Visio~s n Suday ithMraS, Tl, ,d ; M. a and Ms. E, E.PttsoM, adagerinadM.ln-aNainlEhbtnteenie ils a Dnl n du e. M and M '-Wm. M-liey and Mr. rzs. ii the grain a este wo ville; Mrs. Suas So~chi n isEaOe alyvstdo udywihfr~ du nterEryOscn PatesoOrno Ms ~are «y r.nd rs oh Dlvnan Mr o LteOtsan econ d aly Tliopso nn Mr. Krneh Sper in ellvil atther lttae o the MrsRopr o Toont iscistin an one M.adMs.Br n o une wt Ci adMs . .Gmy Il Fait Fashions at Reduced Prices I HAI s We have a finesectn of new FaIl Hats in styles bcmigto ail. There are feits, velours, velvets7 and a new deep-pïile fabrie w,ýith the Irook of fur, in ail the new Autumn shades. Priced $5.50 to $12.95 lalVastly becoing styles în levely fRfabries- dress-up or cas-,ual in MNisses', Women's and hiall' sizes. Priced $10.95 to $24.50 GLENAYR KITTEN SWEATERS See the excitinig new Kitten Sweaters for Faîl in Orlon or 1006 p.c. putre %vodi. FùuI-fashioned, esl washed without s'hrinking, new col- ours. Sizes 34 to 44. Prced $6.95 to $8.95 MIATCHIING SKIRTS * Dyed to match the "Kitten". Sweaters in all-wool flannel, slîm- lgne styles, new FaIl shades. Siz&- 1.0 to 18. Priced 15t~o $13.561 3p A Mged vwMar &bo7* we @R@y LADIES' Roi We have a ne dresses in g-OOd qi nus ls ai-d colo Priced $3.0 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS A good assortment of checks, stripes, plaids and pia' ýcolours, cor- rectly tailored, fulIyý, washable, 16n sîceves. ýSizes smal, medium, large and extra larg,,e. Priced $4.40 - $6.95 BYS PORT SHIRTS Finte cottont, authentic tartans \and smart stripes, long sleeves, sas- Sforized, colour fast Size 8 to 16 years Ikrice $3,45 to $4.00 MEN'S JACKETS 100 P.C. Nylon fleece, gives good wear and warmth wool knit roll col- lar and cuffs, rayon lining, zipper front. Colours of beige with brown trim, red wvith black trim. Sizes 36 to 40. Priced at $17.95. stre op.m Au Day bemmy il - ~ T SALES Anid SERViCE ~Mtrs. Mis the n Aima visitors er'e Mxs.. Ir. ai-d M it the wve and iVrs. Mrs. E MIr. and ,V~nlpivijlle, )f Lonidon l'Parents, MLVr- anid Ars. James Ria,-by. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Rikb an Mrs. J. A. Rickaiby, Toronto visitedj jMr. aInd Mrs. Heiber Souch on Str day, Air. Rickahby ittenidjing-the Fair. i Mr. and 'MrS. F. .Lo ianof INorth lBay visiteci Col. and Mrs . J. C Gamney over the week-end. Mr. and Ms George Mitchell and family o)f Oh visited withi Mr, and Mrs, Albert WMche'll over the M.Glenn Haas is building a new Maeo îliin St.North 0Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Eilwin Rainey havec rented the homne or Mrs. C. Beebee. Master P'aul Goode, son af Mr. andj 1NMTrs. Donald Goode, had an appendec- tomiy operation in Bo)wm-anvillie Hojs- pital on Monduy of this week. Mrs. John 'Turner of Peterborougli, ie spendirtg the wveek at the homne of Mr. and] Mrs. G. Gtter. Mr. J1. B. Moat «f Douglas Ave., Oatkvilbe, lfoirmesly of Oýono, cele- br-ates hi in-ety-inth hirthdlay, Monday, Sep)temnber 1th. Mes-srs. Glinton Gaver ly of whit;- by, W. E. Davey, Oro>no, spunt a ten day vacation fishiig at Kirkland Lake, Fishing wïes excellent and ail hada good time. W.A. MEETING .Contîn)ued from page 1) M1ission, Band leaders 'for the cm ing year aý,re MIrs. A. L. Hooey and I Mr. výson Ttiiblyni Ch *1,st.i1an ',eewaidship Secretary, MIsL R.ancoc ondutda Miss- ioayqujzz shee't and4 Mrs. Po ter, LieaySe-rtar1Y, -av a hort talk j o te nw tudy book on Jpn ieson Jpa are as fjollowýs. Mrs- I tapis, rs.A~'strngMrs. Schau- ffle andMissWaddeli. These to be gven to M\1--rs.Poter to be assem1bled1 j n oo ormi. Tie meeting cl1osed1 henedictithe j ta~ai sbsci.tinsto te Msin arv Monhnly hould be haded iia UNITED JiURCH Charge Re.Basil Long- SNASEPTE$BER 13li 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Orono Leskald ThIný!,e: "The dngrof SUDYSCIIOOL l.:0 -0 ------------------ O ron 1 A 1 Used Cars Our Comlplete -servi7ce guiarantees year rouind drivng pleasure CAR VETH MOTORS Phone 3251 Newcastle, Ontario For Sale $50,0O0 Worth I 0f Protection J Oflly a emaI I nvýestment gives imp te $50,000 liability ineur. - ance protection for youtrself and fa-mily, through Ce- o operators Insuirance Association, CIA. tiability insurance9; 9 protects against financial Ioss resulting froin som(e accident ojn your property, or through ait oct of your own, or a family O member. f 9 CIA's policy includes public mnedcial payments and fanily medical payment coverage. A popular option is tractor ini-U surance, for both self-pîro)PeHed and tractor-drawnj farmn implements. ROBERT MOFFAT 9 ORONO PHONE »br7 g THEY'RE HFEE IMPORTED DUICItBU BULBS oi Tulips, purple, red, orange yellow and mauve. Tulips, blue parrot. Hyacinthis, pink, blue, white and yellow. Daffodils, paper whites, a d mixed Crocuis. Shoes, ChiIdren' brown, 1-strape, hiltrite soles Sizes 7 to 1~ Quit Patc$1és, a large as rtment of varjous Pa- terned ipatclies. Celloa........9. Artif icial Flowe , nhew shipment,,J varieties to choose f rom. Pr ced stem ....., 5c. and lO0c. Special l4ncils.. rubber tip ed, dozen. ...3c Lady Iris, Indelible L tiknow in jumibo case. Lae1 shds Ei...........9c Spetcial Deep M~i Facial Ce oin Unibrellas, 10-nib i yon cvered, light plîds a plastie handies. c.................21a. Raincoats, Girls Kelton P'la tic, Special .. 14 Putdlers, Ladies' genuine s mess,lg1teg, waqt rrocover sho es SI îes SmInall to gePr$14 Overshoes, Children'Cs browâ plasti cý-cklefst- er, sizes 6 to 3. Pair for.........18 URONO....T..... OPE N FRIDAY EVENINGS Armstrong's N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s.. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N c N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N... N