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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1958, p. 1

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o mm m Or-oho, Ontario, Thursday, Mai-eh 13 Durham Cattle Breeders Seek Forwing 0f Brucelos *s Firee Area At -a meeting in. Orono onii M'nday setting and fornjin ýýtihe freýe Beuce-' -- evening hela in the Tuwnstbip Hall lasos area. ,ý-atlle bieeders of tle anrea -who were i The hanninvg of cat.tle o ffe U.S. ,resent endûrsed the plan of making during 0 otan ~ot ies Iyrni county a free area for Bruce- lin Canada was an exanipk of ha ois.The endorsement svas one hun- coulid lappen to this iidus'trY. per cent fcir' 'he pl-an of those jBatIh Ontario and Northumiberland pentAo a result of the meeting Cutiaeno wl1> terwyo ý-LEntitons are t4.)be cireualated amrong onyte ovwelo h j y- ~Vte bee~~ra bah bef nd laiyhaving the petitions sigtýed and3c it is eatte ei b'a th ee addrexpectecd that in these Counties the ýýrriy ngýd urhm Ciiny a a reecattie bre(eej w~il approve the plani. -rIe'si ra rer present at At The mieetinig on Monday evening ine eeting represented Clarke, Hope plans werei- aid by those preýsent to 7zaùffingt&in an~d Cartwright Tciwnshps ircl the petitions in tihe four A similar nm.eetitng was held ia Beth- Townships of the County. For thi,, auIry d4Lýin.g the 4fternoonwhl also purpose the area 'was divided into mýet Wib the sanie succese as did the the sc'hool areas with canvassers fori o~ he epat-elach area. To -formi the Free Bruce- Mr. . H Grhan of'theDeprt, lois reain Durhani at least 66 per-11 vî , T Agiutue ,iet ce-nt of the ca ttle 1b.eeder"s must sigak- 'B;ranch, was the guest speaker at ii favour. _bct~h meetings and pointed ot the Gov mn paymn o positi-v, ~poetaceta the beeder-sa in gbest hk have to be- destroyred in ,"he free area fa'ried. a fiece ar-ea amnount Vo $100.00 for reg- istered cattie and $40.00 for grade Fft was statedl by the speaker hat oattle. This is above the miarket price héUnited States would soon ban beef. ýpment of cattie unless 4ley wvere fro ±tste heds r fee rea. T I f Durham onters the free area '~oudcut Canadlian exýportsý to the steos and acao efr pt 1$.amd a loss of an~ important iar,- the dge voF three years will net be et.Aiready nany states iii he 'uShlodt t. ilotherattie ov eth a.,ve impose' tlieh an and will goily age of' eiglh rnlsad h r nor.cept shiprent of cabtte froi 'a lIsnot vaccinaýted would be bloo-cý, tested.1 ",Id bord of' froiii a rgeoe free lt i the feeling thaýt a great deal aa.It afffoesbath the beef and iié(!Idepen 01o the forigofhore ý-jairy breed3ers. Mr. R. -1. Gai rata o tnu the cattle industry onodto iany a.dvanta-geaus5 for at a sýound level. Orono Baseball Club To HoId Banquet Ar dl Draw, Tie p reoepeets cf Orono ieldi-g a ibaehal tam again tlis conrling sea- w-n as assured con Wednesdny eve-n- Nhe fin a gbod represent5-tive rmmm- l'ei were present at a meeting which wasire-d iithe Orono )Restaurant. %th i iterested personis and players repesetedatthe rmeeting. Th~.e eetedýg at unanimousi l'i el cf at- or'VreClub again enteiim1thre býshia-e bVoebaîl league wemOr nyia s, la Vile pas-V two yers, nwon thie league C' ampimshiP. It n'as decided eai etng'hait to maise funds necessaýry ta .begia 'Ai year that the c dit would h'oid a-ban- quet and draw. Arraitgernianb have been couripîteti andtithe avent will