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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1957, p. 1

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OI~O, ON' Subseription $1.50 per yi, S aîicfng B e.a'i Jump - Carol (ir5.,t, MadUon Ai e, Carol Yeo. Basketbai Throw-Janet Stî-eef- kerk, Jeca Ailti ed, Site Bo5ter. Bat-e oa~ Titre-s - Matialon Allen, Jare Kîcx.Ea bita Anu Ailtireti. ua e e 2 secondsfce-tise 220 ardItWdit B eus 12 feetanth0 havnWOr C hiy Jnt Pte-MartE,,,e 16i puntishotpu 5 et y l dil.HuGae Long. Discu WayneBaliya Ache Mar Long swth 17 pois. tIse enior divis iErcCneon aven as aNo ie is lsear ise -Cas wo oiovei vib17.pins MoilaAilin wtb Il pit -sts championusnir girt ai ,ii-idplace aie a olos Senlior Boy- 220 1yd DasS EnicCai-oM- aShall 1 1east. Diti .ýRuh iy . Pole Vck uthEre Crfo'de Chap- -jus ý,-a y , t.e-i. y Suc, 84st Put-iPhil Le-, <ass 1Xeast, Anidy Sui-ch. Higis ;hJuip-EiicCai-oAd -SuVch, BobIiak Hep, tep m Juîp PetreMer ts, Wy eB ly AeVGe L, cett, lent Wtni-er, Intarmetilate Girls Higis Juînp-Joau Aile t, I e-mg, Joan Mutisarfosti, Di5cn5-~Joan Rutherforti, Tyrrail, Dos-la Lai og. Doris Connie Doris La,-ig c. ne Tyreli Joan Htharfr)Y BeisaiTs -DrD anCn lHop, Step anti Jump-Enic Carie- HCl Jm-Jn reen, Don 'Dan-. toa-,Dave Iiacis, Pick Rutherford. j hu,)ug UBarnabail. î/-rmile Race-DIave Imîs-ci, Mar-! 'Jsu-e-e aiew, Tan-ry Carl- -s-bail Keasi-, Carl Rainey. Senior CGirls Hi-g Jup-JozîaHarris, lon Ai-lan, Joan Alled, Made- Discus-îUalen Hance-ck, Mrln iGraiant, Jane Kae->x, Ruaning »raad Jumpnï-SulePotr 'Carol Grait, Marlena Grasant. ai-on, BbLws 22b yd. Daslis-,Du9 Marinl,Bh LeiTerry Carileten. Merle G ba, 7uviaFt n. (Continueti on papa 3k) Dan-1 Mr. J. C. Gamey Honoured By Durham Centrial Society! Last weekmn--lv iet-sa long witb i-heir ,vives efi-la urbantII Central Algqiilt,--t!a Siocipety ps-d tr-ibute to iheunsce-rM- :C G-ameyT, for nnyyeara ivau nos-ice i-otise Society. Tise eatg -was nl la liti i rsdaky evenýing l tiha basemn a f tise T hpH-al,' ~Ofno, anti was- e-nssý,ludiedwtba: soeal be-un antilunchi. Tise p-esentation ef anil eec-nic; îlsaver was mada te Mr. Gamney byl M -. U.L.Hc.oey. -Mr. C. W. BilIingms, preslient of tise Sockiy apeke£ a f ewý w"Ords aiqn-assag tise appreciaion thp be-diretr. for tise îmornentous work heing doama hy tiesaecntary., Hie pinite ut ihat Mn. Ganiey iadi hbeldthi pùsUi-an iththi-e Agnitul-! tu7walBSociety for Whepas-t twenty-flvej Durtigthi pricd Mr. lGaiina ýias ,!ve untiin afforts towa-tis tbe pr;rofit'e-ni of thse Fair ai0rono.1 Mr, Ernast Dent stpeadts IS caay w- n popoailcfe-pFeningv i-e ming oa ati eapecthall-y tt l-setn ai-i-bp notih-atesi- ereas al- camping sec on for ans a i-i hi- w-s bis isougItieilii shanerevenuel asof ri' eacnmgand d axe 'in- cuer ftine ouiiag. Mn.wDenytc-aia than oti have Iliitelasue i-ha ant Wivh bhi setupt ivaila i-lissibli- i-y eof f te-ing-is pto roîp-e-sat n -ear tu. Gatayrebipardii-an vxu meis ome y'ean antidi-btts. lnn craeftioiws Shee- iof a bei-ien amaten was tiapeMge-f aIltisa Intersehoo Trac wis, :1 ared aiýre w1hich ai-I anjoyeti. Mrs. F. Boeten reatdaartuicle frot tie Agst nun- ber of tisaReatas Dyigestun Japan. lit l-sig Mrs. Salisreand a heautîul poa .Hymn No). 