The frÔsts and mists and bat- terinig irains that fo11owt in quiciç succession, after the eqtuinox, hle chili winds. that creep about tlhe fleIds h 'pve ceased a& littie whiie, and there is a, pleasant sound in the fir trees., Everýythýing.ý is nïet .9oinl e yet. li the laies that lead clown ta the il)ws"unthe dlelis, the «gifl," as these Wood-' ed depths a ,re ca11ed,~ buckler eeriIS, green, 'fiesh' an1d'e'at fashioned, remain uuder the abheter of the hazel-lined banks, From týhe tops of teash vwands, where theý lininets .se lately sang, cIling up fromr the stu!jbble, the iarke-ned leaves,- have been biown, an-d their mc-iie branthes stand bar-e iîke eut- sTi'retch-ed -fingers,. . .,. Here is Îierb Robert in fIowe-iýts leaves.z_ ere searlef; af 0f S f.i-John'3S worf , eha.s becomne sat the brambie lea-,vesý are many %hades ef crim-son; Oeue plant e Cf týcrm-entil bas turuned ye1ij:>w. .,- Browný lie the acoýrus, yellow whiere they were fixed iun their cupS; two t Ofthese eups seem '- most ans large as thje great acorus frem abrad.F'rm "e'ri es England," by Richard Jefferies 'YOU'RE AN ACTOR" .- Paul Ford, 56-year-old acter, ro- maicnces Shirley Booth in a new flm "The Matchmnaker" Ford, Sgt. Bîlkos Colonel on the PhilSler TV show, didn't becomne aaïcter tli he was 38. He did il on the 'advice of his psy- chiatrist, Hecring of 'Paul's maony jobs-none of them profitable -the ,psychicitrisIt salid simply, !,Yoij're an actor." Fie% beeni One ever since-for money. Fake Fights iMade Kim WorldIs Richest Boxer Philadeiphia Jack O'Brien, one of t 'he rîng's greatest uamne., made1 a fortuyne 'akingF fghts- but he was caughf in hi's own doube-c~osswhen hei tried te, fix a fight withi Tommy Burns. Orinwas net only- ligt heavwei'hi hampio, a't he heiglt of blis famre he was ais thte richest prize fighter "u the But the secret of his mnar- v7elous record of Winiîng fighýts was exposed after Burns gave hiM a b'eatin-g'un the ring in- teFad cf 4 4ying ew to him. Most people have forgotten this diareputable side of Phila- deiphia Jack's careerUHe Is r e - mem-ibe'ed oniy ýa5 a gre-at cham- pion. they fought for thescodtimre irs Los Angeles on May 8 97 It was obvious ta something was un Éthe wind wben Burnsý' mnanager called off ail bets be- tore tChe fgIht. O'Brien was tLe 10 f0 7favorite. M ft- r the f gtïhe u n had soundly beaten O'Brien, the fans,ý who, had bQt on th(e Phýila- deîýph-ainwere j.blnbeCause they'd savedthi moneY. But thIose who hbad faToredBun diemanded te knlow ývhy the betsý had been cailièd off. Tommy Burns explained- and dropped a bmselth-at rockýed thé sporting world. 'iJae'k O'Brien wscuh r oe of Ihis owu raps"s Durus. "I could neft get him- te agree te enter the. ring until mter I had premised f0 lay dowu and lokt thlm win the fight. I pretend'ecdr f9be vii!ïng te Ldo tis- because I wanted te show the country that iwaOBre' m-,aster. 