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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1958, p. 2

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ORlU d)WIEKLY in Durham ei 1940 H1e was Between Orono and -*ê-wicastI0 on HIfghway No. 35 IGOR STANDARD GA 1510C per gallon tax mci. Super Hi-Test 'asoline 440319c t aPernalllo OIL-for your convenience in small quantities available at the Statio v.aiags aud Sufia7s ~On Moniday evening inembers ofi *ohb the Orono Public Sefiool Boauîd in the Oronio Police Trustees meti ilhon was discussedi the school pro- emin connectrion with the advent of Iicor-pora.tlin. 'Jle meetinigwas on he basis of an infori iscuýssion.1 It was ýstated1 . ie was, vai Airpoiit, runational fomunad. ode Hall i 149 Barrister-at-law. by the chairmtata of , 'Mr.. Hl.Best, tiatý eO01-0m Public scIheol -i upstairs aind down L. t is exnsected tliat[ ri une *i1,i bStoiit'flU ves V O .ÂCJi- that there w,ýill ïDe Promotion for! nclergar-ten and by 1959 it is pos-i thiat two extra roois will be op- ng for public schooli children. The possibility of forniing a central 'AIr. IIo ne y i s niarried a nd hbas tw oj sehool are-a of threce sections m'as diýS- ghters, agod five yeairs and six' cussed however nothing resulted ini ks. He is the Charter President1 that any action would be taken in Ibis he Kiw.anis Club of Porit HopediecinL the advent of Inicorpor- 'àst Presid'ent of the Port Hope' atlin of the Vilage of Or-ono and a- rd of Trade, aind presently is1 djacent area it was thouglit that the -Presli4ent of the NortbCunber- isvinooi enroinient would jump by 10 1 and Dur-ham baiw Assocýiation. tLo 15 stuodents witb most oi thesýe holdis renibelrship ini Tbo Cana-I coming fromn the Anitioch area. jII i ar Associatio ndiTihe LawIncorporation, R. C. Forre-sterinte ety of Upper Canada. He bnsý0 out, that Antioch woufld lose $37,000ý das solicitor for The Town c of issho sesett h ilg of Orono. Revenue for the sho if the are-a was Licorporated, wond Sincrease by $1800. Mrýj. Best pointedj ,Dut that is costs $î5.00 a year toecd-i jucate a student aiid Uthis is loc(al axý mloney.t Mr Lce',stte 'h-ttIner -ncIo n, ~Ay e rokwods 4-dccr 6-p Isenger and 4-dccr -osee modelIs Luxuri Iusy appoinied. Twe new Yeomon wagon - - d#.r à4g 4-eIoor épue $~w mort, durabe. ¶J4Y new cradlee yen on deep cou siprings at every 1 Iow. wheel .. . Or, optional new Level Air suspen- with sion keeps your wagon on an even keel no Ïing matter how many yoiur passengers or how *y'r. , big your load. 'Sm I Cloose from two-' or four-door, six- or nine- more passecngern-odels with tivelier V8or 6engiies. Chev- See your Chevrolet dealer and look over the xnsi0D smartest, smoothest-going wagons of them ali. A 6~#0§4t(d a , mner end Kat*#*'Yaï - anm hour of musical veriety every Wednesday evening. (heck your local TV lstint for âimes, ROY W. NIOHOLS' VOU RTIOE 'ort Hope and the Twsi of Hope for several years, and altbte pre.senit lime he is also sohicitor f'or the Dur- ýhan-,Goud-.y DsiitUg co Boarci, The Port Hlope Hairbour Cm mission and theý Northumberland andl Durbiýlani Health Unit,. ould prove, a prolIemn for the S-cooý' Roa-rd if it brouight niany studenas to t'he Orono school before t7ie 1llighl sehool had vacated. The Police Tr-ustees suygestod a re- designing of the bounda-ries wvhiLn they feilt were outdated. It is possibhle~ 1hat a mieeting wvill ho heId with fhc Linspectoî, sometime in the future. NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB Valentine Dance Ntwcasile Coml'nmuity1 And Vocalist