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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1957, p. 7

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oLmnue, IHBC as t .comes cl ownI kIUJi aiuuiti lakes te th e s,ý afier the river, Ice breaks up in oarl'y July. .. Pote skinned and filleled the fish experlly, arid w friod anid ate thons wilh canned buttier Lemon exîract and mnustard. Pete's visit, wbhicb had ne pur- pose save that of socisbityý,, w&ss a twanty-four-hour foie. At breakfast nexi day ixtoonî peo-. pe crowded happily ie the rook tant snd three of us vork- ed consta tly at the stovos, turru- kîig eut a ceninueus sireans et pancakes, bacon and soal iver. Tho-in, înstea)d of scattering oer the tundta on our dsily collect- ing and ebsorving expeditIion.s, ne ail stayed i camp for conver- ý;ation amati games. Pond Inlet talcen ever.., s Il tolk Pela about three heurs ta say goed-by. Finially ha wont, but ha got only as fair as Idlouk's tent. We felloWed hlm thora, and another heur passeti, serone, lazy ànd poîntless. Ey imperceptible degrees Pela gel b is entourage on1 the komatik - andi suddenly they w"ere otffai a gallop wvith- te ut a backwvard look, But lhey didni't gel vory f ar. At supper- lime tbey were stili a quarter ef a mile offshore hunling seal alone the big leadti.-- From 'Spring on an Arctic islatnd," by Kratharine Schermnn TOOTHLESS TORREROS-To tell the "îooth" about it, six-yea r-aidi twins res and Peter Bane aren't reaily buli-fighters despile the mnataidor costumes t 'hey ore mnodeling. Thetin wore the costumnes at a fashion show. The youngsters gat to keep thie bul-fighting regolia, but they'lI probably have ta wait until Christma1s, oo, for their missing front teeth. There's A Quarrel In Every Sport Woe hardliy 'th-ink of chess as afler, did flot more than dcestroy a. dangerous spoort. Yet recently a single room before the local i wo ûplayers, alter a tempestu- fire brigadei quelled the oui- eus, painfal clash during a gamie, break'. Went to l1aw, eachi accusing the Demoniac Grïn other of assault. A more nove!l form 0f Vre-a The row arose ever queens. geacewa ta Pofa'oser in a To pinch your opponent's queenî checkers mratch who sacr-ýiîced siudd1enly is, in the eyes of con-1 a be-ehive te work off is spleen. inenitals, a breach of jeaiously Ho put the hive in, a harrow - oýbserved etiquette. Ordinarily, it Was a stolen one -- anîd set ni the f irst threat te your o:p- eut to waylay thea winner who pGnrent's queen, yeu warri him lived in a bnao threc streets by cryin.g "Gua-trd.ý" away. Somiethin-g similar enters mbnt, Havinig quio-tly wheoled the cricket. Baîsmen, mvlg out of hi, sm ieatrmcngt theircrose atthe bwlars en ta is opponent's gate, ho soon bheïrortesbowler Fbas de1iernd discovered tlb. open bedroom thé bal, are genlerally wýar ed. With a domonae grîni, he heav- Somec bowlers, of course, wbip ed in bis "bomb,"~hvn first off the bails at the firsi; opper- rem(oved ils top. Whatever Itiandaea .'su(, epr dreamns the two sleepers were In bc cess ispte, emprs nterlaàiing eruipted suddenly ileamevoy bate ad ele b1 vicîous buzz as, tbe ive plyralleged that the ither lno plumb- on their four- jm~mad p, th cbssPard ter, andi a swarmi of turious ini bis face and aimed a kick nt chai. Th frondl, plcid bees pou.d forth. his chiappheîrenly, plcc Ibiý,te ,wif e re-acted& garne, one of the quielesl andý quickly. Sitting up ini bed . with soberest nin ho worid, dissolved asat saSWt;brhro aD-t0 turmoil. 