1 "In tue filrsi round 'Br'ri w-as taken off bis fee anldwa s;cared te death. He kilew J, had planined to cunningly for themn ali, andl thaf he was due for a beating. "As for flhe befs being cle off, I.,was instrumental Ir., havinig that done for fhe. benefit of the pubiic. I wanted te iwake thiS explanafien afte-rwards and 1 did nef wanit te secthe pubuic frýicked int o Ioszing Pany ef its * * CLASSIFIED ABVERTISINO GO INTO BUSINESS fer Y0oursýelf. Sel OU' exclUsiVe bousQÉe. wares watchles and othrproductaflotn0 found in stores No coxupetition.* Profits UP to 500 - Write 00W fo' freè colour catalogue and separate eOnfi. deniol whlesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence. NMontreaL. AGENTS WANTED REPRESENTATIVE tù, handile autoý gasoline addatlve'. Ring and valve job in 30 miinutas, $6.00 for samiple, Moýta- Nil, lmc., 1101 May Street, Fort Worth. Texas. ARTICLES',POR SALE PIRE PROTECTION. Presto PFire Ex.ý tingliisher: $5,9;$Shl.95; $ 34.50. NierlitepiFre Alarmis $ ý9 less flash. dight batteries). Deposit $2.00, balance ýlle'ct. Bauman Printlng, Elmi'ra, Ont. CANADA'S GREATEST SHOOTER'S BARGAINS IFLES &AMNTO Marinlicher 735 (.30 Cal.) Carbinas5, Repeaters, 6 shot clip bot action. Good condltlcm $%i5.95. Like New, witbsi ng & cleanlng rod, $19.95. Deluxc Sporters, Wlnchesters & Remilngton 6, shot Mqag. 30.0j6 Cali. per. fect $32.50 RemlingtOn 71« single shof I-oe Rifles. Good $10.95. AMMLIUNITION 7.35 18 rda. $1.95 90 rda. $7,5G 7AM '-)0 rda. $i.r5 - 100 rdas. $7.50 2MM .~0 rds. $1,95 100 rda $75,.501 03 20 rda, $1,95 100 r às,$75 3.6 2 0 rda. $1.95 100rds $7.5,1 ALBION AIIMS, Bx628 PETERBOROUGH, Ontarbe BABY CHICKS BROILERS -speclal ment blrd1s; u purpose cockerels. Mlixedi chicks. Pul. letÉs. A few started, Amaes lu-Cross, etc,, prinallat, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N.. HamiIton. WE invite you to try Kimiberchika. 'We could aay a lot abouit the lateat Kïnm- ber Leghorn X-137 but the real es la ho0W if vvil parform for yu.Coin- Pare KiMber L-eghorns wt te traina on, yonr farna. ttin a Split hrood. Thiaf lasfart Kimnbarchika on the aWnmedavyoyu tart chicka from, oither aýource~ Check egg lay. Comr- pa're ..ggÎ,s'eDo, the layera live? One yumake such a comparisonl, pou mafýy edece fbrood Kimberchika exclu- ,ively. S,'end for Cataloguje sud ful deal. Gen in)e imbnerciks are hatched by Sctt PouIltry parm Sea. forth, COtarlo sud Twad'dl 'Chlcï Hlatcherles Llmnited, Ferguas, Outaro BABY CHICICS ZNV'ESTI'GATE bafore you buy. t's not~ the initial coat of the day eld pulef s yeu buy that cduf ,Ifsth et profit peu mraka. Wa have speclal eggbrd. Sr.they coaf mnore than dual pur- Pose Or sone egg bree«a but tbeywIll miake you mo)re ruoney. Oui, beat fer egga, Kimber 1K-137. Aise rçcomzeuid. Warren Rhodae alndRed RIhode fsland Red X White Leghorln, califop. nia Grey X Whit e Leghoirn 'Amas 1'1 Cross. Aise dual purposi brýeeda,br. er breed, turkey pi ut5. Caaog e TWEDLIeCRICK Mr&TC,IMIWSLT PERGUS NAI OOMESTIÇNî ? $4S "DOMESTIC fîelp iequiired. Goord h(flie. Live in. 3 chldremn. $20 ýa week. Write gljvin4 f lu'1 partiçculaIrs snd referue te' Mrs. W> S. Martin, 91Amsirong St., Brampton, Ouf arloj., PEL14BLE housekeeper waunted tqý cýare for, crippled bacheflor Inmoe hom. tfe wagea. Referanýc06 iequir. ed. Wililaia Proaser, R.R. 1, ile