rep)airfs .e Re- snings or Extension of Services in the field. and sr vears dating dentist office iti this convenienice. iýon in Orono anid exploited Vù have ýocate in the ViIL1 ch could be Made 3155 elevatin.g Vte ia nd offeringsÏ by any business i 4rono shvuld endeavour Vo f ii hste por-tUIty of -ome effort 'he gene.ral TourIsm man lin1 usl'.and ace area. n in U te ~g the va lias basa ~-rc>rn casual trax el, many ~ty people who d thei2 sunîmer cottages at Labor Day aow ~h later. bas its "own special attractions, and those of ist country a'~e not Vo be nxair'hed elsewhere. t> knuw that tourisax at thi~ season is growîng. a-- -- --- -- someUn ýt i of intereest t.or/ ever-yone whùhrn Vhe salýe tal4e, homiie- co ingtble, whlite elephnt corner, etc Yon mhy enJoy a sat isfying light refesh tfor 3;5e, andfeîel it is an nfternoon wellspen.. Ple.ase conle an'y time V3 ~P.î-l - 1Ivwish Vo expre s niy tha!,,L Vo tlyDr. A. F. dVicKenzie, and to tose thatý sent cards and ef uit and"' vi»sted mel anïd offered to h1Ip i a. uny way. 1, woudd also like ýo ütnk te girls fro>m J -he Fretr r their IOvely bask'et of flow\ers Wîch were a great lift while 1 was sic . I'VanFrw SADIE IHAWKINS DANCE (From page eone) and Mam 1ansberry. For lunch we h.ope Vo have- eider a-idostuts, That really gooes right a- ln wih a SadileHawnsane Remenmier the dute, Novemhebr 1lt, Fridaiy a, the ddfellow,'ë; :Hall. Also don',t for-get t(, get your mem,--benship nt the, door. Times RONO at Gnmn .iows, Weal- green a-p $7.QQ. lhone Orono1 Are Y. Againsi r /1 Hfousehold urnîture, 'eestate the laeoe 11,oW A lube old at hisz atersi eoSatra~Nv 2-id. SALS ELP WANTED WOMEN Best sea ý n's h (refo ohn money f u) r part time sezing quai-1 lt clothi' for womeiebhlidren, men. Free , aies Kit stav ,s yoU. H *>gli h cash con sin.R alles. par- ty plan aialable. F yn a pros- pect. BritIsh Kitmce, On-tarlo K 3nexpected csg in Dusrham n SIn y for yeax>-$Iu'und in. ails write ,f~wegh prote'tion aga your 'coverage Orono à 13 tREET, ORONO ~o~ccyo~o>o~J fort s aImý s rnce Serie'di 'our of fice. The olow ngare sonneaofIthe main coverageps vwe can off fer: DR. R. J. TAGGART »àwu womu. fl.% C. Kant, lA£ Barrister an~d Solicitor flm<ÂNuA-z MW JAC REID A Auctioneer aind Valuator ýSpecialize in Farm and Furniture sales Consuit me for termnis' and dates Poe5 r18 - Oro TED jACK.SON Aucionerand Valuator Y- Umm% b8 md LIFE INSURANÇE F. E. L-YCE'TT tSTAFFORD BROS.