Oronio, Ontario, TlirsdayfFerur Subscription Aw'ardez dV Meet, , is-U ;h h ms ntrs inad Im sure thaýtI VieF 2.t.cl Mary of thosps-ont WH!ibe paying ýtisdayt by holDding a ratte Fie Oa'ks Camp. in Vise ~Sdcrcay Ms-r. Ford rendered twe icovely aur- rnited Cisur4-'W besThere's a Guýls Mine in Vise ers; ef tise A-ftes--Scky and "DrPink LVo ina only witis s fruri sSt. Sv-thuseeys.» Ghý leaders of the Edith Sles-wiu inseved àa vote ef wnu Exporera.thanksA te Miss 3MaKague and Vo Cid- Srat down te1 fordi Long fer opesnting tise proýjeator, eater Rev.1 aise o rM. Foi. e aceý- ý . 'Oive ,visn as e Led tgte-h tVaI being çloas-- ro whiile Stella Casr-son iread a aises-t irdle li avasy essage wenEieeu IBllings ps-es- ented 0OlivWîtha ifoMnÀSssi in tise chair in' pin and Kay Rniney presented tie ha cetiiaeOlire was vos-y plasedi nlesd e , es-'aud thankjng VisaheAuxiliary, said se ~~~e~~ wecmdalfit v es-y lhurnse but did appreciate thren c'alled on 1tise gift. o inhtoduced oe Regisias- business was deait -with he evening, M I^ssand tise devetional was aken by uýwnaniviIe, wiîso Mas-gai et As-nott, Veina Hlooey assd apoke vos-y on- Eas United Chus-ch "Our- second speaker for Vise oveing Schis ïtutedwas Ms-s. Bruinmiond avise neads ne ~l~ei i ssuaed itroduction. Sîse gave Irthdny- groat- statedPatOtse ings iumtiseAftes-noon Auxiliary andaie pesnte avosy ntthein apsised 25 acres ýnd awos-tlwhenddresson Christian and and that aladw,-hhI drs oCritv rIs done on Vise Steward&Mp. hdasiad ben 'leMiîson tisankedMs. Dusn-- s. Sise espîinej m nond for 'ler vas-y fine s-am'aés-s.Slie pen aIl yar andmiseD thankedsi argaret Arnott and s. er aiI wa Etel Tysreil and theis greup for a, n Her tal vas-ey enj oyabla avening. Hydro And Village Employs Fpul-Time Employeeý fThe Opono Police Trustees and Or-i enwteanulare ono1 Hydrei- Commnission held theli reg- I ip oncleewh anulgr- ular mneeting on Moînctay eveil me'nnt by reducing the general town- ~~~hep~~~~~ ti orsXnizdapa' hi rae on the Village assessmlent hiire a full time mnan to wx,,rk for both )y anr amount of -3.5 milis. the Village and the Orono , ydiro.~ .A discussion followed aon rcad pro- Thais scheme lias been under eonsider- jeets , for the year and a rescdntion atiop for son]etýime and 'ilth the res- was adrse ýto the To-wnship to] ignuonofII~5.~ononas ecetay'have 'North Church St. continue oýf the OIThno, Hyvdro, 'was 'broug-ht in past the Oironio School to the proposedi ze force. D-unoan road; proper ditehling and Ml'r. Donald Gooclte was hîred by the prvlln fRoe vnuroper Orono Hydi*o, rlowill in turti bil planning of South Churich St. between the village for turne abotUed for their Vi',C,0oria< Streùt and Station Street su wýork. Tlie saî1ary was set ut $sýO.*o00 that, a sidfewalk may be construeted in M1r. Gumdc ril do the book work fo thiis trea. It was also rcommii-endced 'ih( mil iyroa~ keep the off that a Scleedle of chpsoigbe opeýn the f'ive a±'ernjoons of the wek '1aain c'ridotti erweei Ris duties also include wvorking withi was nedeo keep the stree.ts in a Mr. Dm4L on thei 1ines. uLiretakingý, th cla i Acodition. hailI, enforci.ng of Village Byl i t was poinited ou, byý the casa and o)ther' Village (Ulties. Last year d'f the -police Trustees that thiey had the ilag and( the Hyd(ru paid eYuodthi firs>t Pedllar's License ist between 210 and ~iJO}for pait- wekedte one ,iigaged,,( in the sell- tiehelp. This new schicme isý expcc- ~go lmnmdosadwnos ted :tu provideý a bettel- ser'vice for Iii !lhe Hdome2eting thie Collmis- bot ogainaios.The tive local by- ioer ccepted thie resýignatio)n ofý Laws now arae in force are thle cote-Ms.Nio [s secrotary- of the Or- ling of d1ogs aInd the PoUlsBylwIon omsso n hlI>irdM. Goode[ A ,volao as pasdat the wo ilwokjoi1ntly_ for- t.