WEEKLI Perices Reduced On PREMIUM Q'hLUALITY Sýtove Oit 20oc Fuel Qi'f%ý 17c per gallon per gallon FORFREE DELI VERT PHONE >rosmo 1567 4 Oshawa RA* 5al1O9 tru. LseIst gaze (conti'nued frorn page 1) Newto'vlleboys. The score ended 5-~2 for- Newtonville with Gor.d Larw- ery gettinlg the two Orono) goals. - TPhis gamee was the first of the pibayý-off series with Newtonville, It is- the best 2 out of :, so the Oronio boys have to do or die b1his Thursday ngtat Newvcastle. MILLINERS STRIKE canaida milllinery industry was tied up February l7th by a walkout lf 2,.900 workejs in Montreal and Ter- onito who wvere seeking a new con- traczith i'I hig-her wvages and a shorter work %week. --- - Land Exqistieu Cemmitte. tNamed At Agricultural Me. 1The Februiary moieting 01 the F(mi- eration of A'gricultur-e imet la the hoûme of Mr. and Mrs. Se-ymour at Cavan with 30 n mbers present. A landi ex-,qtistioii co~mittee was nmed in t'he perrsons of the execu- tive t. assist farmers inetlmet when land is being taken r xpo priated for use by the Hydrbo, Tele- pihonie or Departmnent of Highways. A resol ution commiýi-ittee of' Clarene, Allin, M. H1-. Staples and Dick B-wles wvas nam-ed. Thie next mieeting will bc- held I*n 'the homie of lr.and Mrs. 1Harvey iMalcoini, Fel-verton. By every rule...,,inside or out.,. -nothing compares with 6qk A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE4 209l"' It's wider, too,wîth even more room inside! YES, th. '58 Chevrejet Sives you *von more thon ifs famous preleceer.r . . more longth, width, lownst and rami clearance.tee. Over nimihes momre' length, for luxur .us,,Iegrom throughout. More width te give you ex#"' elbow reom inid. the. car and 25% more li- tetinq trunlc epace tee. Andl Chevralet effort yeu a new, ;Iaîmorously lew ilhi.uene, un much us thr.e na o haiinchlm wer in the. suparb Impute modale, fer eye-catching beauty andl a lower, mer.ad4wgoging contr eof grovity. Yet thi i8nt ci. 1Chevrel*t sivea Yeu a Who[* big Bv everv rule... w~Chevroliet I See; 14,pur Aihqri-aed -Cherolet Dealer for Quick Approisal - Prompt Dlvr -------------------------------------- ROY ,W. NIOHOLS BOWMiNVI LLE - GOURTICE s 3 Million - Use Provincial Parks plark's talhd by th, nal e partment of Lands and iit dr i ng 1957, . l. Greenwvo,ieo told the ana meeting of t'he ,No-th - ern Onitarl.o Toucist ufter so Miton Ree tl te Departmenttokve soine piarkc foivme4rly op)erated hv tIl( I Twp. And Trustees' !leet Wîth Planning Rep ifteDepartmnent of Panigand~ evlpetmet vwith the 0Oîonoý Poice(- Trusteesý and the Reev e ofY tiake Township and also prusenlt ~vsthe Bu ilding -npcoMr. A. E- oro.A i menilbers of the Police- W0see ,1ere present alonýg with Mri% 1. TC. Bro-wàn, reeve of Clarke. 'Ilf"L oT H'. Mr Peare _pointed out the pro-~ wood ireported that there re Pnow 115 ofieuraPi-ngA afr ink laoperation, for 144 of wihpeît, îefraPanigAe o eilepermits' are' issneLId; in 40 Ô)v- 1Clartike TownshIp and also stated that- ernight camping îs allowed; 309 are it shouid inelude the Village of New- mantind ndno charisL z made forý caste. The main PlanningO Board, he thei use ain areunde devlopmn sisould be the Township w,ýith sub- ard ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý 23aersreqorngtain iuary Boards, if deý;iredI, organized~ by 1lcl th-y-%i-l b fr the Village of Orono and New- are nde wayby hichthe wil hocastle. The sulbsiduary Boards -wouldl. takenover.plan their ovn areas and would have- -epresentatinn oiý -e1aiter Town- Ir 1q754, Mr. Greenwornd said. thle ship Board. The ree-ve of Clarke la- hnl"tfor puýblic »aks ws -I.00 to arrange a meeting with Newceastle h197)(-57 17000 ascet<" when niembers fvrm ail the area im-"roemet eone, Ir)and a '5-5 ould be present including represen-- ~s11ate e'nendtur i~~"9~~ 0~1-tatives f rom the Departmnent of Plan- T tveav. 