oRteik)o WEEKLI ~TJHURSIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1958 or Di1 Co. Ltd. ,,es Reduced- On PREMIUM QUALITY Stove Oit 20c Fuel Oïl 17c VOR FREE, DELIVERY PHONE Osbawa RA* 5-1404 O0rono Team Hang Up Skates Downed By Newtonville Bush Leaguers lose to Newtomnville * , in Pïay-offs. "Well, 1l guess thaît we 150l I<oharhsAttend will have to hang up the blades uti IJ A~UiIE8 IID1 next year." That wvas the coin word around the Orono Bush Leagu,- Orsi. Meeting ers dresýsing roore last Monda>y nite. t wvas do or die for both New,ýtonville 1Tùesday evening in thie Oddfel-1 and Orono as they took the ice. 1 low's Hall, one hundred ami ,fiftv Re- Newtonville tooDk the edge eaîrW -in bekah memibers took part in a vei-y the first pieriod m-hich seemed to belsuccesaful meeting. T-he occ-asiýon wa s a :big'-goal on the slow ice. Atter that tevst~ h RhkhAsml goals weýcre hard to get for either Presidenit and the district-deputy. teamn. "We couldn't buy a goaïl, IPedet-eies froml the Bomw- heýard John Shetier exclaim afteh manville and Port Hope, Rebeka'hi game. Lodges joined with Heather Rebekah' "Red" the Newtonville goalie, was Lodge, Orono1. th,-e star of the gamne as 'ne made sliec- Plie Assembly President, Mus. Pat- tacular saves on muany occasions. tro flipe pk o h ahr tured sîd moe rbhe thn Goding, miainiy on the Oddfellowý's Home Through out the whole e "Redl" a tBlarrie. Mrs. Fikes, District Deputy Year manufactures in a year. You Kesidentù of District No. 8, East wouldn't know it was the saine goal-Lkfromn Oshawa, also spok-e. District' le as Friday eite before Orono beat Dpt rnmseCaeMri then12~. Te sore oady ededof the Oro0no Oddfellviw's Lodge \vas 5-3 in! favour of Newtonville. Scor- presen.t for this Most fruitiful meet- ers for Orono were Phil Long, Juhn iaib. Shetier anid Erc Carleton. 1 might add also thaï, a1thouxgh Or-ý onlo Was losing a hear-threaker gamne, narry a har-sh word or ruhpa were present. OronQ losit tesre anid chance to go up into the finals galantly aud professionally. The scorers for Friday nite's 12-0 win over Newtonville -were Eric Carl- eton 3, Gary Cooper 3, Ron West 2, John. Shetil:, Gord Lomery, Phil Log an4 Chuck Hutton with single- tons. Jack Williami-s was eut badly at the 18 minute mark of the first period. Jack was unable to he pre-sent Mon- day nite so, we have an excuse saying -Mrs. Patterson was given l 4is entation fr-om the gathering whc1 w\as presented by Mis. Mary Broad-l henit of Port Hope. Foilow ing tuie meetingý a deliciou1s lunch wvas served. Tw;o cainloads of Oi-oiio IHeather Rebekah menmbers attended a joint mneeting held in Oshawa on Wednes- day nig-ht. that We neyer had fil teamn. By the way in case if your wonder- mlg it's Erv M4cCulough's Pansies against Newtoaville in the final r-ound) for the chianpionship. Beto uck Jim Gainsby. Fort fHope fligh ScoI Takes 0,cr Couacil Ueetimg On Wedinesday night students of the Port Hope High Schooil took over the regular meeting of tihe town cunicil. David llor-ley was elected mjayor at ai vote takenl at the sehool. Stan Frost wvas reeve, Helen Marston won. out for deputy reeve and cojun.- cillors were Nils Lovevenmarkýl, Bill Roberts' Wigh Ryan, Doug Shortreed, Tfed Smith and Tim Tayl~or. Ail the aboyec were eIected to o& Ïice, while Kýen Wilson was named town. clerk by ac,çiamaticon. The odýfices of n1ayor, reeve ald. deputy were noinated and elected by GIrades 12 and 13 whiie councilors were put up and electeil by Grades 9, 10 anld Il. Reeve Read Buge et with th-e studenit couneil at the school on Mn daýy to eigliten themn on procedure, Counieil had g-iven its Wssng aa previous meeting. WILSC)N-Mr,. and Mrs. Ted Wilsoni are happy w announce the birth of a d1augher, Debbie -May, on Feb. 11. in Plymnouth, Engilland. CARD 0F THANKS I - wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends, ne*ghhýours and rela- tives for the lovely cards and acts of kindness during rny illness. To Hea-. ther Rebekah Lodge,,No. f~, or the lovely plant. Also Dr.. cenind the nurses and staff of the Memnorial Hýspital, Bowmanvile. Alice Cob3bledick AUCTION SALE-- Tlie und(ersignied has ,eceived in- stpuctions fi om Lloyd Gardiner, Lot 20, Co.H,~ope Townsihip, 1 mile west ofl Garden 1Hill, to selU by public Auction at 1:30) p.mi. sharp, valu able Horses, Milk CwSwnMachinlery etc. Termis Cash. No Reserlve. jack Reid, Auctioneer. SAFETY POWER STEERINS El1ydrauie pressure up to-, 7501bFs. is atyojur 5n tips to give pfc conro in aýny emerge FEDAL-EASE POWER LUKIES Pedal-Easie control is so cnenetyou c even liift your foo.t! Jusit pivot down for easiest s-toppinig ko 8U41ECTRIC POWER WINDOW LIFTS Just pressa an d prestoý! Windows go up ord automnatically! There's Aso an inidividual troil at each window. I ight touch does if!f POWER ASSISTS.. avaitable on OL.... tnake your driving life easier.. and more fun! OLDSmýobility goes ail the wyto make your driving pleasure com-plete. Every power assist showni here is:available on al ' 98Series Oldsmobiles, either as sianldard 6-WJIY POWER SEAT CONTROL eqiipmfent, or optionial at slight additional Finger-tip seating adjustment isq ge-cost. But, whiehever Oldsmobile you flash! Forward, back, up ordo fC.choose, tailor it to youir requiremnents tltotr frstigpeecon from tÜhis perfect selection of automatic driving aids. Ion't rthe [own coni- Eiuick-as-a own, plus ELEOTRICALLY CONTROLLED RADIO ANTENNA Perfect reception heighit now reqires ne timne-consuming stops. Pop-up control froni clash is as cas-y as Oldsnmobile power cani mnake it! Now,aliyoudois touch two hiandy releases and press Oldsmobile's nèw activator switeli. Power does the e sat. IOHT - 4.000OR SEDAN A GENERAL, MOTORI V/Alpr $ FEEYOIJR77 GLDZMSMOBILE Q;UALITY DEALER OYW. NIOHOLS The PlOcei Your Ilouse. T4o tîme: AUl Winter. No prepu- ration neded - just fois- phone0 us anid w..'II do the witer, arange f ordauto Oreno Felr&of Lr ue COUR TU1CE AN ILLE O otqo, Limitý ci PFI. 14816 per gallon per gallon Oromno 1567 Lola's BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 161J ORIDNO We Want t. Give You a Housewarmiag POWER-OPERATED CONVERTIBLE TOP N0 8N WETY =>oc=>oc=:>oc=z>oc=>o oq==OC==o 0 c=, ý . VALUE , = 1 P-, ý 4e