in the tirs!nvll won the chanipaenshyp bYKethj e st Iian udaylstisive iashion when they teck a one- The Durhani Cenltra~l Agricultural a. M r i,&" givinghp oest furedfor .the lecalgï e oe ii owme Eair hei ii Oroo on~atrdayi* hts n th en - i s-îd -3triamph and the series four -brght d~t~cose to a rece3ri aine iniings. He teck five stilkeuts iganes n hywl o ie erod wth.a ecied p~eas niat Th flst JILS.meein afer heand gave up only two xalks. Aîsb Oremeue t414e winniers of Nortli Dur- ,ci--wdwit a eeied ncrese n, t- i-i W.M.S.ruetiig utertheKeith starred in the hittiig divisli ham for the chairnpionship of the ~tenidanee oveir that of last year. The holidays was held in the Qrono -Un- po igt aeasiewdeea ewovcuiy gate recepts wefe $15O00 ever that ited Church Sunday ,o no npengt av bedeeasj hl ony eýf the 14.56 ExhiJbition. For the maîny Tuesday, September 14>th th thie tookr three w-alks and a ong thre In an effort te stemn the tide We-i- intertan -cof uexcellpent ture e'Preside tMis.Drumnind io, inthe base hit. Keith was baarked by sOmO iicone started Ken Dolley, saw àhm enetiieto neclln auechair. isound plüy by the esmt o the team nockiied e4ut, Donnie- Lord camie on, both fr>i ei varJous inside exhibits Thwlsincaldtcývth only two erre)rs being carn-i-miE he gave way to NIhnagei Nornm Dol-1 and in the cttie and herse sovTe reien-csd h metng ted. This suppor1t along w,,ît1h Keith'e lley aud it ended up 3avith starter Keni ordrer xyd-,th the quotation 4God 's fin record, cou-,pled fer the definite Dolley back on the hili. Garnie Harris The 'greatst disappo.ntmi-eut was Eveyw.e" TI 1w& yread ýng wLf. cuht-T y Lane. ichd'ive lu- for the youngsters wlieu miidway rides Psalm 139.Two Versus Of Hyn n 37 Dean Wesýt and Junior West botli ting-s or the winners, Phil Gilrn2 îaÏled to pippeac~ Merry-go-rourids, ,teré shîg and Mas. DrUmmnond led inofee their broth,-er Keith mVýhh ahuried the sixth arA Long John Hel-i ferris wheeis ai-d~ other such enter- .ry500s aenb hitting average in th11e gamê mamn finished-d up with Mike, Ashton tiunn we~asn fente The worship service v-wltknbYývth a twoý for four reDr4 grounds. Th~e rides were bcoked to ïMrs. W. E. Armlstteong who 'based liereod.cth. appear however word waes reeeived talk on, Paul's episitle te the Romanis thbe day before that they could net wrWten in~ proisn du Pil hro e t Whnel mslke the Fair which was a great pae cntntyfn i o.wrerferr n ai rz disappeintaùent to the directoýrs aifUwes h lee h orhp_______________ ,âh, Pair anid aise te )thle children. srvc - ha yw'adpryr Overleok;ng the absence eOit ,he ThI president asked these prsent TP'he flý7lowng is a list of the Pïize 12 Sto<eks Dent Cern. R. G. Moffýat,s Midway tle Fi~,itelfwasa rai e radthe sxèe. chaptar of ACtsWiInelSaùthtie Dunhjam Cenitralý Ag-. Car'l Tambnlyn., suiesdwayih airosteery depa rmeatlureaio"t"Ms'Anieag's .1penriUltural Fair held in Oroso