The üociety reporter of one oC the m1osl respected and authori- tative Euglisb newspapers, ne- potiug ou the -great neception &sud gard1en party given aI Buck- -1 lghamn Palace in honpr o! the SAmierican Bar Associatïoon, ex- plained an unusual develop- ment lu the followviug wordsýý: "In addition ',cith e iluorm-al Faïlace gardlen party meuu, 'hot Cdogs' sud 'w1mpeys' - slces of fr esh ment sausage seaoe vwith tonato ketchup aud Freuch inustard aud placec i.,lu circulan gweel buu's - were sýerved'" If we rush iu where Augles mnd Saxons usually fear te trend Ît is only because the paragraph-, having behind il sucb a weîghl o! authionity, if uncorrected w'ould .almôsl certainly give, those vwho have not themnselves mret hot dogs sud hamburgers a rather false impression o! themt mad mighl even set S0ciety Ct vdds agaînst ilself, Il simply will not do if th-e ýimpre-,ssion is aloed10gain ground in one section of!-the eommu-Lnityý that Amnerican food ronsisîs of silces of fresh me11at %ausagýes seaso-ned with tomato ketchup and French mnustardý and placed in circular sweet btins and called eiîher "bot Elogs" Or "wvimYpeysý." Fo r ilt was a delighlful gesture ta serve Amnerican snacks aIt he gardeni party. Il was ail!Itht was needed -. naturalize both the bot dog snd the hamburger over here officially, And our agent aI the Palace reception re- ports that, the snacks served so hospitably t,0 5,000 mecmbers of the Bar Association sund their wvives were, in bis judgementi, botb quile traditional sud cior- rect, excepl thalt they were sut- ably scaled down lun size. Ou social occasions lu En- land ,w:hen, for instance, sand- wTiches are served, the sand- wiches are properiy mn-adje ai delicato slces o! bread sudi are cul b an area of two or tbree square inches. One does not serve doorsteps nine square luch es 1in surface area, And so ou Ibis Occasion a niceEnls compromise was mmade sud Ihe ,hot dogs were whiat you m,,igh-t ealui"Petits chiens," like petita tour, wolesausages in minia- tiure belweeri small rolis. Thie w(impnïeys were "bébé,burg-ers." .ý,haps Britain bas made a con- ti:îution thereby 10th ,e Atlan.- fic way o! lil!e sud iay expand for Americans thein own rallier ,tlai c ýonc:ept of bot dogs and hamiburg ers. This concept, however, lu its *wn way asud its owu turu is already îmakîng a contribution to the British way o! life. Peýrsonaill I amr not yel mnuch- 04 a hot-dog man - I slill winch sligbtly when 1 see theni sel- ing bolt dogs almiosl secretly round the corner bebhind the Mound s.'ançl aI ods rce Gxround - but hamiburgers now are a different thingatgehr 'l'ey are binigiug tb Britain nol ýn1Y a useful addition i10 the lucenmenu but, a trans Atlantic aura of neatuessan &fficieney. The hý,for' instance, bas 'litLerallY transformed a cor- mer o! Waterjoa raliloacî station. There - used to be at Waterloo a ýrnall circulair buffet, klcuw to some o! us ias bbe Buffet Co! Outrageous Fortune. Irmm- ber il for ils du nid t'oggy- most raify - air aud ils Jackt-1 luster Bath buns. The cmstomn- ers gave the impression not of waiting eagerly for trains but o! 111iu a jusl missed themi, wyrites John Alian May lu Tb7e Christian SineMonitor, Il elongs tb the pas.l is gene. JIl is fàgoen.Fr day to Waterlo.o there cae th e " 1wim'rpey."