uPRI I ~~ke1Ic Pms0 z2for 29e 15 oz 2for 14 oz tin 2 for 33c Ë FANCY 12 oz tin 45c 7 oz tin 27c d 15 ozun 2 for 25c l c arnialade 24 oz jar 37c aBagg pkg of 1008S5e1 reguIar or chubby ,for 35c XRTLETT PEARS à;d T s Ize4 aprx 1Osiz 0&1 ýON LRG SE ltREEN ED ýr and a spare ... ;----- ......... 98c. !arge size 34 c. 10e off giant size' 67C. 7e. off gianit size --------7-- 2e. i.off gi-Alt size -......... ...... .ý....-.~.. 7ê2c. tGS 0UN FMFREL çGrade A Lar-ge priced excepti.naIIy Iw i Ib, ba473c Short Cut bbe0 SBeef Short lb 33c MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOE) Ready le eat Picni4 TABLERtITE SICED Co4ked Ham W'ITIH FItEE $2.-50 BONUS BOOSj BONUS BOOSIER /FOOD FEUTURES STOKilELY Y WIH$ 50BONU'SFTAPE Tomatp Juice l 48 oz tin 33c E WI WIT 5.0 BONfiBOOSTER TAPE., Cakei 16oz pg53 11k OlYOL RFAVOUIE EcREAMý C~an ?aTe I lb tin 69c giant 59c Ciïps 24 oz 59 c WVITH FIREE $2.50 PBONUS BOOSTER TAPE G-Xreen ails ~t1t QhTnft~rurt ni' nt1~tr~ souf ~ple beautics v'ce s chai. FTJNERAL HOMIE Ph... 1187 10Ooz Sorru-ic, Oa* UNKD S'-uOW/ Pheue ,"1182 NOczoH o veture - =~ imaie Equally Avaâle As O ,-ottÎty casss &ganized By Garl Yeo Nn, aldc TT he #Id Giind" ~ Theme.For Opening Darce mne"t by givîng 4(or)fonui t e. ;h taff of the sehool lias ar- Cni T m! ranged 4(four) etacriua yCai yri clses twhichli v llowthe students Aferrunning th!-eîlýnoýses to-) h totae art in ehol clbs iîho-ut grindetone for thle first two eeks of,ý, transporta ï-t ion ri e S. sco, try"ýýii_,"ln g t gt nto theswn Th 1e seH '0 )Il c,1 -'ti IyL CLassesý, are 1of things zagain, stL1den1ts of 0.11, sutpervised by the techrs ndar fial too(-k a t2are ý ndhdthi heid in peIodal and10 evrTurs- frtsca vn fth'e seaon i-- day fternoon. Alhough e aci hl'tu- dy gt en a evlin oniy eeof theésel crasses lie1 ot',vneit~ a-Siaiyette Bc oteOt ticiatin incertin f th oters t Gind"th dancv nto( cdgrd a tmeoterthan Thrsayinier t te unIoour ieh 'o T~e l ner5tt~q~d~'ic Rya1patis Rcod' ~enedrnsc M 'mrd ae&ngv1ti~M~c P ' 1-y ~t ada An Cade~s eeutdh ~rNian lTo~pei- î~h LeuenetT lie M. at, f e, '0-up' e ivrt ord'1o tapies cn- o s-1e,-'n e Tliy c' -m teeW s ied Pt tu e f" aoriïg \ poied boh " ý ci.a tape 30. iil ir P ei-r î e,,î ersIn Hige a t Mtlyi-;a ' st erie *Ot l i 130tal'ie r t toCici'aai à d«t o +v chmnhip 'sig ew maoretlltesad "uc tteue.Bh ceta bnth Il to vetgr ope These o h ue eeldng i-ros ad he ,Ives '-for c1ase wuii e f for o m "r n oU timevas' sae."wiýII(fte cuii The i ainleg dp-erioc wllb finhled haltevhv bdà by noher tpe net bchof'l eub. M lv. holas ill be anlioed orpa Fupor whoswhere cte Sled a IptfNgdieohrn tnee actvties., Su2 choir take1fen larg cuhes, den T hethir choîceboysenroînena. w'1 ie he lade of he .11~. Ge but dchanges n oa earnedbthet1- Clubt the0m wiil be la sesson f o aceracinig to wiiïeýgead the benr yarhand wiender rtatab h sýiiy. ne(f h sr No the prog%,rme iat p th ni' comm encaem .ttet oo ak The ador nifu'itste M ust Wdy omiingSaturdayp. Thoe ronnesedy imcetdfeat1-1Carnetnod bt Oîonysoia'lu Saottdyftnoon ýýin\,etherhïi ofin hie e egxed tosnl isw Ilscu sm- Mai sr fo týh Onltaio CayHid atnd o Fihdrvn Caldpionvhip. Tu stehredbilisudtusnls tok a 9 then i'ctry ýive Orno. TI-e 1 ieldig Crrr o a 1 the a !J lQa oy eefar dfrompaig isws h onallo he 2c1