"We Lbrl r epydsrse 'with uepomn,-epeaei snostrnnble, there is, a lack o purc-hasing power, lack oyf plant e--m iuet thee i-s a great sieo n eaiesand dubtheToisav filed tho osevc' !i'-ilWenfh ,Oubt uîiemploy-rnent, te~ iet wepit ud rthe capt. Wethner jtiVb hc, h e - iÀ, pas adhck, they hi-ave never had antîn lse btt w\er ee had iL sog(ood,, eewr workig" Youii n1av-e boli1ve foia wu a balac,ýýed buidget,' hu saîd. "When te Caniservatives:, Wnei ~-Sdel, t2 'elSt, George Dreixvsaid they wrli rdceBomnvllor.hu daFebiuary taxs y svealmillionis, 1bt wesid 3t,19 WlIam H. eoin his~ hab.au.. eoge.rw qxd he 7Gthyman, blovd hsband o9 the woud rce taxes aMd siclibaance late Emma rout, dea rotherof Tthoes -ad FLsie(1Mrs. Fred Bail, the udgt.'bot of nhaa, earfetheur of Car1- enc, Hmptn;Irviin, Peteifbor-ough;- T'"ý.Bruc.e, Orono1c; Elsie (Vr.George( ofp Sf IbealSe tatth cnv1 partyis in faveur of finee'dctn eOlosfomtedoso uflivers7i-C" RVIIJDL- At M-morîAlHopIa, Ili the Offices of R. R. WdelQ.C. 1 MAIN ST., ORONO Ji!9 7nm -10 xu Iý Telephone 13S Orn McCULLOCH Chain Saws New Chain Saws $189.50 And Up A Chain Saw, with.ut service Jis only haif a Chain Saw Genu-LinIe Parts & Servicýe JB. BAULCR R.R. 3,, Port Hope Telephone T'u 5-2760 'e la.uPretectsd SAgainet Fire LOSS? vile, J a-nptmlje, ýiIurr(,aak, Necasle' m.wnu.wYLLroe Oronio, Porit Hope anld surr'Oundjing, our 250 gaate producta.H'gh Pm commssio. Noris-k. Selling exper-_ eceunneess;ary. Fnrle, pt., C, M 2i.548W NemeMA 3'4U SainC, 1O Delorimyer, Montre-ai. Orono Electric PHONE 129 APPIACESALES to al kn of, Ele"tr;ical LEquipment and Ap-, ne Sue], as Mtos- Water Heaters Rtadios - Stoves - Irons CLNCL Watch andCLk MANRepairing 13 AANSTREET, ORONO Hamilts Insurance Service Pluming -Heatiug fIEmE s"INIÂTES Leroy Hamilton Sadie Hamilton Every class of Iins-ur- ance is represented in our off ice. The follow- ing. are some of the main coverages we can offer: Automobile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, F ire, Btïrgiary, Hospitalizationi, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio, Hail, FideIity Bonds etc. PHONE 1RI6 ORONO Il Harvey Pari el 2'YRNU MA. 34: né.' ~WE SELL TRE DEST AN)> SERVICE THE REST I uiling A H.,ise? er reiuoddlug yusr ,pm SFloyd ichis., SPhone 1M1 Orono Pouadu "go..mmdSeTU.k1 FIRST MORTGAIGE LOANS L %ryTHa Iton REAL ESTATE BROKER Rtepalrs CALL US FOR ESTIMAITES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 33R12 ORONO -ONT'. à JOHN REGANp B.A. BarriSter, NRotary Public JACK REID Auctioneer ani Vahiator Specialize in Farm and' Furniture Sales Conffllt m e for terras and dates Phone 5 r 18 TED JACKýeSOiN Aucetiolueer and Valuator e&*doeh Aw"ulnSaet & * M »4 et t Wua«Éb =&O' ouewm %à%"&6ra ?uoepy. 0»*»&%us m M me k% a obê l *Q@ f« & LIFE IN.SURANE M*.-M.m' sw F'.E. LYCET STAFFORD BROS. Meuime ~Werks I l, mbee t y bweiMe.. NOnRuTMe tGr AestNye Enlgraving, G.odleafinig «Uq' dfret %" .e euomdn IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE, -Orona