A, ine programme lias been airranged for Thurs., Octobell.r 24th I.O.O.F. HALL, ORONO the Ropyal W intr v r , Asepin sleti DRAW FORE LUCKY PRIZE-LNC York Pears E X TRA S PE CIAL Arrow Peas 2 for 25c YORK F-ANCY QIJALITY WHOL)IE 1,1 oz. tinîa Kernal Corn 2 for 3 1 c Cherry Vailey Choice Qutality, A'%R K'S Beans with pork AYLMER CHOICE QIJALITY1 Peaches kING'S CHOICE QUALITY ,20 Ez. tins 3 for 69e 15 ozC,, tins 7 for $1 GOLDEN 4 for $1 2ô Oz., Èains 5 for 89c Corn 20Ooz 6for.$i eCULVERHOUJSE CHOICE QUALITY DICEID Be et s 20 oz 6 for 69c CLVERHIOUSE CIAOCE Carrots 20 oz 6 for 69e- lb45 I7c 59c Th Aoloigis a g lst Frn la te H rtiultralsection at theý Th aars retu oc epiee ted t Cias-t 2 Mrs. Geoýý. Mor- ton;;j Enter Arragemet ofve centrpice: rs Tan ~i~utcv~2, M~'4~ CMI r Afrean 1 Vilt , 3ýobble , A ED, & W HITE BRPANL B taî tins Evaporated Milk 7 for $1 AymrFancy Quality CusJe 20 z. ti-ns Pineapple 4 for $1 SHO PACK SOLI W I'l.tn Tunia Fish 5 for $1 LLNS- Save 7c. Apple Juice LIBBY'S - Save 4ec Fancy Peas Sardines R1E D SE- COHOE Salmon <Giant LDuz HABITANT Pea Soup Cocoa Fresh Produce 48 Oz. tlirs 2 f or 55ec M5 oz. tinsý 2 for 3 1c 4'-for 35c 3 1/Z's ti-,n s 3for $1I giant pkg 79c 2 for 33c lb tins 65c '7 '/ ~q- ~J'j Lt ~fro 101h bag 25c M11iLD, FLAxVORF'L N?, IOnions lb5 hauemered the Lakehore Ho.keyai league for tMe \vintm erason. These lu ont are Cobwg, Port Hope, Býonnanvi le - . field has daopped feram te leaguecultucèe to date hav- anýd a aîumbe f leilaes ae varepatcain vned upy with Pir o urther F seeationou A'glec oehePortHopeClu Cores udervealeri recently. Turer was et thp eeting "n %Ve Go ntyFedhroiat îc&%dýay îght-topilace 1the PortHoenesrhptaig passcd ut' ticsmeeting tn have bnthe a ' uc ~ w l imeon to see if they accédnai enter Poe. orough unty Ota termni tuve league. ber '!cf cdiate M vîlia ir ague 1, etAMfo.roheracounfes ith Thefolo wng s te hme ads aw-ayone cadge offace nip ICmie.Ailgae wýil s-ntrt a :0witneaiain AT HOME GM ES evsegymakf Nov. 9. - ~1)CboUgfam raiaios 1D e -; CobiIourg: WA oy.30-Port Hope n uann o.ae for I ý" 7 . ~ ormn. Jan. 4 - Cohourg Jas. il - Port Hope Jan, 18 - Cobooag Jan. 25 - Port Hope Fe'o, 1 - Lindsay Fch. 15 - Lindsay AWAY GAMES Nov. 8 - Cobourg Nov. 15 - Cobourg Nov. 19 - Lindsay Nov, 29 - Lindsay Dec, 6 - Port Hope Dec, 13 - Port Hope dei e of of ra~ t Ir. a sizei so f are C pproxn resi a< ed in s y cm ~ganiza per se tii of he caa~ or knrn md ag .ed fo '~, whil a pear Te fi nat isi "ia te P- Federtionof4Ap.îcitre'n ORONO- TIN$HO Warin Air Ieati,*ng Air Condiitioniing, Plumibing Fixtures pipe 'and Fitting Cuting and Threading Fire Extfinguilshers Selkirk Chinneys M- aint s and Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Pro-p. ?~.m. 11 1 EF1RI1DAY - SA TU rD )AYi- - Matiee Satu -day IONDAY Hallowe' en Pumlpkins ONTJ OCTOBER 25- 26 2.00 p.m. Aise DISNEY'S >4? Coo ete - TUESDAY -- OCTOBEJ~ 28 AVA fGARJYNER,STWTGANE D>VID NIjEN WO EWs ANDi cOLOi CARTfON e 7~~25 aad 9:23atcmlt erou Gr(T ag PLUMS 2 tins 29c PLUMS 2tins -29c 15 5oz 29c ----------