ORON T~# H O~ Eenig AxilaryCook Book I wuldlik to#aya"1g Enter the Now On Sale From Members 1 oud îkoo ayai THAb~N N"IYJO#If1 has been coîinplked and ,I,ÎI be on cUSt9nlers ~sale this week-end froim- any menber - Aas rDc :oait My so esSalon, Mai-v Miiler's sReauty Shop ordu fi a th oficof the Oronio Tinis. Sm ~iispee uko - gosefo-r New Year's dinner when An owi. veyn The~ boo>k carnies recipes for evpry they serve chieken or turkey at Christ-. typ ofbakng saads unatdise, ua.sso foýr these peoprle the Poultry Andtowih veyo e s f3PRIZES OF$15., $10., an<$5 tpicle, aksser es, eeatdse.ms Ieiu fesatm al VERY MERRY CHRISTMASLi o ïomay ousehold hints. The ptiice t lpa~ at aarcpe book Beatutfy your Home with the Christmas Theme of the 76 nage bo~ok has 'been set at handy refeýrences. n ~0 one dollar. Five hundred books hv U ou n~j win a rize f3been pninted and areý available. A ihcikn and turke-y,,, -__ 0 ,fucks and geese mnay be purohased R. E. LOGAN, Prop. osr yOooCbambe f commaerce g BREAD SAUCE 1nan pra tLeticly s'ay e c.exate> SponB &&~;Ovmi fiand pmaicea'llready eisc.Exate ~ s ,OEIL9 O ine body cavity to miake sure there're There's an old proveoh that ofvaeorwp itaclndnp iwhat is sauce for the goose is s'auce cloth. Be sure oiu sac, is re-Moved for the gander. Once you haveý tried from h ase of tail'. Dry poultry 'el1, Stihis typically English bread sace, sprinkle hodý r-vity with sait> stuff IM YOU'lI ww~it i ob ac o uky with weiI seasoned lbread or fruit educk, po rk or~ veal a.s wefl. In Eng-. rsigadsee pnms ___ land turkey is traditio-naill ser-edclse with blE w th rent jelly anded Because the legs ou a duck lie ls N S T- m auce. It's a recipe yeull wa-vnt to t heý body, it deoesno require trus-. keep on hand during the holiday sea- snfor this bread sauce is, a deligýht- in However, i ,t is wivse to trus fui ddiionto he Lstie bd. oose as you would chicken c>r tur-. keyî, tying the legs to the Vail. H ORS. Ir- goo0s: ery ,1Vfat itinay b rc£ Brea Sau1ý d wih aneeffle-in a~ few places ar- Thur4.~~, nidy, atu4ay Moday2 cps îl~ouïid the wings -an,, thighs. Add a cup of watber to, the roast'ing pani, place and TeudayBefoe Cbrstma ~ j. medium size onion, finelY copdgcose on rack arid as for one hou4 S Open tiR 9:00 P.M. 2 cu~Ps soft enrich-ed bread cruïrnbs te or f a~ n olce grease, retuln ooe .d~uia For Your Shopping Convedence / teaspoon nacerosi. 6, drops Tabasco sauce lloast duck in rack 'nopen shall.-~ owpan asud co,-ok according to time- ' ERV YO R r MI Y T E F NES ½ teaspoon sat table below. Drain off fat f ron,.paa SERVEYOITP FAMLY TH FINET e2tablespo>ons butter or m argarine at end of hour. Duck may be glazed with orange marnalade during the BU T R A L- S itP e imSiMmer mflk a chopped ast hafhour of rýxtstin or th Plac sot erkhe brad ru r, lufruit if preferred. a pan. Pour hot mý iilk and onion ove'r TMTBEFI OSIG bread cranbs. ýStir over 1w hat just1 DUCK AND GOOSE louc>g enauh tb. .,Yend crunubsa-iud O7ven emerý?-ature '25 degrees F. milk. Remo>ve frorm eat. Covr and Meat thPrnm imtr reading at centre let sand 1hour Beat mixure wihyf dressing for duck, m4im o 'V andbeaeruntit. very slroobli aadic15 degrees, Weil done 185' degrees. CUAflP W ~~~JVE!4 READY creamny. _,A idace, Tabasco), sait and Rayt-okDc,86ii.(tf ~OFFRSH ILE»ANDLIGT~RBTJTERALLTIJKEY 8 18butter ormargarine. Bnring -toeho f dý), 1fo 2ý4 hOuns (aPProx.) ALS A TSLSELCTO jIl~~ ATR4TIELYRIÇ» oerlow h1eat. Serve aît once. 111d4lReadyto-cýook Goose, - lbs,.ý SWIFTS 1EMIUM FULLY dOOKED c -sue,3tý4hor (pro. $IVIKE0HAMwhole or shank p tin I- BROOKFIELD 1DEAL FOR POUL1'RY DRESSING L MBML-SAGE OMEA Hg ro DELICIQUS PORK TUEIDER QOeIN S9Oaton. ?RE4IUMFULL COtq Bring yolir own s S$9O SIVOKE PON LÔS shréis.For feed lg wi hmilk $55-00 BIRDS EY~E FROZEN</ 1a v I e Oran~eJu'ce 6 oî 3 for., c ROUE STOIKELY'S FANCY I-o.tin-RNCID.CAFRI -JMOSIbE Phone <reno 5 Honeqy Pod Pea 2 -for 33c Sunkist Oranges doz 45C ~'