NOTICE aaScodCYs ai e tOfcEMDEpat.n.OtaaCLASSIFIE[ pf. . oru. urh,.R. C. F-U Wth PAERDRVENOIC ~G (Prom page 1) ANTED TORETYngPpesilhodapprdie arnCocLn imtdShue oSauay, Mrc 1 Frspeca'Bwavle-Lnsy ida îi-jflan, Wenidy Merer, anted to 1renlt fin lOroo- 5 or 6pou poe2~Bowi n1anil va rooPontypeool Steven West, ynda ouse apartillunt by Api W--- ---f- -;eotc.]- enil sn Karen Fag-1t 215,unti Barilow, Arlenle AuFak aR ,Box .37, ùOronoý. 1 "0i -1of-l'au. Poe1 6or etýoni, JOan laCobobledick, __________________se Mr intaa rw~ - _______________ dyafd. Ito oteie o'ilcsadte COMING EVEINT ne thlen took to t heiceITre er held their pici nthe Th'le annumail eetinlg of the OircnoCILL0C citeï fin n siis.i 1 t1is vaîdT orti yert.X Lynda Baseball Chb will be helM Chain Saws son. laineForrestec r fuisolo) was performed byvMaryRstuan.Nw hînSw f atue.Anther om Founid. Tbe F iesta Tango wý%as, also ain- aters dmonslraed lhe ther favourite of the shwanljili Eduication Wteak Martich 2 to -March 8 $184.50 And Up Spiral and Jum .Tes la m,1ry- Rounld, Sheila Br- Rr B. E. Lonýg l hold a service cBarrabail, Margaret abal, Marie Hooey, Gail Alin, Lynisîin ocin wit1 Edjication We hi a lhu evc 11CY For'esfter, Patricia yrei, ean Tamlblyn, «ail WilIi's o S n011 irci2 at Il a.m. 1i -,1faýhi a euei West, Jean Paiederî, DaaGilbart, and iPatsy Jones t-i' Te Orno Pblic ýSchoo!iî1ill ha is ou'hafaChi a raland Mvarilyýn ]Ha-tnalin. parýt. A group' fi senmior. girls dàem- open forivsitors on Wednesday, Mýar.1 Genurneqý Parts & Service ng dnats were pafredosrated the swigfant-t nde heth from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Parents and jB A LI ioey andl Gai! Wilis ad programi was, cond~uded wvith aý sti ý1 their friends îvil1 ha-ve an oppotunity', ralland Patsy Jonaps. i1ng performane lby Adela Myles, club to) visit the varions rocins to 'vieteRR.3PrtHe ston, aIways and ber- assistant, Miss Gaipuilaterrglarwk nd1 JTelephon4e Tu 5-2760 vihen Mary Found as Coe.e-nJoy a sh9rt imusicail prog-rm after _______________ Barraail Mai HoeyTheI osticket sales aontdtowhhtewilbsred ail Allen, Jean Tmlns0.o nÏh lu sajyng aatA silver colection will ha takeni anid Lynda Tyrra îl 0)-iii cu s --t vry sound fînlancial stnding tial 1he holin aid (o' the lfund (for1 a o-operative C',nmoilnwea1th Federation FRO-Sdel tStrvle Are Y«.iPr.tectsd Victor- R. Fro in his 72nd yearA<*i Ago'n aiiii ire Loss? i C. be1r. P cd husbard of Leona DM. Moise and dear father of 12 chilren. Ser,- ! vice was heMd at tihe -Morris Funeral iainConvention [O«rr hami - Chapel, B~~avllon Saturday, Febnuary 22 at 2:30 -p.m. Interment to helinte PrtHcppe Unîon Cemetery. a-c MOyIMaCh 7,9 pPmig-lati rs Fg REE ESMTES 01yIsrnecflgv O PROFEýSSOR GEORGE GRJJBE yurcoverage for adeqizate e 1 -of Classics Depaduient Trity Collegàe, Harvey Partaii Nue.F. PORTER Torcntoý and others . Phý .216 PUBLIC CORDIA,,LLY INVITED WE SJELL THE BUST .&ND SERVICE TH REST' llea.d MOTORISTS ÀAINED 1957 dr-iver's 12. licence and veh-licle- Permit l'il] expire at rmýidiight; beilegaltodrive w-ith 1957-icec rplates. BEALINEUIS ARGHI12 Act now to avaid the last minute line-up. lleed this warning and avoid ineon- venience and possible prosecution. LICENCES NOW - Imortit Rmimer:Be sure to take along your "Proof of Liability Insurance" Certif icate. It will save you paying an extra $5.00 when youi secuire your plates. If you -do not have a certificate check with your însurance agent today. ONTARIO OEPMITMEN4T OF TRANSPORTI 822 .00a tô R.5,00Pelleeagn AccomodaionavilablPe for bed or p ptiets t SuthHav.enr. est. nome, LMii tre. e!ata PlesePhneNewvcastle -9126. c-p Building A Heise? Contac1 f Phone 1r12 Orono Orono Electric PHONE 129 CO,ýNTRAC'TORlS FOR FARM Iand TIOTISE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt an~d Guiaranteed Repairs to ail kinds of Electrieal Eqiiipxnent ano 1Appliances Sucb. as Motb;ors - W'ater Heaters Radios Stoves Ironis SMacKAYE'S WVATCII'& CLOU CL1N-ýC Expert Watch and Ck ck g g Repairing g MAIN STREET, ORONO If a in;It.ns lisurance Service Leroy Hiliton SadlielilanliUîon Every ýTclass of in"Sur- ance is represented i our office. The f ollow- ing are. some of the main coverages we can offer: .Automobile, Life, Accidenit and Sickuess, Plate Glass, Liability, ;,re, Burglary, Hosipitalization, Livestoek, Boiler, Wind, Polio, Hait, Fidelity Bonds etc. ORONO PHONE ilRIS, FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Lcroy Hauiâtes REAL ESTATE JiROKER ÂND Rtepairs ÇALL US FOR ESTIMATES HIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 3P12 ORONO -ONT. A. F. MoKE-NZIE Mw.f. PEYSICTAN &md SURCUNZ 8undzys anid Wednedys ky LFXNE lui es DR. R. J. TAGGART i.a.u. e . MM. Lawrence C. las@@, 1. Barrister and Solicitor »WU.mqnVLZ NOiT~. W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Darrister I. Solicitor In the Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORO-NO Friday 7' p.m. - 10 p.m. $aturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.M. Telephoiie 1.38 Orono JACK REID OToŽnom's Icehat, -Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me f or ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orous TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuater net rommak r4om eflu.fl I'hon eatt F. E. LYCIETT Oremo, Ont. Phem*WU STAFFORD BROS. IdmneitalWrk MM wkMb U Dm" iet, ,Vk -u q«At N.*W»ufl't i M w.--I Vg% 9w* b M se m48 â*4 1IT PA Y S TO ADvERTISE 958 LICENCES ýl