ONO WEL!KLi TEMS URSDAY, FERUARY 27, 19.53 DURHIAM COIJNTY FAREERS' CO-OPERATIVE AINNUAL BANQUET ~I. DOLLARP DAYS BEST BIJYl COMPLETE B5aby Foods ÀýSS4RT-MENT 10 for $ DLLAR DAYS BES i BUY! DR. BALLAR)'ýS CHAMýIIPION bog-ror Cat Food Ae' for $ DOLLAR DAYS BEST BIJY! RED SEAL, FA-ýNCY - SAVE lc. Coe Salmon3 for,$~ DLLAR DAYS BEST BUY! CIIUJBY OR REGULAR Kwwleenex PTissues 6 for $ DOLLAR DAYS FEATU'RE' Rose Margarine4 for $1l DOLLAR DAYS FEATURE: SAVE lic. York Choice Peas 20 oz tin 6 for $1 DOLLAR DAYS FE-ATIZFR SAVE 5c. Granuiated Sugar DOLLARC DAYS FEýATURPýE! SAVE 7c. CULVER BOUSE Lombard Choice Plums DOLLAR DAYS FEATURE! SAVE 17e. - YORK Golden Choice Peaches DOL~LAR DAYS FEATURE! WYAGSTAFFE'S- PURE SEVILLE Orange Marmalade 2 oz jar DOLLAR DAYS FEATURE! CHOICE QUIJALITY CREAM STYLE Culverbouse Corn 20 Oz DOLLAR DAY FEATURFE! LYNN VALLEY STANDARD Green Peas save 25c. i ,DOLLAR DAY FEATURE' LIBBY'S Tomato Juice FANCY QLALITY save 9c DOLLAR DAYS FEATURkE! KiRAFT MIL-D - SAVE 5c. Cra'cker B'arrel Cheese DOLLAR DAYS FEAýTURE! KING'(;S Choice Tomatoes save lc DOLLAR DAYS FEATURE! SAVE 15c. - SHIOW, PACK Tuna Fish soid Iighit meat 10 lbs $1i 20 oz Tilas' 7 for$J 20-oz. T'ins1 6 for $11 for^ ' 20-oz, Tins 7 for $ 8-0z. Cuits! 3 for $1 i 20-oz. Tins' 6 for$tp 57-oz. Tins1 tf/o~ «oHli Inal- aAttractiîe Ttu Peanut Butter Reýd & White Tomate Catsup save ] Oc Green Beans Cu 1verhouse Choica - SaveL 12c 1Diced Carrots Cuilverhouse Choice - Save 12c Red &'White- 2C. Evaporat'k Milk Suprenie - Save 16c. Black Pepper lmbïle, -savé 16ç. 4 for $ 1 li-z. btines 5 for$I1 20-oz. tinls 6 for $ 1 20-oz. Tins 9 for $ 1 20-ez.Tins 9 f or $] 4-0~z. Tins. 4 for $1 DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL! Swift's Eversweet Rindless Breakfast, sealed Baconlb plkg 67e DOLLAR DAYS SPSCIAL! FRES-H SLICED Pork LjAv*r lb 29eC DOLLAR DAYS 'SPECIAL! SitsPremiiumi B-y the Pieee Bologna lb 35e FRUIT EE'B jSPE,'CIAL COMBINATION OFFER! Bur-istinig -with Flavor - The Pick of the Mlexiean crop 5%LBeOR ANGESI 10 G RAP'FRUUTMp Large size SeedIess - Floridas Fieat ALL FOIR MtpUSHROOMSIb 59C CVORNISH'S Red & White Food. Market bix the south tlihat Canada was lleaith uni(t no sueker and that tbey were 'to lieaï thi w-lila," "This, 'he said, ididn7tý 3797 "4 mýeani trouble with the U.S., butwa a sentnngo!Gaïnadla's position. Thereý re3 BeL also sstad (ltha't nmore Caniadianialk v-.accinegiv wiheýat had b.,een sold fo Aulgusttjeîn a'dDl Januar hni n prable timeîJaniia f tEs n the astten yavears, Dr. Vva n-itrdt izedthe ies f GAI.T and 1stated ta p e th sonr hy w -repo cf ilthe ni ifysv '797 DR. R. P. VIVIAN strengthen confidence in order tu s (Cotùiadro pae > aJbllsh a firm hase on -wvhich te give out:a deficit. !the people rourage to go fiward Dr. Vivian poirited. out that. tîImeý'We d( ob ot wa'nt a crash prragmn. were flot as gond' as 1they had heenlBe pointed out that the o1pposition and this they knlew WOuld happen an' ad ritized their reduction in taxes had Coniplained about the policy of yet they are note advocating that they tight ney andheavy taxes whww1 reduce taxation by $400 milion. they were Ën the oppositionl las3t "Yeu have 1 answei, as well as1. spr-ing. The goverimain, lia saic The inw dm!i fr~ the Provinces je refsed to freenmey which they said which theyshre in a greater aimount they rouldnt do . . . . but 1'ook svat ~lne dari do:x money \vas referred t they no'w say. Tihe Liberal govern-'ornd th sarageetsid Dr. Vva ieantpas Mwred by the business I shoyu1dClien the tax1loMdof the r'oid and hy iLs awn advisers about CpovMes. theafet of ticouey on unem- Inuspeakig