'i QO OTHER FIANCEES WORRY LIEZ THIS? "Dear Anne Hirst: I want you to teli me whether other engaged girls get frightened as their wedding day draws near? I am to be married on Thanksgiving Day, and althougih I can't put my finger on any single thing ta worry about, I do. "My fiance is 28, I'm 21. We attend the saie church, we share a love of music and books and sports; and he is the most ·thoughtful person I've ever 1nown. I can't find a single bad trait ihim; he makes a good Jiving and ls very saving of hi' noney, although generous to me. And I know he would never let mua down. "Yet I have hours of wonder- ing whether I should marry him. I live a well-rounded life, be- long to two organizations, am a college graduate and have al- V ays had plenty of confidence i myself. This feeling is utterly foreign to my nature. "My fiance only went through high school, and l shy around those he thinks are more intelli- gent. Yet when I compare his parents (who live just for each other and are so happy) with some professional people I know, i w ould choose their marriage a a model. I want to be a good wite, have a farnily, and keep piy man content. But I see some of my married friends so quar- relsome with each other that it scares me. "Once we stopped seeîig each Other because I felt unsure of myself, I was really sick over it, telt I had thrown away the mrnst beautiful gift I have ever had. I asked him to cone back But now that my wedding date is set I feel shaky. My par- ents laugh, and tell me not to worry. An I normal, Anne Hirst? STILL WORRYING" * Most ot tht married people * you know would probably * coafesa (in a confidential * mood) that they were at- * tacked by the saine unnamed * fearr that worry you. Most * thoughtful girls wonder whe- Newest Crochet r r' r 4. r r r' r' r r r' r' k r r r r' -4 1~ 4. 4' r r r r 4* r"" I r' t r t r 4- r' r 4- r <k 4. 4' 4. r r r r r 'r r 4' 4. r r I r 4. c 4. 4. r 4. 4. r 4. 4. r -4 4. 4. "t 4* I r 4. I I r r' r 4" r -4 4. r' r I -r t 4- r 4 r r r r A handsome &et for modern or traditional horges! Simple filet crochet v'ith K-stitch sets off the dean design. Pattern 598: chair-set or scarf pnds. Chart, directions for chair- lad 12 x zx16 inches, armrest is 6 x 8 in No. 50 cottoan. Send THIRTY -FIVE CENTS (atamps cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for this tatter ta Luria Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New To- ?onto, Ont, Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME sud ADDRESS. Two FREE Patterns as a gift S ur readers-printed riglit in 4ur 1957 Laura Wheeler Needle- aft Book. Dozens f other de- na you'll want ta order-easy 4scinating handwork for yonr- ilf, your home, gifts, bazaar toma. Send 25 cents for your ùopy of fis bouk today! * ther marriage is right for * theii; they set couples who * get on each other's nerves and * make their lite a series of un- * pleasant scenes. And they be- * gin to wonder whether those * who appear happy are really * so. It makes a girl tremble. * From ail you tell me (and * I wish I could have printed * your letter in full) you and your fiance seem to have no need to concern yourselves. * You will heip him to overcome his shyness; he will stand like a shield between you and any trouble that may come. You share the saie ideals of mar- *iage; you enjoy the same things, laugh at the same stories. Ha will respect your higher education and you will never allow hlm to feel infer- * ior. I picture you both prac- * ticing tolerance in any differ- * ence, being patient if misun- * derstandings arise, and living * serenely together with abso- lute faith in one arother. * Your thoughts are natural, * yes. - But you are intelligent * and you love deeply, two pro- * tections against any real un- * happiness. Keep in mind your * parents' satisfying marriage, * the sweet companionship that * your fiance's mother and fa- * ther find in theirs. There is a * 100-to-1 chance that yours will * be like that. * * * DATE UER AGAIN? "Dear Anne Hirst: Last spring I stopped seeing a girl I liked a lot. I asked her to-go steady and she refused, sa I just didn't go back. "A girl iriend of hers tells me she'd like to date me again. But after the rotten way she treated me, do you think I should? I know I was possessive, and maybe jealous, but shall I take her back after ail this? JIM" * i don't agree at all that this * girl was untfair. She wanted to * go out with other boys too, * and was frank enough to say * so. Your pride got a jolt. and * you left. * Most gir1s like to date sev- * eral boys at once, for liow * else can they learn about boys * in general and discriminate among thein? You would have been smart to agree, accepted competition and taken your chance with her other friends. Instead you bchaved lic a spoiled child, you would have all or nothing. If you really like the girl you will jump at the chance * to be friands again-and this * time be a little humble. That * will show you are more ma- * ture now, and can appreciate * a girl honest enoughI to teli * you the truth * * * Wheni you don't know where to tura, turn to Anne Hirst. 