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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1958, p. 9

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,w~usIg~uu~ a a 8 'îth there ight rket - Eggs? rosa, breci fer .ld be ordered )uial Purpose. Gray Hatchery, CALCULATED CRACKUP - The 1957 Ford, above rocared cown -ia Sou' 'h Carolinc hili ait 75 miles on heur, 'hit an obstacle, lurch- el' -Ut of contrai, skidded 175 feet, hit a ditch, spun out4 for 150 feet more, bouriced seven feet into the air and overturned in- d holocaust of spairks, flame aind sr-noke. Theti the door .,6rered and the driver (arrow) wiggled out -- with a saltis- f led grin on his face, He was Carey Loftin, 44-yeor-old ace Holywood stunt mon and cracking up caîrs like ibis is bis brec and butter. His careful caIculaîiori arded the wreck wit.hin 18 inches of where he haci. old the director it would end up. You'il see this crash in "tîhunider Roaid," where il brinIgf ýsudden deaith ta Bob Mitchum. Flaming Torch To TIiaw Gasolinel. ~The wsvnd tare rents in th- cirtuî-n' ofsnow tao displuy tcf tho captain of thbe Mary Eflen an ccasion-ai glinips oif ithe whiite blanket that was the share. No isigu o(f any activity on its dosaý- late stretch met his straining pes. Nothiug buot silence asz tons of sxow f ehuand mpelted inth water,dephg on the deck of the vessel - and con tiho cases. pldthere. Inching bis- way into harbour, Maniiy Zora "'smelt" ftht serre- thing wvas wrong. His sonse ~ dan geir, shurpened by yeurs &o1 Smuggiing uctivity, wurn;ed hi-m off, and ho decided ta make fýor! a tiny island north of![the mauthl of -th e in-lot. Here thé crew a! the Mary Ellent unloadced their car-. go of ntand Mauuy Zara returuied ta thie muaiulund to find out what hud gone wrong with the rai- tion and the lorries which were ta pick up bis cargo. Afterle- ing instructions for the vesseol ta head out ta sou n3nd wait, h.e untied the dory froin the ship's stern and pulied for the shore. The blurred outlines o! unother dory appeare.,ýe through th'Ce swir- ling snowstorm and the distance between thecntosed. There was ro respanse ta bis shout: "Hey, Wthý Captain Manuel Zara telis the stirvrp, rllckn adven- tu-res of a bootlogger<who mth ùd bis wits aguainst authority by forrying its supplies of illega; spirits from Rumi Row, the ren- dez-vous o!f'a fleet of &id liquor- carrying schooners and rusty freightersunchoýed a fw miles off the coast afi America. MVauy of the rumi-ruinners were Portugueso who had setled in Aiwjericu and, ta allay suspicioni, did a certain i umouint of !jshing in smal -ips, Theo intro-ductioný- of the gusoline eng-ine as mnotive power was welctsmed with ail the confidence of total ignorance! When a mantai' was fitted the ownerý was instructeod how to crank it ucntil it started, how t cut ity and thatwas that. One mlorning, a frosty one, two mren boardod their -dory prior toa.a day's work. The cap- tain~ cranked until h. wa ex-. hausted. Hiîs or.e-mani crew, watched in silence until ho was ù-rdered to have a go. He ci.anked until he couîd cranik no more; but the enigine stayed siiontt, The captain tried again, wtotsue-_ cess. Gettiing lis breuth back, the '"crew" affered the suggestion thut without a doubt the gaso- lino 'was frozen. The captain agýre-i - and went ta work ucI- freezing it withm a two-inch thick flum-ingý torcli. Thoro was a sud-. don explosion, both men fluing themsolves overboard and the dlory went up lu flumes. On another occasion the egn fai-lcd when a bout was far out at sea. Tihe skipper stoppod his frouzjeI cranking ta implore: "Ploase, Saint Peter, m1ake this boat start and 1 promise when, ï get lu !'Il bust it ta pices!" Presurnably St. Peter hourdï, fÉor theo motor eventually startedi. True ta bis word, the skipper's- îirsýt Job when he mnade land was ta ask for a hamimer arnd ith it procced ta smash the ongincý An evor-present annoya.nce t-, the run-i-runners were the hii- jackors - crafty, cunn-ing pr)iowl- ers both by lai-d and sea, whai waited and watched whoere the iloads %were hidden ashoe ho iaiclecithe hideouits. P.,pa Perora was cuning;bu bis memory was shorý<ý I 0Ilt. A man- _tI of tlie sailieh succeýssfully foiled the hi-jacikers - aynd'- on m-any .Cacca1sionis lhimself, taa; For' afteni ho forgot where he'd interreda quart bottle.