GENERAL, 1llght lxouaework. Ow0n'i room. lýMust ha fond (j0f blidrea Mod- ern coivenienccýs. $20,00 waek tf0 start. Pare advanced. Mr!a. lainicl<,172 No"rwayý , ontreal 16. FOR SALE 1957 MODEL Chain Ssw <Mail) operated eniy a f ew hours, Sacrifice. for $195. Apply Clament Goyette. Route 2 Stitt_ villa, Ontario. WELDING shop, fully aqvlpped. Write-: POWELL BROTHERS, Wardsvile, On- GARDEN SUPPLIES THERE',S mue l artliwormns. Raisýe Red Hybrida for Sait asud lmprovenment, etc. 'Ful111information, 3,5c. B. Duool.R 3,North Bay, Ont. LIVESTOCI< RLEGISTERED Suffolk Itam ýLs a sud Ewaas. NORMAN MclCLEOD, R.R. ý, Pal- meratont, Ont. IMECHNtiCAL PARTS, REzPAIR0S MOTALOY. RING AND VALVE JOB Wleyou0 drive for onfly $8.00. 1For cars - trucks couditîonally guaranfeed. Effective for 11r fF careDT. Motaloy saveayou monaIly. Mfotaley sales CO.., 4 SWa treet, Gederich. Ontarl. fealer I1 ire MEDICAL HAEYOU HEARO ABOUT OMIXOS NEURITÎS AND RHEU1,MAYIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES GooOrESLS MUINROS DRIJG STotr- 335 EIgIin, ta. $1.25 Express Propaid B3ANISH the fojrmentz of dry ezm rashesansd weepilng 5km troubles, pesf's -Eczeuia Salve wýi!l no disappolkit pou, lfchlIng Scaling andbuiuec- nma; acna, r!ugwormi, pimples spazd foot ýczali.m,111lirespoud readlly te o stainiïesa edorle ýsa o1ltmantregardless of homsfubborn or h)p(eesthy eem. SetpGot Froc on Receipt et prico PRic E $3,00PER JAR POSTr'S REMEDIES 285S.Clair Avenu. Ba Esi TORONTO OPPORTUMMTES FOR MEN AND WOMEN RAME <Getuina oesleCDaleguiel Get yours sud Bava, fox.rbChgstmni'. Only $00Elale Heudrp, 141$ Cren, tOIN CANADA'S- LEADING %CêfooL. Grea:t potny Learu HalrdIresslng Pltasant, digultied proýfetsion good wageZ. Thleuslauds et ucceýsfu1 Mqarvael Graýduates, America'a Greafest Systesa Mfustratecd Catalogue Proo Wrlf r er ÇaLl MABVEL HAIRDRESSING SCIOO)LS 3ý58 EBoor Sft.W., Tcronto Branches: i44Ring Sf. W., Hamiltoni 72 Rideau Streeýt, Otw * o * BE INDEFENDENT BE YOUR OWN ROSS Hhve f;luanctol indrependence ac nd ic ,-securjty of your own bsneswlth ne FULL OR PART T[ME oper'ate your wu wheal amle brand business, w2t -Cfbpvraed uor lvnrySali famo-1us brand3 0f Sp.îý pliances, cookware, alewr.bue wares, foola, jeelry. îses c!uding such fainous Irand >namrea asi ver.c Ronson, Bernus' Derneyer, Wvar- lnig, Rot o-BroiL Cory, Courteihlp Da ulonclansd ilozens of othera. Onl mc tali pries ýshowu iiu catalogue, yous, iaealer coaf s given in a sprtewhoe- sale price 11sf. Send for feaatlou suid comnplete dataila. CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTINO C. 130ù4 EGLIrNTON. AVE. W.. OOT PATENTS 'ETHIERISïONUIGI-J1I& C e os p s n Y Patent Attomney s, Establiihed18390. 