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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1957, p. 1

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-gi! t. iVý. ilJamaprilent 0f The Brocon!, 'Lh e OronoChaviractet au har jaecrîledi andi Qecs of te ak OtaloDe or.lît L.11 ization, Ahe iL mas Ppmoing in- adtepsri dujstr-ial tievelopmleanti1 ul riwýs.n f'o,ý) li:the iO*ono ar, the brea frors Osawa Vo Beslevoe i-nlWsh te anti north to theie rît areal'lhe As-atredsicai soito wias ;presentl rtadin cho eee ta promote agriculture in the area. Onouacereil It was reportedl that blessrs. N%, hougnt Vo Se a araS. B. Ru,.therfo-rd and R.. Mercelr \was app( Forrester hati attentieti Zo>ne Rally ariulr5 helti recentiy la Cobourg. IV wals d-outHast te wori eMidtat the nengta askt 1A C'enw-ih 1tVs eal Manager of thre Lake Ontario D- velopnrenitAsoi to abe thre gest ýspeaker aLt the Novembeýr ddn iier eengof tÉle directors o)f tie Orono Chamrber- of Gumýinoîce meetinig. This meeting -wvlll le hei t te out Thusdy MoieiinlbOey at tire (Unef) es ('t tim -ot. W ese oruchie ie o o~aie- r gide s testssUmm repasseti oueqt sid 1)mM.H ere er ioaa h U n-ew tedrotguî i ased eca"l porizs o ur- tbrry bks 0,nmu opurthi hni nas n as Jn oatsid Chrismas thee Ornctzeinslong Mince pasbyAnGibnkatJd Vg pliesareVobe$15 sti ia ati ls reuetig te oa~ al assd hei tavandi promise. tisu 10onelecta fOrth peSn. Jaernep"c"edher lawsMewhe e te giîl wreUo frt (i1at toe-a by Edward Collie; in meen Marin spricnil go escaooiLveAgsin by Cahane Mrhîl yrelpsseti ler seing on a U, yo great degmeS a mmry af MU, DorianSGasby,>hu]ttln. ty o it eingbulî TheTawnsnanby Jhn Stige an& Se- r'; was ta1ughtbyMr. am s aso ratm-forii. Geotrge Beer, the anoStoj, ni Ms. Alin preent matisetup les Vo ReenrenVol. 1 andi Vol. 2 aSsWr pne nti th meet ýogîcal site for a neily TomsB. Cstin - fg ndetiwith paerataps. oe jo.ust northof The ibar1 ar rd sincerely appre. exciellent s;ite ivas )Aned u se olpBeer in sending us iVhsdonation.Brwî,N w ka ready ,,put 0on ai 10peti wv'ill atid frirther strength la pointinig out the tiesirabil- ity of having the newHigi Scýirool in the Oooaven.Casermnbr are as iing i ~epiomoron ut VIre ne',. sch-ooi foer thne Orono area. aga on h ardy0 o nemlfr 2th ~OfOfV1~dCild ~ru' To Friday, Noveniber 8th bekah JLope wold îgaFià look afte'rDetodfiuisbyndurc. the Prodçy bargs for the chidren. n Lt ýtf'u'1e ~wa~ opon ta urr ~to erust change Our date fr th £ciea iorisould be deieiSdeBwisdne t lias been- ~for cethe sii1Qn'sentestajmen. anged foiNvmbrtaV ~o .Kr, Warren Watt adivaaced the ideýa eieý.t3.W ae srry if this of holding a Santa Clauis parade à- liange, has caused an. body anY in tadof a program i i therwnhp ove-- eatihpetati w Hall.This tac hthe approvalofsacysfy iany more. eveTone at AIièmretg and a nito hNcaoewilgv hemrsa bo hQld suo a parsde passesd. sicIcextrageek Minsk hegu htshen Wat eaa onmite e mrs. g -~ A M~ ad S B. vthefordVo s hler eye ou ail yean.It WHil - r h o l a s f o i o l n g a u p i e oth , m wr th e b o yse t o rU e s . 