- Evqcn whien prohibition had becorne but a mear c awoid,. stLrike a boýttievitbhbis spaIdî- wvhile turning over grýuurd taý plant corn' or potatoes, otten vvith ,fatal resuits tato ho bottie! Captaýin Zora was a tharn mu the sîdes of officialdom; bu-Lt Îho was a sh-arp thoru, and kne-w just ta wb3at exteut lhe cauid foui th-e iuw uand its officers. Returning in the dlark!ne-ss tf the piýer with a cargo of crates co! beer, Manntiiy Zora tied up and asal set for of-odn wheni, from ithe wharf abmve, thl-ebeamr- a! a- pawverful flashlight settlod, steadillv on ithe cro A surIprised Captaini Zora pad- On, board again, he glanced up at the dan1k otlinre kehinti the torch anld brazenly requested: I'Good, chief, thanks. Keep the li.ght onl se that we can, see v what we are dGoing," Coils of rqpEý_ were dlu, out aind cases of beer secujred at intervalJsaiigt. lengthy ins f a* Tbe tas-k conipl&ted the Mary Ellen- set off baclc t<) the SI1ppLy-, slýip, mnoored! safely beyond the pentratlng teaimi of the# flIph- light. The crat. s were dumsped- overboard and the free ends cf the linos secured to the ship' mooring, where they could b ietrieved at leisure. Manny Zora 11ur1,tate pDier- with an empty ve-ssel, happy Inj the kuowiedge that -the auý- thorifjy of the chYie! of police ended .at the pmer, Ho had i'o right te bourd a ship; ,hat wa5 the coast guard's job. .Oübey the,-4raffic &sius - th arc, pluoed there for- YOUI SAFFETV U se your sp re to bild an Write, Many 0 Bay & was apnnouncecid cohad died That is a good although ithiere few living- even 'erageliesn oinited out that a3nimnais are ýd than we im- bore is a tend- ta livo longe'r ýfe of a dog i-, horse betweon Thero are re- 7ig to the agce but most cats r15 yar ad. Cat tends ta ma, aene< ringwvorr.n, pimipies aild foot eemi &'illreapenci readily te the sta1iness odorlesa eintient regardie.,sa of hew atubborn or ihqpeiess ther sýeeni. $ent .Post Freé en Reçeipt of Pr-Ice PRICE $3.00 PER ,JAR POST'S REMEDIES 234 st. Clalr Avenue lRast TORONTOj si MINIATURI KOLY BIBLE )usI Outi A brand new item wlth tsrrifk ssppecil nielture Moiy Sibie ln open fremed ,9oîd case wiiis goLd plated bracelet. Actual aize li2 x 1¾ ýncher. $1.8Potpaid. T HART, 189 WILSON AVE., TIMMINS, ONT. WINTER TG BRITISH PORTS: Aï nsi e son grata$ Firsi Claîs ý,froni 262 ROUND 47 RIP'FOR AS TLTE AS Taurist Cloas from $175 $5 VESSEL, CARIN'THPA SAXONIA SYLVANIA IVE'RNIA CAR!NTHlA SAXONIA SYLVANiA IVERNIA CARINTHIA *SYLVA4NIA NcRNIA SYLVAN!À *tSAXONiA tIVERN:A Sotý. FIS. 22 Frý,. FAPR. 24 iho. MAY 8 tri. MAY.1 Si. ' 'MAY 21, Trh- MAY. 22 Cobh, Liverpool Cobls, Livrpool Hiavre, Laude (ilb.ury) Cobh, vrpa Havre, tandon (Tilbury> Cabh, Livrpaal havre, Lpdes <ilbury> Cabh1, Liepo Havre, Landau (Tilb.ny Grenuad, Li "' pool VESSE' QUEIEIZABETH SYLVANIA IVERNIA QUIEE IZABETH CARINHA QUIFEN ýELIZABETHi 'S Y L A N A QUEEN ELIZ!ABETH *QUEIN MR 1'ARTHIA Pri. FEB. 7 Trfi.iFES. 27 Fih, tEB. 28 Sol, MAR.1 tri. APAR.7 Thuri MAR. 13 tri. MAR.,14 W. MAR. 19 Fr, MAR, 21i Thurs, MAR. 2 7 Frus. MAR. 2P Wecl. APR. 2 tri . APR. 4 We.APR. 9 Thurs.APR. 1 0 1 ïï. APR. i1 Cob'h, Uverpool Havre, Lc.ndau ITItury) CQserlsourg, Soush-iptaný coblh, Uvepool Havre, Lndu(Tilbury) Liverpoal (via BerMuda cherbcure, Soutlsoptan Cabh,Lvepa Chefrbourg, Scutlýppn>o Calul, Livrpoal C-rbaurg, South-apla Havre, Landau (TI[lbury) i-erPal *S-mer Season Rat', ApplIy. See your local agent- ~.mnuica No one canI searve you botte re0 ofje- iqss CUNA D LUNE îaeire 05Pii~ad RUISE GI 'el EMpieî- 21 Dss Ë.p ettï~ Cerns Ba & WII~ntonSts. TOuftoOnt AG EN TS mîles wesc ntratnroy aon rsghway. M, Gough, Strathroy, R.R. 3, Ontairio. HELP WAN-rED MALE AND FEMALE JOBS with union pay, Pension, suwait U on PRatlway, as Asst. Agent. sud r'elegrapher. 