on agsiuur'qha point- , Poynent but they c oudn' t uid sam - d tt _h eýir atioýn afer ast June 10 thing Vo dofi, said the speaker. [t was m-hen the Conservative governnenti John Diefebaker ;Sao had to take put an enhbargo on Turkeys be'ingl positive action in this matrfloî 'hpe nto Canada, "Th--is was ai ing the Jnine electi. D r. Vva jdaa.i oe" hasaid,"aInd one' Itated that tAxes must be reducedtoI . ci brought homýe to r nigli- better ff we wll be.andpsdhocauldren.anumeraacni he saiduwasthaefirt hope onCanad eaivvacn eealoamnî ianfarersin linking tercoaýt f tead proucton îththe sel1ing p ice fIl The r elt 9it i-u 1Wprpr ~sabisesa oc-4otomprc, n tsspin pogame hihwil i MArot of 8w% of che seling Price of oeddwithhitl.Lk iot thle last ten vearqami this ras for te ell ranstosteuî ninenamd cmmoitis Iwoe s nersafed at present. On tf said, coul be addied. There is no-stf,,n.adtin -ote M(ID~ stated Dr, Viviav, a hope (of esahuish-Charlotte Borner, are ta3hWCthnui- ing a price for fanm produce in ad- ses sd Vo c ini urses. Pr-ii vance of seding time. H wssais edca -el-s also used ieevr f d that this Act would conýtrOi sjur- ta is avai1ïcle. But eïfficient help !S. Iluaes ahd noV show-them to geV into1 need a icerding Vo theunit -h-ead. the same-condition as 'tey re nwin t'he _U.S. 1t il nl or v ith tVue1I ahp of threLiberal ary co-operation of Agricuture,liestated. I "Tiue - wloberai leader has triedi Other Projecs of the Corservative tigh adai squilib with M tl. goerm ent, was tleconmletion of ihrce ila Eo nlyonéIsue in the ooming Hoslization, new Provinuil-Dom-1 lcio.Wowill 1>e trU1stad w i1- ta inin reltinslts da evw of maaof ant i Vh oury ,-,John bUhe osi spread. Dee1ae h las done ihis jobe,-or A ivrsonof Iradewanedouwo was kicked oýuI the front doo stardEDr. Vianand lie empiAsdof his paietyand came àn f ro Ce -"diverson." bcU "We hava, a large Mrae dafct with Dr. ViinPradictadl a total aof 2:1 the UILS. Vie were buying far ime [Proresie onservative seats- in Mihn we saîl. We have Vo bha able VtQehc ad.moe aÎins in thie ?rair- diuvet rada, to lie able to ýSCl in l, es.H urgeai an dJl'oust efort by the o)ther msarkets, particulîarly the U-riigassocýiat-ion to niaka the s-ain itad Kigo.For 22 years Vhe trade gaine l - na4o deficil las been ceeping up. We are Dr.Vi lanstated thare was only mot going to lie the 49th state of aur ore elaction issue 'Who was goîng te gonod ntg'iOrVothe south. The a then e aderinlu ieue Y Wa wnt paople of the U.S. are beginning to a tle, honest govarnmrent in' Ot- kno<ýw whaýt goes on up 1here. awa, il esi,nsd only John Dibfeq- "The pe now stili rejac the b5aker cýan give us that. 'qORONO TU N8HOP Sheet M1etal Work Warm Air Heating Air Conditioning Plumhing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings CVuttîng andê Threading,-. Fi~re Extinguishers , .elkirk Chiuuieys B-R Paînts and Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phl 181 ROYAL * Greme, G~ Boýwmanvilel- MA. 3-5589 TO-DAY TO SATURDAY, M IRCH Matinee Saturday 2.00 p.m1. "Fort'y Guns", (Ciriemascope) Good Western, starrisig BARRIARA STANWYCK, BARRY SULLIVAN aiso "Mbexizcan Hayride"l MfONDAY TO WEDNESDAY- MARCR 3 -5 "fleath MA S& al-oss EXCITING THRILLER and Rod Steigerii Suspenisefuî Rank stor7y - -'- - - -"----- ~ f I I 111e and a e gi en t AND MEETING TOWN.ýSHIP HALL, ORONO Tuesday,'March 4th Adndsslou $1.--o 12 Noen Ticketsma be obt-ained ait youir to-9p. N 's N N s N N N N N s' N N N N N N N N N. N 'N N N N N N N 'N 'N N N s N 'N s s N N N N s', s' N N N N N 's' N N s N N N N N N N. N N N s 'N N N s N s N N N 'N 4,' 'N N k s' N N N N