Peaches 2 43c ~ 3 4 8 cZ 33 ilý'CeGrapdiuit lin 5,5 ,~ Frjyingor 2'to3 lb4 iChickens lb gEASY TO READ) AND FRY FOR A TEMPTINGDIN NE R 1, Pork Tenderlolu lb 950 O NO WASTE - NO LÈFTOVERS - ONE 12 on~package aIotDog Winers&Il for! 5< o -AND ONEPACKAGE' 0F aiti Deunpster Mot Dog RoUse s - ROLONA tablerite slked lb Pkg q p ulPE POIRK SAUSAQE ilb pkg 5,90 U i';EE $2.50 "BONUS BOOSTER"' TAPE s90NS BOUS"IER FOOD FUATURES THES O -REE ITEMýS NWITH FREE $2.50> BOO-STERL r eanut Butter 16 oz 3c -ÎJ 3U ~LRR WHITE, SqPICE oir CHOC. FUDG Cake M'lx 17ozpkg 35c s-~ IRK NUT MILK or RUIT NUT" CHtOCOLATE 'V bars family size 3.3c s- TRIS ITEM MWriTH FEE 5.UO "BOOSTER" JOIINSO)N'S SUP1ERl HARD G(LOSS Wax iquid pt tin 59c s- fiFROZEN FOOI}S - ~~Pies turkey, chicken, beel 3fe791 1.1 WTH1 FREE $2.50 BïONUS ýBO)OSTER TAPE Alt Cohe Sahon Stak lb 8c IGA %CAS"ÏH RECEIPTS AN[ Tmate2 Tomato jSauce 20 oz Tins 35c 29c MOTHE11R PAKR'S ORANGE PEKOE Tea Bags pkg of 60 75c SHIRRIýFF'ýS - ALL FLAVOURS Lù'shus Prowder's 4 for" 35c WR,'ITE SWAN - -- e à -~ ~ I. f oiet ITissues Z2IColis 23c f Quakeýr Mtuffet's 2 I pkgs 33c O I1CEKSOLL OHEESE S Pread 5C off 8 oz Jatr 32c DENTAL CREAM WITH FRZEE BALI, PEN Pepsodent giant suze59c CRISPY 1FRESH 1SOLID 1HEADS Lett&uce 2 a'rze 4425FwC WAE P YOUR APPETITEo Grapefruit Hlonduras 5 large size SO's 359 1 Car'rots Bradford Marsk 3 lb polly 150 13 BRISK, IHIGH FLAVOUR 13 o, Wealthry Apples facgrd 3 lb polly 39c Prune Pluina Attraetively priced 6 qt baSk BERST FOR JUICE - CLFUI~VA1-ENd-C SWITHI FREE $2.0UlO BONUS BOOSTER11 TAPE 15 Cents OFF Breeze white or bIue king size $1.34 SLVERWARE PACKi -- 7 cents OFF Blue S"'1f giant size 76c DWITH D "BONUS BOOSTE RZ" T Thescholbaad uPPedO.HS.slipped on a banana. Yo're wirong.- thsdxtýeen lockers wvich were plac- H broke it whenr he was making the' ed i the upatairs hall opposite teb ra pricp1~office. Grade 12 -wil then bpe able to keep ther coats and text- Mrs. St. John Reaig Que books i- those bghtly paiin+ted gad- p1easte! gets. Ldboratory stoolls are beîing us- ed4 for, extra sets in the Grade Il Mr. Watt - Fro-m pincipal of OHS caromdaring openin.g exeelses. to Captin oif his Own cruLiser on Rice' C ,ses for- the foururdes arýe hl b k. anQantrl sTem~ tin th he or lsrom tetavelled student this sunmer aifter s-cnce lalidraýýtory, and the comer lmtoiilg to the eastern border of d1room. The jaLttgr two are U11suit- British Cohinibia. able for foinmi easroo»Ts iecaiise 0if ran'kly Jspeaking: 4Nr. Rtherf!or4' the extra eqt prent in eaeli and be- - 1 n ed sie nrueti- caus of he lek o spae. n tent pitehing. Mter ask t te ad- The new loclkers are coral and of vice of just about eve'ryone in. town~ ~slanardsi fot ie. It is to be he fn4ysucceeded in pÎteh ga hoped thiat the Io0ckers will prove sat- ten't la his back-yard. Them it raîine& isfactory and that, the probleni of ov- a-id he couldn't take it do'wn. ercri-ywd:Ig wiIl lie tenlipora'ily ïoIv- -fydînSho bs ten( e inthis manner. +ijang t n r ol bus the one out ofifmotlhilils. tSmW!g Evecis, At 0... de, races - cqjt the grass, Auwiiotraire' fl ake Blanche homt-e. S Septemiberi th: ,Back to, the Old YounIg Idea: EduceiinlesY Q Gnlnd" Dn,e. 'worry about thinfgs lu al! Parts Co: oSpteiiber 27th: Local Track andithe Norld. nField NMeet. I5 o On¶obev 2ind: District Track asud CongratuaÈûI te asl ee [Fiield -mpet. ,,rsucessftilfiy, inn* iePrv- o Week of' October 71h. Student ste pilot's licence' ÏIèr r nnnga 9CuclEl-ections. jbilre Scqas liiru~hthe ' Miiddle of Od.,,ober: Mid-Termï- Tests ORS Air Cadet Squadrorl. Record Crowd At ~iTe Orono Fair Daivçe - jýuples tuImed oUt $aturday xight. 0 Oi Saurdy night, Septemberý 7th'Thiat's the ldnd of crowd that they tthe Hi-Tee n C1u'b of Orono helda at at theiir dinces. Bât Ui you do-' Svery scesu dance lin the Towýn inot, -oïns4d!r yçur'.elf a young uiarried 11Hall. The danice %vas held in jutiîctionii couple do'lt l et -ti rpush you o(ut Owit the Oronio Fair. j as you 'Iare just as wecoe S Ithe- 9 ~ ~Rau's3erry ealied' off some e.t Svery fine square xith A ltli. A 4couple f om Bowmlamiville wonc GidBrowii at the pianio, Ke-n NeZi jteeet-cktieta n ie . - nt hai -iaio nhe i~nan a s a door piz.The )ucky wi [their qdtars. Ho-w alaeult tha4. for ailes« h ~fretduecmei u Fa e A dans a nid Neii Barnia L oil l to ns we re gx e a ba ket of p l 5 on: iiestra'? If you dont't tinkil that Frei- lunch of ,IiI)tlts was sre Çthey aire any good, you just gelt out pro nis-ed. to, some of tlhese danves aind see foui forget to wthforou xt Qyourself. -1 daceWhidh Wili rlal ahl O The H1fPeens re hirypleasedScîp e br21, a atuda niht ýw4th the way 7the yun!ger rmar iied u1ct drcoJ. G. Gmb should prompt you to an~f z-us in tImê of ~o.W ~e simple beautiful rve!ta prove ec;nsolirg to t'vebrevd FUNERAL HOME c cZ2~OcZDO~G~. PoeflModern/ Draina "3BRA V E W mT ONTMWD Wýith Ray Miîlandi, W Ernes Bo nsd I FirE.",Time inClr Frankl fo e\o EVI PESL "JOEDAK r% laH is New, IHit t JLOYING YO"U,, Orano, OUL phon2 1182 Z94P ilitinfibrnrt tif litiitro