OR NO WE KLNTME WEK- TUE TE1--Y -~~OR% ilM M APPLICA¶a - A-F! doZEiMJ> ft~~ R. c. -- ynimQ ýýeI0ù1 ietîg< 1or "Wrkldg Road rt ~ - L1J2Mç AtUn W - loep uPO inus'~c Act 1Apélications c<' I e rec&hèd by chp & .. ~~~UN1~~~2! ljAYWaI SCHOLP4IE BRRS --- Sd V AC 71e~ noao uerointidi un t okigiêl .. 4 MRu CWIIRTMAS PARTY! bry "nd G-wtuD Darery (nee ~<~ ttn ~1Od&js edn nl 12 dok Dweîî announce tue birti of thè'r age t--. Anrcrn 50vd àaughterooofli àr Tinc dreVn of the UTnited.1 Clmuir 1 daughlter, MzyEstler, on I>ecaenli Harold L ard Greta- Meoecer. Ac, tb -cwW of SATURDAY Jmivary 4'h, IM SIuiday Sch erew otertained tu isth at Memmril DRospita1, Soxna ece m as -eld at the orris Fun- the Board of -rue ï simn Apubt la ââtte anr ne P»M un their annual Christmias paýujty on AM ile, a sis Ver for .tohnny. eral Cl~ie).I, Bopavln on Sau 1 o Setl y i, q, q=Unim-u ds ~4e cs. _______________ duay eei in heSunliday n-u ---- Dec-eh 22 d, ut2 o'cloc. Intei- gyScoh- 1o UMO ditoiinm of the Ghuici Tn~e DEditr- - -- ent Bommuanville Cuemry of ClarkeI~-lekD.~ J AG lun as ikedl for- th, occasion wîth HdaE~ 'li A-m' --Ent ed t1 -kpp DR pý J. Boa bohcid naîId adulte. HOtLDEo, ' taroila--nreýteSý,p(rer a Sunay ehol Sper~tecLart~ M iI1tù rest in the Osfia a Genevral Hos- D1* I H.Stpisacedachiah-man orheaonMonday. December- 2%, 1957, Dr .vvai i.. School ou 'Thur dai, *_ l 0f- varion,"f c'aes! cft t'li Scol in, e"ohe of Donld- !1p1ogram loh mas resed by tUn Vol Aln eive1 i of Doa-d fecembles 1917 At tMy ou WA %TE 0 1AlinHoldhan Mrs.c ofaci Ah scoo haThbeoo'ffhigaeme"olc ~t~~Xenort~b~ParLd~ kae~ar - 3un or laa es rec ted s d s ng 'st tLho rpe ( M arli yn S lvda) in her 62nd of th, Ga adian dellegation tu tha Iirtss f or th eý 11-J~clo &lVh l f unire Skates, ie U SO m as nun1hr Th e thr ue {hllbak SIS-i>yesr Restd, g 1t 1e LukaMInos so cp an 17 4 M rm a l s la s ange ters pi oŽed a )ýoVely tijo in 'Pif Linra Hm tiruemaîercemetg Pasrr ovbruames d ~Ct tb~V -ý Ceita 1 Crl Mr' Re*întthtuebdioh myinWsW owbrlflhe3po ~tspîs maj{jtu vca M. e om hape o mura servecese tu 161lh. My, special task in thco-os Aet, nd -of snbother bus- ~boan eiao Union Geantete-ry, The family ýwi1l re- S~pcs C1uite eealse atfr h etn.IPar Viite Figure Skts vze 41________________ The ienir dan- of blys demunptr- ceive friede at the fuirerl -home on, Vear un4si' the. Chairy&inship of Sen- H.E. 1W,-rý Lawrnc C. Maem .A. te& pyraniî huilîling and gynastics Whi smas day, 2-4 and '74. a-c- strIepy jakc ofý yhe U... n ertry o te i Lloyd Baby Carlcazqe pry 2.Q ' v'hiie t'le -senir gils- played Serut-ry a- M-s E. Ginars Mescie 1ci7tfI and5 sdit wth a hit - t-berne. ___________and___________ OltONo GLEE CLUTB, AN>CHOIR Teechnical 1>ecsonuel. BS P&TNT IAYLN y -A filin hased mi Aile sVoe- (d "The F PESENT CA1ROL, SERVICEBUIESOPTNTYmw Night Beo hrisùmias" was shn ,The recent lannchinz of nt 1hd aemi ple tA nuacei&uun. :and tiifs filmi proved( to b l s1 nt fl AeLgfalenn. rol Servie- i"cote c h oet Pu sra has: I(17JJQCI h 50.ffiI - oils se iNe Yr tei es't-ng zua it pa out the vaMous nos heinj the Orono United Chui-ch alarrned the free world andi dsal-tis year 'lot fil!e deminnnd. laff A#w«nm i 4 aetio s h t-ho sV~~> tee ~ un Suwday evenîg when both the damonstrated the travailou sdvan- el Chan Tire en'ut a s 4 anà s fNm 0 -Suinra ai,ve A h uan Choir and tlïeMOro Bil Schuo Gleeli ces in spybcinifleatiaey nth Rmua iyou are inte-ezýted in a -)cditable side and dlisbAubd