onSat., Sheaf White Oats: J. Wý. Boyd & hucs wIn almgr eatrwig fexhibirtsdidt&lk.Sept. 6th and 7th: Son, tjerewsagea h-igofehbt i GRAIN AND SEEDS VEGETABLES and in a rnnber thmee ,ere increased The rinueat~s f theJulY meeting Fail Wheat: A. L. Blanchnard, JnO. Beets: 'Mrs. Stani All-*ia, Wlig shwng.The Junio)r Departninent were read sud adcpted wid1 êrs. Cruickshank, J. W. Boydi & So,ýn. ar. disýpla.v attracted a great deal of at- Arnst'o ng gave the tresUrerC's Te- Baley: Jue &-uickshank, J. %~ Carrots: W. , Snewden', IMrso tn tendoen and was as usujal anexe'oùF ort Buyd & son. &lin, ehoiug cf the youngsters of the The Octeber metn1il'ei varieuis public schiools. Added to this charge of gireup '.,andth Autum, bt ht O~~sA .P nhad itrCbae elmtnPr îshow.in'g were udisplays oCf crnfts by ),Thankùlferinzmeeing bcI oe hldJe n Crui'cks, ~.W. Bu d9& Son'. reUrs. M. E. Abrarins. MAe Orono GWir Guides auid the Orono inoenrwen we hope te have Early Whi'e Outs: J. W. Boyd &I Cauifloýwer: Mvrs. M. E. AAbrains, -Wolf Cubs. The entries of bDakiug by MisseÀA-,y Scthauff ler as guest, speuk,- SonjE Mnes Cr aniln the Junior niembers was noteworthy. (ContÀ-oue-d OnBpage 5) 25 Ears Hybrid Cern: R. G. DJoffat. Onions: Welli-tgton Farrow, Jrs Epa-is sant.IL T'fe Needlecraft division w cree asuips: WligtnFrCW as ,cf the largest displ ays at the fairD,àki ri. nK(ýriur e f rr WB orPr Sa lnWl wth entrièh lit' cVèa cas. Thiýs di erbo l B6AA tigh r ul% er orrn Pie Pumoýpki:Mm bAES -believed te bie the first thme l the Wo arw il SmmerSquah: M L.Snowden. histcry of the Fair that there lsm L ' I . Smmte sh: W. L.orce beau enbries in evry classa es tHi n e t ilmetE as ~ O l eIz .U8 S A~ S Toat. Mrt!.Vn oe diviîsion. ýThiu s e sdrew ïruých atten-E.Psat tion frm tihe ladies,,keln:Mrs .E ha Theshwu'~cfflwes roeda1u'Friday, Septemb'rer 6ithla intleithe grandeur cf the Edwaqrdi'au ara, Early Potatee,-s: W llimgton ýParFý Th s(,wný o roedaOrmeoTown Hale the ie K n Jid i ait oglithere is ne action', titerow,, W. L. Sodu o1i display with a ostof u hTheatre «roup presented ,iau ciarsicotrs gained and' hold Pthe 1fate POtatoesýWligon:Frev tries:aý'Tese elbits weaueteieengcen-c iyadseh.itereat rom i i aýr nrinuates cf lDiapiay cf G ardn]miarni Po by an intwesting nuttber of exhibits thahiae u ee-c'e piay wivth thier înanuerianis and ducta: DonS'npss by members of tus Oronq ortiëu Phof Greouphe* i"Inates Lai PeterboroIs turai Soety. Other -preinent dis- nla usne heinspFirainand guid. - presentain fthe erpih t ey Bl ie a,1r utm. Mlacheorf an Pthteerutiflnibt onelyC. W. »wsCarl Ta-nblyn,, PL G'. pisys wore the homne baking, %fmts 1sucwe ie l f o Per MComb-,who-poit-debutante. Dialo)gue was thelMeffat. and vegetmbles eshweximseiebea.nesnl.s-Orly souýtrce of entortaaninent intne, d"'utn:Welllugtn Fa rro4, A îlw cnirnrcial beot_ý -)trmel' aab le irecternd utlanact-play, and although it ,was