Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1957, p. 2

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Orono Out. Phone 1-182 XVslbrdg Joeson oF M,. anid Mrs. !(lng sevfItted( bodilce or Qhani- J. H. Jose-, N wa tle.Tieo uc tilly lace. Th full skirt býad tierjs of wvas beutifilly decorat 'ed xith ba- et over satin o Làh t a point la, kt of yelloýw, white asd bronize 1he haek. The finge -p el If mm.Fr'ench 1Ili o n rettîng ,flowed fr oss The Rever'end Bsl E. I Lng con- 1 ct wnof se'ed peais ,,She carriedI du te ie emony. a c'~aeof 'red ro)ses in Milte ny5- WatrE. Pa wns, Peter boixmgis on:nttng plaedtie veldnx mssi a'dne ~is Jlîian setTreuxitonws 1 lov' all, Orno bride'ýs nother ,-e*eived v Arei Latest editions of t-her "1Big Wheel" in latrucks wý,ithi e c 7 c Here with new broad-shouidered siyling, a revolutionary new VS engine, qreat new models! Here to speed schedules, whiffle down operatiiri costs! Here to haindie -Che toug}iesi hauling jobs with new fast-workinq efficiency! Chevrolet's Task-Force '58 rols la withi new husýtie, new mnuscle, new style in ail three wih-ls sertes . .. with more ýsure waiys to stayad saýve on an \ hdad of schiedule. You'll fiidi aew Step-Van Forward! Coatrol deivcry mïodels complete with Step-Van bodiesý. A wider choice of mnedium -duity hauers. Ncwý cab coveincsinall models.Hise effici- esscy horse,,powýer righit up thi ue, inc!tuding a radlical aew V8 dev,,elop- aient for Tasl<-Forcu evye 1hs t's thse biggest, brawniest Chevrolet Il'et ever aisscmbled - aï your Chev-olet dealer's right now aÀwaitiag your insýpection! New Light-D1ty A ahs Dfferiag Iiigh'l-capacity pickups and pan els, sutre-footed 41-Wheel Dr-ive models and, ie,evo-let's 1,tst .. . a "tp-a"Forwa;,rd Control model with 8', 10' ind 12' body leagths! Fanious fuel-saviag 6's with iacreased Nè>CHL COUTICE 4OWMANV ILLE Newi Series 100 heavywej'1ght haucter, Series; 50 medum.duty L.C.F. model.f horsepowet are, stândard in the Apache Series. A meore pow,,eful Trî de- master V8, with 160-hi.p, is optional at exýtra costiin conveaf ional light-duty models. *3 1 Où Zrougýh 3800 lerien. New Medlim-Duty Èiins Kine new models have beenaded al eaurnga néewcah-to-rear' dimension for better load ditibution in spccialized usecs. ShortI-stroke V8's are standaird insJail middle-wýeight Low (Cab FradmotlCon- ventional tmodel!s are pow ered .1b>he Iatest ver;isi ( f Le\re'smost famous 6's. Hcavy-duty optio In"ýcrease GV rtings uLp to 21,000 lbs.! New eeavy-Duty Spart 1 s Thse big nw here is hvolts uge ew 38 cii. in. Workým aster V8, standard in, Ser-ies ",O and 1100 mortels. tsadica new WdeHa dicsign assurles peaIk fice'c ven ith reunIr grade gasoline! 'The 283ý cu ini. Super Ta mstr 8 i tâda lai' Series 70 and 80 models. Ca'ýst-spoke wbvleels a e now tandar'd l iSpairtan mel ad fu;1ilar brakes are- optionaI lt extra cost. /', *8000 ibrauq(,,ýgk 10,000()reï k q -w See themr at your dealer's' now! 'Il A, lm RT Ment 1 ISi Liueitaffe(,ta emb'tosseoiwith velvet irley Goble, lies corsag~e -%as pink roses on an.ý Sbride, Iwas;Oticsf eather. The biero' swere notheris, Iho asiteore a dusky le, "Grystal rose crispe dress Aith lace inses bips leadxiigad a Corsage of yelbow rowss Tise brides Flir their w'digtiip, theymoo. h blue Wth Mdtou ain<gùon D1C. The brie ,es and she donneil a dark broxwn snit, brougiat wý andMwhe from EnglAad, mitn turquise -actus- ,Iure a dressisories and corsage of YelOW mIfm11S. a basket of! During tise receptioni,, Mnr Jack Al- Bo3th wosre lin, accoinpanied by Miss SbirleY Quantr¶ill, sang "I Love Youi Tru,,l?' Bramlpton, and " Thr-u Tise Years."ý ibe a. The-,oÉ4ple will svae heLr home at ir Chapinanl,lGdibrae Parasi, N&wcastle. 1Ont of ToMn guestswes re fr Montreal, Peterbouough, Trepton, 1 t tie CM? BowmaaeileBlastoc, Braafdd 1h1 ,etise Branipton aadr Sto'ney Creek. reariing dfieep The bride atteaded tise Orono and BowmananilHsScisoos also thse PetrisrosghTeachers' GoElege, i tebecosning a teacher in Peter- borough. One of ber nobbies is cake deeJoiat. ing andi C1e decorated ber owa wved- ding cake. The groûom. attendedtise Newcastle nnrd Bwavl Higis Scisools andi the exnpvild AgrcultralScisool. lielisPresidnltof ay f Qin,'te, Coernce Y.P.U, About Onle hudil nd twentiy-five ueddtise BnutandlAan Me2eting of the Durham Cî1 (ounIty Go-. opixtie edical Services -,held ini YletnComiundtiy Hall on Tues-, day e-Nenin-tg of this week. Tise ladies of the Yelverton Uniited Church WA. cateid to adlciu turey- innr. ter., Mr.Rlph Mal-. singiing, accomipanied on thse piano( bjy Mis,,Wlsoelvertoa. Mr, DaveWis, Nestieton, intr- dtsced those at isead table: Mr. El-. more Scoltt,CapblcotPedet 1ý1- M. and i Mus. Dave WVilson, Nesti- tonI, _Mlr. and Mrs. Forbes liey4a1sd, Bownanvile;Mr. anld Mrs. Lwec Stýap les,, Bet.haissy; Rev. Pliilip HRoi.- erlIackýstock; Mir ad Mrs. RUebt. Mo _a, r.aind Mrs. Railiph Ma1lois r.and Mrs. Gordoni Staples, Cavais. Thie President,, Alr, Eluer Scet1t, acteil as chahiman andi spoke a f ew or sf eosne tu those pretA to p.ic tNii sev1l'ai voca ili li y "! u o ase M 'uIl a n M . moyd W~so~ o iYclerrnn .~À\ lin xýnha_

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