400 uverslty Ave,, Tlno Pa en ts ah co ntre s., PERSONAI. $1,00 TRIAL offer. wnyfiedlx parsonal requirements. Lta aa logue lncltpded. Thie -MediCco AgencY. Box 22, Termil Q Toni, Ont. SPORTýING GOODS Goï Yours NowI TiseNew Fr.. HÈuniers Guide Catalogua - blgger than ever - 84 pages. Rvery sportsman, shoudld avc thbis cotupîete catalogue., ul Ils trates guns, cases, acopea, cjothes, Sm- munition, frape, compas1ses,blcsar Sud] ail huntlng îaccessorlas, W.rite Now fo: Sydniey I. Robýinson Sporting Gooda, Dept .917, 277 liuperf Ave., West, Wlnt- SWINE ItEGISTERED LUderace: Boara, Glîts, open or bred suw7s. Fast growýiug sudf. q 10w fead conversion factor brcdinlto _hese piga. Farmners prices. G. IH. Sylvester 171-R. No. 1, St. Catharines, Ouf. WHEN "ou satwlth Landïmaca,th bacon -breed of the furture, Buy the beaf. We have coma of thbeat sýLand- race that money will b-uy aU from hnportedi stock and sold at reasonable pricas. Weanlinga,. four monith .old sows sud boars, guarauteed lu pig ýowjs, serviceable boýars, fer Immadiate delivery. Cataloýgue. TONRA STOCKPAM 11.11. NO- 3, HOLLAND CENTRE, ONT. EVERONE ikesa w1lflner, t)jat's wby w e a r e a i w a y s ~i t e r m a r k e t o C a i p ions andl Pire Landrace lu Greant fn. tainOur -nost rýcent ïImpotation cl Clampbions are outstanding uew and baffer blood Ulnes for our cvstomera. weanllugs, four uaonth eld, si mth o1d sows and boars, guarsnteed ln pxg sows, serviceable boars, aIl f rom ms.- portad stock, for bumadiaQta del)very, Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE PAIllI PERGS ONRI TAXIOERMY D$ R, se heýads, Brrk Plaih, resl cdl mehpi-oF. orty yosra rý e' 'caece. W, Omalby, Route ZOn2 ia, O t Bank B1awhat bhave F ýî1 u ref 12,1 ïsabeila, Torontô,OnW cm Stubborn Skin Itcà%h $top SeachslTy Tuba Tousight F0r. QoilfelifSOcand Confcrî To fIad relief froyam the tormen>-. lrg ng :lera4slc lchilpg, try atainiee, greaseleasm OOE EMERÂL-ZD OIL, Yùiu, cf prompt relief frein the Itlfchof rinEat efrnlycaused 5kMi and scalp Irrita.tIon-s. M, AI) 01T, Is sold aa M drugstr. If Yu're làùTIRERD AIL THE lIN! Everybody gel. a% bin -doun Dew andi Rhen, tired-cut, heavy-lsoaded, *d ssajyb. kotetrd by backarýhos Pemhapmnotehint serioisaly %rong, iuat & tompsspry taxie condition eaused by esiceas acids and4 wastes., Tbaî'e the isse te take Dodd'a Kidney Plla. Dodd's atisulate thse kiducyse, snd aq help zeâîore tlsor normial adieu .1' ensoving orcoas sià andvastes. Trieon yeu îW eoltter, slep better, von botter. Got Do*dd'a Kidney Pilla nov. Laok lot 8ii, Mue box wvus the, roi baud R A éuggiula.Yen cM dopeon Nusded'.52 SLEEP Ail ELIEV~E IERVOUSiES -*&DM TOIMonol SEOICIN t4bles token accordidn * directionssa soie wayy b lndeo ce or quiet IF. serves whhn tom«.. lnvestlgate Ilow sw Schioels wl ielU2 y u p re p a re fo r a e sr e c r t h a 1 asqure your succes and seculty Underlin.c rurse tha* Interests Yeu a Bookk eeplng * 1Typewrtilng *Juno1v * shorihand. Întermiedlaz *Businea-s FRgllsbh and Iligher and Acecoiinting Corespond-'nrs *Coat AccoumUlng * Statlonary *Charteratd Englneering Secretary 's Short SterY, <A.CLS.)WrltIng Write for freec ûaloge eoday Many ethler eurses frOM w hich tre cheose. gay #. Chartes ti., Trnto - ISSUE 42 - M75 4 N N N s N N N N N 4 s N 'N N s, s N N N N s N 'N N N N N N N 'N '4, N N -s N N -s N N 4 4 N 4 N -s N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N s s N 's 'N 'N 'N 4, 15 s N N N N N -s 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N -s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N