IUCKS 1prior to Oct. 3rd, Iý57, will be accepted with "Bonus Bucks" Ssame preniium valiue as "Bon~us Bucks", ce there ueed bc no en cash receipts asd "'Bonus3 Booster" tapes will nio longer be GýRADE A LARGE tin 29c oz tin 25c fer 35c 7oz 37c 35c doz 68c lb 55.c DIRESSING DERLOIN lb 89c >RK LVER lb 29c Mapie Leaf lb "59c FA&RM FRESH -Fruit ~ Good I38's Vege tables Size doz 39c ONTARIO GROWN - DUG FRESH DAILY pota t 0%Obs 50 lb bag 9ke ONTARIO GROWN each 1IOc FOR TRAT PC-EU CALIFORNIA Lte mo0ns 6Sze 126 19C CALIFRNIA ED RIPE BEAIJTIES Tomiatoes cello %pkgâ-25' Lettuce 2 good size Mh's 27 WTIlI FREE $.6FREE -"BONUTS BUCKS" r- Ill' FROZEN FOODS PICTSWEET TURKEY, PIESà FRASERVALE Chips WITH FREE $2.50 SINIFT'S Prem RWNCORN Y u p CHICKEN O-R I 8 oz 24 oz pkg -BONUS BUCKS" hy Connie Tyrreli [dent Couneil elections hIeld lasti ,y concluded a week of vigorous i aigning and coninced a yearý sidea-, and new events at ORHS ýhouogh the Blues were baýdLy e- Sat field day they proved 4Lhnem- ;at elections, as their represen- ýS wonlthe majoity of the offf- n the Stude's Co)uneÎl. S611rïwing are the newly ele(cted nt's Counnciil at 0O.JS.; president1 zin Ruthefoird, vcnreident, [ast yE ineetir be cor Ni..V wtL. un one ues ly e'-f iperiods will be shorteaed to minutes and in the f ifty-five es thin a sved a Council mneeting ýe held at the sund of period ten, ding to custom a reporter apd tors w;ll b-, permnitted at the Initiation Fer "Niners" And Tri-SchelDance Diseussed At Comncil Opiner' by Caros Yei Dances were the ai toieofdis- r ussion at the inaugu1al eeting of Sflic O(.H.S. Sudn'sGuncil for 57-58 S A nin\,itition lhasbetisuedt S the stud!ents o(f Oîono aii llbý.Irook o y Bla!ickstoçH i,,h iiSch ooifor a ýT ri- -scho 0o, dance atthebir echýilool on, Nu A . %I rfhst. ThIîýsmatter aa jsuuss e d and defriaIte pLane er ad.A Olis wu!lu bemaan ~efoi a- studns Thle s~ danîe planned wna a doser d e Fday , October l8t1).'1Th~ 1 dne wvill be hield in th-le 0ddfe low's Iali ii avilaleund wiilfýature Û init iation Of ùthegrade niners to t.H.e social life. alrody in prepaiation as coio"thle graide ines free and of co vs, v yr timleý Refresh!menits for \ilI be supplied by the the blue team, depfeated 1day. as taken as to whetiher dsare to be againi used he carda were approved 1 year. and fficir selling price eemle. SitdentCs cards will soen be available for those Whio wish to puncrh'ase them.. BuiiugA Hase? iFloyd Nicws. IPhone 1r12 Orono -W 1 .-* dsuc'Ma #eu e a evtb mimg-Ileatimg irvcy Partmet fi MIL TUE NUIT DUTC TE3 12 oz tin 39c 2 e $5.00 "BONUS BUCKS" Pork lb 89c ,lavex 16.cz tin 19c 5c off I:ge 38e lût off gai 73c B reeze white or bIue BLU-E BONNET Margarine &-à V - AL l - - A -J& ' L % - Fever Icached Climax lu Pre-Electisu Pester Display 4891% 20 TACUUM PACK WHROLE :orn 14 oz 2 Soup 115 oz tin 29c ATO 10 Rice oz tin 2 f or 25c lb pkg 16c Im - LARGE HEARS 1 I Ha' F ar 5 lb pkg 58c Wheat 2 pkgs 37c Buds 'lb pkg lb carton 33c Regular $10.00 Cream Oil CoId Wave for $7.5' LoIa's BHeauty Shoppe o enllings Orono, Ont. PHONE 161J Pacak1:e Mix l b-yrup LV G go