ý Qulte suddeul1y one !utile segnuceurt of the cicua buffet gleaimed and shone. sud zizzled. Therf, was ,a deliciohs aýroma of basting buns sud bec! and onioýLns i he griddle. Pe2rt aaud prebby' 11111e cLondon girl ,iu dean white oOats or ap)rons EUROPEAN UNITY - Each mem- ber nation of the Eurapeon, cool aind steelý communéty is issuing a postage stamp based ani the theme of "Unlited EFurope, îts contribution f0 peace as ca source of prosperity." T he- Nether1and1ýs stamp is rictured obove, wiî h ils six-pointed star in the shape of a blaide -wheel symholizing the activities of member cou ntries. The word "Eurco" is spelled ouf at the poinîs of the -stalr. The em- blem, upper rgt symbolizes development of Europeani in- buy Egihfr there too, like- fresh Bath buns aud butter or Sausag-e roils or iMlellon Mow- bray pies, but the place of hon- or stili is rÎ-itly filled bDy the wim-pey bar. There are hamburg-er restau- rants arouud Piccabdilly and the Strand as 'Veill, American, visi- tors often caunot gel suýats there for ail the English faubuirgers w0io crowd lu- i. Even lui theco- try, local butchers begin tow un- derstand about gr-ouud beef for hamoburgers. This columnist was r:ecentLy ý a sk cd (tobroadtcast about them on a nationwide hook-up aud explin the barbe- Cue. The ha-mbu)rger sud the hot cogIfjunfact have Parrived. lu some places ài ay flot yet have bee-n appreciated I hat the true Lot dog requir-es a particullar tY pe, of saLusage and shoulcl rot be made with the cýommon orr Cambridge '"bauger," but if il matters il will comneu time. 0f the many inventions rdt eIo Amyerican naturial sciences these two, the bot dcog sud the hamburge,are doing as much aýs auy other 10 foster mutual appreciation aud international indierstaudiug, CALNADIAN AIRCRA,ýFT ACCLAIMEDa The puiblic uunveilin-g of the fabulouis new iroquois je', efgi-ne wais a verY proud occasion for ail Canp-ais. This engjine Îs everywhere re- coûguizeýdas one of the greatest achievemneuts lu the whole wvorld of ae-rnauttics anud il is an achieveruent b y a Canadiîan comnpauy. To) A. V.'.Roe, Oasda, ils maaeetand ils eugi- neers our whole countrY will gladfly Lxtend ils cougraftula- tions. Acftually, tlhe Caniadian aireraf t ridustry iS quiielly ach-ievîig Lan internation>al -im- portance thai is not geuerally app)reeiïated,. Currenl ly, aircraft and engines areone of Cud' chicf exporîs of mailufiactfure'd products. This business Radds LUP 10a faqbloUs success story for the Canadian indujslry, for the vani- ous mnanagenients wohave had the courauge to press forwar'd, and for the 1technica] mfie n %',o have perform2ed so man y scen- fie and mnfcuigwondei-s. Q. hen the Cerenmoiy is over Rtaehurch w'eddiasg, sheuld the mnenbers of the immediate f sm- Mles be piermitted , o te ave the ulburch i flst, before the other people? A. Yes, Ibis , is the proper procedure. When Ski. o Drives Y. MAI tralugAntr etc-onail ioVer, Canada as MOO00NE'S- EMERÂALD OI-htdriea lglst lu anud Itclo asow, owerruliy peýne- ly raesdt-7l oitiinuedus p7rurtrub a na7 oo-n be over, C7gý 1,'fU'RArP 1Lnlght an4 