'Her wide experience and in- nate sympathy for troubled readers will help you through almost any trouble. Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. TRAGIC FOOTNOTE - Though little Ralph Jacobs, 3½, doesn't know lt the elephant foot in which he's standing was chief instrument in a gruesome tragedy. With it, "Bosco," for- mer star performer with the Krone Circus, trampled his two trainers to death. The foot i on dispiay in Berlin, Germany. WESTERN ROMANCERS-Some romance is in store for a change for James Arness and Amanda Bla~ke, stars of TV's "Gunsmoke". ~INGERFARW4 escÔoUn O Ctaska Wouldn't you know it . Ex- hibition time and teaning rain the second' day. The trouble is we needed that rain so badly but why couidn't it hava come two days earlier, then everyone would have bee happy. Or would they? Partner and i went to the C.N.E. on Friday - the first time we had ever gon on "War- rior's Day". It was'raining a lit- tie when we boarded the bus but the "Probs" called for "clearing by noon" so we took a chance. We got a splendid seat on the grandstand - aftr we had had lunch and taken a quick look at the new Qutee Elizabeth Building. Kate Ait- ken's dream has finally corne true. For years Mrs. A. tried to talk C.NE. officials into making plans for the construction of such a badly eeded building. And for an equal number of yeegs lier pleas and arguments wee turned down. Now that the nw Women's Division is an ac- comnplished fact I wonder if any of the credit wili go ta Mrs. A. who was the first to point the way. Tht Military Parade began marchîng past the reviewing stand soon after two o'clock and continued for almo-st two hours. F Other years we have read about it. heardabout it and seen snatches of if on T.V, but that was very different from staag the actual performance. There were bands, bands, and still more banda. Each band follow- ed by officiers and men of vari- ous regiments, mostly veterans of past wars, even as far back as the Boer War. Many Of then stiff in the joints, some with a limp but al of thei valiantily trying to kaep step to the mar- tial music. Watching from a cen- tral spot on the Parade ground were about 25 wheel-chair vet- erans from Sunnybrook Hospi- tal, each under the care of a miiitary nurse, while Red Cross nurses kept the men suppied with what appeared ta b a packaged lunch. As might b ex- pected the man were obviously enterimg into the spirit of the oeea.san. living up ta the old am-ny !an that "Ild soldiers ne er diet' On the grandstand there were many more old soldiers, some with thain children and grand- children. Some were younger, vaterans of World War IL and the Korean War. There were also war widows. One old age pensoner sitting next te me said she came ta the C.N.E. every year ou Warrior's Day although her husband, a first war veteran, had been dead 26 years. She now lives alone n n apartment block for Senior Citizens at Rexdale and is very well satis- fied with the care and accom- modation she receives. Behind us a littie girl was excifedly picking out Grandpa trom among the wheel-chair visitors. i front of us, and a little ta the left, sat a thin-faced man, lean- ing ou lis stick and wearing a Service button lu lis lapel. He spoke very little but his tyes followed evey movement ft the parade. Who knows what were lis memories. Certainly his at- tention was more than casual. Was lie one of those who raturn- ed from Vimy Ridge? Was le gassed, shot down or wounded v the field of batthe? Or were his imiemoies chiefly concerned with his buddies who didn't corne back? Without asking there was no way of knowing. But of one thing we cai always b cer- tain . . . behind every Service button there is a story. Knowing this makes Warrior's Day at the C.N.E. ail the more meaningful. Thank goodness the heavy nain kept oiT for the duration of the parade although the bands were dispersed a little ahead of time to prevent damage to 'their in- struments from the drizzle. After we left the grandstand our - problems began. Raining fast - and our bus didn't leave until 10:30! Partuer was wear- ing a liglht windbrealer, I a plastic raincoat. My raincoat kept the rain out an the per- spiration in so I was almost as wet inside as out. We took shel- ter in one or two of the build- ings. So did hundreds of others. We tried to get a taxi. So did scores ot others. We waited ages to get inta a phone both to cal] Art. No answer! Obviously they wera at the Ex. and hadn't got home yet. We put in time at the Motor Show hoping to find a seat There were nona vacant. We thought then how much the C.N.E. miglit be improved by the addition f more seats evarywhere--many, many more seate. At long last we