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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1957, p. 1

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o V& av»b .3 I ~ o9@àA9 5' I 57 ~Subecripdon $1.5 per yem ONT.~ SF Ask Removal 0f Unsound Trees'i Trustees 'Seek Assisiancel Th.-e OrooüPolice Trustees onr ild uthority on. such removal-j-ýs. The Trustees felt thiat they coulid giveý Sales Arena To Open This Monday, Sept. 30 Oürome peeWees Advance' Enter Finals îf'itLangü'ou for e Ontar'lob haponé p the'.r, diis ion This faýces th lol club withr theenrfrmagdn wh (,i as, ofm co.Terln azssisance in the renioval CIfYtrees Work ba a beetu prgressing in the thon e uý... as ua '.Îmra- thiat were not safe but that -they rebuiling oY t.ah am Coýunty hil1itit PeeWee "clasýs as Thoria-1 coald not bear te fu-l! cost ofuting Sales Arena nich was tomi apart bil hîas a opatoýof over 100 .do)wntrees. teon Sunday evening, September 9thi Y a freak windstorm whhok just Mr1J.C' Gamey approachied the wsto the VillageofOoo Orono and Thornhill mere in the Traustees, on behiaîf of himseif adt idst- of a pla-d- seres whn'th and IVirs.lone Forrester, sceeiug an enror lgoaping -,as not)ed. Thor- agreement to use or buy a piece of Lin speaking MAith M. JwckRe,hm! jiad tus series une gape tA none Village pro,,pety west of te kenui Arenai, it w a ind that theSaeHwve t 0a be rid ot Lrr fo the purpmos f a well. TJae i. u_-onrad utoecat the Sale 1Orono now playý,s in the fnasfor i.te tesare Vo vete siter~ '.ocAeai eoenth:is comiing MoFn- ,Ontarioehnipouitp keeping in mmlid titat ab. some"îme in ay eeiaSptme Ohat 8.00. ï1he future the firehailiimay avit De extended. As wor>ws nt eeîve,,d lintil Nr. GaMey, representing the Oino The PS thportion of the buiingWdesa1igto tecanen defnit date has been set fer the MemoîalUommmte, p~i,~ne à 18s>eig rplacd Wotha nuw se>ton ftrsttgamle orrweterit, Wilbe na O)rono Police Tîfu.Sree'so'e h 'e~rir that of the for-mer Aren a suèden death serier or a twioSou A anaIcost of lgtn o te Im epting tatte 1rifvwillbesomý- three seieS. ~Ora1 when Ucompleted. The Cmi.,wa oer hsprino h aen it w-a.s undevrstood, wudpay al ap.- hic ,hUsed th'e lvstc as had ital costs i sai ngte lgh!n. obe entiel rehaut.For Mnday ~ishowever WAlotctaiht Mr. Dent pointed out titatitU wwdaleVt ofwl o h ulig-tue firAtgeswM be played tii .cost te Village 15,12 a year foruhowver it à is nt cted to hae Strday eier at Langow OrPaut a power fo" two150 wt pt irs edosand winows Inplace. pidwy point omewitc e rnMU% nmotion by S. B. Pute hd a m rute M.Mece as passedl assa;ýmîng lhe Aficp Lw of Menarme rushAg tne -cSt t'0f liitting the ýmoilnment , ntre,1 idu ao to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' exee mxmu wtag f 0 A. C. Fonreser péand out that Aev. BasiIl onp Mite east side of tanner,, had I washed out xwitit the rece.,V rains u a Sp ak r ti that esometiing shnttlid be doue ýIV was feit tFiar nothing perntanentl coeuld be depe titis year, however Vite *h Cunie Rend Department of te The Eveniing Auxiliary of the W.,ï secnl~ary was instuted tu inform. M.S. held teir imhr meeting il, wasout and have iV rppaired, The the Sunday skici auditorium 4itairman stated that both thVe east aMe of te Tannery Hill1 and Vie east Vice Presidenit Aima Mitchell corn- aide of te iili et Mra. Adns .situid mened Vde meigby readig a hav a ol cai>tt~tîe St9ud e apo n 5Prayr fiiwe by te sig- bav' e" arol eub vhic shuldhe rg' of a hyran "Wvhat a tIriead tva .pr' --for next year hv u aa. Thte Trusteesviwd the upstairs:Drn the buSinl*F, minluteswe room fIloor wihwas c-3eed ~sdralcl rsoddVo. Aim ahexuid be refinished . .5. B. Rutite-Cuttlgaea u-odaet ae~e' ford was authorized tVoiibtam repoan approxmpittaVcost of itaving Vt lorrpr. sanded and- refinfshed. R. C. Foires.