ýarnlngeffl l ob, tadvise fer base isU weè~,Il la1sfe b ue E u AGENTS5 WANTED N,3 iNVESTMENTI tbicre'S a cuistomner!", Ex-ý.perieuecd s a ie s ag ents su1Jdc crew nmanagersd wrntei lutroduce on adv ertisling ba s i s our exclusive ',en y.J rucat)oual1 programi. New product, pr o en sales plan , new s aIe s division long established compauýiiy Advertiser, Suite 47 2W7 Quee's QL1aY WeSt, T("ornto I. Ouetaýrico Sp'lendid tepportuuity t o r tahr, club wVom-e4u sud part li me agents 10 also- carui extra vearly Ineome. MEN, Womeu, full or part timne. Brandl niew item, No competition. Mothers buy ou sight. Gutzmau Bronzing, 2609 Delle- vure St., Niagara Fîs Ont. BE YOUR OWN BOýSS MEN or woùmeu, ýcan work 'um own hours, sud male Profits up to 800%ý1 selling exclusiveý houseware prod!uctaà sud appllances. Nr1o comnpetition, not available ïlu stores, isud tbey are a necessity lu every home. Wri te t Z once for free clour catalogue, show- lng retail prIces plus confidrential whole. sýale price list. Murray Sle.3P822 S. Lawr-enca Blvd. àMontreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL, 2 x; 2 colored sldes of FloridaS, Canadia, Europe, World. Sample sud List, 10ç. Colorslicles, Dept. C., Box 185, Miami 3i 3, Florida. M 4AKE v our owu bevex-agesý. 10 top-uotch recipes, 75c. Giddeni's 34%2 Lam~arcbce St. Arvida, Que. PLASTIC foanm flexible) seusationaLl new hobby material. Low La prces, easy to work witti, Start a busy, uittle busi- niess lu youxf'owu home with - dlenioni- stration Kit $1.00, multiple project Kit $5.75. Extra sheet.s of foa-ii 13 m 12e 25C each, 410 x 12" 65ýý, 40 x 72" $2.06, whitue, piuk, biue, grey, yellow, grceen, violet, rose, orange. Kidder Mýanufac- turing, DeïpI. F, 138 Danforth Ave., Toronto. SLIP COVERS TO fit most chesterfielda, chirsn, davenos,. etc. Pre-tailored lu large ,selec- tion of colours sudi patterns. Lowv coat. Lesa than 1/3 the price af recoveriug. Write for free samnples sud pictures. Castle Househiold Sales, 2517 Ta0-ýn St., Toronto. AUCTION AUCTION SALE FO0R Toux Clemeuts, Lot 29, fourth fine Adi ala Twýp, Oua mile south, of 8r4 llighwýay, on saturday SPEBR23, a1:09 p..A good herd 0of lhaud mîk- edctwa ~anumber of calves sud s'tockercat, a lot 0f hay, grain ane[ Gtraw-, rsud a ,,ood liue of Implemieuts. Auctionieer Glenn If. Audlersou, 5 R.,21 Mono Mlî,Ont. Cf-AN\ADANS can oDr<der lnew sudt re- ne0wl subscriptions tu every mgzn pub'ýlîshed lu the U.ýS., ail froui one ad.. dress' We are agents for every U.3, publishier. Sen(d 5ý, coin (no stanipa?) for catalog Of Over 200 U.S, îazîýneâ. Reliable Sales Co., 1698 Brydýen ROaa Columbus, Ohlo, U.S.A, BABY CHICKS The large egg, producers aecoalt mincdd. They wouldu't thlnk of buy. tng du!a4 purpose breedsaiorcertain egg stratus. Thiey wn notIng but the beat egg blreed birds thlat. wlllay nmore eg on bass feedi lay longer, lay large sizeci eggs and Èav'e gond lsvablity. Týh. besit for tI's purpose la imber K-137, We also h ave Amces Iu Crossý, Sertesm 400, Warrey, Ebode Islandi Red, White Legh1orn, X RIhode Is-laud Red, aisa Br-oiler Breeds, Dual Purpose Bree'd1s, Turlcey Poulîs. Catalogue. 