'boca!aier be setting on, ber The rmagisîrate, lýrying Ibi's rdgbtie. With Ja cry of alarm, a mazirig Casa, sa-id that Ibis was s're jumnped out of bed, rushed the only known case, in morei to tho- wvindow, tore off her thlan 2,000 yeýars of chess playing, i1tean be1t uhpn in wbich otb plyers had ended that the bees Would slroamr. after up in hespital. it. And in that split socond sho The trulh is: there's a qjuarrai as ust in tima te catch a in, every garbe if players like 1 glimpso of anld recogniJze the to seek it, Bad losors shed al retreating fligure of the man re- serise of proportion. Soeab- sponsible for ibis savage attack. tome quito mnaddoned by their1 Later, when brougbt teIo (urt, desiro for vengeanice, 'e was haiyfnd OaeasuppL)sedly bougb liman Where persona', malice is ac- inu1thoi north of England, for in- companied by violence, a very stance, atter losing at dominoas, stïf f sentence cani be imposed. lot defeat rankie in bis mi. Thtý most disgrunled Fe'¶1ow may Ro turnied te, arson for relief, thon wish ha bad accepted de-. Fortunaiely, the canister )f font la a more sperting spirit. gaselîna whîcb he threw lhreugh î'sne use pleading "actioni i a wîndow of hîs conquoror's Ihe hat-of ibe -moment" i wben bouse, aýnd' the hgb-ted 011 rag merely a game4ý's resit is t slake. ~ N.-$~<HOWV CAN 1? _-, Q. s!washing soda ever harmï- - ~ fui IRthe lothes? A. 'es. ahn soda is a ..... housebold riocess'ty, but when 1 lused onr laundry day if àt is net, insed eut of the clothes Ihor- -. oughly, the fiber of the goods -p e' AGENTS WANTE0 AGENTS wanted: sell color reproduc- tilos l7th Century Rembranidt Shool painting "The G-ocd Saniaritan."10 prof it. Sample copy $2.00, Publishers Anco tue., Port Ricbey, Ploridla. AGENTS, niake 100%, profit 'seiling "'Krea-so." Huge demiand; sample andc details free. Purchase'a SaleS, Box 157, Bûtwood, Newfoundland. GO INTO BU$U4E5S5 tor yuurseil. Sel! our exclusive oousae- warves wjAtebes and other products n*,t fouind in stores Ne compiefiion. Profitsi up te oe_ %~Write now for frv.. ecoour catalogue ani separate,,confiL dential whalesale price sheet. MurraY Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence. Mlontr-eal. 100%ý PROFIT. SeIl Battery Reviver. restores ,,our car's battery MIe. Ter- g ti eller. Sample $l.00(. Free dectails. ÉýiL ey,ý 6 Cobalt St., Toronlto 9, Ont. Ye~u ris only $.00 t t artPYear aro'und spare Lie business. Our itemr Nenette miakes a grtiJfylpag Chs-stmag glft that wili bring a volumne of r- peat orders Iater. tart at once by sead- ing $3. for your demonlstrator "Nen- eýtte" and comiplete information on how tu rroceed. Vickers Products Brtannia Bay P.O., Ottawa, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALEý RETRACTABLE Bail Point Pens, $14.90 Gross. 100 refuis $4,00, thousand $28.95. No C.O.D. orders. Hiltop, Box 582-H~, G.P.O., Brooklyn, New York. BEAUTrIFUI, Christmas Cards. 