erity in cos- ted n'i n g. Rainïey visited Mr. olver the past spent H. Sa,. -1 ýl Y4la.1 74SE NEW MODEL RWs WILI. PO ALL TWE WORK 'TMEMSEWYFS W YQU PON'Tr WATCfl And how thïey work! Every oneof th lU odel RA chain saws - fo~-~ mointing to rear handile - is c ' "~tteY new> Engineered and built-t eut easier -ciit lnger - cut 20% ýfû i-ter! Try thiS wo dcttInIIg wQftdeýr and see for your- stat 'RLP HRDWARE ~~ulio Pho 0ne 14 3 th, More Comfort Ail Winýrter VBOOTS Shod before hes you un- il tayas ,cciest cdays inito hand- s. There are S( fnr BOY'S LEINED JEANS lleres the BIG itei n boy's jeans constructed for he-avy duty .md sn fredfor lasting, fit and lined for wýýarmthwth a soit cotton flannel in antr attractive blue or red Plaid t-hat s!pws on the turn up. With imat- c'cotton fianne1 shirts mUade by "JIfhugh. . ýJeans $2.95 Shirts $ 1.95 ~ii±L- ïO.aI i-,IUU I'. DUFFLE SET 1 chi~ren ~~~9.55Fully lndwith itriig ak S SPO T ,S T S arm collar! front has conc-,eail(l z p foriýed ValMai- authenl - prand w\ýooden toggle buttons,tw ive port Shirts, have pockets. Ski slac-ks ýwith elat ci-zed o iebetteïr fit, greater ,Tistline and ajstbesuspendeis wear. Size 8 - 14 yea,,rs...\ihistpsr .Coc)lous of tnavy S$,0 ofriel.Priced .............$ 9,00 yer Shirtsoïr real boys. Also Girl'ls grey Duff le Caats wt inel, colou :ýtourquoise zipjperued hcocI, pink ilayon pile inin stripe, r d or tan wsith covets ormcoar 7 - 12 ya? 1totQ6 yfars .....$S3.5 0 irts. in paids or stripes, 1Y.SO UT .........$1.60 to $6.95BYSSNWSJS Three piece boýy's Snow Suits, grc-ýy ~EN'S NOW S Droa10f) p.c. nylo n ap ith NyonShwSuIig, size- 2-ply combed cotton wift' Damask Warm eanniel îg eitlnn, olitrii size 6x, S9. 00 Priced ait.........«5 4P Vay k Mi. and Mr. and I day\iLà 3 Cox of Usaavisited with -Mr. anid MsOCowan. - Mr. C.A. ummig, oronitoi the weeknd wth -Mrs. Car1] 5urnd hoe lat wekend atr ~pniga imoith i![ the distritso Drunînond brught omne 1many bau tif niou sktche3of the aksCn M 1. and Mrs. Ceo. Cale, port Ioei x stdon SuInday wt Mr. and Ms I Mr. and -Mrs. A. Dole, Trconto, )- pe.t the weicnd ith Mrs.Wm *Coan. Mi s Marilin McKe1vey, T oronto vis4ted over the weekend WHIh s.l M.George Armrs.troug of T1)imins, ,qpent the weekend ith his-n mOther, MiUs. Johni Armrstýrong. ACLr and Ms. A. L, Hoey, Neil aM Cathy speat tJe weekend in? London whh eir son Wayn& who isnatend. Miss Berta Gain rturnied fa Bowmanvile Memo il ispital n of Mr. and Mf,.is. W. Miler, Congatuatins o Mr. andMs Don. Gordon on the birth of a daugit terla omnil esîiliop tai onridayO'tader -25th. M3% ami Ms, I.Bryant aid famil, Norland, were Sundy vsiors wth ~ a i I\s. C rl illiogs. St. UaStarCEsAPYa n IMonday attend ecL th iu'Xrnl i ia gra ant, Ms H .Dy-Nca a o c1bae ber 96. o rînd 0 eàr îthislu'n ENrnni ' e soyLaU eaL f th (e Qi ana Une :up, Oi Lu:e tub. igthVilla otnini inus.ayi however they iiît e iogf a forthe c char f isÀoaî Rev. Basi Long CHURCH, SERVICES SUNDAY, NOVEMBER -3rd Il1:00 ......rn 30p..Aniliveisary Seric wihdaw i fvurrof the Ann1*Ve1 SUNPAY SCUG-OL 10: a.m...........rn .. p ........ ..Lekr Ph A 1Used Cars Our tomplete service gularantees ye r round drivn,.igpleasure CAR VETH Mo'TORS ione 3251 Tl-ewcastle, Ontario- SFor Sale $50,,000 Worth 0f Prote ctio Cace potetin for yoreS!bCMdlf ad fmil,nÉthandgh Ce geia o pe a -itnsiancoe agAssoci jati , A i itity is rance i surance. for beth self- 4wopelled an t ractor-drawn farn RQBERT mOF FA T CoopraiInurance As so ci ation HalowenCo,;stuLmes, large makballoonis, falsewhkes Slipper So~.ks. ladies 1000c wool. sole. Colors Red, Green and Blue. ai-d malsizes, w-igs. pap3r -baigs Plair....10 Slippr Soksý 4, Mises uprir uliyc lreJ beading sand embroidery trim. Pair.......Cef Lie ayon anie Briefad haif slip mt b Lnin t u aupnk. Sizes s.maill'medu ald large. pSet .$..... ed akts aie eans ct, o sty,,l S, i fancy t i r4tPtrPncr soted COlorn'. Szemal' m1(diulnor lOrge.ah.....$98S Afiic an PaaS 1Lapres2tie us n broca..., Orienki AV moif, anares la Csnibte ii. 5à acrn 7mediu2n or laie. Pai.............. ..$1.49 styles and cî . ..... a........... 6c o c iI Cv noi,;,fÇ SwaerByscto3 setes ibbd ni. i 7 to12.PcENec...........$ Shearling Be the si cil 71 at N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ni s. N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N b b N N N N N N N N N N N N N N I N N N N N N N N N N N h N -N N