ýgm&LOCKE ON Friîda y Refreshatents sevod, S-3.00 per côuPle Thse Corporation of tihe T@wn;hip 9f Clarke. By-Law No. 1292 A BY-LANW TO LTCENSIE, REGULATE AND GOIiERN IIAWKERS A~ND PEDLARS ViliERýEAS The Municipal Aeý!t procvides no licenise shall biePLI- quired for hawkinig, peddling or selling goods, wares or merchandise- (a) to wh4ulesaIe or, retaiil dealers i sirnilar goods, wares or T rhn dise, or (fb)if the goods, wares or mierchandise areýgrowni, produced or mbanu- ufactur-ed in Ontarjo and are bakd peddded aor sold by the grower, pfroducer or nmanufacturer or his agent or em-lp oyee- having writteni authority so to do, in the mnunieipality On wick the grower, produicer or manufacturer resides, or (ciftegoods, wares or inerchandise aegon rpoiie ya farmer resident in Ontario who offerýis for- sale or sel' s on1yr- the produce of bis ow%,n farirn, or (d) if the good s, xares or merýcliadise are hawlked, peddled or solic by a person wlio pays business tax in the niicîpalitVy, or by his employee, or by his agent, or (e) if the good.s, wares or ierchiandise are hawked, pÀeddled or sold' byan agent of the grower, producer or manutfacturer, aGting- on bhl1f of a dealir who pays business Vax in the muniîipaIity irespect of promises used for the sale of such goods, waresý or imerchand-ise. ANID WHEREAS a license is,,sued under this by-law shail bu- valid onily front th dajte of its issue until Decemiiber ist1< of the year of its issue. AND I) VIEREýAS in a prosecution for a brechýil of this by-lawv the, onus (,>£providiing that hie does not for any of the. reasons mleni- tioned in paragrap~h î ahove, require tv, be licensed, ir e upon the person chariged. AiND WiEREA4lS the licensee shall at al times while cýarrying on bis business have bis license xith hinm and shall upon demand - liibit it to -any municipal or peace offiter, and if hie fails to do soc ~hlunless the samie is accounted for satisractoii, ineur a peil-~ k0ty or tiot less than,$1.0 or miner than$,0O(*; AiND WHiRýEAJS if a pea4ce officýer demands theprdtiL egf a lieense Jby y person to whcmni this b-lwapplies anad the. de- p,-and is rnôt coliýplied with, it shall be the diry î_f the Ieace officei ý'ýnd hie shalV have the power to arrest -snch per-son withoýut a warrant. and tw take hlm before the nearest justie of the peace., there to ho deait with accoiding ta iaw; THEJREFPORE tle Couticil of the Corporatiôon of the Tow-.nship of Clarke HEIEIBY ENÀCTS AS FOLLOWS,: 1. That every pers-on Who goes llrom ticuLar, place with gos wares or mereth; PoieVillage of Orono, oýr who c-arnies and or peiesor goods, wares or nmerchandi in the said Village a(fter--warcls, 'caliS cbt, frcm thé Secretâvy of the Police Village o plac~t tO place or Vo a par- andise for sale within tne 1exp-oses samiples,, patterils, ýse whviieh is to bc deIivered' aîn alilcense foi- se doing, ,£ 0101w. 2. That the res6pettive license fee for, a license issued under thia- is hereby established and set for-th in schedu$le "A" attacid hereto, anci no cee shah be issued unless and until the proper feeo has been paid. 3. nyperson who eontravenes an-y.povision c--f this by-law- shal upoün conviction be liaible te a penalty flot exceeding $100.0(> recoverable undeir the Sumimary Conivicýtions Act. It a' first and second time Ibis 3 day of October, 19'57. READ a third fime and fimaiy passud this 3 daY of Octolher 1957. James T. Brown, Reeve H. E.Mlls, G lerk SCIIE»ULE "A" To BY-LÂW NO. 1292 Tihe hicenlse fcos aire $2Mo00 A -I et '4

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