gM~s between thre Cluib Vookc part, The Orono Choir was dn n aesrecPli aèe3 varoirs e ss memnbers. Eivery ehlld of inder the dirction of Mrs. W lcnan quin n e>s Sdae hao nld NewW Writ ~ lae an av cue cptl the e col ceiv 4 a -aiily cane an whbile 1Mr. loduidee IeGe uatt i hj cetfc n eh ~ f î-eSeeos hnhla 1 a aiç4..Club. ii Personlnel. V ldigtùAe, oot 1,Ot o ~Thre Chr sang "Tier more Shep-Syto Sinit A Chahi Sawv without .sern4e tiPhone Ol. 88 6. herds" ad There cae s Mittle of_______Pon,_____a(sen______Il_ FlFTY CAR1OLIERS TOUIR ORONO ( 1" The CGle~ Club, wvithout ý,cîit ha- belon known for some time s ellY llf Pat, Cef Sa _____________ pa -metsang Awa i s ner" Mat progressive advnncemrent of j nQ rlCti Fi5t membena of the Juiran -GIa in Excelsis' and "O Holy techaîcal knowledge wss laeing madeî[ B . ULOM r oeaag Pl(ý)es of the Drono I Nght". Four bymiain vomipleted tie in Rulssia. It bais a-,l een nnou 'United tChwrch Loulei tolri VTt1a-'e on iprogramn, (m-1n nuanp-owep in the secientiflir f3,s i.R I PHONE 129 aday eerahrgsingn Chri_,tm-as" Mis was the first public appear- wa-s in short suppliy. Tire work o- th-li Tlpin u52 Caos Flxtgt~ aro siaging lance of the Orono Bigl Sehiool GIee SeilCnnitî- h-frla C thre group enterVained Vireniselves Vo Clb &Mt thèer efforts being of an Srca omtte hrfrhdti OTATR O ______________ ad1ici in the Sunday Sciroul of teexecep-tionsil ealibire and epned lay a do with a study- cf tire -way by ashici 'AI HUS Chr-hptacked congregatrion. oMr eastîng sciec mnlrrpoerl A,%!ad10J ELCI EI coul best nre used, andi the mieans hy! j \lhich asiditi-onai persionne 1 nýgnt be. rtlyial obtanedansisudtraied.APPLTANCT SALES j Present Report to NAT,)OT I:]i Prompt anid Guaranted Pjaire s. -Tire Comiittee Report was ado0pl, to ail klnds pr Ellectt-Îca'l Equilumeit - aILvaar solo tire Counil_ Meeting, xh jSc as, Metors - Water Hae specialize in iFarmn and A gL akes p)laceý on Decemnber 1l6th 1ab T ieou'Atmbl Radios - Stores - rons,; IFurntuire Sale, Aliezio ll D~rIvers ioHesds cf the governaents of tue var- Cueome a litt4 hop whue. COnSult mue frte" P ous c utéres at w u ur ow arags 'erti Ilte for yiru to p o Lri ljiPrhaa Ministerý Mr. Dilnarwi rysent when buying your nec, -i ~ andl dates To op i i new Goverriment regula- ef psnth ludai owShptatue 1n nS fom95 tios i wi le neeessary, -when buiying your j iE, er T'ire eonadtinof -CaPiua thre of ir wlre yn 195$hcene p-a c-,P. sren e etificate hoe~ C rnic cliver the nana e u a" in townl.v shompig that you h'ia-' ePuiblic L-Âaht and pàsnaiv id o og4 PrIopeày Daag of at ieypt $10120>00. 1 l l sbilui be Pol- ATI LOK~ T o A K 40er js yeuilb en lz d a d'jldot top w ie empia-si la- ---!f nI W Auctioneer and4 Valuator - 5Ofoi. you1r plates. Wie are mahgto ailh luiduo u rsetsrrs - -"ÂU»1u our"plehydr this certifidate as 1sue ucetii an elnclpronl .- QTR xet iee ýratr xehange of - 12-1 5115 Watchi andt Cicl c by yoi.ri tusur-an,ceý_ '0ompany. î-'reserve it un- --D l~r~vonirt-e member oun - tiietuired, proynam fo xcr ear niientE în ïniinug aditolprsnu1N- STREET, I NROfi ?,y c wtrq s 0" k A-Ii net coneidered to Ire exclusive AI IL &LM A Aher nleeds iu ne Vraing ronr ______________ fJAIMJTONS, 1NSURANCE SERICF1 neu in tce Irnaniarin fieid -. The o u ber ni le of thiAese r o mcl i 0- sus y H be aws ted -Vith copusii i E. LYCETT Harveyparine Gagne ont - Mm 1M WE SEL TMa ÛYI or 011' coanye___orl'a. -~~ ~ À al - - Li ted - ElI per Vhn 1r1 iOLsre0not