vaýst jexas rnh t Pru ' 'AIýD9yhoiwever, thir relatonsflips Lo onehis fondnxess for drink and otleî leatoQr --rolsfor Tea,its palgy ritete by . another, that 'keep the hnterest ailve. weakuesses. <Mercedes ZMeCamryiidg, maïr rle 1-r tsuningitc-nbyEdnla Feriber. Its ?flifl S the Texas ranch owner, stalwart plays quietIy but rese ntfully 4bhe rol [g-rossîing eiiaacteriza- i of three hor an ~irale astheaed tMIE egt and opinionated, Rock Hudson's Bick of Hudson's sister, %vio Ihad run orý, Rck so ad mntsi ahr og oeeeS- 1Benedict i, a rec-bgnizabie human be- huuaehold until his new bride tcoo wtot interisaien to er- ing, gan wosubsequntlyi It s a sprawling filmi, pca1 cator to relax his at- s"o.adrckrcye ahs hre n h t mît the atten- oýpinionjs as any New Englander. Hie thrown and killed by the Marylani ehd h)th.gho)ut .by the tion as vell as his body. But diigmaikes the character ivNe. Eliz7abeth y'ack stallion. Oill WibI's, Carol 'aions. th itr& 1peetaItion, uineTyo ie raîtcadmsl aerDnnis Hopper and Fran Ben 'iterest is solidly maintained, for' the ypteiu performanve as 'the' nett as the Hudsons' children, an il eýffective IItory' of sequences contalin plenty of iacidents. ayln irl he m~arries, and who a- Jane Withers, are alsýo effective ii h u-ma n eniotions AiA the chaCIracteri'Zatio1Is are verY ecustomai herseIf to this state, to her .heirpo;tryals, and lesser roles ai 'Y58 CH EVRO LET Iamv any, car ever made! Meet the beautifully moving '58 Chevroliet! with Turboglide* andyollc ante ~~~ ~~It's so pan ther-quick, so silk-snmooth it goes qucet mohs obiinlh th od far beyond even the great Chevrolet p'r- There are two new rides -- cr-a4e-soft Full Coul formers eof the past. Here are radical Wew suspenlsion - and the first, eafl air ride* ini departures in powver, ride and body-framne Chevy's field. The bodylamie design is new, un~ie ay ohera Fil oiI the wheelbase is lon~ger, for a sweet new desin, V8handling feel. suspension sy,ýstemn and a real air ride! yven tw e sprmodels! See the '58 Chevrolet There's pi nt more -- a new 4-headlight todsyste for ffa rseeîng, new 6 and V8 power, a new foot-gWated parking brake. Improved Mr' Look at Chevrolet's new styling, airy new gufI transmi sýibns include a smoolther-than-ever wing fenders. That's how new Chevrolet is alrld* And two new super mnodels make over. It's lower and wider -- and fine crisp their debut - the Impala Sport Coupe and vNomad . , .4-door. saion wagon. inches longer. Convertible. They're the lowest, most luxurjous There's an all-new Turbo-Thrust V8* engine Chievrolets of ail. .with a new brand of velvety action. Pair it up See ail that's new at your C hevrolet dealer's! F Oýn Wednesday ivena Oakville A retiurn~ gaane is to be played i _i lie Bowmanville-Mrono Combhines BowwmaivilIe -tihis S'turday night tayed th~eir first gamje of hoc-key for' star-ting at 8:30. lie seaso-i. The gaine was an exhibi_ The BOCs were plagued ,vith nwai- ion gaine Whichl the Oialcvlle Senior erous penalties which eut jis>o their - I .team took by a score oft six te tw<>. offectiveness against tihe Oakvilk- ______________________ squadi. The Comibine goals werýe byl. ýapably bandlec1. George Stevens'l Sid Arnold and Buck' Cowle. rm iretion is excellent, as ahvways, and Orono Junior West and Don Mercýe.- ils co-production with He'nry Ginis- miade up the Bocs best dieifence. Deasirý )erg- provide.s a handsonie imounting ani Raye Weist along wfth Ohari-es -or a big pï'ovocat;ve and always in- Armistronig made up one forwardlia -erestimig mo ion picture with spen Robb'ie Robinson was used extensiv... fid perfonnanc!es and ag aec1o l~y during the gaine when the BOCs ul bakgrouds. shortiharnded. 'Oakville went aihead in the gaimeý 2_l} in theý first, 4-1 at tiie end of hai. second and 62 at the final bell], Turnip Pr.vides Am Addeâ Touch Io FaliMeI As eac-h seasoni arrives it bring-iE its ow.n particular food delicacies,. and -with th'le coming Of autuLmil thereý ý i oce againi an excellenit supply f On-tario yeliow', turnlips orrubaa whi 1h th e fa Il f rostsý, hav\e wmelo!0wedl -1i4 brioughit to fi flavor. The turn2 ip isan eono~ Cfood and we pîopîly cooed oatins lýarge quart- ite fVAmién C, as MWelas other The INutrition Section, Hlome ec- )ooslcs SricOntarioDeatnt of Agricultr, a'ises that the best me ;o s te prepaire ,thievgeae iinmdiatiy e-fore cookin1g, ctit halfdnc cubstrop ilito a smalf- amo-ýunt Of rapidlly hoiling water,. cvrclosely and hbou gently only.ý unttil crlsp tender- - 10 to 2U minutes- Useiay liqu[id( that reinains la soup ogrvseason the turnips, add ai biMt of butter and a litle brown SiUgar if desired, and serve' at once. ThLds nehod ensujres fine flavor,peaig texture and thie retention of mnuch of' their Vitamrin C content. Tu'iscomlbine wýe1llwith o ýtherý vegeabies to give attra'tive couT- tr-asts in color, flavor and tenture. A nýunilbýer of comibinations arc suggest- edbthe pamphlet -'The Dlcali Canadin Rutbaga" whîch maybc ob5taiined £omtheOn'oDeat mnent of Arclue Crisp raw turnip Sticks Or chipa. ame good eating for bebwee. n neai snýacks and add flavor ndvrit tosalad,.. The pamphlet israd y mieritioned gives ideas for sev-eral cr'isp salad comibinations togethber witla ir ectjions for miakiimg the diessjDg7iý to serve %vith them,. T. Exteoed ck Ckhildrens 1-1 1949), the ilospitalJ for Sîckz Chilreni was plannmed toacomati 750 patients eventually and xhe--, iully coiipleýted. M.1J. Grant C1aSS~Co chimnof the B1oard 'of Trustees, anni1ouincesd rcently that 100 beds yi!L, be,( added us soon as possçible to the pr!(eet C50, bjringjung the total aum.-iber o)f beds up to the pdannedmaim. The prssent building is capable of llospîtal's hclities bas be-en mc more =PUpid hanoriygn'ay aintii- paed wth the .result that this ecx- Duigthe past few ye1ar.s here, and for the ospitaýs Li 1 azdë union!aa'cetei sr~e Pr lb, piii inl aL )ver thle Pio\;:'e e j~iîa -Jd, îndeedLoin a 1 e imp an pîjeTýc) amwit the djctiv in the fed f1e1a' req isrea'n and xxiii c ýotIue tte e atin beiefi; eat.xil iiaens.ýii T i e Baunf bTs pteest maxîneiin an~i wih tedany cltion itto tde alciiu. i.1)e orinacaes,vithoteà pubi o. e L roIt à caeand trmet ie fac.its riehc grwing chil the,~ a ne aTion posAd b th Pro. iCe r exue ofthat supporetir Dcon- bu2to yvroishsia uh N -i.---,- Li C