dluske, Tor- al r enminded that indimçri-iiate Ion Monday with Mr. nd Mrs. MleX Tocmpee y with IMI. I tockiing is wnsteful and 4Ofler, detti- Watson. and family. mentai. 'Mr. MaýeGibbs and Sharoni, Dun- R.-ST bart9n wer'e Christnas guests with F 1-ST M.and Mrs. Ed. GL-aham dfmiy Special IMr. and Mrs. Lloyvd Gay-nar ztid $ u- Cnen saii Fenielon Falb, apeni Clr tzbms S A W St wfMlrs. E. Grahanyi aiid Vecnon. Mr. and 'Mis. IH. C> eso Crajg Iliid 2-pent Christmas ,-,TorC- r lGý4 TINE I-3H onto ihMr'. amd _rs, . C. re WITII1F" ATTACHMENTSv, NOW ONL.VB.enIt $226.50 '~ip Rr~i r oke~0~ -n 1fl