bhot nii Se- ýa a few seeonci&-1 was naitstunneci by the violence cf the- sheck, and the first thing I became- aware 6t was a very strong smnell o-, Yor seme moments lie could not understand wbat had bai,- pened. Hiis body and. head were pressed agaïnst the greund, but, witb a violent effort he ma- aged to free himnself. Then he realiized what wus happening. The elephanit had gene clown oni ber kixees te gere bu with ber tuisks. By siee miracle she Lad missed, but lier' massive ehest was pinninig himn to thef grGiuncl, diving the breiath eout of is body, Despe-rately, he wiÎggied free-, erawied eut fremn beneath the elephant and beat a -hasty re- treut, keeping u n eye on thne ani- mol a11 the wbile, Euch timeý nhe swuing hem heacl te look for- hlm, he darted te- the other sîde 'h keep out of sight. Luckily ehe- did not tuman right round and h.- was able te, escape bru-ised ând breathless but ethrfrwise un-. scathed. when his rifle failed him. He was pursuing a bull buffajo con horseback, and when ît turned he fired twice, but both cart- ridges wvere dudis. The buffalo chargedl full gallop at bim. CGrabbing his spare gun Seleus asj ust able tofi re from bils almost point-blunk range as hiS horse japdaside. It was not quick enougli. Herse, rider and gun were hurled inte, the air by the buf- falots huge horns. The herse regained its feet at once, and galloped off, leavinig Selous on the ground wî.th the angry bull gazing down at him only a f ew yards away. Then, with a mnort of rage, the buffalo Iowered its head and charged. Selous threw himself teo one sde and cringed as close to the ground as possible, avoiding the worst o1f the imrpact, but sustain- ing a heavy blow on one shnoulder n)everthel1ess. For a moment he lay stili ex- pecting the animal '.o renewth attack, for lie knew that a buf- falo will fight to the deuth. This one proved the exception, however, To bis relief it kept going after it had passed hl- the only tinie he'd ever driven off a raging beast with nothing but dud builets un his gun! Aithougli Selous becamne the greatest hunter of his day, his career wns almnost b:rought te- an end at lis outlset. Soon eatter ibis arrivai Ça Africa he was taken out on h-is- first elephant hunt with two experi- eniced huinters. During the day they decided ýto give chase te >,a herd of giraff e they spotted un the distance. Selous wssoon trailin5g it more expe-rienced horsemen, and beforelog unknown te, theni, htppled oîfbi hre y the tue lhé had rcvrdhe ralz ed he was iost, To make mattersý worse-, the horse bad otd known cQLntry. H-e 1decide-d to make for at leaving im. stranded inun distant range of hîlis in the m-is- taken behîef that they were in the v..icinity -of thne base camp. AIl1 night he vwandered, and a iastý reaehed the hui1s. But there waxs no camip, nom jany signs of human habitation. Altogether he spent two days aànd nights utterly alonle, with WRONG SIDE - Young Ji m îc Holkirid seerns ta b. indicafing the size of the fish ihai didn'f get ciway. It'scoug ht n h i-s diving mask. We1, stiuange tîngs happen inr hot wevathe-r and ballas is hot, Penetrating The Arctic Secrets We often' walked downi the beach, a narrow, strip stiiirmostly snow-coveried, wi th imrmense cilifs 0f sandstone towering above it. 'fhe soft stone of thve chifs was eroded and carved by wind and sno»,w into moniolithir shapes, enornxus figures of hooded, armnless men, like hxaif- relrd sclpture. Once we camre acrosa a perfect smallc- urm, smooth as maprble and broken off at onme end as if it had been: part oif a building. Wc had been told there were pre- historic jelics in the Eastern Arctic. Th-is piece ôf pillair look.- ed mnarimade.ý We wandiered home al iorig the beach, A liightI mist r'ose off the> mneltîng snow and the s-un shbone behiind us trug ihin lods We were each -ringed by aý small bright ribw As we wnlked, clothed inrabos we picked up shjeIls-mussels, smaâI llams and delicately tinted co-quineas, a tinsy shiellfish usua-lly found on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico and the Carjbbean Sea. We came across several miore of those pre- histoic piUlars. Somne of thiem wiere part ûf the sandsto-ne ciif,> and we realized tha thie- ad that hanid earved them nto --ýsuclh smooth perfection were ind, snow and erosion).r This strang-e land of carved and personar,-ainbovrs seemied quite ura.We wle îin a dre.amin.ý What, Bll wondered, Émade the tura soasoihigyeovt ri.Even the saletbits cf frozen eazth or rckl wereanu lar and reýgular in form, as if sh.aped by a ci.If one -pic--kede up a -pe-bble one found itk was e mnicr-ocosm a c the tundra, a tïiny, 'pe-rfect eýxamprIe of thie geom-)I He stcudiýed theý peat-ridge polygonsz, crookedan checlker- l-oard patlterns c'ver Cie fiat boigs, wbere the eýarth bad beýen bre- kýen apart by se-me urnknown fnton cffrost Paetioni,These fat, raised earth shI-apes were lId by dykes> n ice ab~out a foot deep man absolutely straight nGlong their sIdes, eut sharp and neat as if by peut 'ear these 'Verages. 