t seconr 1-1 s, "are the Lof a fight- ,ne Tuinney" lai wvorked- hanids, but nd ate vege- got stroag d the best Squarile andi have to be ter's ar e't ,orget trying At 25, Eddie Maellen is tank- eti as boxiag's No. 1 heýavy- weigbt challenger in Ring Mýag- azine's respecteti ratings. A stand-up figiter anid very quickz, with a resourcefufl Ieft haad and a powerful rigbt, he won al bis frst 241 professional bouts, beait- ing Hurr-icane Jackseon, Joey Mfaxim, andi Nino Valdes andi scoring sixteen knockouts. Ris recent workout in a San Francisco gym vàs iis irst since ,je was imimobilizeti two montisa ago by a broken rigbt hand Hie i1ias a history of hanti trouble before thiat, too. For Machen, thse chiances of getting a shot at boýxiag'ýs ichest prize rest on two factors: (1) A quarre] be- tweea tise International Boxing Club and tise camp of champion Floyd Patterson andi (2) the soundness of his two clencheti Èists. "Ail fighte-s lhave trouble vith their bands," Machea ini- %isted last week. "Wbat do you think a figiter soaks bis band in a bucket of ice water after the figlt for, except ta numb the pain? HIe sure doesn't wvant the ice." But there are degrees of trOL1ble,1 anti Machen, who seems tu bena his wnrist as he throws his punches, has came in for more than most. Macisen was a rugged. street ,ighter as he grew u 'p in tise lumriber tawn of Reddiag in Cli- fçornla's Sacramento Valey. <'The cop s thouight he was the tou)Lgbest street figiter arounid,"' aiR aid frienti remnembers. "He'd tzke an three or four- guys in a ,:artg and walkr out first." Mach- t-a worked with bis father in a eost offce, handling iseavy mail- VAgs, andi after high scshool he ,vas a lumberjack in the forests arounti Mount Shasta. 'Before I was fighting profe.s- i4onaI1my jobs kept n'y iantis tougi," Machen s ai"d. "Then wbhenI1turneti pro' 1 let themn ý1-c.t soi t. That wvas where 1 matie a Mista1ke." One day in 1957, ihachlen was outpunching Botb lilsler, a portly bas-been, wýhen his handa. began ta, ache. He woré easily, but even after soalkng Loitis hands in ice water, the nain remained. " I was hitting his fiaiehead," Macisen recalleti, -and tisat's Ithe hardest part of a tn's h ai." Two weekzs later, witisout w.,aitirsg for his spralied hantis w, heal, Machen began training for bis figlit with Hurricane Jackson. In an early round of t.hat figt--Macisen tiiks it was tiethird--he snapped a meta- cerpa1 bonie landing a right. Again be won easily, but after the bout Macheni was seriously wvorried, HIe began cdncextratiag on last week. "Every day I'ti chop wood andi I'd soak tisc in l brine and 1I got a spring exerciser anti f started using that. Tisen I been studying the wrapping. If they don't wrisp them right, 54) yards *e! gauze won't iselp. Wbat, they're ,gonna do for me now is MAN 0F WAR-Gczing fondly at one of his favorite pîpeý Chaîrn Laskov, newly aippainted lsraeli rcrmy chief of is pictured in his hnome town in Tel Aviv. Barn in Russia, 3ý o!-d Laskiv moved to Israiel in 1925. During Wor!d War 1 1941 ta 19,46, he served in the British cirmy and rose rank 'of nriojor. Aý successor to Gen. Moshke Daon as top fîghiting Moni, Laskov will hobbies-collecting pipes ond put nmore wrapping on, tise wrist,." Tise weakest part of a fighter's hiantis il tise metacarpal region --tise ppnt betweei 'i tise kauckles andthie wist. Proper wvrapping af tise wnst, acisen helieves, wvili rielieve tise strain he bas been putting on tise metacar- pais anti bis bantis iwilltbei stop giviiig hisimtrouble. Ia bis tratie, ie las to think that this is bow -it wil be. --From News-I week. Right-Hand Mani i Wisen it was announy-ceti, juSt bei are Christmas, tisat tise tip- 4 staff o! tise Higis Court o! Eng-i lanti was ordïeedt t Scotland ta. make anaret millions of pao- le mu«tst bave asked: "What lu a tipstafi anti wiat doas h. do?" Tise ofile. of tipstaff iais exist- ed for centuries la Bitain. H@ is an-, official appo,"intatiby thm Loeýrd Chancelor, anti bis main job is taO arrast anti escart tj jail tClose guilty of! contempt ai court. A former tipstaff once went -Into action aiter a tisgrunt!Lc apelat in tise Cort i Appeai hati sudtienly begun ta hurt ta.