Mfost' IGA usom rý,-alreadv takîng ,advant-age of IGA's seilweekly food features tG acqur'- Bous Bucks for..freý, Bonus Gifts. Now IGA stores have a BIC, NEW BONUS GIFT CATALOGUE.. liing. more pages of wonderful gift pre- niiums than ever before. Aild nowj-an extra off er to enjoy fine, premiums twice- as fast. Somne custom- ers may wish ta main their bonus gifts more quicýklv than their purchases of Bonus Umckitm will permiît based on the stated-free redemption value. Those interested wîll find they can daèim IGA Bonus Gifts,-.wvith only half of the required -number of "Bonus Bucks" plus a very lw cash addition. These part cash, and Bonus Buck values are also listed iuder each itemi in the new-.catalogue-h-e sure to ask for your copy7 today. 'Rorus EBuck' Foed Featere-s VFECTIVE THiTRSý,. THRU TUES., FEIR. '27, 28. MAR. 1, 3, .. Pork &Beans Sal mon -MAPLE LEAF LIQUID, BONUS PAK Dtrgent 1 Z Wax Paper PEPSODENT Tooth Baslte 2for 33c 2 S tin 4c4 ~~L7 Bowuç 100 fr roll 3 1 gi ALLSVVEET Margarine HEN VIFANTOR JU1-NIOR B aby F oocis 5 Soup iant size63c e7 wUS lb carton 33c~ 10-oz. Tins 2fr 25J3e APPLESAUCE i5oz 2 for 27c c -~ AYLMER CHOICE PEAS 15 oz 2 for 23c Fruit ~¶Q Cccktiil Uoz /q3 IlAýNTiERS Buttr 12z oz jar 29c ~cuis~ ozpkg 37leiC A. rn 5 ofig size M.04 Ain1ty Rice 1lbipkg 2-3e, ADA RANG ~EOE FESHMEATS Bags pgfO 9 gE 79C C, MED RD A HC 20-oz, Tin j.A EA EI mato jui 2 forun3 n TO ÂT UMO SZEside ýBaco>n lb 65C MNJO PEARS 4. FOIR t,>9c ~SC ST FOR' jtlJICE, ECQNOMICAL BUTY, LARGE PorkLIÉYe lb 29o EXICAPt ORA?<GILbsize 176't 4Oz 49C 1 LUXURIOU6- DEICAC,-ý(Y AT A LOW PRZICE' LEAN BOIBLESS L~AMB 1 ANANAS 2 pounds for 29C Front Relis lb 63e ablATOES loaded witiî natural goodness tube 29c ETTUCE add zest toe i. fial 2 size 24's 29C Beogna Squares - r d1ANC'ES THE NATURAL FLAVOUR OF FOIO)D j Il A to 2 lb. Average Aj~fB~y EMONS with free. $2.5O* bonus Buck tubý-e 23eSWucr pkg of8 FROENFOOD F'EATURES CH1ICKEN, TURKEY OR BE1EF 8 o0z. Pies Random B 2E81E IL LETS IPies63g Hiîgh Schooi NewsI ace To Better Rasketball OHS Tea.f Praised As Port IHope DefAeated by Pete Loncks Wmi a scoe of 24-21 enînst a plreviouisly unheaten teai, te .H Basketball Bantans tupheld thi hon-i ojur of the-rschool xvhen teydefeat ed the Port Hope Baninýs n Portý 'Hope last Sa',turday n ight. Muchl credit for the Orono victory wvas duei tu the stars of the teai, Dirk RuhL-ý erford and Pete Junior and Senior gaines played dhe saine eveýning w-ere not quite asSuc- cessfui. Tîh ur ane wa ai1es socoed in lW figures which indicaesl gond baske-Lball1 and -,as woi by Por oe.The scor-e of this ai was 3,7-1L and outstandlniig 0Orono playersi were Erie Carleton anld 1Bih Tamii blyn. The aenibc gaine m, mu-h1 cli haunthe scoi e (f 90-22 mi- scts.~ The excellent shooting of theq Port Hope team u 'eeined to b" be h min fctr otrburn o ihsr6 Mr.- Rutherford wodoes al very! ablý coacinlg job for il 1uee temaurs stated that the gaine wsweilloffici-! ated and that the Port Hope roouchi niade faavourýab.le coýmmenits on th e [Oronio hall ha1odLng. À nLiniber oef ad-1 ifoinport fHopueee senlt as sp)eCuators tit the gaine. The high scorr for .H.S. durig the gaine was Sue Poster scoring 5 poist Iiorwd by Madeloa Aloi with 4 points, the rýemýajliing ben scored Ay.Ton Alldred. The guards, too,derv a great deal] of cýredit for their eýxcellent sh.owivng, esp-cîally Jan'et Str-eefkeik. With a gaine in Agincourt on Fri- day, the Orono girls have belon back to the "old rout:ne practise" again this w\eek. Commenceirent Date ChanedTo Marck 2Otli by Carol Yeo edi! Speaker stsfe!Forier stu- dents able to Mtend. The annual O.H.S. Comniencesnent- date (which bas pr-oduced (la prolnWI for Jie staff and catued Ath e ows to irklil thnouglit)- has fîinally been stld The date hias been set- -twice and cfhanged5 -first at the re- qu-'t of the sekranid next because& ýfOv1rmer studeats now at iteniding B.11.S.. 1 Ouldài e unýable to( attend as they woýzl u r ntinlg Enýster xmnain Mt thattUrne. Thie 1.H.S. Baste.r examnin1atio)n ý,îjedule la ý-,set cal y to comoae I thebaketbal iruith.twenWhitby .P~ckeiag, jax ad Bowavlle Reiûnber, Orono'ýs annual Coin- inencenrept in the Towa Hall, at 8,16 p.rii. on M[arch 90th States Ofis coacfr by Madelon Allen Despite the gallanit efforts of th^ý 0.11.5. girls' Basketiball teai, ther were defeated by tire Port Hope sen- lors by a score of 39-1'2' n Port Hope- onj Moaiday, February 24th. Thre O.H.S. teai travelled toPort- Hoein cars driven by Mrs. Si. John. andLaeicShrn ac-d with'g-as~- i )nje ex-penses pj1ovded by the St- dents' Council, "iote te score theOro girIýý by N 11MarleieGraham lydaveygo aie"sae Mis. st. Joihu wh-Ien piestioned or, Whl ldsfloshed jand ni u Sic Monday. "I eeXet aLgiatimprove- pae,148 pupil.s floin lacksîOCk1 sIent in ~tlheir style, h weve ne Milbrook and Orýonlo 111gj SholsIhe Inew HIig;'h School gym is avaýil- Just arrived at MacKaye's in Mrono a Inew Shipmentoi Bb gifts. Lots fBransioet adlo ron re itCr Old Watchesani Clocks Bi1g Trade In Allowance On Olid W;ýatchies and Clocks When You Buy a _New Clock romuswe allow you, from 0. po Y'Our 01ld Clock Whien you buy a new watch from"us we allow you fro-m $5 00O and up cn _you old watch regardless of m.akýe or condition It Pays to Shop at Yeur Own homIoe Town eeles We Service What We Self. îMacKaye's Watch & Clinice ~OrLo- 'l' Iu R sDY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 6.30.& 8.30 ~fiI~1LfJI 4* "Legfeud of hie Lest" With John~ Wayne & Sophlia Loren "[ure of the Swa m py With Marsihall Thompsoal and Jopan Vohs 'MONDAY TUESD»AY & W'EDNESDAY (i.30 & 8.30 InTehioo Wih Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse WihDanaAnrw aud Joan Fonitainie