eleverly Mrs.Stan Allin, Cav1ri Taabiyn. À fw ommrcal'b~th coplt-or f atralchrm udwamth Hs ritten it wovuld net 'be enough if thie -ApE edi the show within the-_Agricultural Players s'showse-,sderable plish ï se pef 1ut1Mr. Best cleto f Apl 'R. Os- bildng.Thia part ef the fair was ud abi-itY ad t -'as ideda tre1; a ilc jsee h tg o l c)ýe .K qaradCoi rit a.bove 'previonus years and a netýed i . te viw their divers3ifiedi -epertory RaheGuedeîosiand thest age for ah borDuceR.suandiras loia (Yet. 4 reaews eired lu tAe varieus cf pllaYs. h rdcin uiTis a~clry- ucesaiGaeseu giese s e st i Ae èat et. ' rne Bosin" w s 'h i nL A Mariage lias Been Arauged" beth wen'hy IW. L. Snowden. offeing of the evening -an amusup iih hwtu ritctuhs h hs, 5 p'ples, W. L. Sodn The perfor aiw bf ore the grand- study' f ea bride-to.be w o s ws representation cf ath e uta-r o f a nsd iW. LAC'daa etangd O t he h iftaê shar wssevery igu cf eajaiglier sh-rewýish an etegant ballroom wvéas most con- 5'telba, 5 ap4ples:. Car Tam)blýn e usual a gaîst teature of the aniiua i .Teby ridM a 'Zs helieval- Theîntùe g ,s pos R. Aexander, 5 appieeIW. L. Sno'- exhibition. The Roadste-r audCri eteib da PestT O ' erwth 13c- 'h str 'ieigwa pnoeon, Glra rent, A. Ps age latsses Of light hessdispolayed otyFloe stemte, os yteOooArrutrlSceyL t awren je,)DnStapleas, A Posg the splendour cf thi' rei Tebotigwaia ,oe bn, ojntinwt he Orn sr nd Gaesen 5 '1pplýes, Gloria Broutise thiry rce hrse prvide silitplayed ýy 'M1r. McCoan7, s eeka t,0'ees-ý a v rtanappreciated adenljoyediAsud W. L. Sodn theata ofracing rssud widhtesetecp b utoigL h ade. m <mesgrGup. AIse tunthe %Wealthy, 5 apples, J. W. Boyd 2ad, ,L, *r'qills sud excitemnent eniY associaed 1 auntwh hrceie ySsa mgam eetcnnbr b oA cs .K qa ~tsd etetaiinnt a ,proi hi jadded humeur tt pltaudMaget alîin tuha audice Jfourn uu smg. Dn zStaplesGlraBet th msa 'fthe Oreno Baud, the!MCinbsowdsinOf Ua traie cern- gymunastice c(f thie boys fte o-eieu alirprîss f thehyc.o arul(etaodm i,~2 inianvula Training school, the atisfever n nbrid esaid.- As _the ,o Jn Grnb sdDeu yat romBe Ht nin3 i, erectie (Patience asud Prudence) and h x tydr i h eies utL lo in Ï' r~ ihiitoncfdril by the seven m-te a his wi eme- will ake bailoeads audi- For Olow ddfe low S 1ha'll> è The h avyhrse Show was Idsence la tatewe W in e arty of fi-udrc th:i uita& nffor, have been tha graudistndi 0f specal Eudicott'Orange Blré-oms' The Od'fUeilows sdRembekaha llawner, noe asth cas c fur4hiese n withagcod cee et'cilng ans cer- Tute r pucigaDa n ueae arge refrge 0 r I Dace l ther Hll o Saudayevei pîaed t heil for neeservi-e, for he îtecator. Te 'lriefceuedy kethes ol- ng, Octber19, 1957, whcueih f.oed, ybtdoc-es il- finm.McComb, valable Przes WiU! liegivn away.Tfinan 0'ing ftishal hm bren The entrée" eOfatie farsuprneonhe sA ce' xte firstwith Rover Na1reLy:a lage BatflDoîl; Aa. eail7eprblem and mucsa orry. The -frmryer wthoerte unrd a ea dinte ecn wt bsSU-_',u lemMxatr uaemAue- mmb ohi f or eehae e boad baing aeed. Ocea udr'sed adif& e, nthwee cieelo eamedmtcTose; eigtuD ux esard upeepotton.nu sixt-ou haa cfIlosteia wre n a.