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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1957, p. 5

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NO (OUTSIDE PUPILS IPA JWçad ireMr. Donald uca ad a aieof Ooo pressed tha,:,t'le thaccommodaI(,(it)inws adM.i N. IF. Porter andMI. jiot adequate to open the s(ýc ool 1 and 0>~. O. . Ro1p sen the week- Dr. an-d Mrs, Jameýs Mllan and1 puisoutside the area,. edi asenOtrl iwngtedulie ayof Dram The O0rono Pubiuc Shoo are ds S.Lawrence Seaway,, Project. Mrs. Vîctor Climo were guests oif Mri pos in- of the M.Iiaua Training Equip- Ruhefod ndrwntanap ad Mrs. Cecil Jones on Sunday. m-,ent w rh sfot usýed at the echool. Paul Rtefr mewn ir 'Tlis equipneint is beîng sold to fthe' Zt m nTedy tteMm- qis . .Sih Ms rn orial Hospîtal, BowmIanville. Cooper A. ChitoNewcstle mit- rihSehQol at two--third of the pur- Coe n hi f evatevii c-hase priice. This being the share born , Mns. _R. Thomas is a. patient in the, ed Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Chnas by the Puli e Sehool when theequip-Ro anle Memýorlal Hospital. Copr ment was purchased.MrH.Byof riiawshm Ne ntutini qipet is Mrs. J. E. Richards returned hom for the weekend. MýIrs. Boyd and famll benadded~ to thie primary roomi to last week fromi Lansing,, Micig-anily are mvigt rllaaon h assist ini the teaching ýof grades one after visiting Drt. and Mrs. T. A. 8th of Oitober. anid two. Lucas, Mr. amd Mrs. Malvin Anderson' KNITTING SUW>LIES Monarch Sock and Knitting Yarn made of fine quality botany wol, . reinforced with nylon, 3-ply- shrink- proof, rnothproof. It cornes in rnany beautiful shades. 1 mince ball 55c. Monarcli Dove - i-piy, nyloan rein- foreed. This is a generat utility yarn and is shrinkproof. 1- oz. bail ., 40c. Newland's Sock and Sweater Kroy Yarns - A fine 3-pty yarn, wool with nylorn reinforcing, resists shrinking and matting. It cornes in the rnost popular shades. 1 oz. hall....55c. New'and's 4-ply Dunkirk - Shrink- proof, mothproof, nylon reinforced. EnouIgh yarn in ball for pair of socks Ujp to size 12. Colours of grey mix, navy, greeni, cardinal, brown. Priced 1-ounce bal.........$1.40 supe-grfwine 70' aly botany wooL rb0t ai) t olabu / and tnylon r-,einforced and (cones-inj thle most popýular bab y shadlew > iounce bail for............i uti Bos-Avreyo ut f ingbo4s with up to the miute pat- tenins iP6the whoe- faîly. 5.-5e treated against shrinkage and mat-, tig. Colours of white, pink, b lue, 'er"Metal Kniitting Neýedies yellow and green. i oz'. bail ... 0e, sets of 2 and 4. Priced.....204. ove-Ail De4 Armstrong s St.e open A! fiDay a I If Dou.g Simý,son, had his ,appendlix re- n-oved last week in Bownanville -Memorial Hospital. He is nlow con-1 fined to ) the house with the mIuI-ps. *Flyjng Officer Chas. V. Walke-ri -Mrs. Walker and fimily of Trenton! and Mr. Edgar Thorntoin of MilJbroak visited -,%ih Mi% and Mrs. Chas. Cooper. àr and Mrs. Milton Eliîott, Bow- man-ville visited with their aunt, Mrs. Bvrimacomibe one evening last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Rosse Mercer and fam- ily have mnoved into the residence of1 0%aR Phone 3251 [OTORS