erfiled 4y ac-c, pis baeing icon- fi and Douglas sP ini to hoîd office in, fton Rickarid, st A, and Murray ae ihe pulce reJchn, Rickard, r. e DouglJas 'Waiton and th] w\it be econïniclly ervice- st irkes beweenTar- 9 for $1 oz 7 for$ ' 3for $ 1 rn 14 oz 6 for $1 TIER4 or c}iubby 6 for $1 20Ooz 6 for $1 11loz 5 for $1 3 for $1 7 for $ 6, for $1 4 for Jon1n recreation by Jim Gamsby, m. L. A, Hooton suggested oled 'With all the ta¶]k aver thre thiag has been ,comlih1 The meeting concluded ithth Is adopt the p lans a d gthym-lBes e e ethat Binds" oing. 1 suggest we go along and the Mispa Benedictîan. reconmendations of the comj-, that îiext yeari's couaclil wili tsl Teei oeecs e Is ta proceed with actual con- for to carry ont any ipoemnsit iim-possible to do so while the bUÏid-ý was no question ai what P. in"g is being occupied. I1ugstta ng, Colhorne, th!ouight of the as soo)n as the new buildin is buît Home for the Aged. "The ex- tatAilcte old pope be moved inta iligis inot uIlta)te anld his ýo t-.'at complete reoaio of rk ba-s been expended Ao keep Cie od buding may be under4a0-. r4 $ DOLLAR DAYIS c9MBINATION! EVERSWýýEET RINDLESS BACON lb M YOtUR RED ANI) WHITE FowI Fred Man*y [rom th~e UOmmunrty hav danced to- it and sav that -'t is just anlother Lawrence Wek ithout the bui-pbles. Last vweek T 1said that v:i wa Lau De'wel's orchestra but atal it is Jimi Hazelton's orc-hes'tra. Il i a five piece b aýsa orcheýstira. Now coneýS the crisis the priýce is $5 per, couple. Da-n' faint tdad, Just lse to the expenses. Theochsr-cs $10alone. Then oi,n o o tat $40. for liats, hornis, wite,$5 o e coain.So teeis $215_.wtot thie cýost of 'the hall and unI.S actually th-at is ce~,cnieigl Os;hawýa ouwodpa $1frth daUnce, riats, hrs vite n uc This dance isdrsopinnta forma. Butthisdoesn'reanyo ca't camefomiNwdcoaon ar-e being boghut toproidethe rhig-ht atmi-ophere. This was -il'planned o n the weekenid at Ann Beýst's huse. Different canmit-tees are s fai Iaws: Lunch: n et aiy Cobbledick, Doreen Alldr8d, Jojan "Ail- dred, Shirley Vaàgg. Dec)artIns. chairmian Bernice- Lunn, Doug Ly- cett, Doug Gamsýby, Neil BairrabaIL Hats, horns: Erice antoJ'- Ga-113 by. Doar: MEIton Rainle Y.Cla ro:Phil Long. on sale no&w arýe tickets on aSy- -aria clock Rdo This is an. disiy no&w at Wm. Fîddell'.s barbershp Tis is ta bedrn New Years8 Eve. Wouidinl't it be nic to have a dlock ~radio to, start the nes-w Year off r îg-h t. This radio you set before goin tOý bed and -wake up ta niusic. Itiss soothing ta wake 'In this mainner, as- pecially when you wake un toEli singing "Jaiîhoýuse -Roýck". The ios ,Io giCal sang to îwake up to waUld be ORONO TINSHi Shee(t Metal Work Warm Air lleating Ajir Conditioniinlg IPlumbing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings Cutting and Threadiflg Fire Extînguishers R. F, LOG G.E. LAMP 25, 40, 60 Watt Bieached Su Bulbs 5 for $1 Baga 3fo Gum 20 for $1 Bars 11i fi 29 - "co~L MON DA-lY to WDNSAY DE02,, "HIgh Tueat ao ,1 spectin and arking of ecordb b,, t-he Sixr. 30 cubs erempres this ek planlsfr a Chiri*stmcas Pa,-rty.ý O)Ur-tem ff gam-e tis weeýk a ~ u HTpn ea, hsta most oints.: JackP TeStars leared aou ev a Sain s tat makeju"T he RIJmno J 2nd Sta s i tined elwithS phob re ader the laers po CuJb r ,In B 1e, wo ir th;p- Semaphore.e 1weedk ca>ile "h Rdmn Cub CreeGd adPr--ayer.ýý, lowin estSt er akn Buce Mrcer ves f llp test on knotS. Cubs mwith go ed ee Mercer, BiIIyTdd "Wak ut) LiWte Susie-." Besidpes, music and a Cdoýck radiE) so e-cordsý the day and date. Ti tickj-ets are an sale naow anda members of the Hi-T2eins have bJ taseli. An-ybaody wishin.g ta sali E plas-ontact this writer, ±i5JJt~L "w nas i aiai Waal abieOt tic X EAT QUALITY I Mlarket