- Hyd'ro, etigrequestig Ljhat tlle Townj- a He Villaýge. Mi1Ilbr-oký Hockey Tearns Sweep- Little IÂHL Playdowns Thse Mi1llab'ro ho~cçey teans in the, This Mil]>breok boy was a star of thse Litle NH li >aydowns for to-,,-ns un- Iday in any divýisiýon. This gasne with ,dr 5, on $ýtudy n Newciastle MiLlbrook went 8-1 for the northern proved to be th~e conqueroias of ailtwn Wayne Miller seored the lune three zrmups. This inelded the At-' tally in whieh hi, teami mates he1ped ûms, PeeWeý-s and Bàtýf di1ii,ýn, to set up his seoring opportunity. 1_n ail eight teans were entre, i n The first period was scoreless but in th ûoîet the second the Orono 'boys begani tr, The firsll gaime of thse Ifternoln showý the affects of two gaines and was played between the Orn Atoms Milhroolc broke out ini a scoring and the Mbc-k Atom'& the ohl spree. two teas entereç in tis di,,isiorn. The third gaine of the afltern'ooii Xlibro:ok Atoms proved tue -muai was pIayed botween thse Oromo and ftu-ihe local boys iwhio took a trauic- Millbrook Bantams wisich Millbroek ing 8-0. took by a score of 5-2. Oroqio lest a The iOrono PeeWees took part. in numIber of scoring opportunities in tise second ganie of the nfternooii and this gaie whicls euuld have' given defeated Newcastle PeeWees by a thens a victory uver the Miilbrook sooure 'of 3-0. Tisis was one~ of the 1best: -squad. Thte Orono goals were by Terry jsbayed ganses of th~e seas os for thse Cariletoni, 2 and RPoger ýBarlo-w one. 9nonao boys who outskated andi eut- ed bet-ween thse Milihbroo1 Bantamo played thse Ne'wcas~tle boys. Terry1 Thse final gàme of 'tise day was play- 'Grahamn registered the~ shut-out for and the Newcastle Bantanis with the Osione. The -three Orewe: goals were 1 victory again going- to Newcastle 4-3. ',y Ralpis Kennedy, Buzzy Mercer tiidl Thse tliree Mililbrook tennis will Chas-les Reid. Murra~y St John an-,d newýý awai4 Vthe Provincial tüurnamentý DIane Rogerson p1ayed saine solid~ e hiI is heid in Ailiiaton this yaari fconce for thse lo(als. Witli this vie-1 for tuhis group and will be held some- tor-y under tirs ihoit the Ororwe Pee- turnle in tise inonth of Mareh. ~Wees then maet Millbroek and were The Os-une PeeWees had unly one defieated by one player who scored e. heur s-est botw-een gaules as alsu did ~ttl of saven goalsa agaisst Os-on, tise Nillbrook Baxiitaniss. lligh Teens Tg. Holü Danc V 8. la 6n>no This Satuîard8 Sautus-day nigb ist aain is d (ance eu ise To'wn Hall asise For Ne sponsor another gaïa aveýt o F v er-yooy ssecm tom1snh te 100 years uf age. Nexv recordIS ,iIl hoD Pualiased arnd Min anc eryand Gladie Br-own, Ken Neal n Fy Admi. will su-,ppiy tise squajre d(anjce A dîoor prize wili ha pus-ciasaçi su "uont mîIa eut on tise funa ihka Dun't forgat Satus-dny Nite, Msc Ist, Orono Town Hall t" :3qpa. See you Saturday nite, Satellie. Or' shýotild t hob, 'See yeu Vlaen, CicKEN. Gldi.Mac, Koes and Faye, Forv ail ef you inz a tranco, At the Torwvi Hall lhoywilpa Mas-ch lst Oronu Hi-Taonls Danlce. With nsemhersisip 25 Conta Rock and Roll daddy-e. No men-ibersiip 50 cents Comae on dowý,n and