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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1958, p. 7

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itwntbe long naw. ~ In a few weeks, perbaps less, la manst of Canada the last snow wiîli be gone, the soi warming up and soon ready flor thec first seeds end plants. But thne wise g1ardener while atîgfor this necessary warrnith will gpet a lot of pleasure m s well as vleout oai planning his operations lu advance. For t]his planning a goad Ca- nacian seed catalogue is invalu- eble. And Canadlian is used L-n no narrow sense because these catalogues are especially pre- pat'ed with Canaian climate Pnd other conditions ln mind. There are ail sorts of flowers, vegetables and fruits that wili do weiin the southera States, or in Enigland or France- But tLhey would only be a disappointrnent in this country. Only varieties suitabla and tested for aur cli- mate, for our shorter but rapid ,growving season, for aur salis, are listed, in the Canadiani seed cata- logue. Basie Information In addition ta the pictures which are actual photagraphs, the seed catalo-gue tells us pre- eisely when, where and whîch ta plant It înforms of the hardi- ness and special likes lu the way of soul and location of each flow- er or vegPtable. We then know which WiII be best and masi sat- ý,sfactry for our particular gar- en. It also tells us the colaur o5f the bloom in the case of flaw- ers and the days tao maturity for the varioiis vegetables. This again is vital information in planning. H-eights are also given of rmost plants se that we waon't have some big flowers hiding Ittle anas or try ta graw great bushy annuals lika tha' bigger salvia, zinnias and marigolds in little teeny beds.. With the ini- formation of the seed catalogue Iefore us wa can go ahead and plan and draam a pe%:fect garden even if it is stili 10 below' out- tjide. Wluy Lawn Seed -Mixtures Grass is just~ grass ta a lot of people but tor a good lawn it muet be very muai more tisan that. To stay green- ail summer, to resist drought, crowd out weeds, ta stand traffic, to ra- main fine and velvaty, we need not ane variety of grass but sev- ea. Thiat is ivhy lawn 1saed comnes ln mixtures. In these mixtur'es there will be saine quick gro-wing hardy varie- ties te make a showing early in the spring. Then thare will be inter growing sorts ta f111l naad provide colour and fineness atter the eat'ly varleties hava diad down and are rasfing. There le also a percentaga of long living- or permanent grasses that will take oýer and continua the col- our and textura for years. 1,; enly one variety of grass was zown thali at soin, season of the year it wouki start ta mature, set seed and lace its colour. For- special purposes, there are differprit mixtures. If the loca- lion is very shady it is useless ta uoiw grasses that must hava plan- BIRD SEEDY-"Shouldnl't have put thec tux away without math bouls", this emparai penguin might weiI be thinking. Actuoiiy, h e' 's mouliing at bis new home in Portland, Ore. The wormn -weother in the city isn't ut ail to the liking of the bird and is- forlorni companions who are amiong the survivors of a shipmenft of 63. Most of the others succumbed to a rare diseose en route. Satch Usuially the small niews items that begcin to appear at t'his tima aach year regarding contract signinga' by basebali players are about as exciting as such nieigh- borhood disclosures as that ba3byý ate ail his formula this morninga, or tha t Samn forgot to taike out the garbage. There was, however, ain itemi ln a renant sports page that occa- sioned more than passing in- terest even though Êt concerned the signi-ng of the orthodox base.