~ s~d.Eiecri Razar; Fly Riod and Ree; have euntrbuted weLl and th&r sa1- r th la nd Wof shw hea !,'feieclsg ofe - ws-A cMur- 22' Long ifle (Rpoter); Wooi j fieiS ppeiaeî ehaeof hewing bac naeeRas Bea . Arraîîged, aWfirat th yathe he veag auatsund as h u ehaI of M lntosh a pnmaîl ou t u dA*g debt et' $80 Onl ben îeudee hundredý su-an1cas iy ej ihgra aaiApros.Neit procedsferthe bu!Mld sdwouder if me tuaY be Pardouedi For tha frt tima lu aï er u b't yte w îyrSLs~ a> xauhga niain~orpb lyepe att hod!u e1=try SfA~Y Doaîon sd Rager Davis. , Ygop LDo hee oihpevdsuc s pu s bo'0on art edÏAY aatxe. JnyrinMcm Leefvioskd, igyeu- 1At omaulfutrdate this üer h sl wil tre Uas ïcesadin, he blu! pgimi paynad bYU ail these who av se engagéOuhadcrtadje sde,d waff usideA-i atenana udnui ran qaltycuecbpi Ms o anie f te hllforther pecal tro- waapofe u an g dda pta,!autad the Pair boarrd- lu fouheoCr au- nulexiito sdwihd hnswllIcfte ~e at,d. .p., Tg,? e coamnnte p1vdd,-edr- 1n -Yiu enay eanu vlIa The 'Outarie asbal Associ;ation -t ai metn uHmlo uSuudayj, rulei eut al gFaines pîayed betweeu Orono ani. Waterdcwn in O,.A. piyow eries aud erdered thLat the ;nres e started., again. Both itaaus aew 3startt ha serins itha cean sheet au, Orno aishd tegive up theýi r cnua victory. This was thec eut- com-e et' the poteat tendered by Wt erdmvwn sud which iras 1heard by the on Snda LuHamnilton. runter bte tis rlig heOB,A, ruiad Hn oytaprotsstad p.y er, inlgbete play fer anytean A[se OronO Ihad te psy a anme(f $50. ,a remaîn Lu tha eris.Tissms beau paid sud anu sd MWaterd win now will begin the series whï-ih la heý best wogameseýýut eofthrea. The first gaine cf tihe serilas iraîn pla-jyed in Waterdeown, Wedposday eveuing. Tha second ga-ýis1l0 teÇl, played îha Orono at the Comtuity Park staatîng sharp at three eclê this Saturdlay, Sptelber lt. The lclboysioucha e u tobeLui outsccring th-e WaterJo'wn entry as bhis team gav,,e Oronio lità tw ume la het 'icr au ga ne or du inn the porton pled OF the secom4 gie. Plan te attnd thisSatnrdl1ay at the Orono Park, Department Rejects Withdraw- al 0f Public Schools From Area ClarlS iimet ona Thunsday evening etof last ea wïtah imem-bers prenti exceptiug 5fr, Lowery wowaDs Lu the Ai, nube e'iegaits orde eut at thoetingte icswt A latter f rom thLeDastntc submited te the Departmeat by the Tewnshîp throug'h a by-.iifor th2 cOuitlamwiug cf the thee acheel sec- c Seheoôlrare.ErmrL thlnedear rler v te ra vo t i h ranti th il fo-uad ouI-.y oaaant ,themva prveia car fro'en drinq'ng Oves, inbakmnt.Tise matt.er ire- edi Counle conaidarre'paimg or ',egadl Iugtesi e4by hsprqper- ty,. 