tale place in the- Tom-nship Hall, - cano on Thursday, April lObli. I"t l o tiaitr 200; NiW atend tn an-ý jo ühM anquiet, d& rw anrd 6-uce. The-À draw prise je an amnount of' $200.00-; Tickets will ba on salie is weekeiid, EJ. Summers'memorial Campaign r'o Begin March 17' TIre Edl Summners' Memiorial Pund, MeImorial -Puati cormittee aad thle .fitting conirm-emorationm -o the un- sponsorirl body, Durhami Federation axcl-ld ontibuios na-d V agi-1f griculture, that later germrations tueby Duillarn County's "Man or' amy aise share in M~r. Suarres'on eyearjsý,"-vilrle cond'lucted ltirouglr- dowm-ent ta Dulraml Couaty. _1 eu oli nty from March 17 to 22. Ganet B. RichardIras been up- Th prudet o lle lte r. painted chairmnan or' the fund, and 01- Theprodas or tie ite r.iver "Dal" flsIrymple,_.Agricultural -- Rcpresentative, i»uwmanvlle, la tr'easifrer an'd milI receive donations framù iindiiduals and mirganizatica.s. la addition, çan'vtsser5 have been ap- 'Il pointed for aC h of thIe tawns andi toivrships lanIre icounty.- la te wodsof VIre -c&niinittee,ý - "tire fune aietw Cihoprilirarily directedt t help the young farm hoy or giir1 la tee càounty. Spo-cial caasid- eraýti'o'n will hagivon la tire awarding ofs Iolrsbfps, trophi-es and prizes1 hi oi der tirat tho erieo'teby or girl will no ho lost ta agriculture." S Tire eonrmittee is aise ap -achiag me. ordun Bennett. Directeil or' Exten- 1 - sin, On-tarmio D(partmaýnt or'f riu' i ture, with, a vian' to esttsbishiag -- Srmnmeds' Mearorial Trophy o(ho aw arde(J 0achr year ta the ligU boyla tih e -. -~ Intorcaunty Livestock Judging- Coui- petitioa at tho R yul Winter Pair. -~ - It woul'd ha difficuit ta listteec - ~nany sLLec(eSses Mr. Summlers d TheLat E. Smmrs ýachieved la bis 27 years as Arcl TheLae E. umaer tumal Representative for flurbani Sunimer' maas ievekients ila «ho Cu l.orénrost were tIre 27 Con1-1 faret tint 85 perdéent of the ha y cfihaecuti-vé ý,,'laI hs ee(ti iudgimrg tteams, bhoni hoe workedl have stayed on tire chalkad mp at -tee Central Ontarial larmr for their livelihrcoaiN-o finler tri-Sp'ing chw »ujte týianthIs culihoiirour a iman. adtinhb ch itni liI Hcnee. it rs lie 4lsire ' t-,iro <Continuod on page 2) Three Can didates To Meet In Otrno The Farmier's Union of DUi-ham Counity Vro again this year proiuotingli a meeting at whîch-they 'bave arrang-'11 ed ta have theo three 11diats1,h are seeking the fa vour of the electors of Dur.hamn- Couaty. This ieeting is~ ta be hel'd in Orotio ut the 'Townsl hip Hlili and is sponsor.ed for the g-enerai p1à4lýc nà especainlly the farmTh'n population of' the oounity. 1The meeting is to ho hbeld on h afternoa of Friday, l1arch 21e't coin- ailencirg at 2.00 4'ýock. Thle speakers will be Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P., Ceüný servative Candidate, Russell êney, LiIbOIraI'Candidate and Éraie JDent, C...Candidate.1 Silver col>leetion -xill be taken up to défray the co 'st of the meeliin.. Év- eryone -wetcomie Vo thef, meettag. i3 Shrtoms Leesign4 G lr la J. itickard G.t LGoopriée Am-ong the, better prices paid f or Shorth0rns at th~e Ontaria Bull Sale, heir' receatly at Toronto, were those pidii Aor a trio consigned by Jollhn 1ý(ki, \wcast1e. Throe fromi- this bord sold at $0. $5815. and $M35. AIl wereby the lRick- ard Poulled sire, Birmingham Daunt- l-,ad the tvo higlier priced hiIla wvere PoI.led. The average prie eeid for 921 