- matoes at tise presiding jutiges. Tise man, was seizeti andthie tiP- sýtaf f escorteti him' ta prison to serve a six weeks' sentence for contempt. Tise tipstaff's symbol ai office is aý black ebony staff about a foot long, silver-mounteti at botha andis ant i wth a silver bandi iii thse mitdile. There's a legenti that .in tise olti days tise staff was -longer and i whea tise tipstaff led tise jutiges on ceremoisial occa- 1sions it wus his tiuty "ta tip people out of tisewa' witis- it. Tise tipstaff is really a con- stable -o! tise 1Higis Court anti yau can usually 'ina hlm with his staff at London's Lard Mayor's Show or on the day tise legi year begins (October 12tis) when he marches at tise beati of the ijutdiges' procession, briliantly dec Cd ilagolti lace. Sati tacts ofaifle - quare meals nmke round people. HUS FO1R fTHE BRDS-BaltimoLre Oriole scout Del Wilbur, right, points ta the cioted ulne where "18-yearýoId Dove Nicholson -**ens for ,a bonus rumoned ta be in fft vidn-ity of $!1 1,00. Frc- weethe l~lre-up aft te door of the St. Louis outfleld prospect looked like a roster of the majors' repre*entativeFs. OnIy Defroit faileci to ri-ake an offer ta the 217-pound youth., probably have les-s ime daggers. es, Gen. )f staff, 39-year- Il, from to f he israel't for his they Don't Ask For Charity Oiperation Reliance, lac., isa company whose workers are ail severely pbysically handicapped. it is a non-profit corparation that ,,ill attempt ta show a profit, and this profit will be usedti t Ibé,P fellôw-disabled Canadians. t is net 2a chanity but a legiti- mate business operated in fuli anti open competition, payinig -its workers industry-wide, wages. Its existence is baset on its ability ta operate competitively at a profit, Traditionally, tise employrr*,nrt o! disablet people isas been mostly in sedentary occupations. Too frequentUy it has been attise level of weaving rugs, caning chairs or m.aking askets-low- pay type jobs, This manufacturing p.I i c y ,will be conspletely opposite. Fram tise outset they are e tt- terminedt tabuilti m high-skill'ed and competitiite aperation.with as many customers as possibie. lit tise beginning t-bey uvilcon- centrate or, sbort-run sub-con- tracting intise metal stamping, serew machine, products and metal spinning fildts, andtiwilli also utilize tise exceptianal banti- skills af same of tise workers la techaiçal assembly work. In ad- ditioni, tisey plan Io manufacture and market a, une ai band-madeç costume jewellery. The brilli.ant young Canadian designer, Lois Etheringtaa, is creating proto- types whicb will be mnanufac- turet inlis"'mited editians" andi marlieteti under thse «ORI" sig.- nature. As tise w'ork loati increases, they will enlarge tise staff. Thse plans now eal for a work farce of 30 pisiysicaly-disableti work- ers ithintwb years. 1 Operation Reliance, lac., is located in North York nrear tise intersection aofNiighways 400 andi 401 at 214 Pe!latt Avenue. The factory is a new building cantaiaing almnost 5,000 square feet on onre floor. Most of tise eqûipment bas been obtaineti tisrough tise assistance 0f tise Department of Defence Produc- tion, Machine Tooli Division Tise Reisabilitation Fouadation for Poliornyeiitics andi the Ortis- opaedically Disableti (Marcis o! Dimes) f1inanceti anti gave irc- tion ta tise original survey leati- îrrg up ta tise formation ai Oper- ation Reliance, Imc, It has- aiso providedti ie -grant tisat insures the necessary operatîag capital. Operation Reliance inteatis to repay thîs grant, as if it were a loan, out of operatîng profits. The Fountiation, with its ex.- tensive experience in Reisabili- tation, will continue te provie its invaïuable leadershsip. Tise mission af Operation Be- 'iance, lnc., is to encourage anti aid tise growtis o! skis aoft iworker so 0as, ta provitie broati- en ser-vice ta in1dustry, at 'tise same time giving enripboymreit anti training to tise potea-tially capable but presýeatly nnemr- ployeti disabieti worker. They will tisprave occupational disa~- bility anti open. maniy new Job 1opportunities for tise physicaly handicappeçi-in Canada. Q. Hlow can 1 soften tis ecui- ele around tise fixiger nails? A. Ordinary table butter has been found very effective for thisspu1rposeý Aiter wondering about it for cenîturies, Swedish authorities laSt montb dug, up ,asixteenh century royal murde-r myste.ry- and put ît under the glare of twentieth-century science. TIhe riddle: Did King Eric XIV dlie, as som.e historians -ai,1o arsenic in his pea soup, or as oIIhers say, was he smnothered by- a pillow, or drained bloodfless by a conniving doctor? A chaýnce to sort tact from lagend came wheh hewvy-duty etuipmenit was broughit in to r'e- pair Vasteras Cathiedral where Eric was entomnbed. Using cra vs wrkmen wvrenched off the 2-toni marbie slab over the KIng's sarcophague while a Cab- inet minister, a bishop, and otheýr dignitaries looked on. Thirteen scientists, sto.od by to put the remains thr-ough mnod- ern Xra and chemnical tests. The Swedes hoped scientists could prove concluisiv,-ly weh er Eric hand been donie in. There were plenty of possible reasonis. was it because of the periods of insanity that occurred during his tumultuous eight-year reign? Or was thse plot irspired by tise fact that Erie had offended bis brotisers by marrying a lowly bora maistress (her father %vas a corporal) whom he met one day while.she waàs out shopping for cabbages in the mne place? The historical andi personal facts were that Erie spoke Latin, Frenchs, andi German; he loveti wine, wamnen, and lute playig. H-e distrusted noblemen and once threatened to send his bro- ther John's wife off ta Ivan the Terrible in Russia after John h a di unsuccessfiully revoljted against hlmi. Beset by wrars and intrigues a;s Swedes, Poles, Dartes, Ni- wegians, Fions, Russians, and leftover Teutonic knigists ai! sougist ta establish ihemselves oün the Baltic Sea, Er-ic sougist alliances a1broati. But his at- tempts to marry Erigiand'- Quee-n Elizabeth 1 an~d latýer Mary Stuart, among otisers eli- gibles in European royalty, al failei, lHe finally mrfarried bis mnistress, Karin Mansdotter, and was mrurdereti in 1577 iin the dunigeon of Orbyhus Castle, 55 miles northwest Cf Stockholm., Legenti gays that in this dun- ~geon Jtshin fed Erie poisoned pea roup. Press andi TV we e barred trom last week's disirherment- and ian -ear1y announcerrent merely deepened thse niystery. It turneti out fisat somneone, 400 years ago, hati chopped off King Enî'c's feet.-From Newsweeks. There would seem to be no ex- cuse for letting people mnake a fool of you when there must br a, do-it-yourself kit 01< tise mar- kiet. SLEEP AleO RtltU ENEIVOISIEhI .10*7 T-MRUWI To b, happy and tranqiiil Insteud of nervous or for a gord night's leep, toke ~ Sedicin tublets qecording tse directions,. SEDICIN@ $.0 -$4.9 TABLETS Dite D.,« OaIyl AGEýNîb ANÎED) GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Se]] Our exitlng iloUse- wvares, wvatches and other products not fou 1nd in stores, No conipetition. Profitsý up to 500%., Write now fo)r free colour catalogue and separate confldenliaJ wholesale prie sheet. MurraySas 3822 St. 1,awrence, MontreaL. BABY CHrICKS BROILERS March-April order nx Pullets - wlde choice for higb produc tion (Including Anes). Dual purposýe cockereIs. Get sprlng llst, make %ý ise ûhice for best-pay markets. See local agent or vrite iBray Hatchey, 110 Jr:,n N., Namniltofi. "OXFORD" Chlcks live, lay an dpy They are the resuits of more 1 han thirty years cl carefui selection -nd 1 breeding. They have to be outslandc ing producers because we wan t the very very kind of Chicks for ouruw flocks - hlgh producers with l1 (-reeo conversio osts. We have four puire breeds and four crosses - Columia~ Rock, Llght Sussex White Leghor)in. L-400 Leghorn- Rhode Island Red s Columbia Rock, Rhode [slandc Red Barred Rock. White Leghiorn,l xCol1i bia Rock, White Leghorn x Clmi Rock x White Leghorn. Wufl Informa tion promiptiy supplied en Amnes In Cross. Write for free folder. me Oxford Fanmera' Co-operative Produice Company Llmlted, 434 Main Street Woodstocle, Ontario. FOR SALE SKATE GUARDS PROTECT your skates wth leathtr_ skate guards. Fit any size skate. Ab- sorbs danipness. Flelps preven-trst Send $1 plus M0, for mailing, to LENNOX SALES, 110 Hope Sfret Toronto. FARMI FOR SALE INSUL brick seven ro&nls, Ifydr, 1o water, three barns fifty acres , eolh miles west Strathroy on H.ghway, M. Gough, Strathroy. li.R. 3, Ontario. SUMMýER RESORT NINETEEN Buildings, including hotý water heated bungalow, Snack B.