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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1957, p. 2

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OROO 'ýl L TIMES TIfURSflAY, $EPTEMBE~R 26th. Expýýct s, l rho~ '~ ~owooni l' t fihe Village, h-, gresin~ favu~allydur. buligwih owbe Opel Atre lit The J2r DinOurI ShwWindowv ReitrTodyl r'i. and Mrs. T. Ga'xibutt and Keitli r!br«>ik spent the weekenld tt q. summ111er home here. 5r. anid Mrs. Mafott of Oshiawa ed Mrs. L. Thiornie and Mrs. A.1 Wednesday. 300In Je NeIIery Taken Fîom Art liooper's Seor. k a enter your catiAJr store Orolno, High Schooi is now, used as a mnass study roomr and titis ncsiae h purchase of study desks and chairs by the Board At a sumi around $1500. l'he lljbrary at the sehool is also in use as a classwoonduningcertin per-iodsý. Mr. Diýppeil aise recquested further part-timetacig sisac tohnhetreoda ttendnce tthe scolwhich was giranted b h Board. sulitrase filled u-ftlh $2000 mwortl INO discussion omdonM.Dp jeuwelle ry and appfianUes ,as pell's note of need, for frhra~m dJ Iinthe trunIk of an ovýer-turned mOotoY n te verl near fonre, -ibout oen ile west of ýowma'n-, ofHighway "-No. 2, e;yTus- Thle MilIlbrook andOroshos after omavietemcn earady rowded aoetheoret'ical ,le fired thr-ee shoIlts ata ar pct.TIre iicrease inMlloo ding fropu the sene of Mhe bqu-ibhs year was eighteen. Orono's enrol- simet lias advanced toi to a total of ightConcahe Lonad Hatle, net-eiht.Port IHope's erbmn ~va main hi rund ataprox avanedto 490 whmiich has a aGIrool)f n1allig is t ;"prox ,capac'ity of 610l. ~ey2:30 a.11. vwhen hleher the la if ha , in KiopersoJeweleIy TheDistict HWgh School Area is Gift Sop t 2 Kig Sree wet1experiencing the saine growing paiii5 artley saw ïa man rmung fei -xvic ae trouibiling B ardsll ver2 rear of the store, and chased him Nor-tili America. The real surge c)f 4 lane runnig aion-g the wesýt s-;Ie 1setondarv enrolment has yen to hit lie store. Ln the lane lie mas ai- the Higirý Sciýoois. t knocked douwn by a speeding Clievrelet. He fired tlhree shots he~~~~ heintibckdoor which last lei car "vas found ahanldoned anda roomi at the rear of the store. turn11ed mIinUtes la1ter ilaia ditcli, Reachînig hroughthtle orthe bur- ta -e neiens ofBomavlegr opened tlie Yaletype look and Maile Grone.;A large, leatherwaiýtked la. After the roenms menil- nue, stuffed Wtli jewellery and oicaily cleaned euLt lie rmvdthe aincesý taken ro the store was hinges fromi one oftw dosleig it a Ie tr-unk of the car. At thel te the front cf the store 'but, during ni of , the v alise a, numiber of the operatio he acîdentysude tool.s were Jfound. the- hurglax alarii. down gites huIoopei, 3,portro ore gave a version jofIthe bek brarentered by diln Sheet M-etal W ork Warmi Air He-ating Air ConditioningýI Plulmbing Fixtures Pip)e and Fittings Ctngand Thireading, Fire Extinu--tishers Selkirk ýChimneys B-il Paints and Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Tihlef te datie has ne benap tur-ed and tlie search rias<xteddtO ror-onite. JM4ioher Hen Loses Brood or Low Cost Heating THEH UAL FUR aloburnzs Ceai or Wot'Id NO A)J'USTIMEN"TS NCESA PlusAIR CONDITIONING CONTACT rce FREE ESTI-MÂTES TYICN E Phone MA.r 3-240 PLUMFLNG HEATING EAYE~TROUGRI~G - FARM EQUIPMENT t In The Chicken Industryl Over 1-the ps 50 yeaî s the pouîtry acc,,om-panîed by îiproved -- ations1 Ia industry lias dev-eioped fromi the smaîî led to muclIgraefedficnc famfllock, hatclied ail brooded by for eg;g produc-jtion1. Many fockcsno mther heni, te the lrecmeca requýire oniy abott4-.5 pounids o)f feed flok,( aIs we kno,ýw it today ýTln i d per dozen egs lres onfly a shor-t develýopmenýt would have oeen impos- dead go 7 pounds oJef feîýed e re-sdbl wit oconinIuons poîtryle- quired. sear1,say T.M.LAlntrSno Nut<tion½t, Experirnental Farm 'l'lhepotyinutyh mle ahcnd 1 Ab0ou:t 1910 the y ail nas wa0se he kaveg aala to e d ingi ý, had ci eas,;ed. l Abeut t!le samne period vtris~ were dîs~overd p Ini'e p s- j sili'e te rai e cic -,ste Iyear ro li tu,',1,11ýt 1g'a