ddo this troil. iasGanssby- UfOo i sSkatnig SXcc ss-: lUiInIl!Prese1 t 1 îi Ove- fft cisîdenfreintise Or- oodistrict eniteirtained at tise New- castile As-ene. on 'Saturday e-vening in tise art of figure skatingl witis thüeayeuagstesbeing mensisbers 0f tie (}rono Figure o Skçating Club. About 225 interosted passonls wer.e1 ~present te vleew tise denanstratien of skating, wvieicis isan'annual avent of tise Oro-no Cl1ub. Tise demeonstratîen waa iel in i Newceastle since thie Or-~ une s-ik buisad eut taso weeks aguj. Due Vo tise losa of Vhe Os-onu s-in aïid tise ild -%veaitiser iratise fuoepart Df tisa wintr tisase caiildeen hlad hU ossly aiîgisipractiee.s îlas whiei ch te-- pare tisepselves for tise annual sisens-.1 'Thsashow eunsisteofQithhrteea -.1 and a finale. Tisa fos-epazýt cf tise pr-- grams was providesi by tise tiny tots inassy of avions have yet te reach ie is age of fiva years. Mr-. Charles Hutton aated ns master oýf cese-mnies f'or thse vng and assnounced tisa vari- On Wedniesday ,eeni v-ille tise Dus-hani Distri se a aspcii ss isio iiieas-en ii whia bers ansi thcis- cilaiua Nexiaeatie av res-se tiat tisis- wn ocatiols Ps-jus- te tlise vote,w in the aevoning, Cas-el that rgardisn oftise voe itshou)tld ho fins m rs adise rt) tais A emm %e vas se', tiens ùon lands ln Vhe0 tise, ar'ý e torep-ý!t at +1, mieeting. A buildingc exp1iessed that tisa sch open ifer Vise 19-59 teria cita acts as tliey came t PROGRAMI L DiButaisWaltz wns miusic of 'Tan for Twa' rènbes- took pal Pats-y rosses, Ohieryl Hlooey, Troy Tag-gart,]- niey. ElizabethGere lis, Susan G iilbnsI.t, D Mary Ellen Toimia, Elî ~Beverely Tenliant, V. Shsaron Allun, Jaraico Sharosa Simupson, Mas-,, Marilyn Tajssblyn, Ba Gail Willis. 2. Bgnes ub h gr-e ~ by skating aboe 'liey jwas-e dvoessed as rr wses-e Naney Barraball,1 Dale Evans, Dànald lU Staples, RisoisstaTen Fren-ciman. 3. Dressed as Indians skated te rtimusia of (Continued paýg Sevn OonoGuidles Âdv Enrolment Ceremony On1s-,evnng 7:30o ocmk a dlin Canadan Guid tisaGie ansI l wne ýf VseFis-tttison tiseantis-opack w Os-onoPak gatlored in tise Sundnýy GilGide- is isar d te DE ChIuscl fri-the-ir nr- en ndUly- PasoLnd-Coi motion w re -sanutVo w ti ts esoun:Julielaw 1Baý,iley and Judy Vagg. snesestng avent. <i-mpany 'Leader JoAna Rutiher- ford was Vise vas-y capable chah-nans and opened tlisa meeting wIitis "Tise Queen". JeAnn- thon wûlconsed tise guests andi exisainesi 'llIinking Day"' tise Flying-ua) aeemony a'viuxa 'Ps-1 Taggart and Marie Hooay flews up te, Guides. ICathie Hcoey receivesi ber Skater's ]Badge-. Pa1troi Leades- Marilyn Cobblediëk brossgh the follcw1ing Tenderfoêt Guides fo-r. enrolmasit: Carol Vagg, Janiel Gs-eenwvood, Shiaron Willis ansi Faye Nichasoss. Dist. Csnisin Mesle 0i1?art tisen presentad Lieutenant 1sabý-- Hani with ber warrant. Sise bas pse-iusly Isen ans-oled. The Guide,-, 'ad beau dividasi la- t hsesgroupa. Eaais gsoup isaving te supply part of tisa programme. Gs-uup one, lad by Sheila Basrabali, lins! dressed a dal l a Scotch Guide costuma. Tison all Guideas, Bone and isotisers wero invitad te dance a Scotcoi Flk danca e tAste tunse of Cmi'Th-oulgisthse Rya." Marges-y Tyrrei's greup dsessed a dail1 in tise Unitedi States Guide uni- les-m anC ail Guides andi Brownies joined in siing-,vwo Negro Spirit- uals. &Ssau Major's gxoup hadi dressesi Marilyn cohblodick an, Life s-as wes-e presens ou avinthe sssowsîg"5"-ýIýU IU1- -"-- --1 