ýr, property 250x220x2,50 on tw,,o streets; golng coneern accommirodatlng forty guests. $9000 will handle. Box 26,59 Huron Street Toronto, INSTRUCTION EARN mors! Bookkeeping Salesmnan sbip, Shorthand, Typewvrltlng, etc. Lessons 504. Ask for, fret circular. No 33. Canadian Correependence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto,, -MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAMR cule"Compression-Seal" seals rings piston. C ives rnew motor performance. Proven product - guaranteedl. $3.95, Baurman's Enterprizes, Dept. G. Camp- bell's Bay, Q;,ebec. MEDICAL POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tonnent ûf dry eczemav rashes and weepinig akin trouble5. Post's Eczema Salve wl not disappoint yoss. Itcbing, scallng and burnlng eze- hdia; Acll, ltgwtrm, pbrntle a ai'bû0t eczeïna will respond readily te thse 3taïnlese eDdorle&s cintment zegareliest û£ bon' stubborss or bopeless they seem. sent Post -rec un Recipt ef Pnice PRICI $3.00 pER JAR PQST'S REMEWIES 2165 St CaI&r Avtnue !E*st U se orSAET s CC n nersin , Investigate how Shaw Scoeols Mil help you prepare fer a carcan that will assure your suecess andi secunitye IJnderiine course thât interesta yeu- le Bookkeeping # Cost Accouniting " Shorthanal S Typewitlnig " Statlonary lEngineering *p short Story Wnting 0 Junior, Intermiediate anti Rigser Aecount-Ing *Chartereal 5ecretary <.,.. 0 Business Englisb anti Cornespondence Write for free catalogue today. Many other courses fromi whicb to chüOse. *tiy & Charles Streets, Toronto, I i - . e. IT'S IMPORTANT - EVERY SR.5 OF RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEIJJt.ýI SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTA.4 $1 .25 Express Collect OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER jOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCMCDL Great opportunslty Learn Rairdresslng Pleasant. dignified profession;gm 'K'ages. Th1ousands of uesï ' Marvel Graduates Anerlea's Greatest Sys.tern Illuystrated Catalogue Frýe Write or Cal] MARVEL HAIRDESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor st. W. Toronto. Bran1ches: 441 King Si. W.. Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS PFE'11EPSTONHAIJUGf & C o m pta n v Pa>tenit Attorneys, Eýstablished 110 600 nilversltv Ave., Toron1o Patents ai] ontis PERSONAL AUTHORS lnvlted submit MSS aIl 1types (including Poemis) for book pbiain Ressonable ter.ms. Stockwvell rtd. Ilfra- comibe England. ,Est'd. 1893). PEN Frlends! Worldwlde Service. Senjd $1 for Lists. Walter Scragg ÉlEScq 14 Anne Street, Goldenhilll , Stnle On- Trent, Staffs., England. $1.00 TRIAL ofier: Twenty five deluxe personsi requirements. Lateat cata- logue included. Thse ledico Agency Box 22 Terminal "'Q" foronto, Ontl SWINE VORKSIIIRES Fo;r Sale Boars froni qualified parents; two second andl fouarth litter registereal sows due April; five breal gilts. Wilfred Rhame, Route i, MUoorefleld. Ont. WANTED RARPBITS, alive, domestic, wntdalI year round. for table use. Box 164- 123 Eighteeti Street, New Tormnto, Ontario. WANTED -- old coloreal pictures; pub- Ushed by Currier und ives. Send titlee- f«o fers, Also palntings by the Cana- dian artists Krlegisoff andi Kane. ALFRED R. DAVISON East Aurora N.Y, ISSUE 8 - 1958 Ver-y finI uLse cf soothirng.cooling liquld D.Db. D. Prescription postiveiy relievea raw seal ttch-cý,use<l by ecï,ema, rashc, ecalplrrnltation.chafng--otherltchtroublez. Gr6ecs taîrlese. 391: ba 1ott ~must aisy or money back, Don't ufer,.i s'our drugLst forD.D. D~. PXSRF' IFyuFee'l Ties. ays Fsst people work under pressure, worry nwe, sleep We8. This atrain en bodly and brain niakeâï physica! eieu' te lhi-harder t. regain. ToZY".'k ênie livring, Iewered Prezstance, oeererk, worry-Ariy oftises. sMay affect nornmal kidssey action. Whien lu4lneyg get out of erder, txa5ss chis and was*4a r ith e ti ystes. Then backsche, -,tred rt, that "tired-out", heae>- beadad feeling olten fo;iow. Tisat's-tise timi te tae .Dodd'e lKidney Mille. Dodd's, stinmulaitetise kidneyz to normal action, Then yen feal bettr-sleep better-work better. Aek for Dodd's Kidney Pilla t &ny ding Coupter., 33 'Mine, goe-s o lot better si-rire l changed her watr' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N s, N N N N k N N N N N N N N N N N N È