- bal player canitract. What macle the event nrteworthby was the player's identity, his aga, and bis lifeiong, reputatian as any- thing but an orthodox human being. T'he player's namre is LeIloy Robert Paîge, and his age is ap- praximate. Depanding upon wehose word you choose ta> tak,,. Satchel now must be 49 or 69 or- 129 years aid. Histvry le a bit vaguLe on this point; hew- ever, if George Washington was the first U.S. President to attend ain opaning gamie, Satchel must have bean on hand to catch the. firet bail. <Matter olf act, Satch has shown the bail bearing Washington's signature to close friands. A wýinin'ig pitcher at an ageY, wvhen most men are eontemnplat- ing retirement ta Florida, canny Oid Satch alreacy has the Flori- da bit made. Having kLnown the great aid pitchar slightly during bis all-too-brie-f major-leagueo and earlier barnstorming days, 1, suspect his einployinent by the Miami Marlins to be no accident. With a fondness for wýarm sun and sait sea breezes, Satch un- deniably cast around and picked his spot where he. could go on indefinitely throwing what re- mains cd his mnarvelous fast b'a!J., Unfortunately for 'the tourJstf, Satch's internationally celebrated «hesitation i"cn be seen no môcre firg anizpd baseba]l. Spe- cial legisiation was enacted 4vhen, in 1943, the inventive old gaffer came up with the delivery that stood Atrierican L.eagtîe hit- ters and umpires collectively on their heads. Very few, if indeed an>, were the players who cou Id hit the pitcl, let alone stand up thece at the plate without doub-- Aing up in helpless laughter as the "thinig' wocbb]e.d toward them, After due deliberation thie league president and the rules rnakers deceded Satch's in-vei- tion wvas illegal. Besides, it wu& bad for basebali since people came to gamets to sea- home runs hit. Very few home ruas were hit off the hesitation pitch, or for that matter, off anything OId Satch decided ta throw. This, primarily, was due to Iýaige's fantastic control. One time In Boston, this was before a mid-week game where the at- tendance was slim, Satchel put on a remnarkable demonstrationi of control to convince a few doubters on, the Cleveland bench. The exhibition was completely unpianned, which ln a way made it ail the more' remarkable. Satch, who had been arguing controI with some o-f the Cieve- !,and pitchers, aibruptly quit talk- ing. He found a place where the outfield grass grew long, twiste-d saveral strands until they could support his basebali cap. Then Satch paced off the îegal pitch- irig distance and, without any warmnth, proceded to kniock the cap off nine straight times,. Ha missed with the tenth throw, p erhaps deliberatelyT, iluSt ta prove he was humian. On JuIy 9 it will be 10 years since Satchel Paige entered OiS first major league gamne. Ua came in against the St. Louis Browns ln relief of Bob Lemion. The Browns are -one, long s-ince. But Satch goes on forever 1--By Frank, Walddman in the Chýristjan Science Monitor. PLENTY OF TI11M in a it[tie Iowýa town hee' sîin that proudcly proclaims lt e be the birthpDlace o0f'a famous1 ihovie star. "Tel_1i-me," saïd a tourist toe the gas s-tation attend.. ant, "does the great star evcr visit this town with hiýwie? "Seven times, mna'am," replied the attendant. "Anid seven pret- tier wmen ou' ve never seacn!" ANS MREENERYOUSNESS. TO be ha 'ppy onç i cnqvIitn insead of nervous o r for o gzood nght's Sieep, tok,'e Sedkdn to ,:g c,_rdivg to direcfico,e SEBICIN@ $J.O-$,4.qs TACBLETS 'eSeoOfy a for yolUz wares, foaind tli up to 500 catalogue wbolesale 38q22 StL &GENTS VWAN GO îNTLýBUSII ,cil Sel] Oure itches and oti Pct. flt e colour fidential' ales2: plete liat, prices, see Local agent or contact Brày Hafflhary, 120 John NW, I4amllton. FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE INSUL brick seven rooms, Hydro, lots ivater, three barns fifty acres, eigbt miles west Strathroy on migiway. 'K. Gougb, Stratliroy, ll.R. 3, Ontario, INSTRUCTION EARN mnore! Bookkeeping Salesmaan- siSbort'hanid, Typewriting,, etc. Lessons 50f. Ask for free -'ircular,. NQ Canadian Correspocidence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MACIIN!RY BAT'rERY operated electrical portable crane on rubber wheels, swing turn- table, 20-foot boomi, 4-wheel drive. Gatchei] Auto, Sudbury, Ont. FORae;ale ail maltes and mnodels of rebu ilt chahnseawa from $50.00 and Up. Write for Our latest listing to. XMiller~ Powver Toola fflê Simpson St., Fort Williamn, Ont, MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS SAVE $$ on expensive ring job! Vermi- cuUite "Gompression-Seal" scals rings pistons. Gives new miotor performance. Proven produet - guaraxsteed. $3.95, Bursnan's Enterprizes, Dept. G. Camp- bell's Bey, Quebec. DIESEL FUEL INJECTION PARTS AND SERVICE FOR Bryce, CaterpilIar, Ford, C.A.V.» Amnerican Bosch, etc. Demas Ltd., ThornihIII, Ont. A TRIAL - VERY SUFiERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD Il! DIXONIS R EMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 33ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Colleet. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISR tihe tornent of dry eezemea rashes and %veeping skias tronbles. Post's Eewzema Salve wil] not disappoint you. 1tcblng, scaling and burning eeze- rca; scne, ringworm, pimoples ansd foot eczema will respondc readily to thse ntaïinlesq odorless olntmnent sregarc!les.i of how stubbnrss or liopeless they seesa Sent Po t Free on ftezeïpt &f Price PRICS Çe.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865st fClair Avenue East ISSUE 9- 1958 ~,, u~u ADVE (lMOCA L ARTHRITIS, Rbheumiatism! Rapid, laýL- ing relie-f froin pain., wpos3sible et hlome. Simple, pleaLsant diet practice.- Satisfaction Guarnteed. Johnson. Boxe)- 2373 Juneau, Aiaska. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN JOBS and Oippo)rtunitis ili 011 Capitol of World. Sundayý ad section of Tulsa World $1,00 J. Stonie, Box 2164, Tulsa Olahloma. - BE A HAIRDRESSER lOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCFi-400L Great Opportuifty Learn fEalrdresslng Pleasanit, ligrnied profession, oo wages. Tlsousendis of sucücessaful iMarvel Graduates Aandrics's Greatest Systemi lllustrated Catalogue Free Write or GCai] MAARVEL HAIRDESSING SCMOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches:, 44 Ring St. W., Hamnitoa 72 Rideau Street, Ottatws PATENTS FETII'ERSTONIIAUGPHZ- Coi-n p en Patent Attorneys, Established 19 6100 University Ave., Toronlto patents ai] countries. $,0TRZIAL Loffer. Teny ive deixo persanal requirements. vaes ct a, logute includced. The Medièco Agçenicyý Box 22 Terinhal"Q rontn. SWINE YORI<SHIRES For Sale - Boan qualiffled pa4rents; two ecn'an4, fourth litter registered sovw ueApri-l1 five bred gilts. WNilfredi Rhame, Ro,,ute i Moorefleld, Ont. WANTED ' WANTED - old coiored pcurapub "ised by Gurrier. andl Ives. Seid Odter, for offers. Also paintings b b the Cna. ian artists Krieghoft and Kn ALFRED a. DAVISON East Aurora N,Y, IN A EF Very firet use ci soothing, cooing liiuld D.D.D, Prescription pOSiti'vely reliev'eu raw rcd itch-aused by eczemýa, r-asheÉ. Greoase2less, Stainlees. 3q~ trial bot.le lnu2k qeatif y or rnoney boacit. Dont sufe. s VOUT druggist foi D. 1. D. PREScBpTiKU Olivetti Lettera 22 The naatnost of corruapondence typed en the L.ttsra 22 sdde ilcom- plmenttend extr& couKt"Y te seI7r ploc*etofpersonal rwPiting. Quittly uflent, soIlightli<d easy teo Perate, the Lettora 22 calta fer no mure skiII than the boginner freasdy tisa u at hie f inger tUpe.., The. 1.ttmra 2 la* a saturai, i'lghtful place In the modenhoe.. Olivetti (Canada) Ltd'. TOROI41-237 Yonge Street-Tel.: EMpire 2-2781 branches (0t. HAMILTON-398 Main Ste.t East-Tel.: JA. 9-3370 KITCHENER-93 Ontario Street South-TeI.ý SM. 5-4731 *Olivttti deriers i ë11i due, acrose Coaned. Write for the aame, yeur noreat deuier te Papi. A. Oiivetti <Cancudo) ws. 237, YONGE CUNAR' SYLVANIA* CARINTHIA IVERNIA SAXONIA Enjoy the luxury of croSsinlg to Europe in Ore of these 2OO.o Cunarders! Equipped with stabilizers for Smýooth saii tese Ymetgnificenlt ïine=8 were epcay deiged for the SA Lawrenee RJ"iver route and form part of jhe greateetpasenerfleet opn the Atiantic lhcadled by thse orld' a lageat hUemm, "UEEN ELIZABETII7'ana "QUEEN MARY', Go Cunard and arrie relaxed and rcfreshed fer yonr businss or vaca- cion. Freqssessî ar ligefrom NewYork çand lHaiîLjaxin Winter and Montrea aild Quýhebeû injanlu er-nsçdern acmoaiuîaiinlserviceand cuisiune-rouasthe-clock sports and nrtjm taI the good thungs oo lif for your ejyet When you gco Cunasrd , C etting 'Thîese fI LaîfThe Fun t Se. Your L olAe-NOne Car Sorve You Bottéee A i--LIN h Cw c 7"f Corner Bay &WeIIington s ef',Tomato, onit. Tel:EMpi2roe 2-2911 '-4. N N N N N N 4.- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s- N * N N N N N 4' s N N 'N N N N N s N N 'N s N N N N -N s 4 4' N "'4 N N '4

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