a ,rts Gets$ce W ff - q a Ici Fvruit& Vege tables CALWFORNIA SUNKIST NAVALsize ORANGES 113's Most popular for eating ut of hiaud. FOR ABRAFS EYE-OP'ENER;, FRIAMARS11 SEIEDLESS Grapefruit size q6's Thle c. pr-ofit So easy to ecatn any time, any,ýwhere £aagerhe ss XIOS PAPLÂRSkLAD ýV-EG'ETABiLE Lntu4e ris (and nt last some bjet for the current pl campIgn is thé cw Uuiorms f"Or ur ie menibers of thé ined their own outfiS 1Exienditure of $120., ris W!l be needed. ist o! a sýhort royal rt and a white bulky rew neckline and blues blues letter ;O, wii o! the sweater.Blue et off the white shoas. use ln colder weathet- rlered but as y-et have' Ad ice has long been- due s, w-ho for toyelars w ýith bor-rowed skirts -hic-h theyth see- responsibie for. their time has corne ijorettes as the best O.HVLS."declaredMn Ad to comment on thez .- 0o- ALLA TICKETS SOLI) (From ag 1 ic S'hextchuck. Thiese fouri the $100 pizeý on mnutual a- ýnt. Mn. E. Samuel wvon $5.0(l naine was the firsi drandu vmi. Gradýy won a simi-ilar a- as her numie was the lO,'Oth Nine boxeýs otf chocola-tes wereý yenr as special prizes for ee ASk necfurstudenThi 2,% 1,0S 1f k 2.-50 l'"BO NISBUKS 'US BC FEA-TURES IAT 9u' BLEUflE $5 1.00 - BUCKS"' RoiIed Plate oz tin Un 2 3 tali Rreasts Orange Pekoe cii ou- 79c~ g ibag5$ g tins 29c~ an OatÏ- s larg e re Margarine 9lb nOGO.WC WESTINGIIO0USE, 2ý 49e- CBRNl il' s ner ou the sb nce funds ca-rry on *JUICE[ 25c 2 oz tins 15 oz tin 28, -29, WITH ni" w#îtr- - j granu~latdSI w 2reg FOR BA lel i tin s 23