- OliveMisogaearptrgrd ter wa.s to contact Lloyd TaylorVotate racipe bock and itoped it would ha_ ~have a load of fildurï:ped east 0ýf cîntpieted for Vi te Octother etig -ih2 sidewak néar te noito f Vt bpbuldn, opeetwtr fro, drain- iVWs cdecided Vo sosrabaiçe ing into theý ba ,ma&c thebuid-.1 sale on Saturday, O'ctoier 5th at 3 iag. It was poînted out tat w. oe on "clockià te Suaday Scaitolrcom, Vo idening ceite roa -tMr. Hil nsiihl l oncio ii it iso should be conipled titswekTreïdafenonte Orono Hortiulturai SocietY areais" Tith ertryr, ete ee preparinig a flowý,er bed in Vie V ofd ro Mrs. Reed CI Hamptonre- Vite road.questn'g biat te OronsAuxihary be Tihe sen etbry inforLn7ed Vite Borràl.e-q sponibWl for it e mrinL g wvrship Mhat te Pedlèar'nd Trans Trader's SeVcee Vt At a alyV be By-iaws had beau rie-drîntd end Vî-iat eid in Newcast I nied LCitu rcto as toe Trusteesharqed, would TiRrsday, Omtber 17. Rludea - uagaiabe presented Vo ite TwniipV1Ynas ift sonsbteVoarrangeý Couacilfor passiag. o itssr ice nîth Vt assaneo Il-,itecolrs oec nenur f was extecced to a i embers Vo at- certain ifr aiargadn ie tn lgaVes ep oî ted for Vie Village anduaesra s requestef by a afomte osessio were Drisioffti Young physician Who was cos ring ard lrDeEc prcie lte- rutse rze it HldTaI sggstd . 1 in man ass I r nvied h bero ra iesits id bmenrci seeking Vite VitaeVorar cr tain trees in Orno wicr ee on -idered uusounidaa daers.H aise poinited eut tiret Vie Trustees were 0 noV a Vte ostion Vocaxîy tire full f inan4i bur-den cfcutinidiw sucit tees uer did ire feel tiret Ih wa entirely titeir -Epniblt . M. Mal(rcear was f asierononbt iWwaver stated tirethVie Trusteesý sireuld jlookl after it. con wi',îial agreed. IV -'as pointed ,oth tireVe M4unicipal Ac, povte , iet ïi VIe ntit of Febr-uary, local Road Spr intendanýits, Talepirone Cxiiipanies anid HydroComisios of anl a "e a irldveiw te trees and agrele 0on ramoval cf Virse considered necesý- ,sary. On titis inf.mtin . R ublit- erferd , saci)r.ded b-)y 1HM. Mercerý, nuived titat te Oron olceTr-u:ýees offzr assistance luaio > f con- deaured Vneeýs a,,d assistane bu ogitalso fron-mtheVite i4ntien Coun- cil, Twhi CoelHydro Consy- misson mi TleposteGenpainy as tir 'n Pr Ir W,1. I.U. Kealize $U0,00Intermediates EnterFinals From BRake Sale The regular metýing cf the W.C. Against Durham Entry T.Uý'. was heqdat the hoe fMr W._ R. Rowe onTuesdaySepçember lia on attendarce of thIirty. aThe WO oIntermesiaeBsealAtc BrsAdB s Tlfhae meeiny pe 0 wit thh t e,, -he de-feat of Latta in two.1 Traced To fintoxication lloe ypae h wsnt tagtgaines, Th-e final serïes for-. ilrs. Robert Aliagave 'the wcrshipth Ontario Charnpinship is to be Wce then h a rîl aîlan a <ýtel-e w'îth Durham in a two out eof thzee Da h 'îdad t he becs get sa sheet. series. The firat glame wý,as ta be puey- hih" in the --al',ir.minntaro thait they 'sieet 0fin,-, urham on WedCfnesdaIy Vwth the Crash druukenly into wnowbrick After the meetinig ciose, a homesrndgm i nn at thzak asanIa isieJd t injury or miade cook.n-ýIg Sale ýws held, as lah which a cUp of tea and eandwi and cookies were enjoyed. 