ol1 NewsI Annual O.î,ý.S. the ba 1lb 391,c 'eltm qÇ5c .TiIURS. THRRU T UES. oliet Tissue PTON CIIICKEN -NOODLE oup Mixes OVERZ VALLEY FARM STYLE heese Rolis -I one y Bi5ended Juice iG;A CHIOICE Dice d fi'EO PATHI Grlýanulated $ugac ROýSE BRAND SWEET mi x cd 1Pickles 2 for 27c 2 for 16 oz 25-oz 49c ii-N28 12 ELEGANTE 14 lb bag 85c là20oz tins FRASERVALE FRASEiRVAL41E 27cl 5 lb 49e 16 oz jar i 2%9 c lb 33c 2for 33c &CHIPS o By Mýadelion Allen and Connie Tyrrel Grenudwork DoRe Take a one-act comedy-drama, add Fo Th 'hto gpP an eltoquent sekemi x wîith somehe"Poo na speciad use dol't fog -e te O.H.S.1 The entertainment for the Annual by Mad.elon Allen Majorettes and what does it prýoduce? Ail studenlts of O.ILS. came t a Commencement in the Town Hall on- schcol on Wedn-iestlay, January 29th, The ne-wly formned O.l.S~. GCtiee Clab under Mr. Ford's direction wilil be~ a featur-e of the evening. Malýny important c-hmnges wiýth the purpose of improviýlg this Clutb have bIen madle. Amiong tÈese are t1iLe strict mlembersn'IP -Wýth irigid atlt1endanCeý and the -%vider varîety of mu-ýic in- cluding both fli songs anidmoe nsic> ýung in four part harmiony. \-YIU Li aLa peci -tVuU'&IÂVb eCIt fhana there la prepairation for, having, their photographs takeil. Exchaninig p ic- ture.s is their goal. Thbe Stden's Cacil tis year have- an excellent "el withi the photo- grapher, as the students reeve Srec witli eachb package of photos an idlei- tification çiard and one mountinig in- cluding mieibers of the class. Presented 'by tlhe GIee Club at this 'Che students having alrAdy paid annual eventwlt be two light comnic for studentcrd, the Presidelit of opera numbers, one being the titie the Student's Couneil. stated to-day,. tap~e from "'Oiahoma", t. e W- "wîllhiave ,theidicifi' a-,tiou cards- kwn"Sir Joseph Porter, KÀMI?."stamed s*o as to be of' use at ait frornM irtami SulEwvn ansdthe c rhool functIons as weil as enertain- other, ".S Pina:foe.' Alsýo list-d ment outside the achool." on tne Pr-ograsu are a 1 nvbmer of'k s«s s ncding 'SSip to "'y Loc" n Th)e envelope 'etuimned f irom 1the~ the LeSleBell arranement. potograper wui nc1upes MA Hpho- "The Giee CWu is workng vr o to interchange wthclass iiates~ hard to improve the qually of itsi and two pictures tduee bchSby fivec 8inging in preparation for theig l'nchwes, anmi one five inches, by seve2n event," stated Mr. Fo iaJ an inter- injch enlargeen.If 'a stuident surs~ -view enilier this week. 'Choir early or hee wil bc given free 'thie ~mornéin ehansas are paying dlvi- cl]an-s 1mouniting. The cry -we hear in the hallss(of Guest speaker for the ocsinwllOM S oday is 4"Wheni will thos*e be Mr. W. B. Mecuray Hadmnaster photos lie bc Unvriyof Toronto Shos by Mr. VWatt. Last but nlent e0.11.s. 'Ma- jorettes lintheir n-, :p , ad crd hope to miake thýe '8Cme mn the best yet! CORRtECTION. Tt waPeronleousI'y rePor.ted thabL Jo-Anne Rutherford was a inembe3. o)f the Hono--urs CIub. The naine shoulhi have b3een Joan Rlutherford. The error ,as retý1j'ed by Jo-Anne. Durhamp County Liheral Association NOMIN A ING C9NVNI OK ORqN No HALL Thurf day, Feb. llý,3th Senator DAVID 9MRLL W. J. HENDER$rON IM.P. for Kingstsunl JOHN M..JAMIES and cflhers Inserted by Couiamty Liberal Association THIURS. - FRI. - SAT. g WaIt Disney's W'onde1ul "PERRI"STORY 4oF A Iii l Techiiicolor and L ive- Action - Not a Carton MON -TUES. -WEI) ln Techniéojor P~AL JOEY" With Fraï-k Sinatra, Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak Iarcb 5 TEST. 2loz tin 1Oc The Econlomy Cîtrus Puy of theý Week, Oranges du OZ 45c New Crop frolii 3 14a M ad Sweet Carrots 2 for 29c Large Bright Clusters Red Grapes, 2 Hot Blouse Growý»', A real taste treat RKhubarb lb 19c FrsoBrand, wash-ed and timmeind S"pinach 2 pkgs 35C 24;oz 63 H'