Shothocrn buil at 14iis sale as $420,representing The ighestav- orge athe past b Yearas. Tho gýrand champion, a whiî'te bull )iied by J. W-anIiiglewoo0d, ci at $,O0'ta Buchaian and fjd-ý :i hame sville. Tire resorve grand liuln, a son or' thre Roal and] la- ýlatiOnal Su-promo Champlitljon, .SasaeJupiter, e-,xiribited hy S. G. Bennett, ol at $1,0>50 Vo Mur-ray Paris, Bradford- O0rono Teenag'ers Conduct Servicit Sunday Evenitng Thîs Sundayt evenilg, Mach 16, the' Teenagers of Oron'o will e&iduçnt a t erv-c at the Orono. ,~~ bae ~at 7-30 0 with ail menibers of the grfljp» ýaioig part. The speaker wîll bel John Tamiiblyni; organist' Juan Ai-1 lla and the -ushers will 'ha four boys Xtiomrýn the group. SMenibers of thre giJ'oup a-1d the IHigi Shool Glee Clumb, trader ýthe capable direct'on of Mr. Ford, ,villý loA ila the singing. The songs cbosen are:'TriseWe Sing ta The.e"ad "odfor, Thýy Tender Meroies Sake", aad a number or' Spirituals. At the last meeting on Marc,- 9, tIra Paper Drive was diseussed qndi the resuit was to, 'bave the paperi drive tIe f irst Saturday of every mo.ath so it will be easily renrembered and it la 'hop-d, that tihere -will b-e a greatar re-speafe. It ,4as also decided the tleenagers1 will have asiotiiear dsusinigbt! wiîth the palants. The Sunday i4lei lEaster on April .13th is thre ohoseni date and bacth parents and, teenagers will oxcihiango questions. Do-n't forget Vo support tIra Teen- ,agers and corne and see them la ac- tion this Sunday night. Gide News GGi.des started at 7:r30 pm yop- ening wlh inspection. Thre Gui-des thon ,vont ta tËheir p-a- trol corners and took up colleection. The PatrO!s studied knots, fir-st aid ,and imeaning or'f a' .Tbe Second Glass Guides took up Guide ILstory. Thon tao sec-if everybody knew knots anti their semaphore, two patrols ohalleaged eaclh other oither la senidiag aaid reoeiving messages ia semiap'Iore or, Mtyigkaats lit tIra dark, Arter sing-ig a f ew camup sang,>s the mneeting wascosa by Prayer andi ~30-Atteii IDurhami Feder-1 atioma Execultve MeeïVgý The Dit ector's mneeting of the-Dur-1 hâim Caunty Federation or' Aglrimul- -ture wvas bol t the home of M 4r. apld Mrs. 'Howard MValcolm n onlVlarch àth lvhn Vi inembers vere present. MaIny phases of Vthe Federation work vas handled atfilhe 1eting. Mr'. Garnet Rieikaii4 repçoted on tIïé .pogies.s in the arrang-ements for tihe canvass for the Sunier's Memorial1 fuad. Furtiher details ýyf this eam- paigin oaa ho fourd elsewhe're in Uisi issue of' the pape-r. M!r. Reg Fallis' of Cavan .Towasbinpl '±eported on the Wiheat Producers' IConvrention held. recently in Toroato. As Dushan County has' n'o Wheat ProýduLcers' oeig&nizaticln at this time, Mcsesrs. Reg' Falisi and Tain 'MIcam- uis: were appointed as Oouitty repre- sentatives sni uch time as a Coun- trWhbeat or anizati'on is formed. The Agricultural representative broughit ta the meeting information pertaining Vto the ma'king of theý County a free area for Brucolosis. He alao pointed ta the mneeting whIichý was bhe1d in Giono on MmVIondai aihtý ta dliscuss this plan. Mr. Stan Cairýn fPart Hlope wasý introduced to- the ineeting as the micow C.1_4. adjuster who 'las taken over tho positioni receitly výacated by Mr.! Sam Black ofBomavle On thle agendIa of' tlire eveinin- a a discussion or'forinig a -H Clu for Safe riinThiis -ntu ie is ta receivo flurther aviestigatioian ad Vo bo