'he yuestion isnaîsed by Lidsay rctForester N. A. do, ofe Prcesamounited to thirty, 'Ontarjo LandsadFr&aD and Fong e ~j- With Showt On Moday eemngof titis W The sain iigroonm v tas Vefuiy deeoae i hpn' whtvsrams adgail Rit, wio wstknomltl I -~ t.,i ~ d ýreiqlv foi,~ (z Lies tlreseatewit5 a large basketf11 renio A. eoverflcowiugl9wiith"ntmary lusafl vnng ,%uxîlîary w RdsPitaVha.nked :tii Viroe pee A delci>cus xuncî ,'- wtas 'varýy ejyable eveninig eajoyedl by P, Hi-Teens Aga-in ALtumn -lTour Vot,-) V .fa"! lor and invite ýo-rne of te senio>r citizens of our village Vo accompoany us-3 ad nLjay thie3ebauyposrgh Our own Onmnt.Wttn Olive millson ,wiLed aI ng acs ndtlheo)rie's on. ghts', fa0lshuffies'and ott-. ,ird and .býee evir t Vo steîionly from Voo mch ~taiV ~wVhfernrented fruits 3alad "Graz! flights of grouse or part-S "intite fali" he sayyS, Adone ~isnthmA t s ciosely associaed -te a'Fainhffe' of yocng bîrds. 'it5uffle' consis. o ýf thoireffrt maving puhe covey Vo spread ou, ~cie gratsocial and emo-tioal I a elbe the esau-se of so e'cazy~ .seeco-nd teor s5thnait the fi'st, Sin te ýfeu tend. V) sour ima,-y ie wil fuisand itrri i nwichd fed gobsefeed. Tite- fr-aitjuices ia thouhit Vo fement, and beccome in~- i toxcatiu , thus causing ite ýcra7y~ fhights. "Tite -sante Vype o3f rneaV aýffect tiectar lina ýomc flowees Searly feIL¶ We have Gbeecived ýe0fioey bacs ftaiiRing froim cedloonaMs in g'rea, dis3Order« e È~ hey buzzed riul ated as if sufferlrq-, f romrcom-~ be Packed and 'sentVtaMinss Ventham onSatudanigit t (onttSedOnpge w ;itosoka te Lis a-, our ~acrme-Teena staged anotherhtty-tkn wVeruVooa. ing and o>fJfered rny iSuggrsestosdac.AithtotgitViera %vis anol h fmtin he rerquirec andicoulid bu tJse- denýce- ii or, 3te aml-e igirh g SipontUd1d at crowded. Vinete top oftue fAh iras-a AeeMeCGiHland Barbare armncssof pop wktit21 bottes lune0,in Vitebotho"';ifof te fifVit coveoiso irS ti-fan Ctlznsiip eresod wiicit Makes a total oSie score wa.s aJgiP Vief et à. and Temperanca cereailaecharge of Vie meeting. TMe woship servi.ce w;as W Ve were sort-ry Vo hear haV vino went out in frontinMte codctdbyKtlenRenycomn-Brov wS Sicitan"d couidn'Vmkeît r e Rbi Riino A&e mencbg by inggof a hyimn "Yi dance. We reaily missed you CIO irst on au eirror by, LaVV's iorso noV V tempV fî,' ilowed by reý_ad-pon iugaayo ittgcdoe pe(hrlsAnson olwe jha i ,g cfa poont. S-'-cziptre was seieced Titesast wishýes and gieV well itît and Rai tir Wst wit e front ite first citapter cf'Dael and we hope Voesee you et our n-X't dea s. oi obno adA Iread by Bar~bant Carman. Adèl hi, Plans are Vo be drawn up for M.-- Kin ragsoe teato a i GUi cloýed ite--wrship service witit dance ttiys Fridey nîiht t AnnB-t' e gvig p egl ý oto taif cf Vt ittê prayer. pose, eam m1-actVcrDasmur rnumber off ut itei eo oe ru. osait Kbu oe ieriDoug LyceVNeil Barrabal and UStits. hegnte as no iat , "eofaSet- Vt edfVre %lsstit ajstoda 8a KatheenReiey avemy worh- .i Gantsity suppiied te nmusi udya fra iellswr o-Vt Temperence Sit ed ruDouhyl!g aetenpian oniion V iteduas ls n itecuet pinos, c fsieeos 'l rni u percent cf Vitecar accidensare cea- ittNeM nbiigata paed cerne vtith Vite baS IoaeduP e rmite eA by intcaed dîlvers.The large popular singing imusin..Nei Pur-'tLattm kaAU nori tad inite1ris it eitit Wesî iad , lefoi- nubrOfalo11is =remaEsnt cirased a pck-up amputfer for irisMfirfane acuan errorsiyCow'~lweb es n Wesi, % anc Camai horas The Liquor industrySite only gaitr wiicimalres hi mch louder Arm:,stong on itiidalloed a auVooo sit itbadPounaLked VWadVieases. busnes hatwii oV liw tsem- and more cleal- Doug and Neil lsoco n l VteViùrdOrno tied Vie n i-ala Vie bottontofVtni ntitaus- ployes V wok - if Vhey are usîagisangr fewppularinunibersaboscore when Dean t W s etcVo fis tmeai Prea ir.s eWch e Stedl in ite pr-oduit hey Whendia.Vis oneofAwtitVieir payn h Otyes! amVfor-un a wk. Titis