ssile- that is to e-arth ta atomnic Ioadj. ýyes-includ- 'scientists- at this mo z I the giant tel r Nen- PL free s 412 0 414V %j,4.I.l'E jaV?: oneIC ttary.The yt )n of C th- orel of as viewved from quired 's away, ls that -c.op eyeurned r than fSena- s- --'N 54 -4- J6IreLti The world was thrilled re- cexîly by tihe mniraculous escape 0f, e"' Officer Douglas War- in-' ht mateý i hie fl stean down victin -had ein sized b, hie case ip ;ha4< /Iexico las )n to a fit: -And ire, cùirst, SOME started pullets. fluai purposei cok ,o r d e r janaary -Februlary brollers now. Wdechoic& cllek-s in-. cluding Ailles Im-Cross pullets, Asic for cop Pt st, Briy Hatchery, 120 John. FARMA MACHINERY FOR SALZ USED TRACTORS & IMPLEJMENTS4 OLVR3 point hitrh lowMldwest one way dise, Dearborn :3 furrow ,plows, .AIied rotary hoe, Case 3 fro plw Deairboý,rr side mouint mwr Dearborn dise plow. McC0rm;ck ,field cultivato0r, Tigertransplanter, MCrikhorse snower, -, Used Tractors al makes. WALTER SELLICK SALES MANAGER ESSEX FARMERS LIMITED 27 VICTORIA STREET ESSEX, ONTARIO INSTRUCTIONI E'ARN mr!Bookkeeping, salesrmaAf- sbip, Shorthandi, Typwitn etzc. Lelsons 5O)ý. AsI, for frcee ircular. No, 33C. - Caniadian Correspondence Courses FERER EURITIS SCHÔOg~ p amy -NEW Zealand Whites, breeýdlnjg Doee junlor Eucks, sixç montbs old, $7 each, VERtNON SULLIVAN, Sta'tion F" ort ~Erle' ontarlo. 5SWINB FOR, Sale: Two puire-bred ôksf boa3rs 6 mnonths old, ~ulfe a;onm registeredt boar !2 nmonitEs old fon shw tck -Alpp P1 y to Wilfred. C nhame, R. 1., Aoorýfleld, Ont, ISSUE 49 -'19.5i BRED FEMAI.ES FOR APRII. DELIVERY *<ARRY SAXTONI$ MINI< RANtCH BemusPoint, wN. SPIRITUAL STRENGIFK FOR TODAY (Thomas Nelson & Sons) $2 at yocir bcwAstore or clip andimi to ffiec author Rv, RP. Brrclny VWarrren, 105 Eglinton Ave, E., ,Noronto 171, Ont, Enclosed la $2 fori 1copy rcf Spiriiuol strengtli !Or Tcddoy fAmtest.... ..... . HOT 'N 'N N K 'N -s s 'N N 'N N 'N 'N 's4 N 'N s-J 'N 'N s- 'N ~'1 N 54 N N N N s-i N 'N N N N -il N N 'N N N :54 N 'N 'N 's- N 'N >, N 'N 'N s