1 SSanlta ClaursPaaeliOooCreoteernendnjya eveiagofgreaent etaamwent at Trii~teesTo AttendTiownhp Rurai Schao!s Choose Public Spieakitig Wîflne's, f~hol bsemnt.Al the grscamie in usuesonucneuce dtob inlteiMrs. G. Birangg, Mr-. Ernieý recoring, rosaanti literatuire sc reftaries ai resîens fNetoil, E eeze AternonantiBad aol Auxliaie. The 1958 rally Il e aet out that the grooming cf tIre nmd a'nti spirit is as imoraas that of, heýiPýiptl e "fes anid books- Thr litnto ots o lre rzswr ie o epetest Boçivinanvie, baset e esaeo Spcak:ng-was helt in athe rAwketi Cathy Hey, dresseti as a aide, re- laointnu Ieneifrmr iant CreekSholon Tuesdny evendng, -eived The rett' rzean inda ' nr e and Lisiofficers antid ony o .iceti Octoer 9 wen egltscliols ,verea",rwen,.tivesseti as a tap rciei h arest Moain re~eetdby cinstantsý. j Ih 'funny, prize. Davidi Gbson of Lackhart's schcool G-ames weve playeiantia. unchof Mns. Lloyd Pegg, Osiraa, sang anti Mary Reidi of the Cowanvle I»pncookes ant i nndy was semreti, '"The e of the Year", school were choosen as the rural TIrheingclosetiWîth )Pvayer I sdhoolwnar. 'ndaBowins of and sapý. .Th-egu"spaei'temoin thre Antocli sohoolwas seleeteti as Auinatine .Fo AUs ss RubyWilsn Who uncsbA thý- alternate Contestant. 1Mrs. F . Buwen, on 'beb-aif1, re V psInlaer taugh' school a Tire Lwo winning contestants wîiÀth O)nfiario EducatiLon we~aia 1Greiakm&mn tVo Nigeria iný nom% comnpeteý at VIre awseris satt oos tA ai' am%,%stans. ýe Arcaàaas mssoar n19-18, SIre helti in Nte Campbellroft Hall on foloig gurs prîi nicalen hruetseke a is n this, cemmîng Tuesdaiy evening, NoV. tertaýinntt -ogon h vening YTe, aco-avoxker cof Mis AniesnV euber 52h at 8:00 p.m. The iînners MIailyn FaEs, Elva Ana RobNso, MNcra emho bstler 01 dié îtires n o tu VscompetitioCwElthea conspete o nna SiMer T Reo ni 1Caroianten sWChVIe cticme"ppani ià tIe Couny Final Contest mhich IHic . NarrcyMartin ot the OLiansj "wle Ireau is ndvisoutr"pop% will be hl at he M OronoUnitet hart schaolgave a ujmorous talk on pe h"Th-e worinin o én te iVee Jutiges nt i n wt ia Cv-oketiTid -s îcinr Ir-a t j r-eetIr reuite Stirs. rkmn Ir j 'in-aetmnb!ohpeohngsa 60 Vew Coloured Slides, i0pdneanitr Act ortcc liur l tet Atbricpda, ptechtes ti tQch At '~rono eaching tIro , yung peopC.Tire re- Abot sxt ateniet tre inepr~I ea Th~aver Vuîpbul tonaet chllegemetboh a hme nt ne fl p,ý,ýj ! Lt u2:30, oii'cloek'Î1 Northr1inster Chuirch, Osaw wVh r.Doal Soper as speaker.ý sn F. H. Roii closd a fine raly WihUte bendicton, cpk f the difficulies facesi end the graduai appreciation anti co-opt. erabion of %Ir villagers as they buMl rei santi hom-es for tahr.Sr tolti of.'the drugsuthaýt cureleoy aad V!I !cre abit ion Lof epu il'S tVo be-~ corne te-atihersanipaces A very fne warship servie w'as pureeted by Orona Evenng AuDYl. inry on e' thgre Godis a SiiT witb ir. Andirew McGiLI and Mrs. jas. Tanilyniking part. Mr's. Geo. D-inner wa-výs a W'.-M3S Fnuyaf- fair -VIreSgnaC oys ptU Ire tables, C.G.i.T. girls pet them, tIre F.M.S. Auxiliary ç'ided the fOod andi were assisteti by SV.A. nMen- bers i erviag and the Bab Band Moiirsiasheti tre ses Vwas veiry soesu nimshapeitd Friendly gebnswr ruh froin teAglcnW.A. a7nti b, Rev. "lessoiaghuaM onnaes1: 22-ck w s pîeýented . orui f iated<, Auxiîaryby Ms. rme alts Mm repoaiosv ndLo e iresay vntho e l-v prugrar IVIeel - n ~ s z aflCh o~ovenag - y21r.o"yAil uin y istIeg n kfor YVire.irakaebmmr_ g a~~~~evrcgo st week, wrc a rliM.