badges: Astreonmes-, Lufe SaverL) ,Consearvative convention in CýOueo0 1~~n Hliker, Pioneer and Woodcraft. Tisese! Monday expressed his gr'atitude te w'vs ê censpiated tise badges whiais tisey hava those ps-sent ansd also outlined tise last en to oas-n bafi--e r ceiviing thisas Gold actions tAen by tise goves-nsiseuit dur- donC -GQs-dýj w' l ! bviI pre-sented to ing tise past session of pas-liament. wi th fi tieu a alate-data. Ha statasi that he was deepîr hon- Tis,-, oured te ag-ain be tise Çonservntive of ad Distriet Co.mmissiesser Merle Gî[- candidate for Dus-hans. It Nwas anltise pi( barst thesn adds-essed tise guthesr-i~g honour, ha, said,~ that ho fait vas-y Caucu: esxpininig tise differaat badges, deeply il, -the.t hê liad bean entrustad $ivenl .k-,trDs. ns etc. the uides oud;,D, xhni otvaty tvie-wýs-. markrlçs wara ni ïtructive. ivrterestnxg ansi iii- Losnie Tys-reli ascplainad tisa mean- îssg of th,--asmblen on tise Worid Fiag. Thse Guides tisen sang tbe Wol Tise 'Bs-wnio Leaders, Br-own 0w! JOyçe Silnupsaus sud ibes-asistant,, Rùtâi 1laggart aud Guide Leaders, Captain, Rutis Gsady ansd Lieuteniant LIsabel Hanssu ara to e ba onmended on Vbisispendid wos-k aitis Vhs packý wilcI is a credit b te saconsnauity. TIse meetinýg closesi aitis tishe -an ies andi Guides ecrhf doing thisas-Ps-ai- er ansi Taps. Lu-nch aof uimis coffea andi fresisie was serve bsing- ave ryag 0»0Y ahI ce voi sg,-t ineni ing tVo a close an iîntresting meeting.1 i~did Orom~ r. Re P. V ivia riUnp As Conservative Ca lTh e nship HI1i, Orosio, Tas mgin packed on tMonday enthe DPu-ham inCo-nservativ es heid thois- con- ention touchooe ea canddate Vore ng inBowma- roent thepir party in theo- homn et ig hoo eeti te aregatherýing w_ s iten alld Vo ekoSned by their pretdenoùM tfoe newï!ii Ale Gai-ruUwhesAuMrIL WR.Waddell,11 iFiftecn imem- eetary, rad tise inutes. Cars ol chomllinDr R. P. Vivian r«e ied the nomn- recordod Jvote inat;ieîn to carry tise Conserva-ftive col-< roi 8 Vo 7. ours in the forthacig election and! imms as giseýn a rousingcer by the oml Oruioeanm uiene, r. George Se n uomin- nt e sbsan-atd D~r, Vi iaýn stating how ably lie lis hl dreps-esented Dus-hansin Vise ast sittig of partimont and aise point- biais camen SAA' eut Wt r.Vivian had nover Ïost ........ .. Nahot,sHated n election. Thse motion was soeconded .1 ad tat "il Miss. D. R. Dewdlney off Newý1astle. s deision, iessrs. Meadow-s and T. Reisey moved that nominations laecdosed& oup te tain-e lu, r. arruthers welconsed Vle op- )en aad pjtuiof expressing tlhanks- te ie extreular the miaay -workers who had assisted coi-mittee w Ill in tise election of 195U and poiatedý >itl as it W515out that as Xuhian County votes sei héi should, 1e doas théý_ntis-e ,ountry. DR. R.P Ho, stnted that nsuch ciiimhdgoveinient wiih beon lodged on holding Vtse electioni fulfilhing of lis N tth1e ý at Vhs, time andi aven by the C'on- Canada. 1e Mr;Oarruthersý IME sea-vatives. t cas iis opinion, how-1t ath lËeeci display o Vhe, oves-, hat tise election was xecessary itttheoratlat V in whieb. a and poin'tod Vo five reasons wliy ho otipotn i irt. Tiseyý were tisought se. ada for it ps-uved th Cooer Cais "t givos the people Vise opper-tunity nîcrüacy wasa aiv MfargareitGloa- Of andorsýing tise policies of Jon peoyplewetinI ~,SavronWil- Diefentýbaker"lhe said n ithis hl ii y veptyt now hf )ianie Gilhart, was sure the people of tihe cunry Viearty. Ittheais