2" 'lod y the heniediction. pont of tise OitriEg Protinesi Co-eoperaitive. Processors mus-t secure hogs originlating fron t tese counties ealy at tise Co--perîativeýs assembly1- Mr.- Melninis -ai tisai-tise 3eg Marketing Board riipes tisai- one ti be-g tiirectional pcog'ra-m bas ýbeant ex-i tendeti to ail parts off Ontaioi, tise current twfalirend of Ontario begprices foileowinig thse moveai - Cisicago and Western Canada pie behthabraketi. "Once tise marketing agancy bas, futli cei-roi e-f ail Ontarîo isogs," seý Saiti, "tise Be-ard is dei-ermined te pre- vetsharp pnice trp in aýIiicpationi of siaal surplus m-an-kets. Tisemak Cs etMgag ngec lïfrnlyoftise opinion Sopa nank ttie omarketing aec Diurham iTies Series With Wednesday Win' Tisa -seconmd garne of tisa final OBA "'P-rias tatea ronem-kanti Dur,,bisa waa i-ayed la Durlim onWda- >day- a-ernoo)n ~ibD-orsa i-taiag i-bhe ganse 1---7. This new i-es i-lie serîes a-te-ne-gine apiaca andti m cisapiensiip-yýt i-o ha daeciiedo. Tisaf isrdanti final gaTne ,f i-be ýsaies is te- ha playetila rDurhamnt is ýSaturday aîfterinoon wisen tise champ- ions-p waud hadeclareti. starLt at 4:00> 'ctock stýandard tîiei never go't underway uni] 4:35 due to the iack cd Dur-ham ni es Orono) lacked pthn depth for~ the game as }her regaliI Keth IWestl was ha'-Ving tr)uible finiding the qlarký anld lild-ing the Dcïrhai bher o, Fither, V(eam p~Iay 1a zkn aUyloengst the fplyers Vo give tlieir bet a1ffêrtfur thie -me Duirham had ta cnef rcin bÀhndi (Contiaued om, pge e3" Lai- ha, fuit-b Rae Ws-doehomlel ionr antteirsi- on afiltarschoîýca This brougisi tisa scoee eI-O Five ruas wene scor-etI lai-ha fiftis Cisarles Armnstrong,, Keitis West, Hon, West anti Carmian Cornisis, Durhamt rons wwhsale-wet Gond Lweyanti Dean WXest ta reýcis fil- safely, beu e fr ùdat Nvaîb '-li bie picei n ie ii fooinsm2 Lights have been laistaileti t> ati. At VhLeise eeti-ng )I onM-na 1 dtiedtite-,ask ailOoooratz- tions te) take part la tise unveîlin,-gamt dedication. Orono PeeWees Lose 6-1 To ,Langton, Play Here Seturday Tise Orone Pea Wee Bseiiteainr suffe-reti a set hac!k Saturday wa ti-bey leceati siting power anti were, ILfeatedi 6-1 by Langton la the firsi- gante cf tise final sanies fo)r i-ha ciamiesiipcroîwn,-. Tise ga-me was playet inlaLaisg-on. Tisa second gantýe uf tise sanies will hapiaytii -Or-noC shar, Te lclnoatns --i aei te mini-is ga be)-oStay ilatishe, i-ha~~ wnn gi-igup olyee itt Onono ant ieaawalk. Ha s-ruck eut aigisi -Orono atas.Tise rhirgia iit menti te aipi Kenniedly. Cee-'s tcbarn ai pace raibufflati ie -ha Orno-at tans et tintes. Tanny -Cariaien 'wa i-be si-arting, pi--har frî-Ononegiving uo four bits anti savea walks ila.i-bree andi e bs-f, inninga --,ýf pltcbing. Wayne .