3.5 p1c" WP1f I ing and Developm-ient. pr-ovided for ithe 11-P of taees more than 1,20600 neople ale the nature trail,;s eihe a o- siection ti iithth at'e neiims'i su'cli arss Algonquini and Que-tco-. A ýro' tavy la the paýrk<s here cami-p iaiiie eepr 1vidjed\va S '. dyMr. G'reenwoed saidT. réle renoit ta t OntarIio ,,Park, havIe bïome inlra Sî gy pop- ular wvith residenits 'w'ho eant afford to st-a ' Vat outfitters or hotel campis la the north, or twho lpefer t o "rotugh it," on their owýn. Tlie vi:sitors py"5 cents a nig'ht or $4 a w--"- fr amp Sites and can lee ie th tes o onfýv twowekvthaoebeto week's extension iP'-lceiS availabl'i They are provided wi t' f , Sfi r e Wo'd and Cooking facilities n'il somle cases, ml-ay obtaini electricity at anj additionai cost of 25 ents a day. 1Most of the parks are opratd. y r-angers froni the Departmefnt's taff who thus have an excellent opportun- ity to teach visitors soineting about lîfe III the woods, Che iieces.sity forl care in Prevenlting forest fir-es, and the value of proper conservation Acodigto Departmient r-ecords,l few visijtors do any seijous fishing, beinig seemiingly content to go out on thelae and rivers to "pick Up ni ie' fish foiL dininer." Effrt ae beýiig ImadeL M. ren wodsito establish parks at dis- tanceuso about 100 iles apart aldý later, if neessrthe Gvrmn would <tudythe advisahilty of Plo viding o, at liveries at soine ofci Somedegas feit that the tour- ist pictulme ini Onitaîo was c!hangýing with l inphasis un i huting and fishhing and more on "fai.ly" enter- taiiewnt. Li round table discussions, camp operators said ""mei of us are begijnnîng to feel that fîshing, long re~»gnzedas one of our main atII- tracttions, should be puishled inte the background and that me shokild adýîë- tise other entertainment features yvhih are wanted now," Some camps nom, dave supervised saiwinag areas, water skiing, or- gaaized gamies, dan4cing aud. even baby sitring service for guests, the mieeting was told. Said one operator: "As a mlatter of surVivale we kmust priovide for- every mienaber of the famn- îîy, an,,a and in the evening, too. W arcatchingmo' fis4h than ever b)ecauILse e have better wildlife mnan- agement and conservation under the Department of Lands Ilnd Forests,l despite the fact that there are 1ft limes mrepeople fishing iîow than evmer beoem" 0 POPULATION INCREASED AT RECORD RATE Caarspopulation, icesgat a eodrate, reached e.stiteid 16,- 87'9000 y January 1, up 543,000 or 3.3 per cent f rom a year ago, the Bum-au of Statîstics said ecently. The nem- total was an increase of 27,00O from the December 1 figure. Tue twelve-nth comparesmil ains of 42l", 1) in 1954. 394.000ir r.Pearýce aIso urged, m-lOst emi- phtclythat the Township passaa Su-Division Conitrol Ryv-law at their- ea,-diest opportuniity. This by-law, ie said, need not wait tntil the foirming ofaPlanning Board .anýd wouid giýveý the Township the opportunity of ocon- trligthe u.ze,andq sale of land undei- lots of' ten acrýes. A draft by-law vwas- .submuitte-d byINr Pearce to imipie- ment its passing. D A NCE 'lO the Music Gary De Lors. a'nd his Courntry Boys Sat., Feb. 2 2 Corne one, Corne ti te the Orono Town Hall' Dancing,9 to 12 AduigsÎion 75C Sftars of Radio and Stage We. Want t. Give You a Ilousewarming The. ploc*, Your Nous., 74 time: Ail Winter. No prope-- ration needeal - just suie- phonie us anal we'il do the. rest. We'I tend an expert te clean end adjust your .11 burner, arrange for auto- mpatic deliNiery of your fuel supply, andsee to it that you get abundant warmth fiQai your heating d ollars. For a reui houseorming that krsts afl winter, cail us today. Oreno Fuel & Lumber Limited OuoPlh. 148116 inch more rooi clearance this vear I ere's a fecture which salesen uandl rural dwellers wiII fis indiien.. sable in thefr dally driving, one youIl ba *hankful for ca dozen tims a daây wh.n you're en holiclay, travelling the. country remal.i yeur Chevy. Ye$, -any ey.i u'leek ut it, Chevrolet givee Yeu the. meut fer year monoy. In dimensio,nlvalu., i al. rournd super*rity. Thot's why Chevrolet eteIe every ether- car-on the. market, year a'ter yeur. Moka sure y.u vat tueis ini of quality when Yeu buy. Get Chevalest, the Iew pric.d leader. I'* moasurably the. bect.