brougt-'ibefore th oganzaio at a Iter date. It w-as tbe deelsion of the Federa- tien to ina'ke 1aalaibie a prize for tuhe Juniee Farmm's Public Silieaking con- Tfii s 'op ayra-trly a-ward, The prize this year was presente.d tO I)innne Scott of' Caýitipbelroft. Mr. Danald Staiples re-ported on th c 111cgPrûd-pce-sý Corventio4i beldin. TPrnto lé. atatod tlhat flurhe-m ad ýlî)nir d prizp :r the hast incroise GrdeA'hgs. The prize iwas a d noffft't dollars. Pri5ha mon-y ofc 'pas Ms( awirdecl te the Cavan ýTvnWhip EarraForum yifor the has Sae Drivlng ssay. Ilowaýrd Malcollki and 1ick Bawtef Wê,'re apointedFta represent lurbain1 (Ici4y st the ýatel discussion on Paraim larketing tobe held at Porti Perry. L A. Ttafl Awoiit Tuàchers fr0 Observe R.C.A.F Members or' the guidance dopart- ment of KOVI and QFECVI have taken lo bie air for the first tinie in the hustpay of' local guidance progranis. bL. A. Trull, ireat or' the guid (nce dprnrent of KiGVI, L. W. Orser, hen of' the guidahnce departmieit atl QECVI, anrd-Miss Jean Graves, heati o' ýthe g-irls' guidance division at KCV'I, are getting a first-han-t loo k1 at thre-RCAF training prograri at Centralia air station, 18 miles fruom bondon, andtin Laondon itsetf. Thel tri-p is baseti on a-ilinivitation frein tire air force. Tie three were driven ta Ottawa eakrly oe nornîag by air force per- sonnel and at 10 fi-owxn tVO Ce-ï trailia ta observe intitial air érew traiiag. - They spent the afternoon a.t tire air station, n'atcired thie grati- nation parade andinlutlhe evoing at-, teadeti a special dinner la-tIre offfle- ors' mess. .Tii -teouýt mnarning the guidancea irea-da-7wero taken inito London 'Vo eh- serve trainiinn or' Canadlin pilovs for1,1 NATO fo-rces. In tIre affernoon Virey1 were flomvn back ta Ottawa anti driveai bnakto Kinrston from the cptl L. A. Trullisl a se-n or' Mr. 'red( Truli, Oronio., Erneat Dent, C.C.t'. Can "C.C.F. Brotherhood C Ern'est Dent of Oronlo was chen 1 î euwag e sy Ai Friday eenngby C.C.F. suppr-roas idwls e-,s as their canîdite te contest the your mail se;-vices,' of DIuirhaniCounty la the forth oers, poli îc e i i , ,fil comiag electiasn an March 3l-st. Three chuirohes. 'I Your( o-ther candidates declined ini favour of' saine prim'cipes, ym Mr. Dent Wiho reprosented the CCFi force. Ail these tIii party ia the last Don,ion election. admit, you accept, The meeting wvas held fla the- Town- the niatural commai s41iip Hall, Orono with atb4)ut fiftyling your effoits f present. mlon goad. "T lish Mr. Percy J. Ro we of' JanetrjjeI ta ho part of a1 a-'ted as chairmian for the coniventioniwhose aimis anýd and spoke briefiy in an openin'g ad(Ithait the same, omi Other candidates noinhated used in plaeninig oi were Lucas NichaIs of Bwmanville-, that tho supplying Roy Arntronig or' Tyronie and Percy afteercie Roweofor Janetville. Mr. Rowe was a shall be the priori former CCF nieinber of the Dominion so t. louse at whicb tinie he represeted a' rîding in a western Province. '- -- lVIr. Dent pledged that if elected ]t 2ilxY was bhis ,vîsh that ho live up tae '.e-' standard of' the present mnembers or, ~the CCF party naw la the boU:se. H $~ refeired bis audience tea an editorial i' wihiuh appeared la tihe Toronto Star '- whicih stated': Thiat miemiiber for mem blilt is the mnaost vigorouis aad i1 quisaitive partyiji Parliamoent" H cetpoil wichl was taken haw few ~i peoplounulde's.taod wýhbt