À,,Kennady' cýame la for relief anti gave upaona! hi- iin tise emaintier of tise ganta andi two wis Ha teek sixstik- is Two waliks la a ne-w ai-en-g witis a s-bort thnow front sortaLiomiena rual te score fer Langi-on in i-hafiri-.t la tise secon)id Lan-te agalaqinscorati a single wisaa two wal'ks ware, foiiow- by a singlie kit. No Scornag for ai-ber. la tisai-irdframta. Langi-n ralliedo four ruas ini-be four-h wthen Tas-ny Car'.iai-on ave up ia sinigle te tisa finsi-' bai-i-r andt leadeti tisa bases wibis -wu waiks. A single ai an arral; i-ird Mlowed two Kennedy cmen Vopîteis for tOe anti afLeýr si-kig nti-e fýst batt3r hfaceti, t~second ater it a~ sngedeep ihto- iýgisi- fielatibe s)"nitieet.ri- uns. Pis eiIde t-'e scnn o anio sWyne wsable t se 'w efot cisel Larmy Milir socei aftet-geing i-n firt on a xas, He spuoe Mathse- coud anstiuhrti antisonne on a abri- bic hyTervy Carleen- neititi (anti ail wr oie esy grounders or litie pop fides. Only iive bnn atters raached fIr-t hase. Buzzy Mercer mýatie aspcaur ctbch la righit fii d wiseiien ran frot- entre te snag a Diy baa before tak.- ina on-esaxi.Wayne Kneyait& Craig Hind sisareti Vie caxet dutes. Lunnr's Hardw-are funancec tie daî- ner fr tise Orona boys fer xxhich th4f tien. -Onono lineup: Way le Kennedy>, would lk e te ýpues thein aîdprcia- cac;TryCarleton, piteis; Craig HilM, isi-; VWayn iie Kenjiedty 2ii4; Gbaries PRaid, âSrd; Larny Miller , B3arry Hobst ; Buz.zy Mrecf; Airnoldi Wallbae r f aio Gýamey Lï.- cati- aiternata r L Y.- o rack And Fie'd Meet ual Thi Fidy tentatfee~~ he~ \~Smetig1asIli Firu;tt Garuï ,e 0f FidalÎS -su Ed ee a 001e.Tie ret s~chrg u tele absence of the Pres-Jouct On eised within eOt-oo rmtrn y itWaea deuhl-,Final basrEu been arrann3 by tlacurp cf tSur 1FA ltheiwonthfirs, game op tise The c Se ngant enw-- playedin is xpelet t tequie een Th meH L opnedwih qietmu-chmpbnshp inas b a coe c)[ ucàm dasdaeatefoo IrI Trephes aie beng tuplie for wit Mrs.M. I. Staies t tie 13o. listise a!nte, Laye,ýd with Dr-i Dramsoudwutisgn h bhap:n thets ndfo oterer- pno ant 1t1te ll a rk,, ise Orono t4nal anti deri din 1jg feur wilh ent ftseinteiuS1h lmeet. oy dot e out eleven hits fr>ýoint tepa i uhm on auiy Gpe niag 1ce eis wl b eltiia, Mr.lano took the wersbiïp sr ffrn of Cp l he los gpthr ~ n rot f hegrndtndat vceepnig ih wevese c HmaTievito-ygae heloas dciet N wasl 11e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~M OrncarG-ud bieteN.20"laataety Curt eig n the tu ou o nresellesý.DUIeS iree labeig bl'.Th~c~a-taitsaboe," oliwedby shrt rayr. n orevie-tory iplacesOie-oa ise mii ard bfoeth s d t top in the Intemiate '"" group tor ~ ~ 4 fitesaxa oar f E lna- a< 2: verus 14Taking as her oniLo paytigelodi ba i otNastle's buaie-swsacionAisca- tonwil betheoffolaltefrce thme,"Ucnfor the h ionour eýf the ch dciei ns(oeent ever tha tieing es expandwith th WddionS Th e T rraciad lu et thisj ýF ii-Vl. llack gave ns a fieofsecAiweii gntes. Numons selea ohe r stoce to Iloward Toane, daymars iefrt iuku oi ~sae iosiug wLo ivuilhpîaer ad baesatvacret oroeu rouners i ea Io te -- aransi dry gecs epart- ne tt e s hoos. lun N.4 Ofi a t'ound u-w.