[is ne e, !,, Wa la WIrhiVy dast August gavea ln. s psWM colouret i pctuwesVer prograi Thle Orono Police Trusees metin taonat l. odsV ave nIl Mv N Alli actti e as ut Canada, Brýitýaîn antre Rýoal>'ý-1,-- - .. - --- regular session o onMertay evensgncuvults leara batoa freee3p. Irs - wih ià mmeI arsitline ds iIeîslareiviî fodi drhotrepno Veevwn-. y CrBiI 1VatvFar M.Besy a br cuso ri h Pfàlýci, ngs, pre t, m elrometi VIroe pras: anirastii1Eganibu1rs ati 1 510 a iealwn f rnhs Pi.estP anti saitisIre mas deli-girteVoSem N -catle rihoyhme for aa mirer W . .H liS iu-~ n ,,o CenSser'ýs Gas 'Vu suppi naturalll gas mitirin tIre Village i t atiV MuE.DeponetiouthtIrtmuch a goo tara eut in spite outhVIe >yesHispiaturs-wone bantiul elafte.ts haveunHytiro VuglibtIe nw etp forstret iagrebe etescenes o t Haliburtoi. Tire Thoiis,-ant Ml eeting n Os a a Itu tgsFtthat gus ,wý-1I1 lghtil,_thatLCaital-cossonsteet ML1-- iss JoanAliafavoareti mitIro sints nt tr S. awlne11yr om ontIre consumnption ut hytin iligsj-ngYlsn o ortizeti eera 2 ejoabpianosSomo,.Lisi 'cees ut t' ireE-glis- onty poriver la tIre Village WVo sie tegreecya eit.I ia i IoaIt A tIn iei prntforVieV itue r.J Y aKnoVic er, OU-C.ires onLtsevatule. M. Crpal anti possîhly aldm irtf sui ttr ji a ate olshV rie Mr. ort qessecctary o uIe Suciey !ofut trestiag buildin a ev xuvk denfuttIre lumion council A, 1 tutnt cvpsry in sw- ltentia pnycs maiThe secvetary oitei rono's apta cotve tns perioti suggeste tithtlr ierbhers concen Ciny at Iehatfldsty tat rstatu Iebno ofr edrnd~rut egvnacac euit tInt tire «s Yanpnyms na sit mas siu.alu tmas decitietiby trate on spruing up tIroir dîspla-ys noer t tIr oa itvFis neWA a uetsekrl Ie ac rs esitat e el irg mvith tie TwsrpCoumcil at tIre Trustees tlhat the capital corts for tire aextyears siowing arthtIe! afternuon session ul-ftktIeOsaltIeWALeiesptoessV&y tireir next meigtIus cming Tues- ivoulti ie partinlathre saine yer asFni i IR fancy holders, racks et-c. i aiBlig xedt oa. day. Tire Trustees wl-IlatendtIreleyoareinrei.M.P&Poreraisepresentet tIre pizes ut toanksVoM. BLeisey foiisat-PSycr Woa's oition p epamatiu ie ant irpéi meceting mIen CUnsunies's. «L mii - entianatan metins reeatl, Quo I bt ifChritVan dont du1V mratcou> Vu tre ontstats n Ve I{rtiultralaes intiiplayn is ovey cll la ns amPoverbs "For ns lie thmnlkjhppa 'uthre caurcvra Vo te W r saek tIre frnnhse for tire arpe. t1 R.Caorserpitt- tIra k r ow at VthDra e ntrlifnutpýcituss. est inIris Irat s-o is le". T1Ins geatiLe jfrtrtaatr aeae o wla s tIrefeelinig oet thre T-u ste es tti 'st1eet Egli ms eeei Iunl 1Calbic Ws Fluim!Fuybcdhver sbM ?rthu r t tDre peuple et ronu sGold nVbe-Stireetbtien'an at'C ' A cutra arhlt aSetpie.Ton ani San&wu'es ceesscretiput posrrtud tisécn-crspear ByutQineCtrnc eeig prietiet ireuseet aaigas - S-et-Onmoton 3tLH M.Mecer Tire lucky prize Priasws er on jy membersWut VIe Horticc'uuralSo- sg 'utiVotir emelnibestîtWAgaethirpos.MsF.Cenn theyr sa wishreti. Iwener, t0îy santindS. B aVI fri ew liHtios by IMr.Fred Tnmhytn antiAMcs. Bd cety conlutig an eoyable evenng. peuple lad otheir t1hings Vu Vhink Ia tedt ie aulmeigl served tîirdecîsion untîlmore in- Vo be istalidtàoma fIe tre. ________________________Ï____e___--il________abuttanra2iig uti. u scca - tay niay lie dae