25 al dîfferent, with envelopes, $1.45. Worth double, Satisfaction or cash refunded. Money orders only,,, please, Ming. 1031 Pape Avenue, Toronto. __ Pump-$89 IDEAL for drainlnig, filing, spraylrig, irrigatlng. Sturdy, rust proof alloy. Pms606 Lallow sper hour -with ¾ - H(.P. motor. Ollesa ýearings, 4 suctionl 1"dîseharge. CO.D. Gusranteed. Mor- rison Sales, 622b Mountain Sights Dept. W., Montreal. SEVEN proven plaste.jures moided Ïn coer, in plastic box, $1.00 postpald. Sure Catch Lures, Pý.,%Bx 6M, Dan- ille, Virginia. FIEE PROTECTION, Pfesto Fïire Ex- tînguisher: $5.95; $1195; $395 34-50. Merlte Pire Alarma $7.95 <îess flash- iight batteries). Deposït $2,00, balance ý(dlect. Bauiman printing, Emmra, Ont, HAND KNITTING MACHINES FOR plain and Dîmond Socks. Second hand in perfect condition, f.o.b. pat wvith Ribber attachmen± $35 - withepuî Ribber attacbment $20j. AUTO KNITTERS LTD. 1101 Victoria, St. Lambert-Mkontreaî 23. BABY CHIIKS THE chieken of yesterday a ,snot goood enough for to-day, To make the maxi- mlumn profits you have to have special breeda fer the job you want the chicks to do. For mamum ega production, on tlle minimumiii amount of feed, ourI ýest t imb-ýlïrer Y-137. We alse recoin- mneýnd Warren Rhode Island Red, Amnes In Cross, Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn, Califoria Grey X White Leg- horn. Ahi popular dual purpose breeds, lst. Generation biriler chbks,, Turkiey poults for Broiiers or Hlefvy Boasters, Laying Pullets, Caltalogue TWEDDLE CHICK HTIIUIISLTDJ. rERGUS ONTAIO CÉICRS. Pullets. Brolers (including Indilan River Cross). Ames In-Cross. Wide choice. Sonie started chicks. Pricelist, Sray Haýtchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. K-137 KIMBERCIIICKS. How mianY eggs did it averaDge? Answer: At the Cali- f orni Tests It ,,ver,,ged 264 eggs per pullet Ilp to about 114mon'ths. In Missouri the K-137 entry layed 2419 eggs even. though the test ran only to about 1614 months, For the pat five years, bssed on 410 puliets ai one week of age, Kimiber Leghiorns averaged 250 egzgs par bird in the Caifornia Tfest. This aver- age mIcudes 1-M3 entry in thle m0oat recent Tests. Qusion,: What egg sîze das K1437 lyAnswer: Eggs from K-.137 normaily average at lesat 26 ounices par dozen during the firat lay- mng year. They led in early egg size in al three of the 1955-56 Ranidomy Tests hi whlch they were entareti. For ful d.etails and ïnimber catalogue, write Scott Poultry Farm, Seaforth, Ontario, oTveddle ChicIç Hstcisrles Llpited, Fergus, Ont, 13OCKS "L,(OOIIlt the Dawn"~ the book, every- one Is readingarad exrclted about. Gift suggestion for Christrmas, Graduation, Birthiday, shut-in friehtds of yours, etc. Many bours of enjoyable readtng and pleasure cati be yours wth this book, $4.00 postpaid, no CO.D. Julian R, Draka, 511-211d Ave., Albany, Georgla. EDUCATlONAL EARN AD TH.B3., TI.G., by correspondl- ence. Accredted. For fui)l frmtii send staimp to Immanuiel Coîege, 644 Memorlal Dr-ive, Atlanta, Georgia. re resident School Catalogue. FOR SALE 1957 MODEL Chain Saw (MaIl) operated only a f ew bours. Saýcrifice for $195. Apply Clement Goyetta. Roue P. Site- ville, onitarlo. Thse days mnost peuple work undar pressure, worry more, sleep less, This strain oýn body and brain makes phys,ýical fit.iessiassiar;el Ioe-hsider 10 regain. Today's tanse iviýng, ïowred resistance, ove.rwork, worry-sny