10 top-notch n'a, 342 1,anarýche" St., rted gold and silver two threadcrs. 25e.c 328 Qulncy 'Street, ÇI4ICKS > cause transmission sets are sen- itiete(,)rock-climbinrg joîts. And e x p er i e-ice shows- that climibers, unnerveýd by an, acci- dent, arce poor operators, -where- as i ts s ýimplie teo scribbie a pigeon SOS. Ho., Cat I1? By Anne Ashley Q. 1w cuis I leau an eù pailitlng that LaS become v %eryg dlrty? A. Make a thîinpaste o)f raw) potut0es and ýclear water. Add some e pumî)ce sto:ne anîdru on thie pai-nting very gently with g sponge. Tben wipe with a da clotb and clear waiter. Aîtel' the surface îis dry, a veu0t cf cieur .00lW ïcanake a reipe and hmiusehold hint file, inore pracîleal than tise ordlnury serap- book?ý A. Buy a quýan-iity cf smiail 3X5 cards ut fany sainm store. raqzh recipe or heusehoid sugge-stion can be pasted cioa card and then fiied IIphabetical- ly, .\Many readers of0fiti5 colunfin are preserving these-s,;uggestions in this mranner, Q. How can IJ dean <iamnond r'.ngs2., A. Use a stiff brush anid wash inr soap aid water, te which a little househod ummonia has been added. Then lay the ste-rIes ina jeweiers' sawdust until-' dry, and pouash with a chamoi&. Q. How e n Imake a good djuster?ý A. An excellentdstrcaýn be mude- by usi a.oid pieceý of fJaniýel, dipping il in paraffin i andl lettrng itÎ,'akfoir several hour, Wrirg ceut ti*gbtlythen wash In tepid, water, and let drý ýy. It ilgteraldust 1und ge jr à gopolisbte furniture a nd K,....,U .4,,., BOOKS BOOKS on il breeds of Birds, Pigeons, Pheasants, Pouitry, Turkeys, W4aterfûw, Cats, Dogs, Rabbits, Hunting. Catalogue FREE. Jiiorgan's, London, Canada. FARM -MACHINERY FOR SALÉ NO. 60 Allia Chaimera obie itr niational 7 ft,.£LBinder; asyErl ft. Self Propelled Cmin;A np.'y Guellph ïMplenient Caj. Limlted. GueILh, FOR SALE, F"OR SALE, Two farin, haif mIrle sat onte eghty iacres w;lhbidig n hydro, stock, implemýents, one with hun, dred-sixty acres with barn.Lve, Brock, R.R., 1, rn Bridge, Ont. Pres cmplete with alilelectrical tequi'p. ment and motors, (,550v) Sheet size Z22 33, Price $6,000 f,., -. Mntreal, Cal Vendome 2551, or write: Mtro. Graphie Cors-., 980l ark Gueorge Blvd.,' M4ontreal North , ,Pbee. MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAI&Rs - MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB -WhUel, you drive for only $8.00.' Fojr car. Miotaloy saves you rmoney. Motaloy tionally guaraniteed. .fective for !ifel0 car. Mot aioy savea you rmoney. MctaloY sales Cao, 4 West street, Godericli Ontaria. Dealer lnquiries lnvited, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BA'NISHS h, toneto dyezm rashes and wýeeplng >sldn ,troubliles. ost's Eczem'sa S'alvew o dsalpp0jint rau, Itchinlg,.scaUlng andd burnling _cze;'ýn acne, ringworm, pýripýîlad iotece mna wib respclnd readily ý,ýtota staîinleaýs odorlessr an tntrejgadleuss Cf bow, stuibborn ojr hopeles the-iy seem., Sent IPOst Fre. on Receipt of Pricef PRICE '3.00 PEU, JAR 2865 St' Clair Aen ems TORONTO ISE35 - '1'57 MUNRO'S DRUG STORE OPPORTUNITES FOR MER AND WOMIN BA KAIRDRESSER JONCAMADA'S LEADING ECHOOL Grieat Opportunlty Learn Hairdressng pleurant digified Profession; goo4 wae.Thousands of succeisafl Marvel Graduates, Amerie's Gr-eatest sytem lu strated Catelog Free ~WIte Ior Cal! MIWEVLHAYRDRESSING SCI100OLS 35,' Bloor St. W., Tû-ornto Branches: 44 *Cing st. W., Hanntcn 72 Rideau st:, Ottawa PATENTS Paten-tAttorneY.$, Eatablisbed l8û, 600 University Ave., Toronto, Pýitents $1.0J0 TRIAL .0ffer. Twenty-Zlvteïciwii, reueemens Laeatcatalogue mch2e-4,TheMedico Agency. Boi 22, Terminal Q Torrônto, Ont. MORE and more fariners are buying Landrace Swine, Why? Beeaue they wiU make mere mioney when mîId fer bre-eders or for pork, We have oýne ýo the largest and beat tlmported herds et Larndrace Swine ti Caniada, St&rt lt tIXe beat. Wganfings four monjtha o ld, fi month i,,d sows and boars, gu&vran teed la pig sows and s;erVIcèable boarg for ,imniedïate dellVery. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWNE FARK FERGU S -ONTARIO) FORD Modall'"T"' orany older cear brass edigtetc. Mail f UM Usit ý pteto..toBo-x 05Aybhxer, ïOnt. SLEEP- TO-NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSIESS ý»MAr TO-MORIWIV s EDi CIN tablaista-ken accordig te diretios laasf. wey to induco sl.ep *r qiti.nerVes.n tense.~ SEDIU0 4ZIY "Wherever tera a hld zanId crew maaes ane Introdce on advertlsng b a, "i a ur eIxclusive ten y iar duatonlprograni, New, product, proven sales p)!an, nw saiesdivisi'on derle.Suite 417, part Urne age t o a N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N A s N N s s 'N s N N N N s N N N N N N s s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SYLVANIA - CARINTHIA - IVERNIA 'SAXONIA