got Art on the phon. Then we wended 'our weary way over ta the Dufferin street cars, my shoes squechlng as I walked. We eibowed our way on to a street-car and at the end of our trip Art was waiting with his car. At Dee's place we got more or less dried eut, enjoyed a hot chicken din- ner, and then the whole family brouglit us home. We enjoyed the Parade; we think Warrior's Day is something one should go to at least once ina lifetime, but more than anything we appre- ciated having someone to fal back on, someone ta bring us home - and at the end of the day a warm, dry, comfortable home to eome back to. That was ene day at the C.N.E. . . . and ther may be another. A fine one, we lope! Light Fingered Lady! She lived, fittingly enouglh, on Happy Hollow Road in Atlanta, and few people who knew her did not, ln some measure, envy her. Life - and money - seem'- ed ta have given her every- thing? Obviously she was a lady, poised and patlcian. She 11ved vith a .girl she introduced as her .me, a fetcling and bright yqpg $ionde. At ont time or nemher she had five new cars, luding a pink Lincoln. She* d two avecations: She work- though she really didn't frtp, and ohe raised cocker spaniels. <(She owned 50 ock- ers, including Rise and *!ne, the 1954 "Best in Show" dog at ft nation'a snazziest dog show, the Westminster Kennel Club's.) She called herseif Mrs. Janet it. Gray. Me Gray was office haAagqe for Â,group of toctors who operate a private clinie. One day, one of the doctors decfded that lhe was short ln his office checkig account. When investigators sent look- for Irs. Gray, ae had led. She had left town, said witnsses, lcading a spectacular tour- vehicle caravan uinthe paink Lin- coin, and with her went most f her furnishings (Li fwo 'fur- niture vans), ail the cockers, and her niece driving another car. It wasn't hard to trace this canavan as Mrs. Gray moved across the South, but sIe b- gan to drop off ber more con- spicuous items - like the vans - as she went and finally, in Oklahoma, she vanished. By then, investigators learned she had taken $100,000 trom the doctors, nd the FBI was called in. If Mrs. Gray had seerned to have an extravagant life in Atlanta, the true story of her life, as the FBI disclosed it, was extravagant beyond the imag- ination of most mortals. She was born ln Tientsin, China, in 1906,, the daughtar of British parents, and her real naine was Margaret McGiashan. By 1935, she was ln the Pana- ma Canal Zone, working for a Chinase rug company. There she met and married a man named Jasper W. Burton, and had a daughter by him. This daugh- ter - Sheila Joy Burton - was her "niece." Mrs. McGlashan-Burton-Gray (she accurmulated 22 known aliases) first came to the atten- tion of authoritis as one of the world's great swindlers n Honolulu in 1939. She had been transferred there by her con- pany and she achieved a tri- umph that most crime experts said was impossible: She suc- ceeded in defrauding a Chinese rug merchant. Mrs. Burton ad taken the precaution of leaving Honolulu exactly eleven days before the indictment was handed down. The FBI record fromi then on speaks for itself: Mrs. Burton was arrested by Los Angeles police li July 1939 for the Honolulu rap, but extra- dition was denied. In February 1950, a warrant was issued for her arrest in Los Angeles on six counts of theft, but she had disappeared. Vancouver police charged her with the theft of $5,000 in May et 1950, but by the time the charge was made she lad again n.oved ou. lun1953, she moved out Of San Antonio, Texas, bours ahead of a Federai warrant for the inter- st te tranportation ot stolen property. The FBI next picked up her trail ia Norfolk, Va. "At the time of her suddeu de- parture in November 1954," said ihe officiai FBI report, "a war- rant was filed by the doctor who was lier employer charging her with the larceny of $2,000 in connection with cash she had not deposited to the doctor's bank account." Last month the FBI arrested Mrs. Burton and daugiter ln Tulsa - where Mrs. Burton was back in her old stand working in a doctor's office. The recep- tionist recognized her fron a newspaper picture. Both rmoth- er and daughter were held in bonds totaling $40.000. - From NEWSWEEK. Princess Ensemble PRINTED PATTERN 4580 i 4½-2414 An ensemble in the loveliest "princess" silhouette - so, be- coming to shorter, fuller figures! Easy to sew with our PRINTED PATTERN! Printed Pattern 4580: Haif Sizes 14½, 16½, 18½, 20½, 22½, 24½. Size 16½ sundress, 5¼ yards 35-inch; jacket 1½ yards, Printed directions on each pa, tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (50, (stamps cannot be accepted, usa postal note for safety) for thit pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, ï Qx 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New roronto, Ont. 18SSUE 38 - 1957 ~q £uaôWkuQa Best Looking For '58 . ........... - - ---- - ------ !il! IS 77