of these msy affect norw lkidney action. Whai kIcidneya get out of ordler, excesa aciâs and wastes romiain in theiste rnso. Thon ba(ksche, diturised rosi, that"ie-o" heavy- hesde4, feeling often füllow. Thsat'a tisa lime to take Dodda Kidney Pilis. Dodd's stimuiate the kidneya lte normal aciienr. Tien you feal ballr-sleep boter- work boler. Ask for Dad'a Kidney Pille ni any'drug counter. n GARDEN SUPFLIES THJIE'S money in ecarthworms. Ris.e lRed Ifybrids for Bait and iiprovement, etc. Full informtaiion, 3c.B. 1>001. RR. 3, North Bay, Ont. 1lIGÎ4TrNG PLANTS NEW Pioneer Lightingpana.TIV secials 1,800 RPM 110 Volt, e60 cycle, eletric start, onlIY $290,00.Others to 12,000 wýatts. Write f or aalge Sommera Motor GeneratorSas.av. tock, Ont. MECtIANCAL PlÂRTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND> VALVE .'08 WVhile you drive for onir *M00. Foi cars - trucks - tsactors, etc. Un- coniditionally _guaranteed. Effective for life of car. Motaloy saves you money. Motaloy Sales Co.. 34 West Street. Goderich Otri. Dea;er Inquirieb ijnvlted. MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE r.000 RESULTS FROM TAI<ING MIONIS REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elginl, Otta1wa. *1.25 Epress repald POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISE the. tornient of dry eczemé, rahe nsd woeepng akin troubleýs. Post's Eczamia Salve w'ill Dot dîsappolint you Itchin, scaling snd burning ecze- nia; acue, ringworm, pimples and foot eczeam-a will respond i eadily to the utainless odorless olntmant regardiese of hiow stubborn or hopeleas they seema Sent post Free en Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 FIER JAR POST'S REMEDIES !865 St. Cair Awenu. EIst TORONTO DO YOU LACK "PW"-l Whaat Germ ç%apsulies ani, mportant food supplement Incrèêse fndurance, pep and anergy. R-ecommirendati for chld and aduit. Prive $2.0 poýstpaid. ïMari- time Speciltlies, Box 434, Saint John, OPPORTUN ITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SW-YjM and flsh ln beautifuil Gulf oif Mexico, Shuffleboard. Make reserva- tion,, early, wvrite: Fuiler's; Apts., 735 Second St. N., Indian 'Rocks Beach, Floridla. BE A KAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOA'S LEADING SCMOOL Great Opporhunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant, dignifieti proflession; gooti wages. Thousands of succesaffl Marvel Graduates, Ame,-rlca's Greateat Systeri mlustrateti Catalogue Fre. Write or Cail. MARVEL RAIRDRtESSING SCEIOOLS S 353 Bloor St .W., Toronto Branches: 44 KIng st. W., 1-Ismton, 72 Rideau -1Street, ottawa PATENTS FFETHRRSTON"iUGH & C o m p a n Y Patent Attorneys, Estao4shed 1890., 600 UniversityAv, Toronto. iPatents ail countries, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ANY simzple question answ.