i- H oc e rl' l at'ons laTe>ýgg and Imeat prodjuctioncke P ic w hi as followed hy ty ice dev-elopm!ent f me:i uii e-Menda'y Sept mher 301h h:îds. T 0dayý ý'S Uex7t ensiveb(2 1). dust.rryis bsdOn h1gliy eff iýI)nt mieat sin.Feed conrin liasla- edne; yp toe n creaed romabot 4pounids offee per1i pound (of ginte less than 25 sa.toe ý poGuMds of feed per-pOun f gin nii ~ a tie end is neot yet in sigl. [3 riIU V ober '41h i The developrment of eg i a y ijing g strains lias led te greatiit\ ncreasecd Al Practices From f prOduof ,ton se that yearly!, flock; av- erages of25 egs per lien are ,iol,,1>1 6:0to 8:00 p~. . commn, Tns i eaed rducto01 ,, i INT PUR CODITIONER Orono Ont. -9Mphone 143 and examine a ew Mf ef eatres sme exclusive, *cfaihave mede F I S D i A Y thse uf tLeusan4 since 1860: * Atracive tw-toe bkedenam-el casing that lits intýo any colorshme-fully- vsealed Nwith solid steelý bottomi, to keep, basemnent dust from- circulat- in,, th-rouýghouit the house. i* ýhe extrahein surface and long fire travel of tewraparound r7adiator desigrn of heat exchanger tht keeps fuel costs to a innium. L q/ The Copper Bearing Steel that resists corrosion, ig longer life. e CombustiLon Chamiber of special alloy mietal that respomnds queickly and absorbs fiamne noise - for wisýper-quie-, trouble-free operation. instQali FINDLAY7, and en':iy the be-st, t.4 finest in modern 7 î4 < perative Building Taking Shape Diatrîct High 8chools Crowded To Be Open Sornetime In December1 Need For Accommodation Mii, rngthe m-onth of De!emiber.IlmlA IIt Hri ae dore fihe il "'y the Dur- The Duria nt membnershp Co-Needfor frthseaccoodatin fo Co-operative op, supported by its mries Ipufo rtr ns been pro- three hundred and f ifty- fainers, 11gbSehool students mwas made evi- E-et eman Harris, 47-yetir-oid the pastkeand DMri Wiln Geairyceniehome from d e nt at 1last week's meeting of Durham farmer oi ahg ted tht theTown~hp's, ndertok thi pjethe hospLýilon WedneJay hist '-leCounty District Hîi-h Scool Board nwoao -tg chtL, ohips frein lak and Darlgtýnth feig\e-1a Ut,-sLd nObwipee lied Fsom-etimne this year at an estimated cçst of snofelgvey well andc we hope wvhn tw prineipals, reported the at bForüittsLtdae . inOsaa, aon ar _____ $69,000O.00. The pr.Sent miii, south of lie -wili soon be feeling etrrspcieshchaoddal~tt eioegsrgteR. . Bawuter udgoin a v-he Village, had heeomne outdited to Mris. L. Thorne was taken te Bowý- capaity. cah1 are iiwul onigOa handie the volume of business ýwhich mlanville Hospfital on MondayI has ountted each year and wxhichî is IM r. L Dippeli, principal ofte i Wospadord the cs expected to grewý\ in the future. The M'j a Ms.OvlZaanpn emnvi.le High School adVised the for four -weeks in the absýenc'ç f 1r ne w mil, l ca ed ort of Or no n t O m all sons we e S unday guel(st s B oard to consider the m ss! o r s a wý yer, T er ancw e V e l , o the Couties D)evelop)ment road, has 0fMs .Lxn rae comoaini h eyOhiawowas aPp_-earing in Ce,- j been depsigned to carry thle inciease in Mr.Jc îha ensaignear fuiturýe. The BowmanileScoo bour~g 0on another c(ase. 'J business anid aise te haýndie future M i-s. aeNea in s Oron o o ieIerlen nrae hsya y Van Laere, aso47, was wounded J gowt. Icluedla he laningofof iek:tmre thian 130 students which was be-lon bs Darlingto farm l, ast Friday the buildling aie provisions of floor I yend ahi expectation. Rooms are be- adlae an dspaysp einorerthat ser- Mrand Mr-s. Gog lrespeningedi n h cola lsrosabove tehad his right ieg ampubated i knee la y pace nemergencLiyn-op- *e cmmýi u t enedteth f te-_ espent the a weekendnekne n ntnereny p ces ay e exendd tothefarin~g the weekend ant thie-ir smne homne wili were not initended1 for class-erton here. rinsi. Another ýomîparable increase and__rs AecThmponofini 19658 would make tihestuio at nnd Ms. Aec Tompsn ofBowmanviile hopeless and impossib!le - ts iýpnt Kedal. nwith their A I ,emDaemi~ inmendl auioîmi ainwîîvu te Advertise %d N I m l %O TI N8OP ?bMIL 18 0",.,nt. 1 - 0 1 llý/ 1 1

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