hof would be eligible for regiattra- tion, but would carry ai, atelrisl, as part of hiîs naine, so tliat he wvould he p er ~pernanently idntiried as having an that. this will, over a period of ine ga nresu1t in a ¶ecrease of theindec of he la(-kspot ,eonditim nth CPoo Ibré. The directors aise ropo>e to An "Eliekronic Reservations Brain "wa demonstrated reeenutlin kee~p track of the nuinilber of ffèmales Toronto hy .Trans-Canada Air Lines. The prototype "~machine w*îthis n the breed wth the black spot cn- 1memû t!" as built for TCA by Ferranti E eetrie of Toronto after beipg ,dition, and to review the conceived by ýLyman Rkihardson, Communications Analyst with TGA in L 1V wà &Y P H %Aa pl N EMonitreal. It is e(xp4cte-d to provide an up-to-the-second invenitory of al periodica4ly to see if the sttiitioni has available seaýtS land coinplete a reservation in a matter of seconds. It wîI1 ýi-proved and if flot whether fither rdueb% oeïOprcent the the-nd--alf million taati0iw th#<t ~~ ~steps should ho taýken «n coitr-ol Ît. r rd obadTAs 250-thoesand passergers a&month. The nervt bh M aw ! h . 5 1: i W .Jie debate is expected befote cntewhu h de 'available -pqee thruiihout te Ane"vik of bome 2, ruom1 - rcsse-s 3U'00 commurnicatiorns imessagesa y_ action is taken. Te uti'I ax tr foed yWý. I ~i~ete~uhr. in. i! by t ido 80 er c vTAwllrduetnt.uüero Scott Meyer, ,Ifannibal1, Mü., I're- al storeûs give in%,stfanit dleI y riMig, can bc ini your hornein a few inu-ýts -,No local inn&sv.rs days for delivey. And if tb. merhan- ýet ccoosin't 8ivc fMilsatisaction, any needed service oc adjustmcnt of ûle purchase çan be made without sh'ip. udo\ping the items beck to the BIG CITY oDr berng force,,. miany to make a second trip yourself. courlt Why drive scores of miles Iooking for trubeSFhc s, etc. right arouind the corner and bc safe and satisfied. in 10C 4 '-, .;b 1w YOU SENEFIT av OOING 8t4DOFPP»IIG LOALLV