Vo Irat me leanto otHp at«n .Baey formration aras avéÂlable A letes asrecaivet froi tire f A as cirlt-rea - sa nom me are trmig atentietitire semi-anual meeting s TIre ecretary pineo ut EtIremril Cmnmi tee aequestcg ti'nt ier.hJ"O~IIeur present genleration ut poue" anatni ctnrev oreati M1vaple trees for boulevard patn IePolice Tusee ttend htIre un- peuple anti by sunrattitudes 'me Dc;offe os erums were noV avqalbe tirougI tirhe-<veilig oet Vre ruem monumenat m-bn Suns e pnrtment et Landis antci Flstniday, Nov'uýeme I7 antjF rut eqridalso Vo pro Mrs. beellet' lire hadbeen avte e utattievieamvaIrehascrtvywa m ____________________ nluesiîeîiyanisetdiiUln. om efmnsat t leceolee Depnrtment ut îgir,ýanYs Vwhich is z5structl' etiV otc IecmiiteOtreamviuihptheVertTIre greatest tesViag cornsàinueoaatisicthea enaugh doatinsl lpresenitîy Seoiing crieout. stntintg NtIrtthre Trustees cmuuilie -ie nul 1VmnTan puili iiy wiuness antiwemursustd'aMt Iybesn.reced namstVolavm e eMa t .n tre prsent andtita awreatr oulibe! îag m oeingutlire Wýnran's Misionaughter. MsEs Sclaufer is a gittetiIl n at.W utka ni0fasmdror a leia I. C Forrester sugested upitifa heVlae.aySnet rî ieIeciFiayNv the ii acamngproaht sivice wIr'0'eub iev.tmad h, metî tia I vsyeyW Trustees d-anprices for the erec- emibes1, at'-7:45 p imiin tIre Sna niagreat mnessage, anti l Ci1 a e-niu IeCssinA intea ttlinià5 o tjoinoftStrneet igris in COreno. Tire!Disussion oloweet ntie Petilaur's Scîool Auditoýrium etfVde Ualted fvilege Vo lie'aileVbie olier, Rligiont-alumI afitirti Vo Vte.eopsu st ut tulstngb2 secretasy wns iven tne aîcthoriyty orani iHawker's tlyIan-w mmdis non, Churir, Tire inufeaure outh&aý tire ttinsunýi pinces firthrePJi aforcnt ir e 5Village, The aecessaryleesplnlgmir0 e tIre nW<ress bWemiIyV the its s-n \it r. MacKfnnoue'liaspirn.tailseodioatAbrClg. Trustees. tara~~ýisfr iýeaicing avne ta c be uiet Reverenti myE. Sîutirt-ugr eeyue nt uxlare s-ndes -wa tr csx'ttiemetngwlaMrs ,ButvtaheMu. .C TIre condition*et Vie enit sitie ut and lisaeti as oft Vie lirestfUntre-,rear er ut Mv. E. -W. Sciauftier ut OrewonsvleSi.Lu4usd, stt V ire orning &WithttIe esettire Boiun vnapueTCIPny ttr- tile TannerCLy j11111 wn discusseti-aniit ua.Thinsmar tirouZLP atvisable a e nsrd iyhaci ma toglttîtsmttîa sruli ie ymmsatstitai ices s scirautties ris unue ýýthtie ot aatn.Provision is bigtiaedc1n Ie -gar.IVr. .Clee, tr emo u tiemring was du o totir aiat sldwl'lbêm rmal o eebrstandin idtrsi IeUi, oralarg-.-ýe cruwisuwlrdhs-yaU aveaanpsietott-AhetSreteviosmdicueiadob been dun e nsatprce w'est s buttas31eu t facîyens. To soî icec ucl tCanaai avîng ses-vetiforla rmemher ut an Auiîiary or oWmnsAocaisitateMs VVnStr.isSde ag hli. Mr. ELH, M. Mevr r as given nomî; > it à uld uny lie valitifor a two any oas s MisSuuy a n cirauu ntieya rftul ots pt ome antiincitWieveiy- . yrn"ra To Ie lde authority te cotauit tIre Counties l mnineio: gl,"tc, ni sno om tea vn-n. hremiiir uneanis-- caoV sa frluc. eprs oe ie"aWe mdtieReeeniS.C yea re apy îneirshen1.readY M31w A. A. «vme on Lae-Atofo, ii~ tAbr Stree AS. mRuElmfi m as ntrrzdrtaNovemberi220d. oas vilage, by mdwe wisir tlbr1 t74 pr.o -asinEducation, anti Mrs. W.(oniuit onpage 3) -T'- -s-- -i

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