11, iras iead y Wallýey s av- ery thtteTws il udY-,-r. 5oqr- ton har th cet c buLdoIziLug the 'sideroadeq-)y n roisionjt", the Cen il llh ne s meail o'vrai incva oan upe aa 3}0. Mcm Mr i n a raque ted te gavai .yeOf rrmi.L aaG uervuse the necLs)ath Cocil prcaonigsansildepene taen by the Council. Telter -rnite Departmaut cfi Ta ee, J.T. Br ril su3%r lducaion o-nte- eu tha here ap-1-!- vkinslciowere atorzdte pf opposiionte thp nioue sud that ihassaiagta h-onî royal. The latter aiseotatdthat'f I ntreMuipa ox ihr- h!, cnave wns14agaicntensiaitedP(P i n pc t lag ertain rouds inter- 958 that fuli cuieiio i enacigllwy4 c~~~~~~~ afetÏt nbbylwa la lpsiuwic anwapaeta Cemih abld a aquitof tAhe Courtietesku~ fi' Towshpby.- law te gevemu iehahosa la'-ed at bite gully afte, thsuipl adLuin mourof$,2e 0To~ 'oitedonttha thre i nebarmiar Pvon te wah ipcodabythe -Tei- s' '4' e s 'k 'k -s' 'k N a- 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k N 'i. 'k a N s'- k t- 'k 'k k 's s' N s s" N N 'k 'k 'k N N t- s t' N 't e. 'k s a s' 's t t' 'k s s N N t' N k 'i N s t' N 8ubsc~pPm P.U Orono Up Two Games Over Port Hope In Lakeshore PIay Led bypowfl ttn from car- Deain and Juniior West asssedaong Inan Co)rnisli, Deai West ard Xeith with a single by Lcovry of Port Flape~. West, the (rono Intermediates out-' In the bottom of the third KeîtIta aýcOred Po)rt floý,Pe 5 to 3 to win their West 12ed olfý with asngl hit foi- second --a1112 M the three out of five 'lowedhy singl-les te Dean West, Gay- seisfrthe Laksho-reý League man Corn ish and John Shetier. Keil-hi ýhanpioniship. The Orono Club no.w and Dean both scored t-- bring the leads in the series 2-0 and oaeother count at the end of the third al 3-2 win Wili decliare them t1e league for P~ort Hope. chamnpio)nshrip whi u hy hold froi-n Keith West ag-ain sparked bis teain iast year.* miates' in the flfth nhe le'ad off T'he Orono) attack waus led b y C- iwt single. Deaý3n West followed m an Cornish h a record oftwo w vith a singlë, Ren Westweti sinlgl1es anid a double in four trips, to ffrst on a Po)rt Hope errar and Car- bat. Three for four reco-rds was reg-: man Cornish followed with a îsinge. iserdby Dean and Keith West, the T thr or Hpeerrors weiT, other heavy hitters for Oronô. Oronoj mntd in this fratan to allew outhit Port He,-p 13 to 7. Keith WestXih Dean aqd Ronnvie'- to crosa asthe winning pitcher with seveni homue pate. This put Orono eut ini h.ittree striïke-ents and four walks. ifront 5 'to 3 xhere thqe score remaln- Mike Harrisos wa--s the losi"ng pitcher ed during the rest of thie gaine. OZ PortHpe in the fitst ining, ono did however threatefl in the sixtb doein two runs on an errer by and seventh but ýere unable to taily. Kei:th West and a grouping cof twoRH E single hits. !n the te)p of the third 5R13 6, tliey added ther third and final count, Orono OO 2O OO5 25 an tmerned rn whenerrorsby PorLt Hope2O O04OOO3 7 O.BA. R'ule Games Rneplayed rnoPas"50. To Continué