* It îs not unusual that older people resent ai.yone taking their dau ghter's place in ber husband's home. They forget that for hum hýlf e murst go on,' and especially where a child is invýolved the sati' sfactory an- swer i s to provide awelb- anfCeId home life for hjrlm. NOw you bave this opportunîty. I think yo should take it. The boy's-.ý grandparents are nat-- rally toath te part with lm ïi, but after al, they want wa ïs best for bis future. Youir son shrould ge t ac- " îuine wt'h your fiancee niow7,.I suggest you take him to vâsit ber on Saturdays or * Suindays, whien yo-u threcan *~ have thie day togethLer. Plani *real aujting-s that will appeal *to the 'boy, and hie will corne to ta ssoci-ate bis future step- * mother with the happy times youj and she share witb hlm.i Ail1 weelk long hr- wil look for- wal. to these visits, and 50, w,,ill be eager to corme and live *with you when you return Sfroin your hnyon SThen you will, of coýurse, see that he visits bis grand- parents regularly. As thIey see "hlmn cotented in bis niew 1f e, they will give credit "0o bis F"IUX'NTED PATTEIRN 1 hope you will not consider * marrying a tman more than *tceyour age. While he lis *dating you hle is generous and *tbougbitful, but after mnarriage *he may flnd a quieter life miore te to bi ste, In 20 years you *will eWnyorpl:rme, while *old age will be creeping uLp on *him andI he will not enjoy the * recr.eations that delighlt you.i * h Wbave your Parents aI- * owed youto cýdate(, a man of * bis, age for so long, with no *oerby friends on your list? m I' fri ou have been so *dazzleed by bis sophistication that your mmid is closed ta *anyoe ongr Youir present * uncertainty i1 s a hopeful sign; *subtconsciously you sense how *unfit wvould be such a union *and youir commion sense cries c ut against it. * His 1unl'cieterrn in ed imarital. *status is not to bis credit., Ilow *did tLhe crmor get starte-d? *Your f ather can' find out, andI 1 hope he w1 before more *time poasses. i urge you to he-ed h is wrinandI beg-in nowt o encourage youinger men. Men who read this eolumin av- preiaïe Anne Hirsts warpi un- dersLanding and practical soin- ions of their problerns. Write lier frank1y, addressing bher at Box 1, 123 ilighteenth St., New Toronto. SMART SACK --- Paris designers hdve succeeded îh-i hcining the shape of faishionable ,wo- men with this year's '*sack» dresses,. Sa Myrtice- Hunsucker, carrying the theory ta ils lagical end, shows thfbat a printed cotloan seed scick can - with a 1111e imacilatban-be eurned intoaa s a ck. 4SSU"dSý - 44 1O5ý RM Suçh a wonderfri Tans giigweekend - and SO rnuIch for which to be thankful beautiful w e ath eprglioos coorand the visit offur Queen and bier biusband, Prince Pbilli. I arn sure nearly every-. one xilbc following the Roýyal couple by radio and television as theoy nmake their vrasap-. pearanes. We woeremember tbe, baby prîncess, thep little girl, LilIibetý ,-tie young bride -- now finid in our gracions Queern a comnbination of ail the promis- ing attributes that. accom-panied bier period of growing up. Yes, we watch ber, but often t hI ixed od motions - glad thaRt shie - our- Queen, yet knowvingta but for unforeseen circunstances (téabdicationt of IKing Edward VIII) our Queen mnigbt even itou, be loading the ýomnpara - ti*vely free, and rnuch beasier iteý of al royal prinicess. WVe watched' on our television set the pageantry of the parade front Rideau Hall ta the Parliaý,- ment Buildinigs and theni the cpening of Parliamient. -AndI we loved every detail of i0 The Queen seemed more relaxen than n we had seen her on any peiasoccasionr. lRer deli- very -)f the Speech froin the Throxie was ral wondeýrfuL. To rad faultlessly for haîf an bour rnust be quite an ordeSl, even for a Queeni. WVell, Ibardlynoed sayay more about this great andI nmrorabe occasin-- the f irst tirne in Canadas bistory that a reigning rnonarcb bas apenod thte Canadian Parliment.Pr i me Minister Diefei-baker, as bcarl 0f the Fedeiral Governm-entrnust bie a proud antI happyv man. Aino(w to cone bckto events neairrhbone. VWe bave jiad Our own special r'ea5son forý rernernbering tiiis as a Happyý ThanIksgiving veeken td. O u r diaugbter presented us wiîtb an-- othier grandson -- a brother for David antI Edward. Wewud have welecomod a littLie girl but by tbe timie tho baby arrivec! wewere 11o1, Pcring whether it was a, boy or a gil- ust saý long as it wasni't hotb-! Twvins wou1din't bave surprised us in the leas£t especially as t'he arrivai was ten. days ovl.u.Ti el- iow wveighied in at a lusty fine-ý and a haîf pounds. Dee says bec lookýs like a little Indian - cbubl-. by face, fiat nose, black h'air, inclined ta curl. Not a ve-ry fiaDt- te-ring description but thon bow often can niewly borin babijes ,beý calletIattractive? I think is, naine vill be Gerld Roe - ater the family namnes of hi twaû grandrnotbers. No doubt h î evoryýday naine wiIl bc Gerry - or -Jcrry - wvhichever way they docide- ta spol iît. David is ai- ready talking v7ery proudily about h-is inew brother, Eddie, of eoure, isý unawaro that he is nü longer !bc baby ofthe f aily, Wiceh is_ juýst as well as he had shedj manyof bis baby'\ ways sinico he came boere and is becorningc mrore advonturous with each p)assing dayv. If mny hair wore rot already wioit soon.wouhd be. Yesterday I1 found hlm ibuisi- [y engýage(d in an endeavouir ta plu-- in the space beater, later oný it was the floor larnp. Hie bas also found out how taopen the door ieaing ita the basernent andI a f2ew dayýs ago be puilletI a resh cherry pie on to fthe kitchen floor. Sa we have aur momentsý! We aiso find plenty of wý,ork ta do downr in thoi laun- dry. I say "we" because Partnier helps with the job. 1ido the asngantid rinsingý; Partner empties the tubs and hagihe wasbing on the iine. Hoe says hc, neyer expected tbe day wvould everc-(orne when be would bc hanging out diapers againi, Wbich goes ta shiow yau rneyer can telL However, tlhe end is in silght. By this time nlext week I1 suppose Dee will bc horn m atIbe look- ing forward ta haviQg ber thre bo0ys together again. Until c-to there 7s no chance of mny seeing the new baby as only fathers areC ailowed ta Vl£îitthe bospital because of the flu epi.demric. Wo shal miss a-ur w.ee Eddie, wben hoe gos homne - 'but one tbing is certain, we oughit ta beý ablie ta get a littîe rmore wýorkç clone than We have done the hast fe oxv w-eeks. A littie more visit-ing too YeterayBob antI Ja JY cames along ta take us for a drive to see the glarlous calýour of the beaves up around the Caiedon His, I1 couldn't see aniy pleoasure in tkn Edealong se- J? persuadled Partuer ta -,gr- scItad 'rne~m. Ac1tualv. il, Mo demr Etîquette * h y Roberta e Q. What should one say te peopfle who have just had a death in their fanily? A. Upon the occasion of death, some expression of syrn-patby is always appreciated by the fami-. !y, but the iess elaborate ',te eý,xpression the better. "I an sor- ry. Is therce anytbing i can dio?" issincere anýd suifficiunt. Q. 1 arn always uncertaini about the lettuce On which a salad is served. Is it really prop- er to eat this? A. Since the lettuce is as m(uch a piart of the salad as any other of the ing-redients, it is 'quite proper -ta eatit. Q. What jewels, if any, should ai bride -wear for betr weddiag1 cererntony? A. Only the gif t from hlir b)ridegroom. Q. Is it ever proper 1to use the knif e for cuttingI the salad when cining? A. If it can be done easily, uise juist the foaik. Howvever, sometimies lettuce capn h o tugh ta manage witb the fork, and inb thiat case, it is quite all rîgtt ù use the knif e. Giant P-ies And Even Bigger Cakes Cen'itre ofatrcin tare cent Leicestershire village fair was the biggest pork pie e-ve-r madle-- a mnonster three -foot bigb and six f oct in dliamneter. Two luge pigs were nieeded ta M11 it and more thani 1,000 par- tions were cut. fri-it andI soltI on souvenir plates ta eert the 700th arnnîversary of the g-ranting, of a charter for the f air. Englisb cooks have achieved som-e marvelb'ous feaqts of cooking at various tirnes. The Leicester- sbire park pie was tinly coni-. pared withi the gfiant pie pro-. duced by th(, poople of Deniby Dale, Yorkshire, seventy years.,c ago -- on August 24tb, 1887 - ta cornmen1Orateý Queen Vi"c- toria's .Jubilee. It weighed two and a liaiftanos. It contained 1,85Ib. of beef, twenty-one tIucks, i00 SIm)ai', bir'ds, forty-.two fowhs, forty pigeo,isi t-furrabbits and haîf a ton of flour for tlh.e gr eatL crust. Ton borses were used ta puAl the pie ,to the feasting arena and hundreds looked forward t'oaa m eal, but tbiey were disappoint- ed. By the time t'he pie- could beý ,cut' it was atrife "bghý" ant Colossal cakes? The record probably goe-s to a Miarni, Flori.- -da baker, who a few years agis made a cake which contained' the whites of 14,000 eggs, 3,500 whole e-gg-s, 2,280 pints of milk, 1,400 lU of flour; ,,6 lb. of fats and but- ter, 3,490 l1b. of sugar, 90 lb. of baking powder and 65 lb. of sait. Imagine a sausage 3,000 ft, lon~g, That's more thin ,halt a mile. This fantastic "banger was carried through the streeta of Koenigsberg, Germany, in 1601, by the 103 butchers who had undertaken to makeý it ae "a labour of love." An outsize in omeletteswa cooked in New Jersey, threei years ago. It contained 2,100 egga and waqS fried beautifully by infra-red rays in ten minutes in a frying-pan mepasuring 13 ft.. across, The reason for this astonirshin culinary effort? it %was a pub1i- city stunit to p'ersuade People Io eat more eggs. It was successfut, too, for the sales of eggs soarEýd for weeks afterwards. Welcome Gif t Be prepared for chri5trnas ai aLIiýl s joyouisness. Mlaketli aporor, --coorful - quickly emi- I;roider-ec. Makes mrost vwelcomii Pattern 80;3: ,trarisfer of Salitaý -ead for 1-incb epron; ,.direr- tions. lPone in white and red cotton maýterial, Stairt early!