aieFors-ster, w6uld. -No industry or business canspaejhtie ale ertsces-, ho sure of its future unless thoy onhaker te' have Ca P Rutherford, kunew the peicy- of tise governmient assd girlsaw ial -ai et Midfdieton, toward trade" and harolhe said, the b andiat houe as-rbas-a Keast, gevernmient aaeded a clearmandate Smttm look up". Th from tise peoZie te ensure a streng aise preved te QuE ad joined the PeliCY. Vse as as et0 in uit thse rink.: a , -waitt os- confidence" 'was placedý r rnnkeys. Ttheylbera tise governissent and tnushle aLdstsht Cof Joiu Karen Lowery, fait it was for thair deaision. Ile stat- sadths at Caiaduiw LcLarea, Sally ed tisat tise opposition ghisuld weloofle and tiatrCanada w suant, Carol the opportuniVtï of thse eiection be-agrarfur. cause it fs-oas them] frein an impOs- Mr. Paul S'mifth sthe fololvng sible positioni. A situaion whiese they briofiy te the gathe Jack and Jil: aondemned tise goves-nient but were 1young Oonservi le 8) psactically impelleci Vu výote whtls i Ottawa receistil thons.FAnally, Min.Carrutsrsstated th[lasgtet iic-s tisat thse olection sheuld giveanmuch of i_- kind oer lo1ei hottes-baanein tIse gveumntad -SýDetedio!Vhe ic at Il Ce 2heeho pointd teutne fact thut nnly midan(y aie enb rs'sepresoented ubc.Asclain wn I 1 [ ý'lhis hlieet was poureres'ttosWnimaceb Nuecas't for tyseProrinca and weuld ho rom- Cbrarwight; WHartw __________edied on as-ch 31wt This Petin, ho Bave iliggons, 1% Le ostme ndsold weu]d gîvoJoluiefa akoraS;sso, Manv11ers aný anmg "'AGood eTys-rel on .g Guides foi. o, as-y LnaDrPVvanokmcn SI ajoan Alun d Conais Tyr!- Dr R P, Vivian P hosacpac re u oi i1ý1-ýi11111,- o .'h i- t mhetlam iPiogressivl e gvs n Actions ~gr. Act iow tIsalC 'o cas-s-v t omnises wý is wisese ýan opport This, ha it couldsinoV be dont. "Tis as a si-a- pension f voir ing tisat knew -aIues."1 othes- benefit "Tisera h'asn't been tusse te do ev- Was Vte- ar-ything - net realIy ise Wtes--ae.s. c -apture oid friendships hy my 'wif e Ho said th and mnysaif," ho said. Ile fusisa- ta-ha-ve beau e.ý ed tisat neitises hasi thora, been tima noped but tih ta truly know what avas'îa Vise hearts tise budyeýt o o~f tIse people, thougis ho falit. IV.is Dr. Vivian' fis-st os-ds, ne saii, -%vas te thank Vise they ýotilsino people fer their efforts in tise lat el-- L~i ln not run into Dis-. Vivianr pointosi eut that tisa' gevernmnent <of last SPrîing lad for-i grttan ahat deisocracy InLeasit ansi ,,jus went tuClwnVodefeat. Thiaex ersinse Miaister, ha saisi, iniris openl- ,,'g asidres la tise huse, -staýtesi tIIaL 'lu avas pafet-tly oibvions. that tise pa--i ple disi net -want lis leader-ship. St.1 Laurent had ste.ted -tiat his party! would noV nmuve s "want iuf cosafii-! .ý46 'teu a te tie disu 'pensiois beasefits hat is'ad te be laid fr the countr-y. istnadeï, tIs.-ýt it avea st reduce taxes but .adL tie goeleruins oa dei.Tise 9g suant could hnea L>ugh,.. iUUWii budget,)I but Visa cabinet fait it feasible, due te tise sinrosityg ment, Vo catry. un avitisth e b brougit Cown at spring. Ho, somaiesiimtoitana-i wes-e increased %vWlsila -otse, s avei cs-aased. Again Dr- Vivian s-itE ýthat tise fiscal year av<uld andi (<ýantirnued on, apajê e3) 'Y IA awo'uld ensure tise N'ational policy for wns oftVie opiniont iois was oeaof the tisa histery of Can- 'h lie blood of De- ýve, that Canadian. nlg People aiud ces-- fe in tise Coniserva- sü xroved. said Visa tetld 'af its nsany ie ný ke