uPlt o saretw. Th2l thPe u-shion 'board, ont. This ncrth ^sec- likely will hlave Vo ciesWerf al ng flanieen'as broughtŽ fore it advýaneed too [ding, It does ftDpar oni the part of whomi his co-m- mr't nas on .nyicanti ic eý l;cal marn. lS;t to h aur oy culationis at thie Leglon hall1. (,1 over -4000 ehildren in the Vies, school and pre-sehool, re- d innocii1ations during the nlorth January. These inclto¶in- ded immnunization ag--'ijst poldo, LIR) .Radio ýon or Educaton, Tor- the Fi- r min onl( place. l'y iu ux are schoc e ? Sh 0 L the in The Bowmanville-Orono Cýon-ib-Inus enhanced theiV position Fridùay in The third andi indsay uwieny they were victorious eveing was iii (i-1. Th~e Ooenin1e5 hlave rw ut % wjhen the Qro games lut to play ànMehsoscie"m. brook, 3-0 'with This Fridayr ln Port HWise and î eairdey Erdoe Bownarville on Saturday~ agai,înst itofp Lindsy. "na MeleBrai tuirped i0 a fi mis gtIS A stpuri&y s saw R 'ss Ba ey onldf oa.01 tlies helet( ut ns n-s.in -,hie Wy 'rh'V~oi'rsfor t1e oC'0(S w~ ~~fo~atebu-I snanI li~ce akr On Tuesdaiy The Cnbines hvn bandtop - tgin the league standing are g2ivein the apporunity Vto choose their rppo- 4;tion for rie!r first series of play iM the Plasdownrs. Their choie has been CdýbourK andi this saries il open next week. Port Hiope and , Lindsay -wi1ll thus he linke d in the initial ser- îes. rtmenI -fl paeu a a el1 0 Newcastie1 1 Vo Býowmaniville for assistance te Thef -ht the fire. Pire englines arriv7d Vo ter 'SpY ,e assistance from bath inunicipa-0 ort activities lan t. (C~oninue~onP, J. T. Brown Elected Pri Ôf C anad ai ian Hosej sre scored ±r02 e' s came frorn ne. EEWEES e\eng at Vhs rirnk thep rnoPeýeWees pla to thlf New(aSt-Ie peWees a by a score of 4-1. Davidi Green the e goal for thle Oronc One of thbe most aggressive for the Orono team was Buzzy The score was tied at 1-1 ur in the last period when Ne broke out ini a scoring spree fc goals. Oro no Girl Guluies Promoti Afterpocm Te:An-& "iWhere does the moiey go?' carollers and P'arty treats Eah Tesdlay from 7:30 pni. untl il events, gifts Vo their lea 9 ..m . the!Oiono Girl Guides mfl1p thy mry or eae Orono, with their leaders for an evening Of oWrl apFudI instruction and fun. The girls euh4 $ies for their Chr'istmas bring 10ec which shs>uld make an nthis year sendiivg three doll nual total for the 25 guides of a5j, pie-tes; ith hedding Vo the proxiniately $80.00. From itime Vo tim 'e Port Hp.I ls ep the Guides forget their l10e fee and h agsere yte( Vhedr funds total as low as $ý.9,Ail Round Cords andi thes ths figure for last year. To sp'ple- adtecs fteels m-ent their funds th ey raise extra ad er oofWhnGesls money at a hooVh, at thbe Oronio Fair, oie need.unds, he Loial or receive donation frointhtue Local laes Vo edirsistanceocl' AssocliatiFon or fromi te sale of Bake Sal te, Tassortancea'v dhrstms teas ,ket, but we do e-ncoura-e I The little dime the gils bring1 each raisesfunds for 'tleïr owln mieetinùg does gýo a long wayI. Tt pays Salturdaiy, Pebruary 15 for Guide mmesf and Guide in-. Guides are having a Vale surane. t dcfray's the castu of eom,. and Bake Sale at Oron los une ,10'omthera ýn- of theoul- at sýpt. dingthe ian'ialmeatina in onfa e½ a th, d<cidd ta of' t ,otbl avwt black spot m rils thn tohe bee a r t thiýs thbe di ie thod I& .James, tario', w As.sociati4 ident is ý ers, Quel, A- In ï.; of th, efd. Di rprovi mail b n. C. .culture et tti b& cen ii reil L in t Ali goanintrinsfer, fiuexo wer cots" -i4asterBreeer honor that a il astle. rant-fox'4d Ontar0; ,,rd and one eacil t, George R. iMcLaugb- Gold Seal ýDai , Ontario; andi 4th Vice- -41 Hlubert J S. Dunton, Bsam$iflo Liqu uebee. ' sixteen OtaoDiree- lifetime imill< Assoc7atioul were re- 24, J bs. ctors to represent the lished by ELep es wýere electet earlier llheuc wasý Ilot. tnt in the ILI Shenwood, Mnntrof Lieor lblti 'or New Busik and Êollows on the [dent of the Associatiofi1 guaiinlà 95' us have not shared eq- Jwe'eCLassifie' .hs,' Occunational grnT2p5 t'I --L. Atoe ClmnBrantufo ýk iitVvi -,Rickai limittue it a Y' M(r.1 in ýac Clinic" H '?eId O r aono ýp ubic School1. On ý) fou~ TliémeF Itrial Fc