'Train at homie. We ecur* job. A.B.C. Shiorthardç Course trains for Stenographer lIn 10 weehs, at home, Free folder either course. Write CASSAN SYSTEMS 7 Superior Ave-, Torcnto 14, Ont. JMALE I4RLP WANTCOý- SEWLNG OPPOIRTUNITY. 1W yon have had seliing experienice or have aýlways wauted to seil, if you own a ea,, and your ambition la te male jnoney theon w. have a proposition that qI Interest y ou, Qur fin las the fastest growiýng of its kind idin canada. Our iervices are lns great demnand aud our renewal gystemî assures you of a large biicorne l3n future ,years. Investigate -now. EverY lnquir'y will be kepi con- vill receiv fa reply arranglng for ant interview, State InMe, address and phone isuinheýr to P., Box 842,Ln, Canada. Commoniwealth Travel Club Tihe Nation's Foremiost Traývel Club- INSTRUMTON EARN marre! Bookkeeping S alesman- 1114p, Shorthand, Typewitiu-g, -etc. I,éssois S V. Ask for f ree circular. No CanadlatI Correspondence Courses 1290 13ay Bineet. 7T(onto. MECHAN'ICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTÎkLoy fýýtG AND VALVE JOB ' ye~ ou drive for only S8,00, tFor cars - rucks - tractors etc., Un. conditionaily guaranteed, Effective for ilfe et car. Motaioy saves you mrone-y. Mo0taley Sales Co., .4 West Street, GodSriçch, Ontario. Dealer iqri4 rea lnVitej. MEOICAL 6000 RESOLUTION - EVfly SUFFERb 0F RHEUMATIC PrAINS OR NEIJRITIS SHOUID TRY ION'S REA4EDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 35EflGI, T WA $25Express ccilec -OT-EÇZEMA SALVE~ BANISH! the torment ef dry eczegla r'ashes and weeping sk, t euoiblçe. Post'~s sAia Sal' ve nllnot diýsappGt!i* Jvo. Ich& . s5>OcJallie â*1 bxm ,LL, t, OPPORTIJNITIES FOR MEN AND OE FAR frorn Church? Study Sundaç1y 3rheol lessoils by ïmail. Sei-Ondname, address, age, school grade. LuthPeraLm suliday Sho by Mail, 237 Rýing Street West, Kitchener, OutarLo. BE A HAIRORESSER J6CANADAIS LEADING SCHOOL, Great O0pportunîty Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignifildprofessio;good wages. Thousands otsucsf, Malrvel Graduates Arnerica's Createatst m fflustrated Ctalogue prec W ýrite or Cal MARVEL HAIROESSING SCHOýLS 358 Bloor st. W. Tarante Branches: A4 Rinig st. W., Ilamiiton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGHl & Coý n p a ny Patent Attorneys, Estabished 18,90, 600 Uiversity,, Ave., Tor~o Patents ail cuntries, PERSONAL PT'Sq bold, frank and persona]., ha Male Teenager Should Kow" SolK only throusgh Mail Orde3, 358. Nafilok' Enterprises, Box) 7103, New Oleni19, La. $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twýenty-five deluxes personai requirenients. Lateat cata- logue inciuded. The lMeiec gn Box 22 Terminai "Q" Toronto, Ont. WIANTEM BABRITS, alive, doniestic, w.anted al year roui-i for table uise. Box 164, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronito, COLUMNS [T PAYS~ TO US5E OUR CLASSIFIED * SLEEP -AND RELIEVE NERVIDUSMESS SIDI C fôesfae ccordîng f. sieto u sfe wey ta îmdcc. sieep « u, fs erves when fesse. SEDLCIf' .0- $4.95 If YTHa're TIIWE Everyhedy gets a bit run-!ownm now anLn th@n, lired-out, heavy-headed, ând maybe Lbtbered hy baclaches. ýPerhlaP'z nothingUl arplywrong, jus? a temporary joxk cen"ioiýn eaiused by axcessa -cids and wastes. Tbat's tthe ime tc take Dodd's Kidjneq ills. bodd's stinmute il,.kidneys, &n e b bep reistore iheir normal aiâîion of remoing tesi acid and westes. Then You Ïcel better. sdeep better, iwatkbetter. Cei Dedd'a l(isney PlUs now. têck for thé blue box wtb' the red bând at aIl dniggi&tà. You can depessd un Dodd's., 52 exceed 20 ve years 15 rabbit andi n live bo- ugaroos, ta 50 mluch vedc in attamr ta have N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N Ny N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N -'I N1 N N s s N N s N vu, N vu s N N N N 's, 's 4 4,, N N 1 1 1 - 1 1 % mm"m»M

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