was fohiowed bya asnl en nigVt ia Vite ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , fe uîessV u u r-gVJ A LAlre.Site acoirnid Ptby Cuara Cnis au a'îd an errer scor V 84 orVce o oys duct tirt does noV say"use Utet our ilso te guitar.Yon umo ii __________________________________ girl aasigVo. ir re ly anYoushood e r Jo andM KathleenCheme ttan-y#l ilo dNeShrois 'o dM" i wit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ae% à oo eBeifulbfoemoguiryl u itM.w A'dule pMeGUii eed of Rev Long,l Orono Hydro Commbisonmatpa-ss- spoke on farily ilfEe vwltlcir irte ex- ing ~ l acon ci ie anrunt of $843,5 presed cas anapeeneofitrg 2,itdîrleeazs -ebanir balane of, lu love and udrtado.Frequenti $d8040Inluded a ir e eccoittts e ge ot Vie -most importan itings wvas Vite sigle py idcfoner $1400. t lu life, for todaýy inthViehottirel for Vie penson plan for th iraaagerie g'reet iaeed for te Churcir wirea 'v Titis lpymntinludef past service 'entertt te h-- owt îpa anG d d adj ust asand petinsfronthVie go ont ilV te comtunitY and MUSep muntitoaIApil wrntirepesoj eoshit wvent iteforce. MnVtypyet by VieCommission for tire panwlll r. Lnglaft witi V gf-eup ranay be approximatly $30O. 0.ýriý , ihits wiricit cen be ap- Tiere ana.ger reportad eea a pidV vrda 1r services laintire Village,coratr o- etnngte ,primary lina dowu výA dee -Olexpressed lier thalnk3 Genbrý Street ex-copt for, a few b. u u-,and apeppraciati5a Vo Mr, LongfohirsI work aid te nearing' of Vi-u re ot~iIiOOttlmsae pletion cf Vite naw linae on tesui of Coit Hill, Haeasereperted on e -Tire-nracting dos«ed by l'ltg ire convent'ion irefLd- l eei(orc 1tBeitedicbton. Lunch m'as se an td a w ti ie pDart aIi.socialtite ac yd A dehciouslWnh Mc eeèm cas"ý >'P< f n '- o o 'Jc. e si-on The door prise of a plsi GnTesy. cobrste ewa exniv gftne f cloties basket was swon by busluess sOisVierono businessfo, bti iea adwoenc wee we a ysIection wiMr Vie Opening of e Jeweli-glassware and siverware. ' were givn awey.ery and ift store by 2rW Fank "wAH femmue Lorie wawcme So a good ime was had by Il MacKaye. Tire doars ,vill Open VVtemondrings.CompletiugVi Aýt teOroila Oddfeliosv's Hall. public et 13 l itateron he e)f marchanise ilire a ïfa Jint Gamaýby Jeweiilery and iV'V Store, ldnbby's w - ~ Vie Mcaaze biciron Vte est ide M r.Mecaye wijli carry ofVie businessecton, is,va e Mr.,wa Mmdok n Jwelr 0113 Field Day, M'lay Vite frrstý store cf its typje Vo opnla fo iesoeadVn te Village oyf Oronýo and wiHi provide bakd te-yxyasý ThisFrIdey afteiron teOrono Vo patrons a walcme service. anie. Tie oner x fonerlj Ilgr iiolwifl bioîd their annuelý,1 ui h re wn T-akandi Fleld Meet -witi te stu- Tire store h-as been exteasivey a Jeer and -Gîf Suore dentsal a*Vling pait in therni- renoveted ani redecorated, piacing brig ,i-dge . er~t aensjit iu a toýp tcatego-ry l irhe 1bus nz-ess Mhe actilvitias 'WiCbu iteM in th section aad a[s-oe greet asset o ft. As a ge-acquaillted Offer Oreneo Fuir groiuds ccNnencngshcwc~ase-3, s-helvii),g and ýouin- being 'offered during te i 110:00 o'îe in tire seorur- ers have 'beea insta--iled and Vs<eflyiyLcVoder, a discouintcf tVan p- PlanVo tten tiis aentla Vte'coleured l iu rnýj, light green adjVire purcitase of articl1es f VPlan YetfOoted 'watcevei Vi t ,Vu- aturel.sta)re. Aise Vierea k Vite VilgIî Ooo i te 3 cuipetiti-on flor afreLo CASt campete. On dLapiay for oeping day w ,iUl be Waccir. 1ist ï-he store ane dia x onnii ýlf exp ris s- s 7- s' 's N e s- E 's 's s r e N s N s '-t t-' b s- s s s 't t' "t 's s- -s s 5' 5' 5' 5' -'r k t- .

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