Newcastle, Ontario Mvrs. JohntaTlrner, ýlluS treet. A number of lotal peuple attended Roseneath Fair on Saturday and re- port a g-ood faim. m.Wm. Watson FoIalUI0 Û O o t former local farmer, judged the beef' cattle while bis wife lhad judg-ed thle Only a sumail investment givèes up to $50,000 liability insur.. bak ite previous dlay.O ance pýrotection for yourself and famiily, throughlCo g peatrsInsumance Association, CIA. liabtility insurance o protects against fi calosrelig from somle accident K ND L EW oyorpoprt, troghanoct of your own; Or a famly CI 15S ply include public medcial paym s 'ýl1( and Saily Vîsvoîsih Mrs. CGhas. Thospen edical payment co erage. Apopfflar op n iis 1tractor in- Pari mith f-Lo Angele'(s aive,~~ for amnhssa.R F- Reg Elliott ýAndfmiyMssoroec is atiHp vs-Cloprlv is neAsoito Sý1 to e ,tz'c ~ o D c ~ ' ' co c ~ o~ Mi-. Bob Vnatowasavii The týext conlSundy morinýg in the Keda Uied bh ciw'as easy to remember -This iC hat"taken fro Petr'sselmononthe day oA Pente- co2t 2ndchaper f the Acts of th1eý Aposi- 16~ rve se. Rr ht prahe i very thoughtful sermonI sud uiutione t,.atit wsWorldc Commno nex Suday ntiKendal1 with Nwonvole at t'lie Jtd andcmu n Tuie hoirrendeî-ed an aithie-m and Mrs. WVm. Jackson waS at i. oiogan. M Nr. and Mrs. E. Couroux and fam- ily have returned from a visit with ~'the form)e-s parents, Mr. and Mr.s. A CouroLux, uache Bay. ta milyvisited r1eiaýtixes a', AwgonqJuý I Park oveI the weekend, Mrs. -Allen PFoster is visitîn.g rel- atives at l-eevle Her motier is an-î M11- .A. Hugh-es a;i d daughitel G.orî 1a -of 'Port1Ho pe hileju -e tu-ned from the forme'sogea UNI T~U .:4J4<~li - cierge Mim1s1e~ Rev. Basîl Loog .. a.m...........oo P: p.........iiby "CommnionServ-i-e "inAil Congregations" 5UNDAY SCITOOL 10:am......on 2: p............... Kirby ..Pm ---Lesi<ardj FI' Specal epsoentDental Ceagizant si*zewit freerttbe bail point pen. Botb. for .9e VetoDe~oran Stckconvenient economîCicl.8e Special Candtey Coated Peanuts, pound....39c Patterkrisp tringe hocolate Coated Candy, lb 69e Writing Tablets, Stedman, Special, 200 sheets kid finish. Priced .............. ...... -25c. Jackets, C1-iildren's Cotton Poplin, printed flannel lined, f ùIl iength zlipper, 2 pockets, assorted - col-ors, sizes -i and u. Eaeh.......19 Sweaters, boy's ' hockey, nylon V-neek ng sleeves sizes 6 to [.iaÎ.........29 Puilovers, Cld(ren's Nubby on, 01 V-11eck, long Sleeves, r";Dbd kiit cl , eck and waistbad Colors ofea, nax . a pwder. Sizes 4 to 8. Pricd ecu a.................) 5 Carigns ses b Oron log leees ribU - Afica Vilet.Soi, secill~prepared, for plants with delicate root yseuso ý.e pouind ibags 19e. 0OPE-N, FRIDAY EVENINGS -.5 'r -'r -p 'r' 'r 'r..- s. 'r s. 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r -s. 'r -p p -p s. .5 'r -p .5 -'r, 'r TH EY PAY NO TAX S A '-CORPORATION TAX" i nt tx n h corporation, bu f is, rather, ax o- n thecuo- erýs who buy the~ goods, or 1vici(es itprdcs -'-eu-Anicirese oi roatind ta es rl n STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA L 9 M I T E D MoNTiREAI GAJNANOGI!E RIAMI!.WN IRAWNTFORD TORONTO - 0 as - 9

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