ýereýd about Southern, California. "R eason able." Rap- res7ent you or product, tee. Send noY money, Supply Mart, $54 N. Cog-sweUJ Rd,, Elmol(nte, Caýlifornia. $1,00 TRIAL offer, Tw,ýelty-five deluxe personal raquIrements. Latest cata- loggue included. The Medico Agýenîcy. Box 22, Terii4al "QI Toront, n0-t. PERSONAI. iIAIR REMOVER -- Remroves arfo legs, arms, neck, etc., Inmiinutes. Year's supply $3,J5. rhaeeSalesý, Fox 1-57 Botwood, Newfoundiand., Guide Catalogue - bigger than ev-eg - 84 pages. Every sportsman sýhould Ihàava tbhis compLete catalogue. Fully 1Wi,1% Irates guns, ca"se s, su pns, clothes, a?.W- îmun'ition, traps, compasses, binocul.uý9 and ail hunting accessorles. WIte Iir,- to: Sydniey 1, Robinsôn Sportlng G00d, Dept. I17.t"7 fupert Ave.,, West' Wlr-ý IT anmds to reason that not e-very nure bred Landrace pig is worth inore than is weight lu bacon. That 'e wtg we at the Fergus Landrace SwIn - Fai- 'ty mpert the best bloociM Unes an4 individuals and onlly seli top quai.tS? anmi.Any flot fit for breedlng a .,old for meat, Choice se-leon o weaynmgs, four kmonth 014, sxmoMDIR old aowa and boars, guaranteed la ig sows, servîceable boars, ail from iM- ported stock, immiedate dellvery. catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWÏNE FARM FERGUS OINTARIO PzrGISTERED Landrace: Iloars, Gflte, open or bred sows. Fasi growing ane a 0 feeý.d conversion fator brcd intev tlje2se pigz. Farmera jprices. G. El. Sylvester R.R. No. 1 S.Catharinleçs Ont. WOULD you lîke te have more pîga Grade, A? The cheapest and quicheat way le to purchase a Landrace boa-e and crosst on any brýeed and you wilIM note a marked increas, lu the grade. We ave outstandlnirg serviceabje boaims, Also 4 montPol and %veanllng bOar01 for immnediate delivery, Ail Làa40 fromI nportec i sock or imported atOCà bi'ed in Canada. Also wevnilngs, 4 month old sows and guarpnteed in pIS âaowa. Catalogue, TONRA STOCK FARMv R.R. $, Holand Centre, Ont DEER, Moo.5e 'heads, BirJs, Fish, mouDnt- ed; niothpr,:oof. Forty years' experi- once, W. Ormsby Ropute 2,. OrjIia, On- ,MERRY MÈNAGERtE 'Heyw, liut thei- w-aé- ere you bro.,ught up ina ar e SLEEP ÂmeD ULIEU NER-VOISEsI .AUP' WYT-MOllO W! SE DICIN tabletî tcoen according tû directions l4 a caf e wy fo induco sleop tu quiot i1h. nervos wheans. Best Looking For '518 Z»wmrson IV ROYALTY LINE The PORT-O-RAMdA 5- WA YPORTABLE EmersPort---am ffers 3yoU 14 or 17"' TV, radio with phono jack., optienal car-aqnd-beaït pu-iand nder pillow speaker for hospital uise and pepixsoaa Iseni Eldorado andI Imprilal Series Beautifully-styled pace-setters for '58 brin-g you ne w styling, iîew wide-range srnewstepped-up performance.. "bet-lekig"TV for 58. Choose front 24', 21" andi 1"Console <aL'lni Tj1b eMedefs - p lus 21"' TV-ï%Seno-Eadio C~iain J3e Ls te nin g 'Foir '8 vmerço» IF You'flfinti evary highi-fidelity feature lauhefor9reat FEmerson IHi-Fi Modela for '.58. Topeniergih adlvanced styling ncafsnhp vn-sŽ-5 makearsen th'C shewpiace of any, EmesonRADIOS ades widle r8o-il orld fnter- -s RAMiO0F CANADA LUMITED with teýn great 74 Trenlon Ae, R lyLn T.,Nv .of M.R, i Q .. sets SL II 41 OALTY 1.114E AI TOUR e iMeRSON DEALER NM0 * CL&SSIFIED AflVERTU SfIO N. N. N. N N. 'N N 'N N N N 'N N. N 'N 'N N N. N. N. N N N N N N N N 'N s-' N N N N. N. N. N N N 'N N N. N. N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N. N N N N N N N. N N. N N. N. N N s- N N. N. N. N N N N -s, '1 N. N. N 's N. N. N. N N. N. N N. N N N N s- N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N N. N. s- N. s- N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N N. N N. N. N. N. s-' s-' t- 45 s N. 's N. N. N N. N N. N N N N. N N. N. N.

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