Thevaou - pa-rties sto-od for and this, hoe said, inchidled the CCP. 1Tng would like ta puýt the caýse for Lthe CC as a politicael par- t- and a ii\ ,ieetnt aas imi, e words as possible.", "TheI brathierhood or' mlani, econom()ý)iicthly speaking, is thew ultimiate goal of thiis miovemon wic i., the on', path, for thefue of miankid on, th[iS plantet. We ila ,te CCFP," lie said, "believe thatwr g.ERN togýether we caqri acoromupisbmoreOfor' ail or' us than we en in conipeýtitLio il 'Thiaý, hosahd .wth oicli other. And 1 would Iiie"ÏaoCC-r bas beeni 'Show _irî\vit iýs !the log&ca4 SnJeia b e ~r~n way -if doing tVIdags. Tlbere are so 111ng the man;ý rtany exainples," stated Mr. Dent, of' are writtea in "of social owaorieislhip la eur every day cOunitr'y. He're life that 1 only need ta méention somle sions, uneiiupi of tihem. for you te -real'Ize that tIie iyail wae applied pt-iiiels f Social, dpwoe- heal h plans ai racy are the manoaa f deing thinigs and will be a 1the haest way tao heIp each othei." "I ways (or' roald - could4 start witb the one I1ua quitelfu'Iler." familiar with that 'of your Hlyrdo "Aad Just Fsystem.i Then there is -water s- Coi*I Prof essor Gibe Spea Diurham C'.CJ.. Ni On Frlday eveiii.nin aOrono Tawn-1 gover?] ship Hall1, Prýofessor Grube of' Toronto PiOym""' n'%;as tIre guost speaker fo riho Duýr- ber pi h-aro CCP nomiinati- Convention. Ho total0 attacked- the policies or' both tee C'on- The g, servatives and teeLiberalýiids a %vLIilun'uý ' anly hr-pe in a g'ovei-un<otnt lreaded hy Januaa thre C. The support or' tie CCP fillanc( party was all. im-portant iniiVIe keell- tisai v ing of tire promises ofr'thee aid-lino 0on unt parties, Ire said, for ti( Professor George Gruhe, n'as intro- duiced 'by Mr. Thomias. Heo aad Prof- esser Grube bas b&ean at Trinity Col - leoge, University or' Toron for 30 years. Praofessor Grube wa born la Belgiuarantduetdin Englaird. fHe served lu the BriialAiuyin ltVIe Fîrst World War. Ho la c'hairm-aa or' tire provincial CCF elecýt;on comnîttee, andi bis wife la a candida te for tire GCCP lnTor-onto. -Two thi-agsavae or' the utmest imi- porita,inclaVie ccaing e-lecto, rf essor Grube -pointeti eut. "Pirst, liowl miany CCP menibers will -ieeete, anti second lhaw many vtevwil be cast for thra CCP a-croas Canada on MJarch -31. If the CCP vote le strong tIre peaple wvill g-et came or'tire tliings pratmised by the other parties," -ho saiti. Ho aýttacked tire Diefenbakcer gv ernmîeat, andl claimeti tirat thee i servativo party drad voteti agaiastj ery iat or l faro luintire Iast 301 yýears. Ho said 1ilt etrorsnrytînt anelection la beilng held non' "ieCCP waujlld thre Iarovtv you lb foi, yol is why ob4 eco ig or' h nt oaf lry pur celuEue 21, Nwmber 5 eiu, -I Iluli au iiî~ g~.~vcî-uIn have ta do attriigý Grube echargeti. "Donald Fleming is the m-ost responsible anti bati tenrireti mini or or' finance the country. has e lad. Charles 1 lost his heati becai l-e diti not brin-g a ~bIdget ta pari mnent. Fl.eintg shoul-tiat loast, iris set"prulessor Grube cc m.Diefonîiaker and Iiis g-aven-uni of contempt of' parîlan)nnt and tire wa-y tar ouse aoftamoneu tlilaissoti tLni i- erar. Lupnaqustion pL2iati taL*oiowý lecmwaru ~0lin! lani uats. 'Li 192caîirag rloia 1 I1,o111 igo1 uîgetîynînct,. lie aisa O e-u onaron nar u llro la ai î.ir~i~.1a1uO nie -li n ei- serve-VMvec

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