el financial ned tiS ,A special commiiitltee from th~esn1 Teahna etn1tu vody~ sr~~~~~U exlie:drn h nopen mee(?(ting t10 he pubic and eV- el. e aeh ofduima r.AexMfithoefrersho bers of the Chamnber was Set a eroli îvtd.I sbeighin year wbthe most successful one be. lieteýlic f1the 1:1,t me tin plan an ag'ern(a tedne fthe Orono Re stauirant, n h at iasprd hc in 01OtrIlo, iuiltdreda ofl sectio)inNo. x', Antioeh, asketheofIlerf or te annual eeting. Ths hasraee romýth of sklledsmgey if anly acihad been takin f <i or the jtad f Tmhirptsuld h rn Cabro Cmec held in Orono the Saturday be- bnated b lnding ortho- !necti;on 1 dtthe petition from lNo. î8 make for andinterestinglmeprsotin d ia,, rnmbof prooeloai at eChistmias. àoa. sPctionto withdrIaw f rom the Towni- c is rovied wth a hip scihool Aiea. To tilis ithe Reeve- c is proided wit a sec- nfo ed rnfat tthOCo- ry~utth ppe-wrklucil hý,d imet ith e Departinmnlt f ,thi eaeh (case; and inad EducatýiÏol on DeýenIkher 3O hlt pIeuiailly-tr ain'ed caze- t located 1hlough,-ottho e reommelded 1th e conne11 theit aTit Cases before hey Varethytkeo tonirmlschIu asteepeldn grants are legis-&e tl ake Ppe l d t very t ulie, seidlM r. BIown, fi e 4 ot it wa: llIthe intenoition heof counnýýil to estndy a rze y r b e st elarge vo 0e1ifvolun- .he~~~~~~ pFàic, h wrke M.R.A MheMîlýgli hadd 'df CT we~ho aoIght assgistance bthe jepirof the ightlh east of Hig Away 11.I a tlelthat notiling lUe <Transport M) ~n ntisrMi gaeln Lowe;y te(ted tat thie ron1d Was 11 L.ONGER LENGTH ond,ýLý,)n ITex-niade sheetS are truly longer. The sizeoï wlth~~~~~~~ soegrvlanithlghtsoe- - te abei is the actual sire afier h mmitnng, thinîg cod be domii n wr . 1 1..HOE HR OJ T ~ I Tex-mnade sheets arc tightly woven contaiing, ax. Mr. oy Jhastn pesened ape- '~Zmum thread counit per inlch. This mcans longer wear.j -1,~ ly to t'einae on th!e fbunt'h Coni- Cession eýia f Hghway 115i- ora dis-CERIF E0 tance of one ile. Council piliied vradoe.OIusrOilet pake to look aifter thia atr e of Newtoiville spoke (o cun iil pouli a-TG ilwlpfbi i s.n ihqaiyue n es imgou the dire need forthnl schGol in Newtouîincu ugecon /11 L.. ci 10givehei n oatcon idéatin iuii~v anada's only Fashion brand: Beautifui (I j ethis proll. Mr. Brown again e-,\ O5or, trpsflrasfolhII ecr 44-plained the m ý-etînig with the »jat menit of Edlicationi andi stateil thiatG COUndcil -waa doing eve-,yLihng lU coold. 31ir. H.. Foster, T.oWnsiip Assessor, aqpproached uni for an incerease iii slary fior asseýseing the properties of )of of themutnicipalities. This wa, a ite d on mlotion of E. Dent and J. H. Iow- i e*ery that 1h: asssso's salary becoin- esasmenit andi to change the overail salary at suchi timles that the ii-nmhr I of sseasentaincieaseci by fifty, .4 ifyoudoThe following Pouudf Keepers were hJas. inuoc Wre as n JaSi. t ph~ne >'~~ amt, L. e, WaerA.Cah agenttoday. ~ Brsonl, E. Gîee, A MKyW Cr