< gpesainau! acupled jtb mnt.'TieStore, rntly acatei by - gue ta smg, uiy Great Redemer's goDaitting the lec01lcl)bouif- oine Jhsn hhemvdit wne c hepoteas ofa victory dpeesyrenovatectandti ieady ta A ~s ewFrnchse Ms.R. AU:i conduteti the busin- open îias teLde'Rai ewa l"e fca est atc h netv.TsemntsKiths est was thee winuîug pantidrygeetis Shop, of h ias eeting r reatcrii and ap--chrgrxing uiij îlyfîve hat ie Tefre ais ed ewa DadGenLun Tap ortY,,o , or- provti n!the -ili caî aendshonw- mr isgceGný1er - ono hav e e spn-etiS their buesi a gc isghteen ladies m lrese n n hr ii n in s i e k a s a t th-e so a o'v q n etd jt saeet ike-outs na aeupoiyon e en'c-ofn ho hr xxit heprcae ffutse faa-t cls ai-gbenmaie hi asx ak R~ ws iensunit>îtn enpet otit-efneusanibes chsexhihha eirgt ter 'olwa ieî u aITî-cfeasre sreornu e- Leur wris eecucd w dubi l oýthLingma: e praastiteorti ng wîll be heU on Friday eig, Tho renevaîing t-! th".hos ts chocu icluded three frarchesfuor u etspeaker. mations asre being Da1 ieesreng headed tc bab- un anccn b me!n L.iresa sction w; trukîn. Thmee frachises include sent te Iawtonville, Newcastle, si? . tngeawciage of teegante ivtth ais xesi a onding e-UtLtne leal ise-fr -aîceuse peristukig ouef idvdualS-AviursLeskaîd anti Kiby ladie thee:- îiaga .0avereage. ngfclies and frnt cmnedistr ict t nyT t Rî iî a tfirst 11inning Oooso~dPa eiain0 Part oufOntar i meisa"B" isa lvw- e aerm c tm DanWstmlkai Ca aiîntcalo ntornl111and.afternoonesession, Carl U.S.A. -oLowi ha arrnd foitoewbn eCrihe-r oiefI NOerlberi otk I bit a doble i o rigbt ield.Twe fuitr- Forke t tseexenio ef ra-'du brcuts came in thse second ftia T&oftela carnge of erecti chie a te ddiio efa Pracer 3-m. Staples, speaking of Our sniitieg itsoaduble - t s a mnii h ei fts tralorVrck hicows anse seureds tiy boock on ja pani, gave us wse c -Dn eteOatcainl t Da VlameoMnddrsay cevenits -D fru V.Vne i %eaAllia, la eeshg itemnsandi aIsecon Wemst. smaon ntiMencer scoreCia t~eeeaTs ts ,-s a er 1 t atv osueSl-ion tie 'o aras. 13- 1- 1 - , Tis !res atiet n Bi 1aeo u rsaoe is Bus Tannant Transport, waned ni- perataiby Don anti Gleaathlie previou l . ss""licen-Isa andi have beau givan fraigisi-service he- txvaen Toro-to anti Orno. This was pcuchaset a nuashe of yeans a go Ilsg Prqducers Direct Shipcot lu 5SMoe.Couties in anl effort 'e brake tise prceseint deýw-viar.dtre-, ntilabeg picstise Oi-a-ilo Hag Producars Co-oparaitive, is Speedln-g up ts Isog directionrai pro- gaCharles Melnnis, p)residert ef the Co-.oparaiive aninounceti iast week, Mn. iMelnals saiti that ai- a mepetingl ef tise diîrectors oýf tise Hog MUarketing Boaýurd anti tise Ce-o-paiive heli ne- cantl-y, new a rtiers have been passý,ed extaadin-gi-be hog diractional pri-o- gram l -te filva more ceunties big thg i-atoi-a-lxathr f ce-ulnticlesiun The fmur new ceuties te hbreugis Mner the directienal progearinara f tihars eceuni-estote is aasamnbly 't 't s- -t- -t- t-' -4- -4 't s- -t- -t- 't -t Si -s' 't ---t s 't -s- t-- N t-,- 't St- -t t-' -a 't t-s s -s SI 't- t' t-o -'t 't -s- s t- s s- -s- '-i -t- -4 '-S --S --s t-s -S' --SI -t t-s i. N 54 -s t, -1~ 't 't -N 1: 't i-t '-t -t s -t '5 St s --t --s -t- -t N -s -t s i-t t,- -t s- -t s, -t -t -t -t. St s s. -t s. 'k -t t- -t. N s. N -s 1' s1~ ni Ert, aýGlY For Orm-10

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