CAR VETH Newcastl, Only a sniall iuvestment gives tip to $50,000 liability insur. ance protection for yotirself and family,. through Co- operators Insurance Association, CIA. Liability iusurarSe protects against finanicial Iosss resuilting fron-î some accident on your property, or through an, oct of your Ownl, or a faliy member. CAspolicy includes public medcial paymouits and famlIty atlefical payment coverage. A popular option is. tracter in- Êïurance, for both self-propelled and trco-rw farm i ilj m ent S. RO9BERT 1OFFAT ORONO ]PHONE 3r Co~prtv nuac soito FOR -tonie Slippers, imade to stand Io 5. Pair for . ,...... .. s Duteli Plaid Opera assortel colors Plaids assor-ted v anci sterc Opea MI Pay mer4ay luLtd.