'JTWEDDLE C11ICK IfTATC11ERIES LTD. FERGUS ONT-ARio WNfalp'flets? W le have a wide cholice. Started too. Also bave Amnes I-Cross (extra eggs, 10w overheïd). Order fal cockerels now. AsIt Bray I4atchery, 120 Jolin N-, l-aRnlton. IVE are p1leýsced to announce that the Scott Poltry Farm 0fof ort )aO- iario and the Tweddlle Chilk Hatch)eries3 Llmted of Fergus, Outarlo, are uowv authorlzed dsrbtr for Kimnber chicksansd are lu a pos,'ii o ; erve custom.ers In Easteru C1anada sud Mnta.Kfil4ber chicks have for yeare; beeu the mnoat pollar egg stratu, bird smiongi commnercial poultrymen lu1 Califoruta. About oua out, ofl every foregg aIrain echioks s u Caî1fornia laa imber c-hick. For 1Rimber cata- logue ,sudciPrice Listat sj ud fuit etails, wriÏtec Scott Pou-ltry Farm, a rirb, Otalrio or Tweddle Chick Hthre Llxnted, LFerguýs O5r OO'MESTIC HELP WVANTED GIRLfÎor90ood ihomie. Owu rooin. Thurs- dalys, Suudatys off. Ms.Pabkell, 47f15 Carlton, PMontreal. FOR SALE LA RGE Store h) eoun e combinatton. Resson - retirln. See A.C. Guppy Xedbridgpe, COntarto; HCh,1 60, Offe4 acceptled to October 15. INSTRUCTION EAREN more! Booa-eping, Saeus hpShortlxaud Typewrttl1ng, etc. Lessous 5~ scfor frcep c;Circulr O. 33. Canadien Co:rrespomdence c ourses, 1290 Bay', Street, Toronto. MEiCHANICA&L PARTS, REPAIRS4 FORD 1957 D VERBTI1SI1N G TIRED? youngirer, Buxy direct, save 6011- M0 taI) lets $2, 100 taleCts $5 Postpaid. Satis- faction Guaràuteed, Free: "Better Health for Caniadians", Order today. Vitaîn Couxanrzry 0f Canada. Dept. WLI6 POSt Office Box 1, 'Outremont, Que. GOOD RESOLUTION - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RIIEUMA11C PAINS OR NELIRITS SHOLILD TRY MIONS REMEDY. iMUNDROS RUG STORE $1,25 Express Piepaid MEN AND WNOMEN NERED MQrte NMouey'? This stimple Plan broulglt su over a Million -dollars. It wll help you. Mafil $1 for guaraniteed instructions. Howard Gîbson, p.0. Box: 107, Lepsnàrto, Arkansýas, FORMULA FOR LOVELINESS 5VOUP, ComnplexIon, Fragile suid Cher. lse.Ladies, do you have a dry sud 1f elesa .sklu?' Do you wt a 1tZfresh apde lovely face? A truly cean and glow- ingsdu A beauýtiful base for nake. up? A d1ean rose leaf, Lo)vely com- plexion a ;a thing 1to Iier!sh aucl can býe yours by uising otr, peach bloom elieanslug dtraam 10 rvealy cean deep dowin asud coiditinyour akin. Loz only lU.5 sud our Orange akin f ood to no anhsd stimnulate your 5m oz. only 51.95. Sold on Money baclo guaranitee, Agents wauted. Apply. Mlaryý Efl1en C2osmeties Limited, 3V8 Dun.das Ftree-t, LnonOtarloû. OPPORTUNITFS FOR MEN AND0 WQMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING ESCHOOLC Great Opportunity 1Learn Hidesn pleasaut d!gnifled profeSssio; oo wages. ThoLuýa21sudri0fsu1eSqful MarveY. 'GraduÏates, Amecrica's Greatea.t Systemr Illustrateed Catalog Free Wite o-r Caîl MARVEL HAIR,ýDRESSING SCHCOLTS 35B0oo' St, W, Toroutoj Branche,: 14 L iing St., W,, lIamilton "2- Rideau St. OttawD PATENTrS Patent Attoruçys, Established 180 M0 University ' v.,Toronto.P, et PE RSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twýenty-flve dlx persoual rqieet.Latest catalogue iucluded- The Medico AgEncy, PBox 2,2. Termimal Q" Tronito, Ont. STAMP collectors send for free 1957, Stamp3- Guide and Discount book, Bondarook, 211 Calyer Street. Brook.