ents at O.HS ýiiIe foi. hîS' the incr.eaýsedi iter nuimber, of âge o)f the ili-, thl commerciai ý-ember 28Vht ed onl the bi ANNOUNCING 'TUE NEW FAN TABLERITE Availaible In -AIl IGA Stores iL lequire at Yotur IGA Store U:9-1 :t 4ý-oz tin 29c "4 oz 51 c z ie bx ar 43c 16 ,z ar 47 c oz pkzg 2 for 3IC 5 lib bag 39C D)ELMONT.-,,E FANCY Fruit Cocktail sut fori, n x and 12 will wýritc l* hourls the GradJfe -o heur"s and the 0lný awd onie hait nS wýill commence. nid run 'to Decemn- ridy te2Oha 'orth Chita v wveeks th0, elec- as '1maiy lray ta stay awake tc or, two. .s; of O.11.S. ring' m started te, study examus will catch epared t Iept of f thE- ýt aur New Year'ý espec'illy for the Jin11 Gamisby 28 428 oz ING ai fa