OnM, da net,t wil -Lbe ouy rvie e aeectthree 1mie- bers ta thf-e Seho-ol Area Board. We ascadatsi hieetonte thiS opiportunilrty ta-)present "ome ai our. '«)vS regardjýing sehool ad- 1, WVe would like ta scee a better ifrmdpub)ic coniernîj-ing scbooÏ mnatters; for examplýe, ,vfe believe thatreua meetings should tbe hîd i a publieuidig>o thïat ?anyone interested imay :ýeel free taeatend. We also believe that the mare im.portant business itemns ofI ail rgular meetings and AAnnual Aud(]tor-s' Reports shoud be mae krcown to. thei public throI-ugh the press. L. We thjnk a carefl study sbould be iimade of Goeramiient G-î rnts and every effot vimade to uilize '.e o the -fiullest exten't. 3, We .aldlke ta work Wn dser c-oertonwihthe Council to determins 'Muurc eins!aoieeds. We wil wCame the suport of the HEleos in this townsip; and ifcted wsuperformcaur duties ta thebest af aur abilty. Maurc l.pc-djweILl J"Ym 5. Aluni. j'. Mrs. K. Gimbiett, were ie- 'Mr. Lawience Hooey and ýrs with M'I. anid 2Mr^s. Ar-tiRQbbins visiLed the Royal Fair last Tuesday. Mr. 1Rob 1 Mrs. E. W.ar;burtaon, Osh- 83 years young last week in M - ird Mrs. -A. Lvucks, he82 1 previ'-OUxly reported. H1-ARTLKY IH, BAKLOW FUNERAL HOME Pue". 1187 OrnuQ.OL Ph... 1182 The Exectîve afitthe Co.uty As-i i.aWatinw mo wereo IPMcý(d ta r.al aI IS minating Conventon ta choose a baddt'or the nlext Domlinicol el-1 ertin. t ws aniciat Acthtmthi Ianvntionwouldproh b- behe'd At irnothe lttrpart a o nuf y johnJaUwesý, formier A.P. If(ýr Dur- hum, ýil ndtduce th1e in 1gstaon la v 7er, Mv.~~~ ~ edesnwhasaoeate Sa inml] the Kngtndietrcm.11e, 'tldth metngthaýt thos:eà*iî the Zibra1Pary ha~ed ththe re- spanshiliy aip'annîýing the ne l- ection \were lokgforýwa d ta thle '4eturn i a Liiberal rpeettv fvam ths county. Letter 'T._The Edtr Editor-:- Orono Weekly Timies 1 was very interested ta read a re- port on page J., in lIast ýweek's States- man of B3owmanPnville FPubllc Senooli Board meeting when the éhairym,,n of~ our Clarke Area Board was in at-- tendanc'e. If amny iatlertsted yeaderaý care- ta refer ta last week's States- man you will see that Mr. Osborrn.s was told that oiIr board will have tG, pay 91c per child, per school dayi. from the beginning of the sho year, for the f iv£ech ildren in 4Lock-- hart's section wh the Clar-ke BoarcV sent ta Bowmaa'ville last 'S&ptemiber.- When this fee is totalled plus the~ transportation fees whieh are 45e per' chiid per day which C.T.S.A. board5 is pa'ying, it seemis toaiamount ta same $414.80 for the 61 sehool days edn Noveiber 29. O-ver sm 200 schooll days for the year tiis c ýost 1wouh!, amaiiunt ta sailie $13(10.00 for five 1 would like ta say that hvingl heard rumnors, before seýhool started last Septeniber, that these chîldreir Werle gadng ta be bused out afioai- ,section, 1 phioned aone ai aur board- mieibers (flot thie chairn1), ta in- quire, if this rumar t- was truc and if saO who ,Nas gOing ta pay tien(tuitions fees. 1 was told that ";t -w as truc, that- thie board -,as going ta puy the trans- portation costs but not any otheri feees 11e told the Lbrlguýtheixig th as the family concerned wcre Bov- the ptyhad inothing ta b)e dýshc rt_,manville pro)perty ownersz.1Iva s- eénedç about, and pointed out that in told in the sainie conversation that " the Junie ith electia the Liberall tho ugiht ,I1 was pietty smaýrt and that- party had 1-mccied 250,000mare votes i 1thougih1t I had the board 'cornered,~ thannnyathr pvty but 1 didn't and that 1 was;n't s& si-iart as I thought 1 was." It ap- M.Henderýsan paid tribute ta the! pears ta mie that corner i- getting statdsýiainhip) of LouisSt. Lau.ent tight. I kniow l'ni dumib, but as i saying -Theie cauld be nio finer state- have three pubic sehool ehildren 1 sman ta lad any palticalparty Min nterested in nwgifaysch Cýaida" H a.,opaý hgh ribtefees were being paid with aur taxi ta Mssrs. PeLasn, Martin, Howe moaey, because if sa I would lHke M, and Sinclair, A forinicabinet min- see my chlldren get an even break. r ;iers, 'who, he said, had 1);ought can- want the pubhic ta understand that ada ta) its high point of praspecity Ibmnot critiing the fammly whols- priai ta the Jurie lth electioni. Re- chi1(rnhpe o eiv]ed ferring ta Mr. Pea--ou 1 -1 speak'er re aen aleivoed I understand that these parents werE sai, "f M. Dcfebaier ad een prepared ta send their children pu wm er iin iove m be a 1 5* tee am - ur overcrow ded, oe roo m s hoo l dhiý 1manWehia wth M t e.. haveen - suffer the consequences along w* voe d a n t iwar. IiM i;. P c ~n peven- the r st ai us. B ut y u see w liè re te n ailout rte ius- ani e n spte ihere is aleady an' enrolîn a of S resutin frm te stps ake inthechildren in eight graJdes, five m- Suez hy Biitain and Frne. Ir. Cehildien wouh- make iît appeP1\ý Pearsai, lhe said, had been suitably eeeout o tw ahr acclaimed thraughaut tGe rid as a that w do. man ai peace by Qthe icent aw ard(1 ide eeufotnt ab Mr.Peasonof heNobel Peace jt a faily whose gundparerits hja Prize. lHc added that M .Pearson vas paeidi lreTwsi the ouly Canadian ta ever mwintis gectin and paid mnya t peace prize." dollar. Hi.ileders>on criticized the MiC- r.SalyA1n r enbakerý goverinent for its indecisian ý)ýs tne on po cy. H e was particulary riti!-- - - - - - calý of the gove rnmnient's failure t tir 'ryMarkelini II , h'ring down7-î a budget as Mi. F-%in had pramîsiýedl last June. *Sh'arehald- ccompany OràerIy Pro*tu 1 r.s i cverv Compianly euc CPHEVROLEF TRUCOKS New Forward Control Bodies!SumsU WIe Dil 1 Three al-new Step-V/an l go ANYWHERE f' models are réady I ta mtera hQg nd cost andsaveworkiii oor-flooded areas, andi iip tower.- a odoor delivery serviceW -inig grades! Wlith t-ice the New Chevrolet-built bodies îuk o'lhn hr o (8, 10 and 12 feet long) take on1 king-Sized cargaca. nvrcudb-oe