eadilng arnishes R. E LOANProp. CUt71 MIXNED Peel CUT MIXE» Fruit PINEAPPLIE Rings Ormo, t 27c PRIZES 0F $, $10., and $5., Beaufif y your- Hom-e with thç Christmas Themie YOIu1May Win aP. rize Sponsored by Orono Chamber of C FEATURE- Easifinst Sho'rteninig, 12 lb. 49c FFATURE - FIVE ROSES Flour 5 lb 37c, FEATURE - Apple-fard"s Save Ail 100 ft. Rol Wax Paper 29e FEATURE - HEINZ IHambtirg Hot Dog, Bairbeque, 16-oz jar Relishes .35c OGILVIE FRUIT' Cake M'lx 28 oz 63c QUAKERý Instant Qats 44 oz 37c LB 25c EA. 1 7c Inilterlàei -iate A's and LheHmho JuirAClub. Farwer's Convention At the îGth Annuâl Coiivenltion, of the Ontario Famrs:' Union, held ii' Guelphi Octo-ber -'1 and 22, Mis. Geo.Dý Prosser of Blackstock -was again oiie cted Women's Presýident for OntLarîo. Those frgm D.i amattendinig tbhe lagstconverition ever, 45ï0 farmer1 delegates, included director 'Lewis IWood and Mus, Wood, -Mr. and Mis. Joje Trudeau, Mi%. and Mis. Otto' Briagg, Mvr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, Mr. Jack Mallett, Mr. anid Mrs Georgei i"We are now recogniized a National Faýrm Organization, n t-ý tawa and aie fast becc spokes.mar, for Canadia-i ture,," said James Patters cun f Interprovincial Fo Counceili, when addressing Annual Comvention. of Ont2 ers' Union in Memnorial H, Guelph, Tuesday, Octcoher hundred and fifty (450) were in attenda'ilc, beingi ConventioDn to date. 'Tari sîX or seveu' years ago wer and cIass-ed as radica$,Is. It cant that the LiberaliP clarims that they miust heco if th-ey hope to again ge . ecet," cfontinued the speý though the p-st Goverinm warnings made by Farnu to ag-ricultures fast deteric onounjoal po>sitioni, those have beeon-, )revlçvnt and id. Fou elegat'e wh'le we! -nent time' .fari-iers utinlup to Watch &CIoct< Ctinic RoNr OTAR10 This manth SPE"CIALS Tea Pot Crearn and Sumgar Cup and Saucer ALL FOR$25 BIG TRAM ïon your d INSURED F AND FORGI DIAMOI Asmall deposit articLe until1 1 VEAU For Cash 011 ,TCIIES -NME-NOT RINGS Handmade ýNitie ....$1.98 Nylon, Velvet, Crepe Dresses size 1, 2, 3. Baby 3-piece Jacket Sets $2.9S Hiandmade Sweater .-- 2. Suede Jodpurs, 1 & 2 yrs. $3.25 3 & 1 yrs. $3.39 Fatst color Sanforized wrinkile shed Overalis......--...$19 jBoy'M wol.and ylon Blanket Cloth........--$11.9-1 Gîlswool andf nylon Blanket Cloth........-$29n OPEN E OPEN ALi iL D DAY U-NTIL( 10OOZ TRAY 2-1c B 3 LB POLLY19Oc gnt )wn Chickens roast 'or fry lus lcomedy -hit tarring funny mari NORMAN WIS Last ompltshow at 8;.20 P MN.ând TUES. - DI Phoe 10 1 8oez 19iC 8 oz25c 4 oz 21c MARASCULNO Cherries 6 oz C"ýeHRISTMAS w"BAKING NEEDS"n