- lyn 22, NewYok YOU CAN DEPEND0Oi9 Whjes kidoeys lalit nd wate s, Laek- 1 I lte, iredelin,, dube d -i, te t af a 1 Ce, wDdd'swý dey Filun stiA-r o DODGE1957 ln die. Post ten years, th e horse-power oý,f car engies ,ha glone up--and up--and up. It had to b-ecuethe car you drive today needs more power-for toglay'gý perfor-mance. So you can see that with a more powerfui engine there'ill h more den-lands on the oln systemr '-and more at stake if an ythipg goes wronig with $hat coOling systein. iii addition te 'the :Freeze-up,- protectiýon that aniti-.freeze gives yolu, your Car need t h e Comnplete protection that "k'u*tonic" BrandAniFeeprve, You see-, it's fot only frost that can stop st-r circulaing in yovr radiatior. Particles &T rust caii clog iýt--cor'sior2 can cause a pmpcap dleteriorate, "Prestoec," Brand Anti-.Freeze proteets again3st these rýislzs, too. Special inhibitors prevent rust and croggù-g, A unique Pa1ar Filin coats every prtof yoiur , ;ar's cooling systemý-eals it against CorrOSio)n and dvteritration. Aid -a special anti-foaraing ïingreiîenit makes sure the antî-frceze will noS foaeiomit of the top ef thto radiator. Your -car qboLuld have the protective powef 55restene"' Brand At-reeb sure you insist oni ft for troiible-free, Winter drivîng. IT'S TIME FOR "PIMIE'e GAS LIN1E ANTI,-FiEZE ,,,e Stop could weatfher saligdue PriJtl tco carbureloricking! Stop atartiasg ýe ailures due te frozen ïas 1linon! Buy Trie" as îneAnti- Feeze and Coniditioýer with. evr ankfull of gas. STUDEBAKER 1957 PROTE c TION ANTÎ-CORROS90N ;,f. C N ANTI-FOAPAIN 1 G 4NT;-r ANT 'T 4Cf>%RC) 9014 týRUST NATIýONAL CARBON COMPANY 115i1*Nce dosceLI tcsasus FoRsai PNII-57 e e i - . e -, ~ s N E SWINE ;-T l£ rep(cat business kiisud satsflced customersý that bas established us as the- largest Importers and breediers of Landrace Sw,ýiuiin Caniadar, We Irmor only top quallty anlimais. Severai loc Ilues te clioose from, Weanllngs, four month olds, siXK month old sows su4È boars, guaranteed in plg sOws, se-rvice- able boars, al from imported stocls for inimediate deilvery. Catalogue. FElIGUS LAINDRACE SWINE FARMq YFERGUS ONTAIRJG -ANOTHER importation just arrived 0çf top quality Landrace purchased from ecome 0f I e best Breeders lu Scoland. PrcsReasouable. Foir iediate cde- livery weallngs. four nioïth old sows* anld béjars, guaranteed lu, pig sows and rerviceable baa. Catalogue. TONRA STOCK FARM r. ,, HcIlland Centre, Outarlo TAXI DERMY DEEII, Nomse heads, B-Irdçs, Fxsh, moun--t- ecI; iotiproof. . Forty yas xet ence. W. Orruuby, Rtoute 2, Oýrilla, ont, AND RELIEVE RERVOUSEESI -0 -A T-MORROWI S! DCIN fblstokn acod Ugl directoslràr a s aWy ?o dccsl eîr qu' el . erves When tete. SEDIQ I '$, O lt",9 ISSUE 39 1951,I Moepowertul engines demand more powerful anti-f reeze N N N N s "PRESTONE" BRANO ANTI-FREEZE has aMl the protective powur your engîne needs <N Y - N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N. N s N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N 'N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s s N N N N N N 'N N s 'N N 4 "'r S s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N "N N N N N N N 'N -'r N N